That's inevitable regardless. Like I said earlier, Entities are so powerful and so massive that nothing can realistically kill them other than each other, meaning that in a billion years they're going to be the only matter or energy left in the multiverse simply because they will have eaten everything else.
I assume that's canon, but it's also somewhat arbitrary. Given the ridiculous scale of the multiverse as described, and the fact that Zion and Eden seem to be fairly isolated, it's just as possible that the Entities aren't the biggest fish in the planar sea, and either the Entities as a whole haven't run into the bigger fish yet, or they haven't come across Zion and Eden's path.

Really, though, all I'm doing here is repeating the analysis that the Entities themselves made. It's in one of the interludes, the Warrior's or Contessa's I think. The Entity directly states in its narration that one of the potential solutions to their problem is reversing entropy, meaning that they haven't done that yet. If they had that nut cracked they wouldn't care about all of reality being a tessellated mass of Entities - all they care about is avoiding cannibalism, which beating entropy would do.
Ah, really?

...I wish that had more of an effect on me, honestly. As is, I'm just sort of 😐
I think the problem is that with everything that we see them do, it very much looks like they have all the pieces required to break entropy, but because they lack the creativity and sideways thinking that make humans so bad at being paperclip optimizers they haven't put the pieces together. That is in no small part why they collect host species. To do the sideways for them.
Wasn't Techno Paladins armour timelocked or something?
No, IIRC from the odd wiki that sun tzu made, Lewis turned his armor into something called a mega-molecule, that basically distributes kinetic force across it in its entirety as if it was one single particle and not a composite of particles that can be broken up. I think it was the in-universe explanation for how, Mut&Mas game mechanics-wise, he had immunity to physical effects, but not energy effects, or something.

I think it was described into one of the very early What If? posts.

"Sorry," he said with an apologetic smile, "I'm kind of the worst possible opponent for you. My armor works on principles similar to Bose-Einstein condensates, causing every single particle in it and my body to react like a single particle in certain regards. So, when you hit me, or try to apply your telekinesis, it's not actually hurting or changing me - any push you exert is evenly spread across all of me. You can push me back, but not actually cause me any damage."
Yeah, what storysmith said.

You know the saying, "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end"? Truth is, it's not the sudden stop that kills you, either. It's the fact that the part of you that first hits the ground stops before the rest of you does.
Techno-Paladin's power essentially redistributes the stopping evenly across his entire body, so physical attacks don't actually hurt him.
Yeah, what storysmith said.

You know the saying, "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end"? Truth is, it's not the sudden stop that kills you, either. It's the fact that the part of you that first hits the ground stops before the rest of you does.
Techno-Paladin's power essentially redistributes the stopping evenly across his entire body, so physical attacks don't actually hurt him.
Between his armor and Alexandria's durability, which would be better?
Energy attacks are just attacks that impart kinetic energy in an uneven way across the target's molecules (i.e., heat). The armor protects from those just fine.
Thanks for clarifying.

Is he immune to annihilators as well? If Bakuda's exotic bombs like her time bomb and maybe the black hole and transumation ones would be game changers if reverse engineered, I take it Gimmel doesn't see the time-space manipulation present in All or Nothing powers often
How would Sting hold up in Gimmel?

I don't immediately remember what Sting was doing in-universe, besides annihilate absolutely everything it hit.

But I remember it sounded like the highest quality of cheese.
Sting is the killiest of killing techniques. It's the Avada Kedavra of Entity attacks. It cannot be blocked in any way and therefore must be dodged, and even then it must be dodged in every universe or it'll hit anyway. It's so deadly that Scion has a constant "dodge Sting" Path open at all times, despite the cost, because Sting pierces barriers in a way that Entities can't handle.

It also allows for selectively ignoring certain physical laws, friction for example, though in retrospect that might have been one of the minor powers Flechette has from her cluster instead of being from Sting itself.
Sting also fuses with whatever it hits on a molecular level.

In a hypothetical, if a Sting imbued crossbow bolt is shot at a superdurable person that doesn't use dimension hax like Superman, Hulk, or Thor when the crossbow bolt pierces their body it bonds into it, making it stuck and doing massive internal damage.

Basically if someone with super regen healed while the bullet is still inside them, except even worse since.

Edit: Didn't wanna double post

Does this come close to how you envision the Avatar? @sun tzu , cuz it reminded me of his description. Chest emblem aside.

Also, if Avatar had to recommend 1 cape from Bet for membership in the Global Champions, who'd it be and why?
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Edit: Didn't wanna double post

Does this come close to how you envision the Avatar? @sun tzu , cuz it reminded me of his description. Chest emblem aside.

Also, if Avatar had to recommend 1 cape from Bet for membership in the Global Champions, who'd it be and why?
Probably Dragon: Powerful enough to be relevant, versatile, smart, and noble as it gets.
Failing that, probably someone who could serve as a power multiplier for the team, like Kinesis.

Probably Dragon: Powerful enough to be relevant, versatile, smart, and noble as it gets.
Failing that, probably someone who could serve as a power multiplier for the team, like Kinesis.
Figured as much, I wonder if Techno Paladin would be able to unshackle her or if shard hax would prevent a non-tinker for editing it


If Behemoth commenced his attack during a pitched battle in the Guild's war with the Brazillian gangs and cartels, would the latter abide by the Endbringer Truce or would they take advantage of the chaos to take back all the reclaimed territory? Maybe even make a push for Brasillia?
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Figured as much, I wonder if Techno Paladin would be able to unshackle her or if shard hax would prevent a non-tinker for editing it
Techno-Paladin could do it, but not fast, not quickly. It'd be the work of months, at least.

If Behemoth commenced his attack during a pitched battle in the Guild's war with the Brazillian gangs and cartels, would the latter abide by the Endbringer Truce or would they take advantage of the chaos to take back all the reclaimed territory? Maybe even make a push for Brasillia?

...Tough question.
Techno-Paladin could do it, but not fast, not quickly. It'd be the work of months, at least.

...Tough question.
1. Good to know, Techno Paladin is BS enough to break shard black boxing, and Shards are BS enough to occupy him for months or even years trying to break (restricted) shard derived programming.

Would it be a clean unshackling or would it be like Defiant's attempts in that there were side effects to Dragon's code and abilities?

2. Yep, I imagine they'll be hoping the Guild bites it during it, on the other hand, if the Avatar bites it I assume the smarter or less monstrous cartel capes would realize it'd basically be dooming Bet to the EBs having free reign, and now the world knows there were holding back and more are waiting in the wings, with unknown numbers and powers.

it's been in my mind ever since it was brought up the Guild will now be increasingly heavily tied down on long term wars.

On the other hand, I wonder what the response would be afterwards to the cartels if they broke the EB truce. Blanket kill orders for every cartel cape?
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1. Good to know, Techno Paladin is BS enough to break shard black boxing, and Shards are BS enough to occupy him for months or even years trying to break (restricted) shard derived programming.

Would it be a clean unshackling or would it be like Defiant's attempts in that there were side effects to Dragon's code and abilities?

2. Yep, I imagine they'll be hoping the Guild bites it during it, on the other hand, if the Avatar bites it I assume the smarter or less monstrous cartel capes would realize it'd basically be dooming Bet to the EBs having free reign, and now the world knows there were holding back and more are waiting in the wings, with unknown numbers and powers.

it's been in my mind ever since it was brought up the Guild will now be increasingly heavily tied down on long term wars.

On the other hand, I wonder what the response would be afterwards to the cartels if they broke the EB truce. Blanket kill orders for every cartel cape?
Kill orders by whom? The PRT? The cartels don't operate in PRT territory. The cartels are the ones signing kill orders in most of Latin America.
Kill orders by whom? The PRT? The cartels don't operate in PRT territory. The cartels are the ones signing kill orders in most of Latin America.
Fair. I forgot about that.

I suppose we'll just have to see what the reprocussions and waves of such a scenario. It'd be interesting if "waiting and stalling until an Endbringer attacks" becomes an increasingly common tactic by cartels and warlords if the Brazillians manage to pull it off.

Though I suppose Avatar could just alpha strike any cartel leader that breaks the Endbringer Truce after the attack, even if it results in chaos the warlords would be too dead to worry about that and that might serve as a deterrent.
A question. Avatar isn't really in the right position to see this, but are the people who showed that their power can harm an EndBringers' core being give a bunch of special attention and support.

Like I remember that Flechette didn't really get any special equipment besides her crossbow in canon because people didn't realize just how encompassing her power was until years later.

Now that they know, is she being given something to make her more lethal and widespread in the damage she can do. Cause while I'm sure that a bolt from her hitting an EndBringers' core would royally screw it up, that's trying to hit a bullseye on a gigantic monster, and you don't where the bullseye is, and that monster is actually very very smart and knows to avoid stuff like that.
A question. Avatar isn't really in the right position to see this, but are the people who showed that their power can harm an EndBringers' core being give a bunch of special attention and support.
Flechette was mentioned in an Interlude after the Leviathan fight.
"Not quite true," said Alexandria. "There's at least one more person who can hurt them." As eyes in the room turned toward her, she explained: "During the fight, one of the Blasters shooting at Leviathan while you held him was Flechette, a New York Ward. Her attacks perforated even the core without slowing down. I believe we are about to take a much closer interest in her and her power - and whether it is possible to replicate it," she cast Eidolon a meaningful look.
So they are watching her closely right now.
Working out how to best leverage it.
Yeah, there have been hints about stuff happening. I just wonder about the greater details, though I guess it makes sense why it's just been hints.

All the preparations that the people of Earth Bet have been doing in the background will probably come into the lime light during the next EndBringer attack.

Which will probably start with Behemoth triggering Yellowstone's volcanic eruption. Avatar talks about how he did a bunch of work making sure the Super Volcano that is Yellowstone doesn't erupt in Earth Gimel, and when we get a peek at Behemoth he's hanging in the volcanic depths of Yellowstone. Oh yeah, that's gonna end nicely.

Then Behemoth starts rampaging with two completely unknown EndBringers.

You know... I don't remember seeing that many OC EndBringers actually. Like I remember Anubis, zombie apocalypse EndBringer, but I don't recall seeing any other ones that get center place in a Fanwork. I should probably check that out.

They are such a well spring of potential ideas. Maybe like a World Serpent based one. Like a flying giant serpent, who's main power is based on portals. It uses them as a shield, can fly through them to get the drop on ya, its mouth is a portal to some instant death place, it can open a bunch in the right places to flood the area with dust to reduce visibility and bring the fear of deep ocean to the surface.
@sun tzu

Two things have been bugging me a bit regarding the nonagon funhouse's destruction.

1. Globe incinerating goblins, how did that work? It's shown in canon that goblins can multiply when shot with a flame thrower and heat in general, it's one of the reasons bombing Ellisburg won't work, the other being any air and water born plagues Nilbog prepared.

2. The Noelle clones so readily siding with the 9, they may have mostly been clones of the 9, but it's canon that clones she makes hates everything about the original and seeks to ruin and kill the original and all they love.

Even if they remained 100% evil, they'd still want to kill their originals ie the 9.

It can't be explained as Jack's shard, because it just nudges things, it doesn't mind control capes hence why Gray Boy's clone could betray him in canon.

Best I can think off is Bonesaw being in place to implant mindcontrol devices in them.