A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

It's quite possible we were infiltrated N1. Given that Meso's gone and outed me as the recruiter, might as well out the rest of the group; IH is our N1 recruit.

And no, I'm not certain of the alignment of those I recruit. I would expect to be dead by now if I'd recruited a scum N1 though.
So myself, Meso, IH and ComiTurtle makes a majority town - I believe Comi's claim, it fits the setup. If Cyri is a nexus then that's five confirmed town. So then the RB is in {DimensionalGuy, PyrrosWarrior, 1KBestK}.

I endorse massclaim at this point; we're absolutely in endgame, and if we hit the RB I'm pretty sure we just win unless Comi is scum.
Right now I want to lynch DimensionalGuy. He's closely associated with Nictis and has been sheeping the Masonry hard. He has little original thought to his name IMO.
Oh, and just for addtional clarification: Happerry wasn't ours, I did that to try and rattle Nictis and make him think that he'd been blocking/having his RB block the wrong person the entire game. It seems to have worked, if he got killed by bouncing off of Cyri. If there's a vig out there who killed Nictis, speak now or lose the game for Town.
Earlier you said we wouldn't want you to claim. Why? I don't see what advantage knowing about your role would give the scum.

Simple, I wasn't sure if I could redirect kills or not. I asked and was noted I cannot be given a confirm or deny. If I claimed scum would never visit me. Hell even if for some reason the RB'er went to me that meant they could have RB'd their killer for that night. I wanted to play with the fact that I could have been easily slain.

And no, I'm not certain of the alignment of those I recruit. I would expect to be dead by now if I'd recruited a scum N1 though.

Yet, that doesn't add up with how you've been consistantly roleblocked. Take it this way:

You get infiltrated N1: Scum don't need more in there, in fact they'd rather just keep your "Mason" alive but unable to grow. Every night since Hobo has joined you've been blocked. Why? Absum was offed immediately but you were still blocked. Like...if your saying your mason was never infiltrated...why were you blocked when they killed Absum? That doesn't make sense. If they believed you to be a BG that would be guarding nictis for his VIP claim, why still block you and kill the doctor? Like...I don't think your scum now since a 2 person scum neighborizer split from the other two would be just...clunky...and weird.

Barring that I see DG, followed by Pyross, followed by 1K as remaining scum. With of course comi at the end there.
[X] Null

Gonna be busy for most of the rest of the night...ah this game is a headache.
All these claims and reclaims have my head spinning, so I want to get the story straight.
Okay, we have 8 left. Two deaths a cycle. 1-2 scum remaining, unless the neighborhood is actually a cult or something. If either Even or Meso flips, we know the alignment of the other, as well as IH's alignment. We're not at MYLO here, as if we mislynch we either go to 5 town 1 scum or 4 town 2 scum. DG hasn't claimed yet, but nobody's claimed RBer. Probably more things I'm working off but forgetting...

[x] Lynch InterstellarHobo

Here's my reasoning. They aren't confirmed town to Meso or Even if we're believing them. Let's say they flip town. That confirms both Meso and Even as town, which isn't something I'm certain on. We go to either 5-1 or 4-2. That's Mylo if there's two left, but I think if IH is town it's extremely likely that DG is one of the remaining scum. If there's only one we get another day. Let's say they flip scum. There's two scenarios there - either it's a cult and we go to 4-2 and it's MYLO, or it's not and we either win or go to 5-1 and get another day. In either situation, we can then test if we're in a cult game relatively safely and get a win.

I don't like a meso lynch. It only proves one person town, whereas an IH lynch can prove two. Also, if this isn't a cult game, there's no way there are three scum left, so no cult means meso is guaranteed town. IH isn't.

I don't like an Evenstar lynch for similar reasons. Kills a potential town and only proves one in return, while leaving one still uncertain.

I don't like other lynches because I think we need to know if the neighborhood is legit. If there's anything wrong with my logic here point it out. I'm trying to account for a lot of things for the safest lynch but this game has been a nightmare so it's easily possible I'm missing something.
[X] Lynch DimensionalGuy

@DimensionalGuy no offense, but I don't want to lynch my fellow masons if I can help it, and I have (slightly) stronger town reads off of everybody else.
Only Ever is your Mason. IH is a your neighbor. There is a difference I will say. I should be asleep but here i am doing ISO's
It does make more sense to lynch me than Meso or Evenstar, now that I've been confirmed a mason.

@Cyricubed , never got an answer for this: does your kill redirection have any limitations, or are you totally invincible to night kills?
--^ 1: You are not a mason.
2: I didn't answer it because I gave enough of a breadcrumb to see that answer.
neighbor then.

The reason I'm pressing, in case you hadn't picked up on it, is that I don't think I believe your roleclaim. You gave enough of a breadcrumb that I could see an answer, but by doing so you allow me to see the answer that seems more plausible to me. I would rather have a concrete answer than try to determine whether you're telling the truth under each of the two assumptions.
Are you willing to give a direct answer, or shall I go ahead and work from what I assume via breadcrumbs?
Fine since you seem intent on exposing my weakness, it is only active on even nights. So Nights 2-4-6-8 etc...Nights 1-3-5-7. I wanted scum to believe I was X-shot to give false sense of security.
Yeah, I'd say now is a good time to claim. I'm Jonah, the Spymaster. Ordinarily, I have contacts everywhere gathering info, but that doesn't work under the current circumstances, so I do it myself and pick a target to follow each night. Basically, I'm a tracker. I'm going to post my results in a spoiler below, as there is some interesting information down there.
Night 1: Cyricubed visited Nictis.
Recently became an interesting result after it came out that Cyricubed is a Nexus, one that only works on even nights. Firstly, it obviously worked night 1, and since a Nexus can't actually visit anyone, I'm fairly certain that Cyricubed is x-shot. Gonna keep my speculation for the reason of the lie for myself. Would've preferred to keep the entirety of this night to myself, but that would only seem to be suspicious and discredit any further points i wish to make, methinks.
Night 2: ComiTurtle didn't visit.
Pretty straightforward. Comiturtle didn't visit someone this night.
Night 3: Absum visited Nictis.
Also fairly straightforward, not really suspicious.
Night 4: PyrrosWarrior visited Nictis.
This one is the real interesting one. Now, it certainly doesn't confirm PyrrosWarrior as scum, it is however awfully suspect that PyrrosWarrior, someone that claims vanilla, visited someone, and that the someone that was visited also died. In any case, I'll place my bets here.
So with that out of the way.

[X] Lynch PyrrosWarrior

In any case, I'm going to read through the circumstances behind the LttL lynch again. Even if it was a policy lynch based on inactivity, there should still be something good there now that it's confirmed that the Brotherhood is the scumteam.