Of course. But it should be kept in mind that potential usefulness, current usefulness, and data obtained wont decide level straight out. Someone with a one-of-a-kind ability won't become a level 5 out of principle, and with the many computation resources on hand, even a one-of-a-kind esper can have "expected parameters" for a given level especially with the existience of the Parameter List. Not to mention usefulness corellating to likelyhood of achieving Level 6, which loops it right back into power strength anyways.
Best way to chart Level correlation to actual metaphysical power output is an inverted bell curve.
Level 0s are unmeasurable or otherwise untestable. Its possible that they have a really rare or exotic power but just plain don't have the metaphysical oomph to make it exist.

Level 1s are invariably extremely weak and limited in power AND function. IF they have a strong function they can barely use it due to drawbacks. Heck, some powers can't be used at all at lower levels.

Levels 2-4 have a lot of room for interpretation, you can be assessed as anywhere within the range, though the closer your power relates to conventional physics, the more likely you are to be ranked correctly.
Anyone remember the girl with the perception invisibility power? Its a pretty complex effect, but super narrow and you could easily justify it as anywhere between 2-4.
Now, remember, most of the people doing the ranking are power development schools and part of the law of the city is that you need to allocate significantly higher funding to higher level students.
Which means if you have someone with a technically potent or exotic power, but don't have the scientists to do anything with it, you really should rank them lower, because you'd otherwise throw money away.
Conversely, if you have someone with a high output power with few research applications, then you might even rank them higher than they really are, because publicity returns funding very efficiently without any infrastructure or staffing demands. Kongou is a good example, her Aero Hand creates an immensely powerful aerokinesis based rocket on contact...and nothing else. No versatility, but in terms of F=MA she can launch stuff which is unrivaled in mass and force below Level 5s. So rank her up.

Level 5 REQUIRES immense computation power and metaphysical power. Theres no doubt about their rank once they use their power for real, because once they start acting they're the most significant person on site.

I personally expect to get into level 2 the next scan after we get rid of the nosebleed, or if they do a scan and confirm that, no, this isn't actually our brain melting down from the load.

For a fun theorycraft, I'd do some projected effects for various ranks and power types.
Teleportation(measurable and easily analyzed):
-Level 0 - Inability to perform either the trajectory computations or the raw lifting power to send anything anywhere on purpose. Small objects may randomly vanish and reappear near you.
-Level 1 - Ability to teleport a small touched object to another location you are physically in contact with.
-Level 2 - Waive one of the limitations on level 1, e.g. teleporting to/from a remote point, or a larger object from one point you are touching to another.
-Level 3 - Waive an additional two limitations from level 2. E.g. Teleport a large object you are touching, or a small object you're not touching. Teleport to a specific reference point(see that guy whose power is to teleport himself directly behind his target)
-Level 4 - Major limitation waiving, so theres a lot of differences. Kuroko for instance doesn't teleport massive objects and she still needs physical contact to teleport anything, but she can sequentially teleport fast enough to 'fly', perform adjustment of orientation(pun not intended), neutralization of exit velocity, and fire her needles as fast as a semiautomatic weapon....by contrast Musujime Awaki puts a lot into teleporting large objects long distances from a distance as a standard action.
-Level 5 - Functionally unlimited teleportation, or at least, the ability to pick which limitations apply rather than being bound to a given set of limitations.

Electron Wave-particle manipulation(Meltdowner's)
-Level 0 - Nothing. Not enough power to be percievable outside of specialized equipment.
-Level 1 - Glow. Nothing more than simulating cherenkov radiation.
-Level 2 - Impossible to measure the difference from level 1 without specialized equipment.
-Level 3 - Generation of intense point heat sources at close range, gets ranked down due to inability to test its extent without slagging herself.
-Level 4 - Ability to direct the point heat sources.
-Level 5 - What we see her do in canon.

The big difference? The sheer magnitude of her ability means that what Meltdowner would need to be measured AS a level 4 pretty much from the start to ever get a fair shake. Without the Parameter List cheating by already knowing what she can do later, Mugino would probably have been stuck as level 1 "make pretty, mildly radioactive lights" without funding.
The power is too hard to control even as a level 5 really.
Its how she lost every single time.
Without the Parameter List cheating by already knowing what she can do later, Mugino would probably have been stuck as level 1 "make pretty, mildly radioactive lights" without funding.

Yep the Parameter List is pretty crazy, I mean Takitsubo was practically powerless even as a level 4 without overloading or growing as she did in the series proper but somehow they quantified her as a level 4. Course I also wouldn't put it past academy city to judge an esper's abilities by observing the aim field itself, whether via size, pattern, depth or whatever aim fields do when an esper grows in power. I mean they got the gear, as shown in the most recent update.
What your saying is that sisters noise should average about level 3 to 4 instead.
The average level for the sisters (present day) is stated to have reached level 3(Though its unknown whether they were re-classified this way), with much more leaning towards level 2 than 4 (so on the low side of 3). They also mention the average level they could expect from future clones from when they started the first time would be the power output of a level 2, meaning either the experience of previous sisters pulled them up to level 3 by control / they accounted for the extra skill and help from radio noise.
As for their control, they don't directly get help from the other sisters like level upper (maybe because it would cause brain damage or lower shelf life? IDK) or like accelerator (Perhaps only giving him calculations to use power he no longer accesses)
But it does give them the experience of all the other sisters before them, including the experience of using their abilities for much longer then any other level 2 or 3. We are talking 10's to 100's of extra years of ability usage.
They also can share atleast SOME of their calculations between sisters, as shown when they acted together vs accelerator and I think they mention it another time too.
So for the sisters its more of the control / efficiency is really great for their level, but low power output. A normal electro-master with their power output wouldn't be able to do the things they do.

Also even with all that experience nothing they can do with their ability is particularly useful / powerful anyway, so it would be understandable even if their level was level 2. The only misaka clone who could do any basic hacking (like simple electronic locks for example) already had the raw power of a level 3, and could see EM waves without goggles. The windmill thing wasn't hacking, it was just adding power to the system to change their wind speed based on what one clone was seeing to disrupt accelerators calculations.

Provably false, we didn't gain too much info but in the flashback episode featuring Uiharu and Kuroko we know Kuroko shouldn't be level 4 making her level 3 at the highest, at that level she was able to comfortably teleport Uiharu outside of a lockdowned building just outside of it while facing the floor under duress, having Uiharu turn roughly 180 degrees as well. Her sole noted weakness being self teleportation.
Is it actually stated that she is level 3 or not level 4? I remember her saying she can't teleport herself but I don't remember her stating she was level 3 or not level 4. I can't check season 1 episode 5 for the anime version of it at the moment. Keep in mind that level 4 is a pretty damn big gap itself.
Though admittedly it is possible that they downplay the ability to teleport things into people, in which case the leveling may be tougher. Or it may be tougher than I expected to teleport something into someone and much easier to teleport into something like air (considering few teleporters of such low level its hard to say how difficult this is). In which case the minimum and maximum for level 2 and 3 would also go up.

EDIT: Just re-watched the episode on netflix, level doesn't seem to be mentioned at all except what school she will be going to (which indicates at least level 3). Can't bother finding and reading the source material myself but from what I googled it doesn't seem to be mentioned there either.

-Level 5 - Functionally unlimited teleportation, or at least, the ability to pick which limitations apply rather than being bound to a given set of limitations.
Taotie is supposedly an example of a level 5 teleporter. Considering Move Point was almost to level 5 it seems a decent example.
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The average level for the sisters (present day) is stated to have reached level 3

Yes but my point still stands even having a fraction of the sisters capability, say, generating 50,000 volts at minimum, minimum being basically level 2, is a bit more than, "more than, but barely anymore useful than, bending a spoon". Comparatively there's Nao, either a level 1 or 0, probably 1 with provably existing powers, who could create a single spark with alot of focus. Perhaps the power range of all the levels are bigger than we considered?

At any rate it's probably due to level 3 being considered "elite" making level 2 espers and below being stated to be lacking in worth, making said descriptors for ranking a bit lowballed.

Taotie is supposedly an example of a level 5 teleporter. Considering Move Point was almost to level 5 it seems a decent example.

Yeah I can see that but I also feel that would be level 5 as in "just breaking into level 5" with the qualifier being power, that is, vectorless (apparently) transportation, but with a limitation of swapping the locations of two things. Comparitively a skilled level 5 teleporter could just be a combo between Awaki and Kuroko, touchless instant teleportation with a weight limit bordering on tonnes and a distance limit about the size of the city. Or possibly warping space constantly and making portals.

Honestly the more I think about the more I believe the difference between the beginning and ends of each level are bigger than I thought.
Honestly the more I think about the more I believe the difference between the beginning and ends of each level are bigger than I thought.
Well, Mental Out and Meltdowner are on the low end of Level 5, as a powerful application of a phenomenon.
Railgun straddles the middle, as the controller of a fundamental force of physics.
Then Accelerator manipulates fundamental Mathematics, while Dark Matter outright brings exotic phenomenon into existence(though I'd note he's a lot more limited than fanon makes him out to be, the Dark Matter must be designed and created, he can make substances which have properties that don't actually exist in reality/have not been discovered/cannot be created in significant amounts, but he cannot make substances with arbitrary properties, because the Dark Matter must still be logically consistent within his knowledge of the world)
Yes but my point still stands even having a fraction of the sisters capability, say, generating 50,000 volts at minimum, minimum being basically level 2, is a bit more than, "more than, but barely anymore useful than, bending a spoon".
Level 2 being more powerful than bending a spoon, but not useful enough to be considered good for day to day life.
The reason I said "around the level of bending a spoon" is because that is the canonical example power of a level 1. Admittedly this isn't suppose to be the max power of level 1 we don't know how many times more powerful it can become before it reaches level 2, but it doesn't seem to be much. I sort of think as level 1 powers at the level that you can show you have a power, but the academy city seems to think it won't ever be useful.

Also not sure where you got "more than, but barely anymore useful than, bending a spoon".
If thats suppose to be representative of what I said I didn't use barely, I just noted its more powerful than bending a spoon, but not powerful enough to be considered useful for day to day life. Which to my understanding are the only concrete things we can say about the level wince level 1 is 'spoon bending' and 3 is 'useful in day to day life'

50,000 volts is like the power of a taser (though how quickly they tire and how they can use it differ). I think it would be fair for a persons power which is basically a short range tazer to be a level 2 (especially since they might tire too fast to use it more than once).

Yeah I can see that but I also feel that would be level 5 as in "just breaking into level 5"
thats kind of what I meant it as anyway. And level 5 goes up until your basically god so anything more powerful than Taotie would be level 5. I was just making the remark that considering what we know of move point and the coffins that the start of level 5 is around there. Though if you wanted to scale a level 5 teleporter to the other level 5's then your example would be fair.

Techniquely I think all the level 5's are suppose to be low end, just a difference of super super low end and low end. For example when misaka goes through level 6 shift she seems to become the most powerful esper before she even reaches 6% of level 6.

Btw I found some more examples of 'thinker' abilities that are level 3.
Houjou Arei
Can hear emotions, honestly our power is probably better as long as the nose-bleeds aren't particularly debilitating. Level 3

Sakibasu Yuri
Carbon search, lets her measure the carbon isotope content of an item. Useful for appraising antiques and artwork, and detecting if food is spoiled. Atleast level 3 since she goes to tokiwadai.

Just incase anyone wants more data on what a level 3 thinker power looks like. Between these examples and Mii it doesn't look particularly difficult to reach.
Yep the Parameter List is pretty crazy, I mean Takitsubo was practically powerless even as a level 4 without overloading or growing as she did in the series proper but somehow they quantified her as a level 4. Course I also wouldn't put it past academy city to judge an esper's abilities by observing the aim field itself, whether via size, pattern, depth or whatever aim fields do when an esper grows in power. I mean they got the gear, as shown in the most recent update.
Well Takitsubo is special case in that she was able to manipulate AIM fields if she could be developed to level 5 it is theorized that she could swap, give and remove esper powers obsoleting the power curriculum.
Which is something that you don't have because you don't match what the Parameter List states about you.

Anyways, locking the vote and I'll start on the update relatively soon
[X][Senpai] Uiharu Kazari, the branch's tech support, she also goes to your school!
[X][Afternoon] Go to the Judgement Office
Judgement Office 17, District 7
Starting towards the door of the gym, you quickly pause, before returning to the Doctor's side. The young woman looks up, a hand sliding through her hair to pull it from her face, an odd look on her face as you press on. "Thank you for your assistance today Doctor Kori!" You say quickly, bowing to the older woman.

With a soft chuckle and a roll of her eyes, the doctor reaches out, ruffling your hair. "You are welcome, Hanako. Now..." The woman pauses for a moment, before nodding to herself. "Actually, we might as well get this out of the way since I am thinking about it anyways." The woman continues, pulling a small notebook and a pen out of her coat. "Whie, yes, this is your official System Scan, and your next one is going to be in two weeks, there are still many questions I have about your abilities." Her pen dances across the paper, before she quickly pulls the page free, passing it over to you. "Day after tomorrow. I shall pick up after you finish your classes and we will go to a more private lab that I have access to where we can test your abilities more accurately."

You blink at that, but quickly nod. "Given the nature of your ability, I am not sure that Level 1 is an accurate assessment. However... given the current equipment..." She gave a dry look over the gym, and you had a feeling that she wasn't impressed. "Well, we shall need to develop some new tests to see how your ability functions. Once we do that we can see about getting you a true rating. Now, run along. You have friends to go and brag to don't you?" Nodding, you give another bow, before hurrying out the gym, and out to the bus stop at the curb.

Now that the System Scan is over, you have the rest of the afternoon free. Well, essentially free. You do need to stop over at the Judgement Office at some point, both to show off that you Level Shifted during your System Scan, but also because you do have some paperwork that you need to do.

It's one of the main things that you do at the office, that and helping Uiharu-senpai with whatever researching she is doing for Kuroko or Konori. You take a few moments while waiting to try and decide between heading to the Office or heading to the Arcade...

Eventually, however, your more studious nature ends up winning out, and you might as well get your work at the Judgement done before you do anything else. As a plus, you know that Uiharu-Senpai has her tests later today, since she's in a higher grade, so you might get a chance to see her before she goes in for her own tests.

The bus ride from your school to the office passes quickly and easily, and it's not long at all before you are skipping down the steps of the bus and off towards the office only a block away from the bus stop. You go up the stairs, two at a time, and quickly enter the building. The inside of the Judgement office doesn't look all that different from the really any other building in the area, other than the fact that for some reason almost all the lights are out...?

You stumble through the darkened room, feeling along the wall for the lightswitch. Ah, there! A flick, and you are still in darkness. Another flick, still dark.


That would be why all the lights are out.

You stumble through the rest of the room, finally finding the familiar door to your Senpai's office, and slipping through the door. "Take a left, then another left in 5 meters." Uiharu says, eyes locked onto a laptop that she has cradled in her lap, one hand up to an earpiece in her ear.

From the sound of it, Uiharu is giving someone directions, all things considered it's probably Kuroko, the highest level member of your Judgement Branch, and easily the most enthusiastic member you have too. She's always coming to and fro, going here and there. You don't think you've ever really seen her idle for more than three or four moments at best.

You kind of...
[ ][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[ ][Kuroko] Are entirely confused by her. She's always moving so fast, going from one thing to the next without a moment's rest. You have no idea how she hasn't gone insane.
[ ][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.

Annoyingly, with the lights out like this, you can't do any of your paperwork, or really help with anything without being able to see.



You don't have anything else to do, so you can't stop the smile on your face as you reach into your bag and pull out the bar of chocolate that you had gotten from Doctor Kori.


Hopefully it won't take too long for the power to come back on.

I couldn't figure out how to fit these into the chapter in an organic way, so here's the other votes...

[ ][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[ ][Konori] Feel like Konori is babying you, which annoys you.
[ ][Konori] Thinks that she works too hard, and needs to relax more

[ ][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[ ][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[ ][Yanagisako] Really like her! She seems so experienced and mature and stuff with all the talk about boys, even if you don't really get it

And lastly, you...
[ ][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
[ ][Uiharu] ...It's not that you don't like her, but you don't like having to have a partner, especially one who never really goes out and stops bad guys and stuff
[ ][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
A suggestion - please include the winning vote options at the top of the new story post. Inside a spoiler or invisitext if you must, but please include them.

[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
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[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude

I guess I'll go with not crushing on senpai. *Sigh*

Kuroko is... a lot, so sure. I remember Konori enough to know she's got her head on straight, she just runs into Misaka being Misaka in the show, but she's otherwise pretty good. And I don't even know who Yanagi is, but this sounds fitting from the description of her.
[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...

Being the kouhai really appeals to me for some reason.
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
A suggestion - please include the winning vote options at the top of the new story post. Inside a spoiler or invisitext if you must, but please include them.
I'll edit them in when I get on my lunch later.
And I'll try to remember to put ffg h eff m in all updates going forward.

I guess I'll go with not crushing on senpai. *Sigh*

Kuroko is... a lot, so sure. I remember Konori enough to know she's got her head on straight, she just runs into Misaka being Misaka in the show, but she's otherwise pretty good. And I don't even know who Yanagi is, but this sounds fitting from the description of her.
Well Yanagi shows up like 3 times total. Once in a flashback where she's talking about getting a new boyfriend, one time where she's at the judgement office lounging around, and she shows up in the Big Spider arc, not at Judgement.
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...

You know the last option I feel like we could become a Yandere or something sound so intresting
[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
[X][Kuroko] Are entirely confused by her. She's always moving so fast, going from one thing to the next without a moment's rest. You have no idea how she hasn't gone insane.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude

Business kouhai is go I guess
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...