Well see, I know what i want to do to her, but all that is superceded by my desire to go back to Bulma and muck about.
So i shall take the best of both worlds, hopefully. (and trigger interesting times)

[X] - Bring her to Kami. Earth's Guardian is a helpful sort with plenty of connections, and between him, Guru and the Otherworld bureaucracy you're confident someone knows what you've done and can explain it.
That was easily one of the best DBZ fight scenes I've read. Epic stuff. Plus, base form up to 275,000,000? Damn, Zenkai plus Regen is broken AF.

As far as the vote goes, I'm not sure what kind of insight Bulma will be able to provide in this situation, since it's clearly a magical/divine mystery, rather than a scientific one. Kami seems like the best bet if we want to quickly find out what's up, but I'm not sure that discovering Zangya's nature straight away is that pressing of an issue.

Personally, now that the threat to Earth and the Dragonballs is dealt with, I'm more interested in finding out what's happening on Cooler's end and getting his take on our potential new minion. Though, I do agree with GGG that we should at least say goodbye to Bulma this time to avoid future drama on that front.
Is Bulma's scouter fix work on the entire network or just Broly's personal one that he and Cooler has to hide their power level

If it's just the latter, then nobody else really know that Zangya is part of the Heran, seeing her presence is masked. Not exactly going to be hard to hide a blue humanoid minion
Is Bulma's scouter fix work on the entire network or just Broly's personal one that he and Cooler has to hide their power level

If it's just the latter, then nobody else really know that Zangya is part of the Heran, seeing her presence is masked. Not exactly going to be hard to hide a blue humanoid minion
Bulma, IIRC, had hard light generation... couldn't she just make some sort of camo for Zangya, assuming magic couldn't handle the issue well enough?
Bulma, IIRC, had hard light generation... couldn't she just make some sort of camo for Zangya, assuming magic couldn't handle the issue well enough?
I realy don't know what you are trying to solve,if the Kais can't sense her then he apearance isn't a problem, if we ask kamis help hiding her will be patently impossible, so realy we should just go after Coller and shelf this problem for the near future.
Considering the amount of alien in PTO governed space, how many of them have assorted color skin, how many of them are humanoid, and how many people actually knows what Herans look like due to their imprisonment of a single digit survivor of the race, I don't think it would even be necessary to camouflage her as long as her PL doesn't show in scouter. And as mentioned in prior update, the divine couldn't track her either.

Still, research into Heran might give clue to divinity, and might allow Broly access to SSG without the ritual
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[X] - Bring her to Kami. Earth's Guardian is a helpful sort with plenty of connections, and between him, Guru and the Otherworld bureaucracy you're confident someone knows what you've done and can explain it.
[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
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The larger issue at hand isnt what can happen if Zangya is discovered. Those are easily predicted. What needs to be listed out are the potential methods to discover her in any relevant fashion, and by looking at that we realize a few interesting things:

  • The Kais can discover Zangya through typical Power Detection methods
  • The Scouter Network can pick up on her rather impressive Power level
  • Observing her directly and realizing that she is, indeed, the last remaining Heran.

Fairly straightforward, tbh. And just as straightforwardly circumvented.

The first is, naturally, the Kais. They are also the one that we can do the least about. They are, for their part, already fully aware of what's transpiring above Earths atmosphere.

Ergo, attempting to hide things from them is a wasted effort. But what would they do about that? I'll go into that in a bit.

The second method is the Scouter Network. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue since Broly could take similar measures to match the ones that were taken regarding both his own power level and Lord Coolers. However, there is a bug in the system. Namely, Toddler, who is still at large. Now fortunately this is a problem that can be taken care of right now courtesy of Bulma.

This also addresses a larger problem in finishing up the last remnants of the Machine Mutant War, but that can be discussed in a bit.

The third, and last method of detection is visual observation. Which can be handled by a simple combination of solving the second potential issue and keeping her out of sight of relevant individuals either through isolation or through disguise or some other method of subterfuge. Options are on the table, so to speak.

Now then, we come to the repercussions that are immediately observable. The first is the Kais.

They did not intervene. Nor, for that matter, have we been informed of an ongoing bounty on the heads of the Herans.

Like what happened with Pikon. Now then, we can assume that this means that whatever interest the Kais held in them wasn't something particularly urgent since they seemed largely content to allow Broly and Cooler to try and handle the situation. Which means less an existential issue, and likely something more tied to just how inconvenient someone of Bojack's Power and potential flying around acting like a tool was for the universe at large.

What this means is that, as far as the Kais are concerned, Zangya's continued life and death likely isn't that big a concern to them now that Bojack is out of the way. If it's an ongoing concern, one of the Kais will naturally reach out to us directly or just have Kami continue in his role of Divine Whipping Boy and have him relay their messages and requests to Broly through him.

Now that just leaves dealing with Toddler's interference and him acting as a Ghost in the Scouter Network. Something which Bulma is well-equipped to handle. This also lets her free things up so that countermeasures against Zangya's power level being discovered can be put into place. Which was a gateway to ensuring that the visual discovery method wouldnt be pulled off regardless.

tl;dr we go back to Capsule Corp, work with Bulma to discover Toddlers location and root him out of the Network while also killing him like the bug he is, before then proceeding to mask Zangya's power level and figure out how to best use her as Broly's Minion-in-Chief.

A vote which encapsulates those issues along with other ones I missed would undoubtedly be the most ideal.
Of course, getting Bulma too cooperate in Broly hiding what would come off to her as a mistress is a whole another story, by far more challenging task than dealing with the Herans earlier

Should've gone with the midget
Of course, getting Bulma too cooperate in Broly hiding what would come off to her as a mistress is a whole another story, by far more challenging task than dealing with the Herans earlier

Should've gone with the midget
Broly does like a challenge

Although the lost potential of the midget being a Danny Devito analogue is something I will mourn at a later time.

...What...what could have been...:(
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tl;dr we go back to Capsule Corp, work with Bulma to discover Toddlers location and root him out of the Network while also killing him like the bug he is, before then proceeding to mask Zangya's power level and figure out how to best use her as Broly's Minion-in-Chief.
Wouldn't going back to Capsule Corp be completely unnecessary then since Bulma already roted Toddler out of the network,giving control back to Broly and found his location ? So all that we need is to go straigh to killing him ?
Wouldn't going back to Capsule Corp be completely unnecessary then since Bulma already roted Toddler out of the network,giving control back to Broly and found his location ? So all that we need is to go straigh to killing him ?
No, because we need to pin him down and his appearance

Naturally something like Toddler would've picked up on Bulma forcibly booting him out and would have begun to try and take measures to go and further hide himself.

This way Broly can ensure that there aren't any loose ends when he goes a-huntin'

Possession and changing his appearance are things which Broly will need help to circumvent when tracking him down, after all.
I'll remind everyone, again, that Dragonballs are a thing, and if you want more wierd-Heran-Broly-minion peeps... well, there are these things you can exert called 'wishes' that don't give a fuck if a race was rendered extinct, or someone died or...
[X] - Bring her to Kami. Earth's Guardian is a helpful sort with plenty of connections, and between him, Guru and the Otherworld bureaucracy you're confident someone knows what you've done and can explain it.
No, because we need to pin him down and his appearance

Naturally something like Toddler would've picked up on Bulma forcibly booting him out and would have begun to try and take measures to go and further hide himself.

This way Broly can ensure that there aren't any loose ends when he goes a-huntin'

Possession and changing his appearance are things which Broly will need help to circumvent when tracking him down, after all.

well then any vote should at least include a conditional, because last I checked Bulma had circunvented the intrusion and we were perfectly capable of hunting him down with our scouter, unless that changed during the time we batled the herans (fun fact: most of the battle hapened out of time) then we may need bulmas help, beyond that not realy, there was no mention the Toddler noticed Bulmas intrusion and no reason for him to notice it instantly
I'll remind everyone, again, that Dragonballs are a thing, and if you want more wierd-Heran-Broly-minion peeps... well, there are these things you can exert called 'wishes' that don't give a fuck if a race was rendered extinct, or someone died or...
Then there ya go.

Leverage over Zangya to encourage her loyalty and further compliance. So what if we intend to follow through or not?

Either way, we've got a shackle custom-made. By combining the hope of a reward with the crushing fear of knowing that she can never survive the counterstroke of attempted rebellion, and we'll have her nice and fanatically loyal to Broly in no time.

Now we just need to hit Toddler and scour him from the universe and we can put all this nonsense behind us :V

well then any vote should at least include a conditional, because last I checked Bulma had circunvented the intrusion and we were perfectly capable of hunting him down with our scouter, unless that changed during the time we batled the herans (fun fact: most of the battle hapened out of time) then we may need bulmas help, beyond that not realy, there was no mention the Toddler noticed Bulmas intrusion and no reason for him to notice it instantly
tl;dr we go back to Capsule Corp, work with Bulma to discover Toddlers location and root him out of the Network while also killing him like the bug he is, before then proceeding to mask Zangya's power level and figure out how to best use her as Broly's Minion-in-Chief.

A vote which encapsulates those issues along with other ones I missed would undoubtedly be the most ideal.
Couldn't agree with you more
[X] - Bring her to Kami. Earth's Guardian is a helpful sort with plenty of connections, and between him, Guru and the Otherworld bureaucracy you're confident someone knows what you've done and can explain it.
[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
I'll remind everyone, again, that Dragonballs are a thing, and if you want more wierd-Heran-Broly-minion peeps... well, there are these things you can exert called 'wishes' that don't give a fuck if a race was rendered extinct, or someone died or...
Yeah, but we don't want to waste them on petty little things like bringing back extinct civilizations.

As for my choice, I say got to Cooler with it. After all, Kami and Bulma and the PRO science division aren't going anywhere and we can always destroy her at our leisure. Getting back to Cooler soon is probably the best idea and we can let him choose how to study her, destroy her or just keep her around for potential superweapon breeding purposes as a subminion for Broly.

Besides, if we do decided to bring them back, we should probably make sure we know what we're getting into.

[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
Yeah, but we don't want to waste them on petty little things like bringing back extinct civilizations.

As for my choice, I say got to Cooler with it. After all, Kami and Bulma and the PRO science division aren't going anywhere and we can always destroy her at our leisure. Getting back to Cooler soon is probably the best idea and we can let him choose how to study her, destroy her or just keep her around for potential superweapon breeding purposes as a subminion for Broly.

Besides, if we do decided to bring them back, we should probably make sure we know what we're getting into.

[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
Cooler is keeping himself distant from Broly for a reason.

Do you think it's because Cooler is already aware of Toddler's infiltration capabilities?

As in, hes still an urgent issue that needs to be addressed and not one that should be ignored in favor of the shiny that we have just been presented with?
I'll remind everyone, again, that Dragonballs are a thing, and if you want more wierd-Heran-Broly-minion peeps... well, there are these things you can exert called 'wishes' that don't give a fuck if a race was rendered extinct, or someone died or...

I thought Shenron could only revive people that died less than a year ago and Porunga could only revive one person at a time.

Also, how accurate are the wiki's?
Can't even pin the blame on the genocide on Broly, seeing how 3 of them was just a case of assisted suicide

Then again, you can argue all Broly related murder to be considered as such

But yeah, pinpoint where Toddler is and just end this problem once and for all
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