A Green Sun Illuminates the Void (ZnT/Exalted)

EarthScorpion said:
Yeah. I'm already writing one Rei-character, and putting up with the way that she refuses to get involved in the plot. I need to keep them a bit separate just for my brain to work and not fry, because they tend to get rather obstructionist in things. :)

Hence, AGSITV!Tabitha is scarily intense, and... well, raised in an environment more suited for Dune than canon!ZnT. She's not going to be just Rei-with-Asuka's-backstory. Joseph wasn't just a bad egg in the Gallian royal family; it wasn't as if his father didn't a brother who had a tragic accident where he fell off the tallest tower in the castle. It's practically traditional... which is why you might want to get one twin out of the way, if you don't want your children murdering each other.
Your Tabitha comes across as a female Mordin Solus...not that that's a bad thing. In fact, I think I might steal it for whenever I get my own ZnT fic off the ground.
EarthScorpion said:
No. A Manse is a very specific thing; it's a well-capping on a massive Essence surge-place, stopping it from giving people mutations and the like. Autocthonia, for example, still has massive Essence flows, but they don't form demenses (as far as I am aware), even if Alchemical cities tap into them for power.
I'd say it is at least *related* as they talk about about Demenses/Manses being the pool of power that dragon lines channel essence into. And Dragon Line is the Asian term for Ley Lines, of course (trying not to be blindingly obvious about that.)

The fact that you describe Tristain's Academy using ley lines to power magic (ie. supernatural power) into wards and such makes it functionally very similar, if not incredibly more primitive and on a lesser scale.

It was probably something similar to a level 1 demense (IMO) that got capped centuries ago (perhaps by nature spirit or mage) and over time grew into the school grounds it is today.

{blink} Hehe! Just had a thought that the current owners (the teachers and the headmaster) might not even know how to properly attune to its heart in the sublevels.

Say... doesn't Louise need some backgrounds! :p
*Furiously scribbling down notes*

I see, so that is how you do it?
RazorSmile said:
Sooooo ... Sidereal of ... Endings? I'm not exactly an expert on Exalted and everything I know of ZnT comes from HoS, Unfamiliar, Familiar Interface and this.
No, she's the Myozunitonirun. The Myozunitonirun has those runes on its forehead, in the same way that the Gandalfr has its runes on its hand.

A way of modelling it is that the Myozunitonirun can instantly attune to anything for no cost, and use its Essence powers with no cost, while the Gandalfr can instantly attune to any weapon, and gets effectively Attribute 5+, and a +3 Speciality in the weapon while using it (they don't get so much of an Ability boost, because Saito became better when he was actually trained, rather than relying on the boost from the runes).

I know even less about Majutsu Index, largely because the character designs make me want to kick my monitor in. Based on the wiki, I do like the magic system a great deal.
It is an interesting setting, with interesting magical systems, and interesting politics, and interesting ESP-science people and a stupid-bland, annoying, bland, moronic, bland, bland, blandblandbland main character, who has two powers. One, the power to make other people less interesting, by cancelling powers so he can resolve problems by being determined and shouting hot-bloodedly and being bland. And two, the ability to make interesting female characters fall in love with him for no apparent reason.

Fuck Touma.

Watch Railgun.

ChaosArmoury said:
Silly Monmon, spirits aren't kin to the Green Sun Princes. They're subhuman pencil-pushers who exist only to prostrate themselves before the laws of the Endless Desert and beg for forgiveness that will never come until they die horrifically in green nuclear fire as punishment for their treason.
And the only reason they don't suffer forever is that that Charms locked behind Witness to Darkness, and... fuck that shit, Louise isn't taking a perpetual penalty to Charisma for that! :p

hyzmarca said:
Tabitha reminded me more of Cameron from Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
... huh.

Now that you mention it, she does a bit. Awesome. Cameron was awesome. And so was Mordin.

But, wait! When Louise gets Nightmare Fugue Vigilance, she's the one who'll have to say "I don't sleep". :D
Technically, something like "Foundersfire" would be considered a blasphemy, which is far worse than a standard curse by the standards of the era ZnT is based on.

A well-bred noble such as herself would be more inclined to use mild swears like "fuck" or "cunt", which wouldn't really raise any eyebrows. But given the circumstances, a little blasphemy is understandable.
Now, there's something which comes up after this chapter.

Specifically, Louise has some downtime to look forwards to. She also has about two session's worth XP to spend, metaphorically speaking.

So, in two or so weeks, what should she develop? :p

Note: the following Charms are excluded; Essence Dissecting Sight, Wind-Born Stride, any new Excellencies, Witness to Darkness. In addition, Essence 3 is also prohibited.
She needs a crash course in Occult Exalted style. She really, really needs to have a better idea of what she can/cannot do.
EarthScorpion said:
It is an interesting setting, with interesting magical systems, and interesting politics, and interesting ESP-science people and a stupid-bland, annoying, bland, moronic, bland, bland, blandblandbland main character, who has two powers. One, the power to make other people less interesting, by cancelling powers so he can resolve problems by being determined and shouting hot-bloodedly and being bland. And two, the ability to make interesting female characters fall in love with him for no apparent reason.

Fuck Touma.

Watch Railgun.

Oh, and Louise should learn Chirality prohibition index next, since it will both let her stealth more effectively and reduce the number of people who can refer to her as zero.
EarthScorpion said:
No, she's the Myozunitonirun. The Myozunitonirun has those runes on its forehead, in the same way that the Gandalfr has its runes on its hand.

A way of modelling it is that the Myozunitonirun can instantly attune to anything for no cost, and use its Essence powers with no cost, while the Gandalfr can instantly attune to any weapon, and gets effectively Attribute 5+, and a +3 Speciality in the weapon while using it (they don't get so much of an Ability boost, because Saito became better when he was actually trained, rather than relying on the boost from the runes).
Interesting, my interpretation of what the runes do in Exalted Gameplay terms would be as follows:

Gandalfr: +2 Physical Attributes, +3 in Appropiate Ability for Weapon, +3 Specialty in Held Weapon, Immediate Attunement at no cost with Weapon Artifacts, Abilities count as favoured Abilities, only in use if used with a weapon.

Myozunitonirun: +3 Mental Attributes, +2 in Appropiate Ability for use of Artifact, +3 in use of Artifact, no Essence cost for Attunement, Artifact does not need Essence supply, ability only active with use of Artifact.

Windalfr: +1 Social Attributes, +4 in Appropiate Ability for use of Creature, +3 in that Creature, All Creatures under control count as level 5 Familiar.
Louise Needs Better Kung Fu, with 8 XP, you can bring your Martial Arts from 1 to 4 without breaking a sweat, going from "Kid off the streets who occasionally gets in a scrap" to "Near Peak Human"

Considering how many of poor Louise's Charms revolve around hitting things, this would be a good investment--especially if she manages to hang onto the Staff of Destruction :)
EarthScorpion said:
Now, there's something which comes up after this chapter.

Specifically, Louise has some downtime to look forwards to. She also has about two session's worth XP to spend, metaphorically speaking.

So, in two or so weeks, what should she develop? :p

Note: the following Charms are excluded; Essence Dissecting Sight, Wind-Born Stride, any new Excellencies, Witness to Darkness. In addition, Essence 3 is also prohibited.
Really, she shouldn't be wasting her XP on Charms. As an Infernal (especially a Cecelyne favored one), all her useful and interesting Charms don't occur until Essence 3 at the minimum. Verdant Emptiness Endowment, Fealty Acknowledging Audience (and its wonderful additional effects when you have By Rage Recast)...

If she absolutely must get a Charm then get Skyfire-seizing Repast so that she can render Kirche utterly unable to ever threaten her again.

Otherwise she should decide whether she's going for melee combat and buy up her Melee skill, or she's going to go for ranged combat and start working on her Cult so she can get Sand Strike Blast.


Aaron Peori said:
Really, she shouldn't be wasting her XP on Charms. As an Infernal (especially a Cecelyne favored one), all her useful and interesting Charms don't occur until Essence 3 at the minimum. Verdant Emptiness Endowment, Fealty Acknowledging Audience (and its wonderful additional effects when you have By Rage Recast)...

If she absolutely must get a Charm then get Skyfire-seizing Repast so that she can render Kirche utterly unable to ever threaten her again.

Otherwise she should decide whether she's going for melee combat and buy up her Melee skill, or she's going to go for ranged combat and start working on her Cult so she can get Sand Strike Blast.


QFT, though I suggest a increase to Martial Arts, Melee and Ranged, so she has three of each, which puts her at a level rivaling most Experts in those fields, and allows branching at future dates.
EarthScorpion said:
Now, there's something which comes up after this chapter.

Specifically, Louise has some downtime to look forwards to. She also has about two session's worth XP to spend, metaphorically speaking.

So, in two or so weeks, what should she develop? :p

Note: the following Charms are excluded; Essence Dissecting Sight, Wind-Born Stride, any new Excellencies, Witness to Darkness. In addition, Essence 3 is also prohibited.
Intolerable Burning Truths: Mother Before Daughter. She already had the Void version of this charm before her conversion, so it doesn't even cost her any extra XP.
EarthScorpion said:
Now, there's something which comes up after this chapter.

Specifically, Louise has some downtime to look forwards to. She also has about two session's worth XP to spend, metaphorically speaking.

So, in two or so weeks, what should she develop? :p

Note: the following Charms are excluded; Essence Dissecting Sight, Wind-Born Stride, any new Excellencies, Witness to Darkness. In addition, Essence 3 is also prohibited.
So, assuming that was a three die stunt when she described Rage Recast-Anima Banner, she probably has 9-ish exp. I'd say pump Melee/MA via training with the staff. She needs a PD soon and a combo soon after though. I recommend Ablation of Brass and Fire followed by grabbing VLE and creating a Paranoia combo.
San Through Fingers? Really? I'm disappointed. It's a terrible PD.

That may be because I don't like Cecelyne charms much, but hey.

Martial Arts will help our favorite little Slayer a lot. Probably pump Martial Arts and Melee to at least three each. Stockpile rest?
What about Occult, so that she can use Sorcery?

Also, just out of curiosity, would Myoznitnirn be able to control Autobot if she touched him? Or just an Alchemical, if the former is too unlikely?
randombugger said:
Honestly I don't really like any of the Infernal PD's. Their Imperfections near universally suck, save for SWLiHN's.
SWLiHN's perfect defense is over costed, the good ones are kimbery's and andoryan's, but I could understand if they don't mesh well with your play style.

To be more specific, I want Louise to buy charms because I don't actually care about making her combat optimized at all really; instead, I much more enjoy reading about her and others freaking out about the crazy things she can do. Personally, a story which examines the ability for an exalt to break a setting by beating everything up is far more boring than a story which examines how, as a random example, craft charms break it.
It's a shame Wind-Born Stride is forbidden, as I'd quite like to Louise to get Splintered Gale Shintai at some point.
Alratan said:
It's a shame Wind-Born Stride is forbidden, as I'd quite like to Louise to get Splintered Gale Shintai at some point.
While she may eventually get it, I don't think Louise is even remotely prepared emotionally for any of the uses of SGS.
Aaron Peori said:
Really, she shouldn't be wasting her XP on Charms. As an Infernal (especially a Cecelyne favored one), all her useful and interesting Charms don't occur until Essence 3 at the minimum. Verdant Emptiness Endowment, Fealty Acknowledging Audience (and its wonderful additional effects when you have By Rage Recast)...
Note that she doesn't actually have real XP. It's a simulated amount, used to basically approximate power levels to character development.

You know, like milestones in Promethean: the Created, which give you a special kind of XP, which physically exists inside your Promethean, and can be eaten by Pandorans.

The point is, the question was sort of a lie. In part, it was a "what cool things do you think Louise should do?" thing, and in part a "how fast should she improve?" In a sense, the training-time times apply, even if the XP costs don't (except when I don't want them to).

Hah. Which is one of the reasons to get Nightmare Fugue Vigilance. Gives you more hours in the day. I'd love to have it in real life, really.

Otherwise she should decide whether she's going for melee combat and buy up her Melee skill, or she's going to go for ranged combat and start working on her Cult so she can get Sand Strike Blast.
That's where character stuff comes into play. As far as she's concerned at the moment, she's a faithful Brimirian. She has 1 point of Cult, because all GSPs get it from bleedthrough from being baby Primordials with the metabiology of the Yozi stapled onto them, but as it stands, she'd be horrified to find people worshipping her, because that would be both heresy and blasphemy.

Basically, her personality is already in line with a lot of the Endless Desert's Excellency, which is why she has the link to it. Like... as in, every time she beat Saito, she was acting in line with it. She's just not in line with the way that Cecelyne manifests it, yet.

TheSandman said:
What about Occult, so that she can use Sorcery?

Also, just out of curiosity, would Myoznitnirn be able to control Autobot if she touched him? Or just an Alchemical, if the former is too unlikely?
Nope. Infernal Sorcerers don't need Occult; they learn via emulating the insanity of the Primordials such that their creative psychosis forces their will into reality. Now, with that said, she already has a fair bit of Exalt, and, yes, effectively favours it. It's Halkfuckwhysohardtospell-focussed, but it's still occult knowledge.

And, no. Autocthon is a Primordial. If she tried that, she'd probably only draw his attention, and then get vivisected, Lintha-style because she would fascinate him. She might be able to learn Alchemical Charms, Eclipse-style, but she'd have to have them implanted and so be modified like how Eclipoids are.

Tavar said:
And the problem with Occult/Sorcery is that, without a tutor, the training time is greatly increased, especially since it isn't favored. Plus, for spells, she would have to invent all the spells on her own, so to make a simple Terrestrial level spell would take 2 years.

Yeah, that's not really a good choice at the moment.
Ah, for that, she has both the Salinian Working, and Past Lives 5. That isn't a problem for her, really.

randombugger said:
Honestly I don't really like any of the Infernal PD's. Their Imperfections near universally suck, save for SWLiHN's.
Well, yes. They don't follow the same defensive paradigm as the conventional Exalted, and the price you pay for being more interesting (and far easier to write interesting stories about) than Solars is having these gaps in competency.

Now, with that said, yes, Cecelyne's weakness is particularly pathetic, but that's because she's meant to have lots of PDs, with different secondary flaws. She's not the Ebon Dragon, who's meant to run away screaming like a shape-shifting master of darkness little girl when faced with people who know Golden Janissary style, and who can be held off for a few seconds by a particularly brave woman channelling her Valour to protect her children. She's not the most combat-focussed Yozi, but she's not a pushover, even if her true strength lies in Verdant Emptiness Endowment expansion charms.

So we need to get some other Cecelyne perfects, basically. Hah. There's probably one which lets you invoke VEE as a defence, which serves as an action-long perfect against that one person, if they accept the offer.

Delusionist said:
While she may eventually get it, I don't think Louise is even remotely prepared emotionally for any of the uses of SGS.
Oh, Adorjan. Why are you so transyozist? :p