A Flame of Hope in the Grim Darkness (A 40k/Multicross Quest)

Say, if we do choose Chaldea as one of our ancillary factions, how do you think most the heroic spirits/servants who were kings/emperors in their lifetime would react to the god emperor of mankind, would they consider him a usurper or someone to respect?
That's a bit of a hard question to answer off the cuff...but at the very least, I think Gilgamesh (maybe Caster but especially Archer) and Ozymandias, in their usual arrogance, would think that they could have, and would have, done a better job. Iskandar would probably admire the scale of conquest that he waged.

I can tell right off the bat that Charlemagne the mythological king would dislike the Emperor pretty heavily. Not least because he would be reminded heavily of his alternate self, the historical Charles the Great. Too cold and unfeeling, no thought given to the countless lives trampled upon in the pursuit of his so-called destiny for humanity. Charlie would hate that.
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That's a bit of a hard question to answer off the cuff...but at the very least, I think Gilgamesh (maybe Caster but especially Archer) and Ozymandias, in their usual arrogance, would think that they could have, and would have, done a better job. Iskandar would probably admire the scale of conquest that he waged.

I can tell right off the bat that Charlemagne the mythological king would dislike the Emperor pretty heavily. Not least because he would be reminded heavily of his alternate self, the historical Karl the Great.
And Artoria/Arthur and the chinese empreror/empress servants, what would their opinion of the emperor of mankind?
And Artoria/Arthur and the chinese empreror/empress servants, what would their opinion of the emperor of mankind?
Honest answer: I don't know yet.

Currently at work, going between tasks and also trying to follow up on other important aspects of the Quest, so my brain is stretched a bit thin rigjt now. I'll have to get back to you later on that. :V

One thing did come to mind though. Qin Shi Huang would probably see something of a kindred soul in the Emperor, himself being someone who transcended the mortal limits of the human form and became something far more.
Right so this is a good list overall..expect for the UNSC and Federation parts.
Regarding the UNSC:
1.I agree the UNSC's shielding isn't weak by any measure,but its not that big of a deal when you consider Starfleet shields casually take on phaser cannons that have been said to be able to raze a planets crust(you know,phasers being the most standard weapon on Starfleet vessels),so its not that impressive considering all the factions on the list.
2.The MAC cannon again isn't weak,but when compared to Imperial macrocannons which have been said to have a kicking power of up to 100 gigatons,its nothing too earth shaterring(again,i HAVE to mention Starfleet space weaponry,that shit is busted as hell and makes Imperial and UNSC weapons look like little bitches)
3.Nova Bombs are also hard to make,which is why the UNSC wasn't dropping them like candy on Covenant worlds(among other reasons to be fair) during the war(though i think they were also developed late war if i remember right),and again,THE FEDERATIONS EXPLORATION VESSELS ARE ALL CASUAL PLANET KILLERS,which among other factors makes me feel you really undersold the Feds in your post.
1.In what universe are Spartans easy to make? you do realize there were only a couple hundred of them in total across the gens deployed during the entire war,it was rare for standard UNSC troops to ever see a actual Spartan in a fight(not Space Marine rare,but rare regardless),also as you've said they are no Space Marines which when you consider the humble imperial guardsman is armed with lasguna that can tear off arms in one shot and can punch through concrete,i dont see the Spartans being that much help against all the wild stuff thats in 40k.
Speaking of which the UNSC ground troops are complete dogshit when compared to the Guard,as ive mentioned with the lasguns UNSC marines are gonna have trouble taking down mere guardsman(which the Imperium has trillions of in total and are easily replacebable) and ODST's get beaten out by Elysian Drop Troopers or other elite Imperial regiments-Spartans are just too few in number and don't provide that much of a advantage.The UNSC has no business existing in 40K,even with other factions buffing them out,they're better off replaced by the Covenant who CAN actually give the Imperium quite the fight without being too powerful.
Regarding the Feds:
-As ive said earlier literally any Federation ship armed with mere phasers can wipe out a planet with ease,they have handguns that can disentegrate people,perfect energy to mass converters with replicators,powerful energy production with antimatter generators and most importantly of all technobabble out the ass that more or less ensure reverse engineering 40K tech is only a matter of time.
Honestly the Feds should be a no brainer on every list,they are STRONK.
Rest of the list is good,though id replace Macross with Lancer since they seem to have some neat stuff going on like the omninet outside of missiles(and they look fun to read about if the PDF is anything to go by)

[x] The Kushan (Homeworld)
[x] The United Federation of Planets (Star Trek)
[x] Union (Lancer)
[x] Chaldea Security Organization (Fate/Grand Order)
[x] Alliance of Sol (Destiny)
[x] A semi-noticeable entry involving the placement of a entire colonized star system to serve as starting territory
In response to your second point, I point at the Super-Macs that were stationed over Reach- sending a 600 metric ton projectile down range at 10% the speed of light dwarfs all but the most extreme energy calcs for Warhammer 40k macro cannons.

In response to your third point, Nova Bombs are cheap to make in comparison to two-stage Cyclinic Torpedoes, which is their main point of comparison.

Spartan 4s are cheap to produce relative to Space Marines

As for the Las Gun example, that's just a difference in baseline technology level- which is what the other factions are for.

As for the Federation being OP, the weaknesses I listed for them were all structural, not technological(beyond the fact that in most areas they are beaten out by other factions on our list)
In response to your second point, I point at the Super-Macs that were stationed over Reach- sending a 600 metric ton projectile down range at 10% the speed of light dwarfs all but the most extreme energy calcs for Warhammer 40k macro cannons.

In response to your third point, Nova Bombs are cheap to make in comparison to two-stage Cyclinic Torpedoes, which is their main point of comparison.

Spartan 4s are cheap to produce relative to Space Marines

As for the Las Gun example, that's just a difference in baseline technology level- which is what the other factions are for.

As for the Federation being OP, the weaknesses I listed for them were all structural, not technological(beyond the fact that in most areas they are beaten out by other factions on our list)
1.I fully agree that the Super Macs would give any Imperial ship a good pounding, trouble is those are only present on ODP's and ships like the Punic Supercarriers or Infinity, il admit i haven't done calc comparisons between the smaller, more standard MAC's and Macrocannons but given the Imperium is way more advanced than the UNSC in most areas(even if it does run on schizotech unlike the UNSC) i don't give the UNSC good odds against em-and thats just the Imperium were talking here
2.Il concede that i didn't know how hard it was for the Imperium to make stage two cyclonics,that being said i still hold that the Federation can make some pretty disgusting stuff themselves with ease when compared to the UNSC Nova Bombs-example Photon Torpedoes which have a yield of 25 max isotons which is apparently slightly more powerful than the Tsar Bomba-however when the USS Voyager gets its hands on a gravimetric charge from the Borg it ups to 50 isotons which according to Ensign Kim can destroy a small planet, i point out this example to showoff just how easy the Feds can use stolen tech to improve their own techbase/reserve-engineer stolen tech from others-and even improve on it, imagine them getting their hands on said Imperial cyclonic torps, that would be amazing to see.
3.They're also awful when compared to gen 2's(Halsey even said she didn't consider them real Spartans) who again are gonna lose out to Space Marines every time with the exception of Chief and prob other vets i just don't see the 4's doing a good job even against all the more standard Imperial troops(and thats just the imperials, they'd get butchered trying to fight, say the eldar) even with the buffed tech they get from the other factions
The Feds structural weaknesses can prob get fixed by say the Kushan's crazy engineering, and the tech they bring to the table overall beats out the UNSC's in my opinion(also im curious, how exactly do they get beaten in most tech areas? il admit that that i dunno like half of the factions on the list and those i do know stuff about isn't that deep)
If you want a faction that can fields units en masse that counters Astartes one-to-one then I would recommend going for Macross. One, they've got in their ranks genetically engineered warrior giants that are 33 feet tall, power armor for said 33 feet giants, and the technology to take a regular human and turn them into a 33 foot tall giant.

This can be done without any negative repercussions and can even be reversed. Choosing how tall you want to be is like choosing what clothes you want to wear in the setting.

Then there is the weapons system that the setting is most famous for, variable fighters. Those machines were designed specifically to transform into robots so that humanity could fight said 33 foot tall genetic supersoldiers. The foundational element of Macross's military doctrine is granting baseline humans the equipment necessary fighting beings like Astartes on even ground.
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Hrmm...you know, the more I think about it, the more the Planar Seed idea seems it might be more hassle than its worth. My train of thought went something like this:

  • Wait a minute, what if the coalition just brings the Planar Seed with them through FTL travel, then they can just relocate the effect bubble wherever they want, and thus it wouldn't present a limitation.
  • Ah, but wait, I can make the effect bubble itself static relative to its position in the Milky Way, that way even if they move the Planar Seed, the area of effect stays put where it is. Simple right?
  • ...But wait, if that's the case, then when a grown Planar Tree sprouts new Seeds to spread, won't effect bubbles from the new Seeds just manifest and overlap in the same space, thus rendering spreading them out pointless?

I suppose I could just make it so that only a fully grown Planar Tree manifests a planar bubble, making it so that the seeds have to be planted and then grown into new Trees for new planar bubble expansions to manifest. The coalition would then have to start with a full-grown Planar Tree from the beginning, which I guess is fine, but...I don't know, I might still be missing some other silly detail that has a big effect.

The whole reason I came up with the Planar Seeds/Trees to begin with is two-fold:

  1. Gameplay Logic - I'm concerned that if I allow all FTL and extradimensional powers to be used everywhere right out of the gate, the players might try to make the Coalition attempt to steamroll Holy Terra right from the beginning, never mind the horrendous casualties and other implications that would ensue. Plus, I feel it would be more boring if new, safe FTL tech could proliferate immediately with no extra effort, though I could be convinced otherwise here.
  2. Narrative Logic - My thinking was that if all of these new whiz-bang FTL dimensions and new magic became present all at once, the Chaos Gods would throw a fit amd immediately commit all efforts to finding and ending the ones responsible for messing with their Great Game. Of course, I suppose ROB could simply fix that issue by obscuring the source of the incursion with a hand-wave, but...I don't know. Feels like a bit of a cop-out. I feel the Planar Seeds/Trees are a more subtle approach, easier to justify and conceal.
I suppose I can still make the Planar Tree/Seed idea work, but I admit that there is a kind of brute simplicity in just unlocking everything right away and letting the chips fall where they may.

I don't plan to put it to a formal vote this time, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts about this dilemma.

Well, I'm drifting in right after looking at UsagiQuest, noted mild parallels to Star Seeds, and could put in that a lot of issues could be ironed out if Planar Seeds only work when planted on a planet or otherwise anchored in realspace, and are inert when being transported.

Could also add Crystal Millenium as a potential ancillary faction.
1.I fully agree that the Super Macs would give any Imperial ship a good pounding, trouble is those are only present on ODP's and ships like the Punic Supercarriers or Infinity, il admit i haven't done calc comparisons between the smaller, more standard MAC's and Macrocannons but given the Imperium is way more advanced than the UNSC in most areas(even if it does run on schizotech unlike the UNSC) i don't give the UNSC good odds against em-and thats just the Imperium were talking here
2.Il concede that i didn't know how hard it was for the Imperium to make stage two cyclonics,that being said i still hold that the Federation can make some pretty disgusting stuff themselves with ease when compared to the UNSC Nova Bombs-example Photon Torpedoes which have a yield of 25 max isotons which is apparently slightly more powerful than the Tsar Bomba-however when the USS Voyager gets its hands on a gravimetric charge from the Borg it ups to 50 isotons which according to Ensign Kim can destroy a small planet, i point out this example to showoff just how easy the Feds can use stolen tech to improve their own techbase/reserve-engineer stolen tech from others-and even improve on it, imagine them getting their hands on said Imperial cyclonic torps, that would be amazing to see.
3.They're also awful when compared to gen 2's(Halsey even said she didn't consider them real Spartans) who again are gonna lose out to Space Marines every time with the exception of Chief and prob other vets i just don't see the 4's doing a good job even against all the more standard Imperial troops(and thats just the imperials, they'd get butchered trying to fight, say the eldar) even with the buffed tech they get from the other factions
The Feds structural weaknesses can prob get fixed by say the Kushan's crazy engineering, and the tech they bring to the table overall beats out the UNSC's in my opinion(also im curious, how exactly do they get beaten in most tech areas? il admit that that i dunno like half of the factions on the list and those i do know stuff about isn't that deep)
Kusan in engineering and mass production, Kusan, Halo, Lancer, and Macross in ship design, Nier Automa in personal scale weapons and defenses, Legends New Republic(Star Wars) in ship-to-ship weapons(when you are treating the most extreme feats as the outliers that they are) and STL(slower than light) propulsion technology, Star Wars almost ties them in shielding technology(minus the ability for Strikecraft and slow missiles to bypass their shields), while Halo actually beats them by a massive landslide in terms of shielding technology once you bring in outright Forerunner designs instead of the Covenant's poorly made knockoffs or the UNSC's early re-creations of those knockoffs; and both Macross and Lancer aren't all that far behind them in terms of raw-energy calculations, and have better ship designs as well.

both our Destiny faction and Chaldea both blow the Federation out of the water in terms of research and reverse engineering capabilities, while Halo, Lancer, and Final Fantasy are at around the same level in terms of those capabilities.

Halo, Lancer, Macross, and the Kushan(Homeworld series), all beat them in terms of experience, strategy, and tactics; while Halo, Lancer, Macross, Kushan, and Star Wars(minus the overly exposed bridge) all beat out the Federation's ships in durability once the shields are down; Halo, Star Wars, and the Kushan(and maybe the other main two) all beat them in terms of feats of large scale engineering(as the UNSC had mass proliferated out orbital space elevators even before the war with the covenant began).

average shield strength relative to the mass of the ship, and Raw Energy Calculations are the only two areas where it can be argued that the Federation actually beats out the others, and even then Halo has some things with stronger shields(such as the Infinity), that could be proliferated outwards when combined with Kushan engineering, while Star Wars, even when just limited to the New Republic(Legends timeline), has certain feats that blow out basically everything that the other factions have(save for Super Macs and the Nova Bomb) in terms of the sheer amount of energy required, such as a next-gen X-wing(two versions after those that faced the Death Star) moving at almost half the speed of light to escape the pull of a Dovin-Basal created black hole that formed within a few meters of its hull, close enough to literally suck in its shields.
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I'm surprised to see FFXIV not getting much in the way of votes. With the resilience that Warp threats have against mundane arms, I would think more people would be for picking a setting that would grant large swathes of the population magic, and the ability to wound denizens of the warp.

Servants and Guardians are great and all, but the former is distinctly finite in number and unless new Ghosts are going to be periodically made, guardians will be a slowly diminishing resource. At least Servants can come back if defeated, once true death sets in for a Guardian they're gone forever.

Add on the fact that there's only a so many thousands of guardians and that was to defend one city, they're going to be quickly stretched thin to defend a polity that spans multiple worlds let alone one that is adding more over time.

Guardians can't be created by anyone but the Traveler and their abilities are innate to them and cannot be taught to non-guardians humans. This is in contrast to Final Fantasy magic.

Plus, there's the utility of FF magic. Many sci-fi settings have teleporters but how many let a person go to a location from anywhere on a planet without any additional equipment save for a shard of magically attuned crystal at the destination? Final Fantasy magic has so many more uses beyond hitting harder.

Then you have fantastical magical items like the famous Phoenix Down, capable of restoring immense wounds.

Hrmm...you know, the more I think about it, the more the Planar Seed idea seems it might be more hassle than its worth.

There are other ways to balance things. For example you could make it a downside of going with Destiny and Chaldea, which bring with them entities on par with named Daemons, that Chaos will treat the coalition as a mortal threat and focus heavily on combating it while stuff like FFXIV and Nier are better able to fly under the radar.

FTL speeds can be nerfed or countered in a variety of ways. The more exotic systems may have trouble punching through in certain areas of space. Maybe Warp Storms mess with the fabric reality enough that ships cannot go to or leave FTL in regions with them, or if there is enough intense Warp activity it is able to disrupt the extra-dimensional spaces and make travel through Warp addled parts of space slow or dangerous.

Star Trek Warp drives do not function in places where Omega particles have detonated and destroyed subspace. You could have it such that there are swathes of space that have been damaged by exotic weapons dating back to the War in Heaven or the Dark Age of Technology that cannot accommodate other forms of FTL travel because of lasting environmental damage.

Halo's slipspace travel and Star War hyperspace are two methods of FTL whose speeds are dependent on galactic topography. The former already features instances where planets close to each other in realspace have longer travel times than those that are physically further away because of that. You could have it so that 40K's galaxy is structured in such a way that quick routes don't exist or make it so that the Coalition has to put in significant effort to chart them out.

You could also leave threats in FTL, such as the Beast from Homeworld: Catalyst, which existed in that expansion's particular interpretation of Hyperspace.
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[X] New United Nations (Macross)

Probably one of the best basic factions we can pick. Greatest variety of technology, their strikecraft are just flat out better than pretty much anything 40k can bring to bear, they have at least the capacity to build weapons and ships that can match 40k tonne for tonne, and they have strong cultural presence and both the will and ability to improve living standards for just about everyone.

[X] Alliance of Sol (Destiny)

Lots of good infrastructure technology and an excellent ability to mix exotic and esoteric abilities with technology. They'll be good for blending the technologies and powers of our various factions and will also have good general synergy with Chaldea and the Androids.

[X] Chaldea Security Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Even if we were to leave aside the Servants, Chaldea's mandate has put them up against entities that are at the very least equivalent to the Chaos 'Gods' in power and ability. And the mastery of conceptual fuckery needed to combat warp entities in general is basically standard curriculum for Nasuverse Magi. Even if they don't end up on the battlefield, these will be the people who figure out how to kill Chaos permanently and pacify the warp.

[X] Androidkind Compact (Nier: Automata)

Because let's be honest, the Androids are fucking bullshit in terms of physical capabilities. Their only real weaknesses are emotional fragility and a lack of conceptual fuckery and with our other factions helping them out/providing therapy we should be able to make them significantly less prone to existential crises ending in murderous rampages and/or self-destructive depression.

Now for my fifth pick, I have a somewhat odd write-in...

[X] The Old Republic Jedi Order (Star Wars)

@BobTheNinja is this an acceptable write-in? I want the Jedi mainly because for all their flaws, Jedi teachings would be really good for dealing with warp fuckery. And they could probably make a half decent connection with the Eldar.

And finally...

[X] A semi-noticeable entry involving the placement of an entire colonized star system to serve as starting territory.

Because most factions are going to want to kill us basically immediately. We need to build up a power and industrial base as fast as possible but we also need to remain undetected for as long as possible. Thus, the middle option.
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[X] New Republic (Star Wars)

I would have preferred the Old Republic, mainly because for all their flaws, Jedi teachings would be really good for dealing with warp fuckery. And they could probably make a half decent connection with the Eldar. The New Republic will do in a pinch though.

If it's a mature Jedi Order you're looking for I don't think you'll find that in the New Republic since it'll be the one of Disney canon and the one Luke created there lasted for maybe a generation and then collapsed in on itself.
If it's a mature Jedi Order you're looking for I don't think you'll find that in the New Republic since it'll be the one of Disney canon and the one Luke created there lasted for maybe a generation and then collapsed in on itself.
Which is why for my fifth choice I included the Old Republic Jedi Order as a Write-In. I kept NR because they have some differences in their tech base that might be useful, though I'd consider replacing them.
Plus, there's the utility of FF magic. Many sci-fi settings have teleporters but how many let a person go to a location from anywhere on a planet without any additional equipment save for a shard of magically attuned crystal at the destination? Final Fantasy magic has so many more uses beyond hitting harder.
Destiny Transmat equles that all it needs it a one beacon and you can drop whole armies if you wanted. As well as keeping them rearmed via it.
I want the Jedi mainly for the reasons I explained above, while they have their issues, their philosophy and spiritual discipline are excellent anti-chaos tools.
I would say the same for the City from Destiny due to the ideology of the City of Spears as the as Winnower calls it.
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I would say the same for the City from Destiny due to the ideology of the City of Spears as the as Winnower calls it.
To an extent yes, but Guardians can only be created by Ghosts and 'natural' Lightwielders are hard to come by.

The Force can be felt and used by technically anyone.

EDIT: That said, Destiny has some interesting esoteric technologies to draw on, so I might swap out New Republic for them. Gonna edit my vote.
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What technologies were you thinking of?

Destiny Transmat equles that all it needs it a one beacon and you can drop whole armies if you wanted. As well as keeping them rearmed via it.

I would say the same for the City from Destiny due to the ideology of the City of Spears as the as Winnower calls it.

Planetary transmat needs a functioning Orbital Grid that is vulnerable to attack. In other words, you require a great deal of infrastructure to pull it off, like I said most sci-fi teleports do.

Final Fantasy teleports require an aetheryte crystal at the destination and a spell. They don't need arrays of communications satellites.

Plus, it's not like transmat doesn't have its limitations. If it didn't then during the original Red War campaign the player guardian would not have had to snuck out of the City and been ferried across the ocean to the Farm via a JumpShip, they would have just transmatted there.
What technologies were you thinking of?

Just generally speaking City artisans have a knack for combining anything and everything in their various weapons by reverse engineering everyone else's stuff. But also transmat technology is a non-warp-based and more reliable form of short range teleportation and their Jumpships put FTL-capable engines into strikecraft. Not to mention their AI are pretty decent most of the time...
To an extent yes, but Guardians can only be created by Ghosts and 'natural' Lightwielders are hard to come by.

The Force can be felt and used by technically anyone.

EDIT: That said, Destiny has some interesting esoteric technologies to draw on, so I might swap out New Republic for them. Gonna edit my vote.
Ehhh Not really, they say that but only the force users are active in it. As for Destiny esoteric technologies having Sowed Logic at all is a big boon, and with Eris? Killing Demons and bigger an making them into weapons that don't make you a part of Chaos seems like a very good option.

Just generally speaking City artisans have a knack for combining anything and everything in their various weapons by reverse engineering everyone else's stuff. But also transmat technology is a non-warp-based and more reliable form of short range teleportation and their Jumpships put FTL-capable engines into strikecraft. Not to mention their AI are pretty decent most of the time...
O FUCK, the Probability deices that produce matter, how could I forgot about that. Thank you for the reminder.
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So yeah, in short form, my final vote.

[X] New United Nations (Macross)
[X] Alliance of Sol (Destiny)
[X] Chaldea Security Organization (Fate/Grand Order)
[X] Androidkind Compact (Nier: Automata)
[X] The Old Republic Jedi Order (Star Wars)
[X] A semi-noticeable entry involving the placement of an entire colonized star system to serve as starting territory.

Unless Bob vetoes Old Republic Jedi Order, I'll be going with this.
Just generally speaking City artisans have a knack for combining anything and everything in their various weapons by reverse engineering everyone else's stuff. But also transmat technology is a non-warp-based and more reliable form of short range teleportation and their Jumpships put FTL-capable engines into strikecraft. Not to mention their AI are pretty decent most of the time...

The Kushan are pretty good about reverse engineering technology and on a much shorter timescale no less. They started off their journey from Kharak with specs for basic fighters, resources, and civil corvettes. Everything else, even bombers, they developed after witnessing and capturing samples.

A similar thing happened in Deserts of Kharak. The crew of the Kapisi captured an enemy vehicle that hovered, a technology they were completely unfamiliar with, and a little while later they had designed an entirely new vehicle driven by the new propulsion method.

Teleporters aren't unique to Destiny. Star Trek transporters are without a doubt the most capable that we could choose. FFXIV as I've mentioned prior has their own magic alternative, which while more limited I believe makes up for that by being accompanied by a ton of other magic things.

Macross, which you're also voting for, has fighter scale FTL devices too and there's Nier for AI. As far as I know Nier does lack intelligences on the level of Warminds, however I don't think the Last City retains the knowledge base to create additional Golden Age AIs.

O FUCK, the Probability deices that produce matter, how could I forgot about that. Thank you for the reminder.

Do you mean engrams? I thought those were only storage devices containing digitized matter, not that they created matter.
[X]Citadel Council (Mass Effect)
[X] UNSC (Halo)
[X]The Kushan (Homeworld)
[X]Union (Lancer)
[X]Alliance of Sol (Destiny)

Just going with the ones i do know, sorry if this messes up votes.
As a heads up, I'd recommend holding off on further faction voting until I'm finished with the faction dossier list, it will have the details needed to help everyone make a fully-informed decision in their votes. I'm about 3/5ths of the way finished with it, so it won't be much longer until I have it posted.
The Kushan are pretty good about reverse engineering technology and on a much shorter timescale no less. They started off their journey from Kharak with specs for basic fighters, resources, and civil corvettes. Everything else, even bombers, they developed after witnessing and capturing samples.

They're good at reverse engineering normal technology, but their setting has no equivalents to more supernatural forces like The Light, The Force, or The Warp. I'm sure they could manage those as well to some extent or another, but the Last City has preexisting expertise with those sorts of things.

As for teleportation, you're right that plenty of settings have teleportation of some stripe. Destiny's is -I think- the most simple and versatile of them. Transmat can be used with basically complete freedom at shorter ranges and Ground-to-Orbit only requires a single football-sized beacon to lock on to. No prep needed, beacons can't be blocked by shields. It's fast and easy.
I'll grant you that the eliksni appear to have a deep understanding of the Light and how it can be harnessed, but I haven't seen much to indicate that the Last City's workshops have much mastery in creating objects using paracausal energy. Most Light and Dark infused gear seems to have been made by simply engulfing the stuff in the appropriate energy or killing tons of folk.

Also, are you sure that all a long range transmat needs is a beacon, because the fact that ships have to swoop down close to drop off and pickup locations seems to imply otherwise. Destinypedia also points to what it refers to as an orbital grid being necessary for long range transmats.

As a heads up, I'd recommend holding off on further faction voting until I'm finished with the faction dossier list, it will have the details needed to help everyone make a fully-informed decision in their votes. I'm about 3/5ths of the way finished with it, so it won't be much longer until I have it posted.

You could cancel this vote and start it over again.