[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomesworthless to you.
[X] - Bring her to Kami. Earth's Guardian is a helpful sort with plenty of connections, and between him, Guru and the Otherworld bureaucracy you're confident someone knows what you've done and can explain it.

Whatever the Herans were, whatever they lost, it was tied to the gods, and they are the best method of solving this mystery.

If the Gods don't like what we've done, we can simply kill Zangya and be done with it. If she lives or dies is unimportant, what does matter is solving this mystery.
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[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.

So we got all the options and a new incredibly interesting mystery to solve and a new minion that might actually be worth a damn? This mystery option was awesome!
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and Broly proves to be as Glorious as we have come to expect from our broken Saiyen friend.

also Yay Broly has his own Minion!

Broley: Lord Cooler Lord Cooler Lord Cooler. Can I keep her Please!!?
Cooler: Having a Minnion is a lot of responsibility... oh who am i kidding of course. just make sure to clean up after her
Broly: Yay! did you hear that miss Muffens!
?Miss Muffines?: Suddenly i am having seconds thoughts about this
Well, I like to think that I'm Cool enough to admit that it looks like, so far, it was good that the mystery box won out. Good fight, scientific study, new minion...so long as we don't fuck it up, this will have been an excellent choice.
[X] - Bring her home. The PTO is a massive cosmic empire replete with plenty of safe places to properly study a being capable of snuffing stars; where better to study her?
We can just say Lord Cooler tricked her or something

Minnion! :):):)
[X] - Bring her to Capsule Corp. Bulma and her father are, bar none the smartest individuals you interact with, and if anyone can help you puzzle out the intricacies of what you started, it'd be them.

Maximum fun!
Uh, guys?

Zangya is stronger than us when we're in our base form, right?

And we have a power level of 275 Million.

Which is...more than double Final Form Freeza's power level.

Soooo that makes her stronger than Freeza. And if word gets out that we beat her, then people will start to realise that we're stronger than Freeza. Which is doubleplusungood, because there's no way to resolve that situation, because Cooler is a tsundere brocon.

If we're going to let her live free, fine, but we'll need to hide her.
Uh, guys?

Zangya is stronger than us when we're in our base form, right?

And we have a power level of 275 Million.

Which is...more than double Final Form Freeza's power level.

Soooo that makes her stronger than Freeza. And if word gets out that we beat her, then people will start to realise that we're stronger than Freeza. Which is doubleplusungood, because there's no way to resolve that situation, because Cooler is a tsundere brocon.

If we're going to let her live free, fine, but we need a plan.
Like all voting situations, it's often best to think before acting, yes.
well that's a thing, and honestly I think Cooler is actually going to be proud of us for this, after all, we just got our first Minion of worth /laugh

Also, not bringing a woman effectively soul bound to us to meet Bulma ASAP seems... like a bad idea to me

[X] - Bring her to Capsule Corp. Bulma and her father are, bar none the smartest individuals you interact with, and if anyone can help you puzzle out the intricacies of what you started, it'd be them.
Minion get!
And one that could, maybe, tell us quite a bit about gods?

We are still woefully ignorant about that.
Hell she might even have some info on Bills...

BEYOND that, anyone care to imagine the fun that could be had from taking inspiration from Herans when it comes to Saibamen creation?
Or even see what sort of magic tricks she could know about...
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So, is there any compelling reason we can't get Bulma and the Kais in on this? Cause I feel results might come up better if we get both working on it.

And if nothing comes of it we can ask Cooler to keep her as a subminion or destroy her.
Hmm. We could go to a planet in a somewhat-nearby system, materialize an installation, snag Bulma and some tech, and examine what's up there. Mitigates most of the on-earth risk, and lets us get more info before we talk to the Kais -- who probably are the ones whose work we just undid, so we should figure out where we stand before talking to them.

Also, we could ask her to elaborate.
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[X] - Bring her to Capsule Corp. Bulma and her father are, bar none the smartest individuals you interact with, and if anyone can help you puzzle out the intricacies of what you started, it'd be them.
Hmm. We could go to a planet in a somewhat-nearby system, materialize an installation, snag Bulma and some tech, and examine what's up there. Mitigates most of the on-earth risk, and lets us get more info before we talk to the Kais -- who probably are the ones whose work we just undid, so we should figure out where we stand before talking to them.

On the one hand restored what Gods have torn asunder... But on the other hand 80% reduction in Herans! Should probably balance out right?

More seriously holing up in some empty area for a bit does seem like it could be decent idea. That said I'm a bit tempted to track down Toddler honestly.
On the one hand restored what Gods have torn asunder...
Not quite...
"You replaced my world," the pale blue figure softly whispers with a sense of almost childish wonder, "You… gods forged the furnace that gave us eternity, and when a god destroyed it that was supposed to be the end… but… but…"
Not gods but a god. There is, after all, a very specific God who Destroys worlds.
Hmmmm. I'm questioning on what ground's Cooler might take this.

On one hand, overpowered figure who may or may not backstab him and his empire and thus ruin everything.

On the other hand, leverage. Here we have a figure that supposedly has some form of connection to Bills, and not only that, but supposedly a secondary form of immortality to explore. Having that in his corner as another extraneous backup plan should things go unfortunately awry for him does sound like a tempting offer. I suppose simply calling Lord Cooler before hand to get his input is somewhat out of the question?

At any rate, a new powerful minion for him to use on problems seems like a handy enough gift.
[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.

destroying her would be a complet waste, taking her to the PTO risks discovery be the royal family which is bad, the Heran were enemies of the Kais and bringing her to Kami means contacting them, which sounds like a bad idea who risks giving then all sorts of casus beli and lastly bringing her to capsule corp is a complete waste(unless you want hijiinks instead of actual results) since as smart as the briefs family is they are technological genius, they simple aren't equiped to handle this extremely esoteric magical problem ,beyond that bringing her to earth risks discovery by Kami and then the Kais, so our best option is to go find Cooler, who can help us find safe long term lodgings so that we, the more knowledable wizard around, can start studing this in peace (I am thinking that is past time to give a look into the namekia books of legend)
[X] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
I was expecting Time Patroller shenanigans. So glad to have been wrong, wow.

Returning to Cooler promptly seems smart, but so does introducing her to Bulma and seeing if we can get any information from them about things. Less sure about the Kais, but Kami isn't unable to help even if they don't wanna. Dunno if we want to risk Earth or not, but adding a write-in to have us popping in briefly to say goodbye to Bulma seems wise -- disappearing with some other girl without saying anything will see problems in our future.

Gonna try and think a bit more before voting.
[X] - Bring her to Capsule Corp. Bulma and her father are, bar none the smartest individuals you interact with, and if anyone can help you puzzle out the intricacies of what you started, it'd be them.