One reason we should go to earth even if briefly is the fact that we just made a goddamn massive energy shield around the planet that was probably visible to everyone so we should see the reactions to how their handling it, Hercule's brand of infectious ignorance/stupidity hasn't corrupted the world so the earthlings response could be interesting.
Not to mention it was almost certainly FELT by the Ki sensitives so their reaction's would be even better.
That said depending on how Majin Buu's energy absorption works we could of just sped up his scheduled awakening by a couple of years.
First, if you forgot everyone who could sense ki was forewarned, second, I don't believe any option includes the useless time waster that watching people gawking at us would be, Broly is a very focused guy after all
Was actually talking about Zangya.
Ah. My mistake. She is coming with us anyway, assuming we don't just destroy her, and Broly will almost certainly get any info out of her that he can, regardless of our vote, due to the risk Toddler poses to Lord Cooler's interests.
If for some reason he doesn't this coming update, it isn't like shes going anywhere that we can't just ask her then, or kill her anyway.
Were the Herans hiding their power level when they approached, or were they simply too far away for anyone to spot them?

If it's the latter, then it would be useful to teach Zangya how to suppress her power level before we take her to PTO territory.
- - - [] - Before you leave you'll check in with Bulma. You need to go back to Cooler, but you're not going to abandon her without a word again.
Is it purposeful that this in no way addresses the mad cat in the room that is 'Broly has a hotty alien chick glued to his Magic and he's going back to Bulma'? It's fine if it is, but I just wanted to check.
- - - [] - Zangya may have been a Galaxy Soldier, but that doesn't mean she's up to PTO standards in matters non-martial. You can't reveal anything of great import, but you can push to learn more about what her abilities are beyond what you've seen, what she knows, and how she can best be made useful.
This seems to start differently than it ends - 'PTO standards in matters non-martial' brings to mind hierarchies, reporting methods, expectations in Cooler's service and shit... which is not remotely what you're then clarifying is your intent later in the vote.

I'd say clean that up so it's clearly one or the other, or possibly make a second subvote to contain the extra if you want to have both things.

And then, since ah... we have had to yack back and forth about vote bloat, I'll remind you to keep an eye to how large your post-edit vote gets.
I for one can't see any problems with us going to Bulma with our new minion and talking about how after we all got hot and sweaty, we shoved our essence deep inside of her to the point where she decided that we were her new God.

Nothing can go wrong with plan at all and it can only end well.
It would certainly result in fun quest reading material, of that there's absolutely no doubt!
Will Zangya explode if Broly powers up too much, given their connection?
Think of it like this: Bujin exploded because Broly tried to forcibly plug a too-large connector into his Magic voodoo port, and because BROLY STRONK when it didn't slow in he just kept smashing it into place until the port/port-baring entity broke.

With Zangya, he depowered to the point his connector would not break the port, and successfully plugged it in to make a connection. Past there, Broly's total PL at any given moment is how much mojo (not voltage as that gets into way more crap than is necessary for the metaphor) Zangya gets from that successfully-established connection.

Which, itself, is seperate from Broly trying to destructively sever the connection by exploiting his Power's innately caustic/destructive nature.

Make sense? I hope so.
Also, I'm expecting the Supreme Kai of Time to be about as pleased by this development as Bulma.
That... is likely accurate!
You know, last update emphasis on magic made me realize Broly could have healed the Armored squadron to tip top shape to partially deal with the 3 problem two solution issue we had few updates back...

There is, in fact, a meaningful difference between 'Healing one's self that their Power perfectly meshes with' and 'healing other peeps of disparate races'.

Do you remember which of the two Cooler had Broly train up, prior to now?
One reason we should go to earth even if briefly is the fact that we just made a goddamn massive energy shield around the planet that was probably visible to everyone so we should see the reactions to how their handling it, Hercule's brand of infectious ignorance/stupidity hasn't corrupted the world so the earthlings response could be interesting.
Yes, generally people can be expected to care when the sky seems to catch fire and cataclysmic explosions keep popping beyond it.
Not to mention it was almost certainly FELT by the Ki sensitives so their reaction's would be even better.
They were even forewarned about this crap when they were told to stay clear and leave it be, so they're probably doubly attentive to what all just happened.
That said depending on how Majin Buu's energy absorption works we could of just sped up his scheduled awakening by a couple of years.
This is another delicious point to raise!
Hm, wouldn't bringing her to the Namekians be useful in getting some info?
You mean those people that by inference Bulma's already met/interacted with, and who presumably have at least something about Herans in their Books of Legend/in the Wish Dragon's noggin?

Yes, yes they would be useful for getting Bulma magical knowhow/attempting to figure out Heran shit... though Zangya herself might have more than a few things to say, there.
THEY know something about magic, after all, and wouldn't you know it, they're associated with Capsule Corp right now.
Were the Herans hiding their power level when they approached, or were they simply too far away for anyone to spot them?
Prior updates showed that they couldn't be detected, right up until Bulma fixed the Toddler Scouter fuckery - which suggests however they were hidden was based in the Scouters, rather than personal suppression.

And before you go 'How on earth could funky Scouter code hide peeps from godly observation, I'll remind you that Toddler, the guy that did the Scouter shit, is a bullshit techno-organic being, and this kind of silliness is right up the DB alley.
If it's the latter, then it would be useful to teach Zangya how to suppress her power level before we take her to PTO territory.
Alternatively, as the dude with backdoor/admin access to the Scouter network and how it works, you could just code it to display whatever you want for Zangya/whoever.

Also, a little thing I'll point out that Broly FOR SURE would realize even if I haven't seen you guys reference it: Herans sure look a bunch like Salza, just outright - that could be a useful angle for trying to hide her in plain sight.
I'll remind everyone, again, that Dragonballs are a thing, and if you want more wierd-Heran-Broly-minion peeps... well, there are these things you can exert called 'wishes' that don't give a fuck if a race was rendered extinct, or someone died or...
Has it occurred to Broly that he could potentially wish for Planet Vegeta to be rebuilt along with its population? Unless their's a time window you need to wish within for the population to be restored, it....sounds like something that Broly would be quite interested in-character.
So yeah, capsule corp could have magic stuff available.
Thus reasonable for us to go there.
technicaly, capsule corp is hospeding the namekians, who have books of legend/ wish dragons, who may or may not know something Zangya doesn't know herself, and we already have many reasons to do a comprensive study of said books as soon a we go back to anuals and so, beyond the fact bringing her will make Bulma go balistic and some people prefer to watch the world burn than make eficient progress, I see no reason why we should go look at this long term concern right now
technicaly, capsule corp is hospeding the namekians, who have books of legend/ wish dragons, who may or may not know something Zangya doesn't know herself, and we already have many reasons to do a comprensive study of said books as soon a we go back to anuals and so, beyond the fact bringing her will make Bulma go balistic and some people prefer to watch the world burn than make eficient progress, I see no reason why we should go look at this long term concern right now
Bulma could also help us against Toddler (she basically curbstomped him right here, what more could she do if she gets some more time and Materialization-based production?) - so that's two things we could do now instead of waiting for Cooler to handle it, which would free our attention for other things.
Plus frankly I think we're going to have to talk to Bulma before we head away no matter what, so she doesn't get super pissed at Broly for leaving without saying anything.
Bulma could also help us against Toddler (she basically curbstomped him right here, what more could she do if she gets some more time and Materialization-based production?) - so that's two things we could do now instead of waiting for Cooler to handle it, which would free our attention for other things.
Plus frankly I think we're going to have to talk to Bulma before we head away no matter what, so she doesn't get super pissed at Broly for leaving without saying anything.
honestly, Idon't see why we would need more of Bulma's help against Toddler, she already cracked his intrusion on the scout network alowing us to track him, and at his current level of power and resources ending him is just a matter of deciding to actualy to that, so if what you actualy want to do is blow Toddler you should do an write-in with that intention
Lastly, remenber Zanglya ? the smoking hot Heran currently gued to us ? I think its safe to assume going away whitout talking to Bulma or just sending a quick mensage via scouter is guaranted to generate way less fallout than actualy introducing the two of then
So... are herans sailor senshi? This is what I am thinking. Tied to their world in some way at least. Either that or some sort of reality marble like ability, with their world being something like Nasu Earth with Supreme Reality Marble. It would make sense in light of their ability to leach power from magical dimensions - something that might be a development based on their connection to their world.

In any case, I like the idea of setting up on a nearby planet (maybe a materialized one?) and bringing Bulma there (as well as talking to Kami telepathically). If the planet is materialized it also shows Bulma what we can do with that trick.
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Just an FYI, I have to change my phone plan and do a good bit of... well, I guess the most apt term is 'redecorate' even when you're replacing damaged furniture, yes?

Anyway, I'll be doing those things with my not-working time tomorrow, and I don't know that I'll have time to update.

So you almost definitely have another day to faff about bickering, discussing and vote-tweaking.

Thought you should know.
So... are herans sailor senshi? This is what I am thinking. Tied to their world in some way at least. Either that or some sort of reality marble like ability, with their world being something like Nasu Earth with Supreme Reality Marble. It would make sense in light of their ability to leach power from magical dimensions - something that might be a development based on their connection to their world.
Well, one of the duties of the supreme kai is making planets, isn't it?

In any case, I like the idea of setting up on a nearby planet (maybe a materialized one?) and bringing Bulma there (as well as talking to Kami telepathically). If the planet is materialized it also shows Bulma what we can do with that trick.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to try and talk to some namekians, as we have an opportunity for that?
You know what's a fun bit of DBZ trivia I found?

Okay, you know how Jeice of the Ginyu squad and Salza from Cooler's Armored Squadron are both of the same race, that being the Brenchian race from what used to be Brench?

Well, that planet was PTO conquered, obviously - but it was conquered by COOLER.

'Twas his 98th planet, no less.
  1. Even putting aside the DBZA angle of Jeice and Salza possibly being cousins, that... is rather suggestive of certain things, particularly when taken in the quest context wherein Jeice periodically tips off Salza so Salza can tip off Cooler.
  2. Doubly so, when you remember how honestly were it not for the elfin ears Zangya/the Herans would look way more like Salza than Jeice does - and Jeice is the same race as Salza.
  3. Triply so, when accounting for Broly/Cooler/Bulma's Scouter backdoor/admin shit.
Why, a tricksy mind could rather easily do things with information like this, I think...
...I'm sorry but the only thing that I took from that is trying to have Jeice seduced by Zangya for a more consistent source of Intel on the Ginyus actions

...I'm sorry but the only thing that I took from that is trying to have Jeice seduced by Zangya for a more consistent source of Intel on the Ginyus actions

That... that is a bit weirder than, off-hand:
  • Postulating that Cooler to some degree or other is using Jeice as a very deep cover plant in his shithead brother's premier bruiser force.
  • Musing over how viable plastic surgery to round out Zangya's ears might be.
  • Considering 'secret sister/relative' as a cover story for Zangya.
Or any of the other myriad interpretations I was hoping would be self-evident with a bit o' consideration.
Has it occurred to Broly that he could potentially wish for Planet Vegeta to be rebuilt along with its population? Unless their's a time window you need to wish within for the population to be restored, it....sounds like something that Broly would be quite interested in-character.
According to the wiki's, we can't bring back the population of Vegeta unless we can somehow use both Shenron and Porunga simultaneously to bypass their limitations or we find out about the Black Star Dragonballs and use those. Prior to their upgrades (which is a really interesting thing to note), Shenron can bring back more than one person but he can't bring back people who died more than a year prior to his summoning so he can't do it. Porunga can bring back a person regardless of their time of death but he can only bring back one person per wish.
That... that is a bit weirder than, off-hand:
  • Postulating that Cooler to some degree or other is using Jeice as a very deep cover plant in his shithead brother's premier bruiser force.
  • Musing over how viable plastic surgery to round out Zangya's ears might be.
  • Considering 'secret sister/relative' as a cover story for Zangya.
Or any of the other myriad interpretations I was hoping would be self-evident with a bit o' consideration.

But I am a weird person so such things are to be expected
According to the wiki's, we can't bring back the population of Vegeta unless we can somehow use both Shenron and Porunga simultaneously to bypass their limitations or we find out about the Black Star Dragonballs and use those. Prior to their upgrades (which is a really interesting thing to note), Shenron can bring back more than one person but he can't bring back people who died more than a year prior to his summoning so he can't do it. Porunga can bring back a person regardless of their time of death but he can only bring back one person per wish.
We could always find out about the original Super Dragon Balls, those are supposed to be a lot better then the Namekian Dragonballs, with none of the limitations the namekian versions have. Besides the Black Star Dragonballs, if they exist, are useless right now and will remain as such until Kami and Piccolo merge back together. Right now they are just useless stone spheres.
@Bob's Beard, because I want to make sure it's not too bloated before casting a vote behind it, how is this? Feels like it's pushing it, but definitely more distinct, and unsure where best to further trim so wanted to at least check if such was needed before risking pruning something of real import.

[] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
- - - [] - Before you leave you'll check in with Bulma. You need to go back to Cooler, but you're not going to abandon her without a word again. You'll assuage any worries she might have about Zangya with a reminder of why you find her captivating and maybe materializing her something nice.
- - - [] - To present Zangya to Cooler you'll need to debrief her and learn what other skills, abilities, information, and inclinations she has -- and how she can best be made useful to you. Perhaps she can be hidden as a sister of Salza's, as the resemblance is rather canny?
- - - [] - Zangya may have been a Galaxy Soldier, but that doesn't mean she's up to PTO standards in matters non-martial. You'll go over the basics of behaviour, personnel, and keeping a low profile she will need to know.
Why do we even want to bring the Saiyans back anyway? They are generally weaker than most standard grunt of PTO unless Cooler go out of their way to cultivate them, and barring some genetic mutants like Broly or extenuating circumstances as DBZ cast, they're not particularly exceptional warriors, and their so called pride would make them difficult to keep in line.

As far as Zangya goes, I can't imagine needing much camouflage unless we do something to give her scrutiny. Even elf ear can be hand waved as her being the same race as Towa, which would play into her magical ability.
[] - Ignore her in favor of your Lord. Zangya is patently unable to be a threat to you, and you've waited long enough to return to where you belong; she'll follow you to Cooler's side, or she'll perish as she becomes worthless to you.
- - - [] - Before you leave you'll check in with Bulma. You need to go back to Cooler, but you're not going to abandon her without a word again. You'll assuage any worries she might have about Zangya with a reminder of why you find her captivating and maybe materializing her something nice.
- - - [] - To present Zangya to Cooler you'll need to debrief her and learn what other skills, abilities, information, and inclinations she has -- and how she can best be made useful to you. Perhaps she can be hidden as a sister of Salza's, as the resemblance is rather canny?
- - - [] - Zangya may have been a Galaxy Soldier, but that doesn't mean she's up to PTO standards in matters non-martial. You'll go over the basics of behaviour, personnel, and keeping a low profile she will need to know.
Yeah, 's fine.
[] - Vote Updated further along

Gets us back to Cooler, hopefully keeps Bulma happy enough (no way she doesn't know about Zangya even if we just leave now, let's be real), and gets Zangya prepped for being our first flunky/minion. Potential for decent fights on occasion, and useful at high-level fights... as well as for the power link thing. We might not be doing that now, but we really should about as quickly as we can, in case we can learn to similar empower others. Being able to use our endless growth to boost, say, Cooler and the Armored Squadron? Very useful the next time a big thing happens.
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