A Green Sun Illuminates the Void (ZnT/Exalted)

Delusionist said:
While she may eventually get it, I don't think Louise is even remotely prepared emotionally for any of the uses of SGS.
I know - that's the joy of it.

I would recommend Emerald Angel Unfurling, purely for the aesthetics, but I don't know if there are any Shaping effects around.
The best Infernal Perfect Defence is clearly taking the Malfeas one and then getting the Hive Abomination so your entire body always counts as a place of habitation.

EarthScorpion said:
Note that she doesn't actually have real XP. It's a simulated amount, used to basically approximate power levels to character development.

You know, like milestones in Promethean: the Created, which give you a special kind of XP, which physically exists inside your Promethean, and can be eaten by Pandorans.

The point is, the question was sort of a lie. In part, it was a "what cool things do you think Louise should do?" thing, and in part a "how fast should she improve?" In a sense, the training-time times apply, even if the XP costs don't (except when I don't want them to).

Hah. Which is one of the reasons to get Nightmare Fugue Vigilance. Gives you more hours in the day. I'd love to have it in real life, really.
Aww, no exp?:(

Also, I think everyone would like that, or Running to Forever, it would make life so much bet.....Wait a moment, what happens if you have both of them?

EarthScorpion said:
That's where character stuff comes into play. As far as she's concerned at the moment, she's a faithful Brimirian. She has 1 point of Cult, because all GSPs get it from bleedthrough from being baby Primordials with the metabiology of the Yozi stapled onto them, but as it stands, she'd be horrified to find people worshipping her, because that would be both heresy and blasphemy.

Basically, her personality is already in line with a lot of the Endless Desert's Excellency, which is why she has the link to it. Like... as in, every time she beat Saito, she was acting in line with it. She's just not in line with the way that Cecelyne manifests it, yet.
Hm, how would she react if it turned out the whole religion was a hoax? Alternatively, if this is set in a intact Primordial, how would she react if that means she now ranks higher than Brimir in the Divine Favor department?

EarthScorpion said:
Ah, for that, she has both the Salinian Working, and Past Lives 5. That isn't a problem for her, really.
Well, up until Marela takes over her body.;7

EarthScorpion said:
Well, yes. They don't follow the same defensive paradigm as the conventional Exalted, and the price you pay for being more interesting (and far easier to write interesting stories about) than Solars is having these gaps in competency.

Now, with that said, yes, Cecelyne's weakness is particularly pathetic, but that's because she's meant to have lots of PDs, with different secondary flaws. She's not the Ebon Dragon, who's meant to run away screaming like a shape-shifting master of darkness little girl when faced with people who know Golden Janissary style, and who can be held off for a few seconds by a particularly brave woman channelling her Valour to protect her children. She's not the most combat-focussed Yozi, but she's not a pushover, even if her true strength lies in Verdant Emptiness Endowment expansion charms.

So we need to get some other Cecelyne perfects, basically. Hah. There's probably one which lets you invoke VEE as a defence, which serves as an action-long perfect against that one person, if they accept the offer.
QFT, though the Ebon Dragon's Perfect Defense offers some tantalizing opportunities, especially if Halkeginia(?) doesn't have anything which count's as Holy for the purposes of the Ebon Dragon......:drevil:

EarthScorpion said:
Oh, Adorjan. Why are you so transyozist? :p
Sorry, but what is that word and what does it mean?:confused:

Demetrius said:
The best Infernal Perfect Defence is clearly taking the Malfeas one and then getting the Hive Abomination so your entire body always counts as a place of habitation.

Does that even count, and how much did you bribe the ST.}p
Gore17 said:
Does that even count, and how much did you bribe the ST.}p
I'm not sure if it counts for only mindless animals so my Malfeas-favouring Defiler used SCIENCE! (and lots of mutations) to give them sapience and had them build a tiny little city inside him so he could always use his PD.

I also tried to negotiate for an extra Cult dot stemming from the thousands of little worms' fervent prayers to their benevolent Living City but that got shot down. :(
Apparently the prayers instead go to the little god of my left kidney, which had been converted into the center of my bustling metropolis.
Gore17 said:
Aww, no exp?:(

Also, I think everyone would like that, or Running to Forever, it would make life so much bet.....Wait a moment, what happens if you have both of them?
You just stack the effects. That is, you don't have to sleep, but when you choose to sleep, running is sleeping for you, so you have nightmares when you run which penalise the Conviction role to recover willpower.

It's like what you get when you have Murder is Meat, Cosmic Transcendence of Compassion, and Intolerable Burning Truths (Existence is Agony). Your Compassion 5 character has to have a greater good which involves Beloved Essence users, and can do whatever the fuck they feel like to anything else.

QFT, though the Ebon Dragon's Perfect Defense offers some tantalizing opportunities, especially if Halkeginia(?) doesn't have anything which count's as Holy for the purposes of the Ebon Dragon......:drevil:
Oh, yes. If it wasn't for Holy, the Ebon Dragon's perfect would be amazing. It's a 4m perfect dodge with a built-in flurrybreaker and cool aesthetics. It's just that relying on it gets you stabbed in the face by an Enlightened Mortal with Golden Janissary Style

It's amazing for trolling Alchemicals and Abyssals and other Infernals, though.

Sorry, but what is that word and what does it mean?:confused:
Well, she's not transhumanist, is she? She's a Yozi, so she's the one with the transYozist ability to fork herself and reintegrate the memories. :D
EarthScorpion said:
Oh, yes. If it wasn't for Holy, the Ebon Dragon's perfect would be amazing. It's a 4m perfect dodge with a built-in flurrybreaker and cool aesthetics. It's just that relying on it gets you stabbed in the face by an Enlightened Mortal with Golden Janissary Style
It really hurts if you end up in an Anti-Shaping field though.
EarthScorpion said:
You just stack the effects. That is, you don't have to sleep, but when you choose to sleep, running is sleeping for you, so you have nightmares when you run which penalise the Conviction role to recover willpower.

It's like what you get when you have Murder is Meat, Cosmic Transcendence of Compassion, and Intolerable Burning Truths (Existence is Agony). Your Compassion 5 character has to have a greater good which involves Beloved Essence users, and can do whatever the fuck they feel like to anything else.
So, instead of suferring the penalties from lack of sleep caused by not running/dashing/whatever, he is perfectly fine? I can't tell if that is a crap combo or a awesome one.

That second one on ther other hand? Just plain scary.

Demetrius said:
EarthScorpion said:
Oh, yes. If it wasn't for Holy, the Ebon Dragon's perfect would be amazing. It's a 4m perfect dodge with a built-in flurrybreaker and cool aesthetics. It's just that relying on it gets you stabbed in the face by an Enlightened Mortal with Golden Janissary Style

It's amazing for trolling Alchemicals and Abyssals and other Infernals, though.
It really hurts if you end up in an Anti-Shaping field though.
Which is why the death of the Unconquered Sun in RotE was such a big part of the plan: no Holy Effects, a truly perfect Defense.

Of course, the question is if Halkeginia has Anti-Shaping Abilities.:drevil:

Also, is there a way to get rid of/block Anti-Shaping Abilities?

EarthScorpion said:
Well, she's not transhumanist, is she? She's a Yozi, so she's the one with the transYozist ability to fork herself and reintegrate the memories. :D
I, uh, um, I have no idea what to say to this.:confused:
Demetrius said:
It really hurts if you end up in an Anti-Shaping field though.
I always thought that was a bizarre and stupid decision. Shaping is defined as a special type of damage, not just a general class of effects. Thus you can no more "shut down shaping" than you can "shut down crippling".

Also, I hate You Suck effects in general. They're boring play.

Gore17 said:
Of course, the question is if Halkeginia has Anti-Shaping Abilities.:drevil:

Also, is there a way to get rid of/block Anti-Shaping Abilities?
Void magic would seem to have that kind of magic, at least is Dispel is taken as a precedent.


Aaron Peori said:
I always thought that was a bizarre and stupid decision. Shaping is defined as a special type of damage, not just a general class of effects. Thus you can no more "shut down shaping" than you can "shut down crippling".

Also, I hate You Suck effects in general. They're boring play.

Void magic would seem to have that kind of magic, at least is Dispel is taken as a precedent.


Of course, the Magic in it could count as 'Sorcerous' in which case Dispel might be similar to Third Circle Counter-Magic.

And that gives me a idea;7......(Begins laughing evilly until out of breath):drevil:
That pun burns. But is likely true...

"Stupid head familiar.... stupid sexy Kirche..."

You know, we could so easily become even sexier than her...

"Stupid head famili--" *pause* "Tell me more."
The problem with this is that appearance doesn't translate directly into sexiness, upping the value could easily just make her even more moe instead.
Vulpine Fury said:
That pun burns. But is likely true...

"Stupid head familiar.... stupid sexy Kirche..."

You know, we could so easily become even sexier than her...

"Stupid head famili--" *pause* "Tell me more."
That's it, that's the Correct Answer, it completely fits her own self-hating nature to want to Look Pretty.

And it's completely appropriate that her rising Appearance just makes her look even more Rie Kugimiya Tsundere.

Fund It!
Sirian said:
I do believe that most would allow that a sizable bust is considered an attractive feature both in the Exalted setting and in the Zero no Tsukaima setting, as well as in EarthScorpions hybrid universe. Louises desire for a larger bust and Marisalons comments considering this feature is a quite strong indication for this.
But everyone knows that it's an increase in Essence which increases bust size, not an increase in Appearance! It represents the increase in talent! :p


More seriously, it should be noted that, in-universe, if we are to trust Word of Saito, Louise is already very attractive. Maybe, you know, she's still 16, and naturally on the short, petite side; she's a delicate, almost Ophelian beauty, who doesn't conform to either modern demands for disproportionately large breasts without the curves elsewhere that come with it, or the more rounded ones wanted in the similar Earth-history era. And Creation is vast, and sexually diverse; you really can't generalise like that.

Heh. And the Maiden of the Mirthless Smile does canonically have a higher Appearance rating than the Lady Clad In Chains And Not Much Else, Apart From On The Cover Of Abyssals, Where She's Actually More Attractive Because She Put Some Damn Clothes On. Despite that.

And I should probably note that the physiques of the humans in AGSITV have been "realised" a bit. After all, last chapter Kirche was complaining that they were getting in the way when she was trying to run, and complaining that if she'd known she was going to be running, she'd have bound them. If Tiffania was human, she'd be having back problems (but she's not, but in return is actually a bit uncanny valley because of them).

Kirche, incidentally, is built like a barbarian princess. She takes after her ancestors quite a lot, who swept into Eastern Tristain at the head of their steppe hordes burning, pillaging, and ravaging as they clawed out an empire which became modern Germania, declaring themselves to be the new nobility. Hence, she's busty, but she's also not a frail little maiden with narrow hips and a narrow waist. Interestingly, a lot of the Germanian nobility are darker and have the same sort of different ethnicity to the Brimiric nobility (who have their own differences from the peasantry of both countries).

I refuse to confirm that Kirche gets the urge, when she looks at a monastery, to loot it, take the attractive monks to be her slaves and cutting off the heads of the unattractive ones before mounting them on spikes, and then burn the building to the ground, before riding off into the sunset on her ill-tempered pony, her new slaves marching behind her.

I will merely imply it heavily.

One can of course argue that attractive and desirous does not necessarily imply sexual desire or sexual attractiveness.
This would lead to the situation that increases in Appearance leads to people thinking that the character is a cute young child and wants to possess it (most likely through some form of adoption). While this might lead to some form of social advantage it is outweighed by the dissadvantages.
In my opinion such an interpretation would go against the intentions of the writers.
Not necessarily. Yes, Louise will probably fill out a bit when she gets older, but... well, people seem to find Summer Glau attractive, to name but one waif-like individual who would also probably play a Slayer if there was an Exalted film. Or possibly a Sidereal. Nah, she'd probably play a Scourge, but one with Malfeas Charms. Or possibly Adorjan...

Where was I? Basically, Appearance is a lot harder to judge than Strength, say, but Louise is meant to be the equivalent of an Appearance 3 or 4 character already.

1) Louises exaltation resulted in an increase in her bust, therefore it is most likely considered an imperfection to have a too small bust.
Nope. Explicitly wrong. It explicitly didn't; it removed all scars, made her features slightly more symmetrical, made her eyes slightly wider and darker, and replaced her toenails and fingernails with brass, but it didn't affect her bust at all.

It's funnier that way, because even getting fused to a neomah won't help her. Even the control of By Rage Recast can only make them fractionally larger, and that's the same thing that can give her razor-edged butterfly-like wings made of emerald and brass. :D

There is another interesting way of dancing around the whole issue and it fits rather well.
Instead of allowing increases in Appearance to alter Louises appearance it could alter how attractive everyone considers her to be.
Malfeas personification of lust and desire is his thirteenth soul Ipithymia - the Street of Gold Lanterns. She actually takes the form of a street but occasionally takes mortal shape. Her favorite form is that of a golden-skinned, four-armed young woman in the scant clothing of a dancer or courtesan. In this form, she appears young, usually a bit too young for her highly sexualized dress and manner.
What, you mean the Third Circle Demon who simultaneously represents Malfeas' desire to make the pain go away through self-indulgence (and which make Ligier cringe), and his desire to see the Unconquered Sun as a loli genderflipped self-indulgent whore degrading herself in pursuit of pleasure? :wtf:

Yeah. Um. There's a reason that Hell has golden-lantern districts, not red-light.
EarthScorpion said:
It's funnier that way, because even getting fused to a neomah won't help her. Even the control of By Rage Recast can only make them fractionally larger, and that's the same thing that can give her razor-edged butterfly-like wings made of emerald and brass. :D
Wait, is that actually in her Mutation Package? Because that's one of the best uses of the Wings Abomination I've heard to date. And if it isn't, it damn well better become as much soon!

Far too many people are bigger on the bat or bird wings routine, and forget that insect wings look damn awesome too :(

Anyway, all jokeyness aside, if Louise is going to pick up any new Charms, it'll probably be best to go with Nightmare Fugue Vigilance (Because she's already got some fucked up and weird dreams) and/or Sandstrike Blast (Since it's clearly a magical effect, and would help her ego by having another clearly magical trick to throw out at will)

If she's going to pick up Abilities, she'll probably want to raise her Occult a bit (If it isn't already 4 or better), based on all the new info she's getting. Barring that, fighty abilities (Focusing primarily on whatever one the Shattered Sphere Staff uses, since she's probably already close to attuned to it). Also, she's probably going to be close to raising her Conviction up from 1 to 2, now that she's got a few successes under her belt. (Assuming that she's actually low in that regard anyway).
Alectai said:
Wait, is that actually in her Mutation Package? Because that's one of the best uses of the Wings Abomination I've heard to date. And if it isn't, it damn well better become as much soon!

Far too many people are bigger on the bat or bird wings routine, and forget that insect wings look damn awesome too :(
Well, technically at the moment, I'm hovering (hah) between them being butterfly ones, and being dragonfly ones, but, yes, she has that in her package, and they're certainly insect ones made of brass and emerald.

Too many people forget the fact that Malfeas is beautiful and alien, rather than demonic in the classic Western sense.

I may be trying to work out how she can best turn into [REDACTED] with Devil Tyrant Avatar Shintai.

Also, she's probably going to be close to raising her Conviction up from 1 to 2, now that she's got a few successes under her belt. (Assuming that she's actually low in that regard anyway).
Hmm... yes, I've always felt that she actually has fairly high Conviction; she certainly has the required amounts of pigheadedness when facing challenges to her Intimacies, and the way she always suppresses Compassion when it comes up against her Conviction in the way the nobility she act. It's just she has all sorts of issues and views of herself from the way her life before the summoning was, and it's her Conviction which is, ironically, getting in the way of her self-belief, because her Conviction means it's hard to wear away at them, and whether it looks like it's going to happen, Saito gets caught with another girl in a "comic" misunderstanding, or he insults her, and that undoes all the work.

In fact, I'd say her Conviction is probably 4, because it's at the stage where it's a flaw, rather than a virtue in the Aristotelian sense.

Sol Zagato said:
So, err, are the ancestors of the Germanians more like the Tocharians and Alans (long lost cultural cousins) or like the sons of Torgamah (analogs of the Magyars, Bulgars, or Huns)? That really, really sounded like the OG Magyars in your description there, substituting physical traits of course.
Broadly speaking, they're Turkic, yes, although they're also playing a role similar to the Mongols in China, in that the Germani dominion over Tristan (which they rename Germania) resembles the Yuan Dynasty, and the Germanian nobility retains elements of the old elemental-worshipping tribal faiths even if they've officially adopted the Brimiric faith. They basically took over the old Tristanian state, with the royal family forming a rump government in the east, in modern Tristan. Kirche herself, by Tristan standards, is poorly bred (because the "magic" blood is only something they've managed to breed in; the Germani weren't Brimirian-style mages), but makes up for it with willpower, and exactly the right kind of mentality to get good at Fire magic quickly.

The Germani, themselves, were forced from their homeland in a mass exodus due to windstone activities destroying their ancient plains, leaving a pock-marked wasteland, and basically united the disparate tribes, hammered them into a military force quite unlike that seen in the Brimiric nations which understood fire-and-retreat, raiding, and mobility warfare, and swarmed into Tristain, getting themselves a new homeland by force of arms. The "khan of khans" then basically pulled one over everyone else, by converting to the Brimiric faith, kneeling before the pope and getting crowned by him, swearing to serve as the blade of the pope (which served the then-pope very well, because Gallia was in control of modern Romalia as a "protectorate", and he basically used that as a way to bring Romalia under papal influence) and cutting the wind from the sails of the Tristanian rump state's attempts to get a crusade declared against the infidels.

The man, simply speaking, was a tactical genius. :D

Incidentally, Louise's family were, historically, the border lords against Gallia; with the loss of territory, they became the new frontier against Germania, elevated from an out-of-favour family to one of the most important families who retained almost all their old lands. Louise's ancestors burned/crushed under heavy rocks/drowned by filling their lungs with water/cut to pieces with razor wind a few of Kirche's ancestors and their followers, who returned the favour through rape, burning fields, and shooting William de la Vallieré's dragon in the eye, then sending their captive home in pieces.

And then, about 175 years later, someone stole someone else's fiancé, and things got really personal. :D
EarthScorpion said:
The man, simply speaking, was a tactical genius. :D
Damnit Creed! What are you doing in ZnTland, get back to your post!

Looking forward to the next chapter at least--you make me increasingly eager to see where this story's going with every new installment!
EarthScorpion said:
Well, technically at the moment, I'm hovering (hah) between them being butterfly ones, and being dragonfly ones, but, yes, she has that in her package, and they're certainly insect ones made of brass and emerald.

Too many people forget the fact that Malfeas is beautiful and alien, rather than demonic in the classic Western sense.

I may be trying to work out how she can best turn into [REDACTED] with Devil Tyrant Avatar Shintai.
Go with dragonfly wings. I was seriously going to suggest them anyways. They're much more maneuverable, and they can fold down and out of the way.
EarthScorpion said:
Not necessarily. Yes, Louise will probably fill out a bit when she gets older, but... well, people seem to find Summer Glau attractive, to name but one waif-like individual who would also probably play a Slayer if there was an Exalted film. Or possibly a Sidereal. Nah, she'd probably play a Scourge, but one with Malfeas Charms. Or possibly Adorjan...
Nonsense. Everyone knows that Joss Whedon is, in fact, the Ebon Dragon. It's the only logical explanation for Alien:Resurrection. So she's an Akuma with the Urge to be typecast as a mentally-broken creepy action-girl.
Alectai said:
Looking forward to the next chapter at least--you make me increasingly eager to see where this story's going with every new installment!
That will, on the other hand, be a while, because of;

a) Exams. Horribly important exams.

b) AGSITV is now at the bottom of the update priority schedule cycle, compared to AEE, whose next chapter just broke 4000 words.

Now, with that said... um, yeah. I sort of expand settings near unconsciously, layering in depth and background if I don't actively stop myself, even if I'm not actively writing a chapter. So that's why you might end up with mini-essays on the role of the Church as a stabilising influence on Halkegian politics, or on the competing efforts of the Albionese skynavy against the Gallian waternavy in exploring the western ocean, and on the Albionese colonies. ;)
I vote for dragonfly wings myself. And sad to hear about this story's low importance, I like it better then Aeon Entelechy Evangelion.
Masses of dragonfly wings that sort of look like butterfly wings when not in motion?
Sirian said:
I found my definition of moe here. This definition allows for increase in Appearance to make her more attractive however I fail to see how it will make her more desirous. Unless of course everyone except Louise have a secret sexual desire for moe characters, if this is the case I have severely misinterpreted much of "A Green Sun Illuminates the Void" (please inform me if this is the case).

One can of course argue that attractive and desirous does not necessarily imply sexual desire or sexual attractiveness.

This would lead to the situation that increases in Appearance leads to people thinking that the character is a cute young child and wants to possess it (most likely through some form of adoption). While this might lead to some form of social advantage it is outweighed by the dissadvantages.

In my opinion such an interpretation would go against the intentions of the writers.
Sorry if this wasn't clear, but what I generally mean when I say moe is 'the cute that inspires a protective urge or an urge to hug.' I'd would say that increasing that would be represented by increasing the appearance attribute. Now given that Louise is already supposed to be rather moe character (as all tsunderes seem to be), I couldn't really see her actual sexiness being increased, so this seemed to be the likeliest thing.
Bah, Insect Wings? My character had Bones made from obsidian, with Emerald Fire, Silver Sand and Enslaved Winds formed giant Crystal Feathers, for which those who stared into witnessed the City of Malfeas Itself!

He had a tendency to cut them off and sell them as a collectors item:D