[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude
[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude

Like the quest, interesting and different. Very curious as to how the relationship of our Kihari and the MC will go. Because it could be all lies or there could be something genuine mixed in.

"Hanako." She says simply, and you quickly hop up, hurrying over to the scientist. The petite woman (though she still towers over you) gives you a small smile, one hand affectionately ruffling your hair, "Good Morning Hanako. Are you ready for your exams?" Encadre: Insight 5 - PASS

"Yes ma'am." You say politely, as the scientist turns to lead you behind the curtain. As always, there is something about the way that Doctor Kori acts that just... To be honest, you don't know. Just something about the way she acts feels strange to you.

Here's one of the big warning signs with the doc - just that yeah - something is off as shown with the insight pass. The question unanswered if whether the something off is actually bad by itself. Some people can be off the expected - but that by itself does not a danger make.

Entering into one of the small curtained off sections, you spot a familiar looking machine. "Now, this isn't your first time using one of Kreskin's Precognition Tests," Doctor Kori begins with a sigh, "But you know how these tests go." Yes. You do. You don't know the specific reasons why, but the Doctors are required to explain the tests being given before each one, something about reinforcing the concept of the exams is supposed to help bring out latent abilities or something like that.

It keeps coming to this balance point - Kihara here may get past other people's perceptions because she hovers at this crossroads. We are told that scientists act quite bored when it comes to Level Zeros - and you can see that with the sigh. At the same time - the sigh could be exasperation because both of the two know that both of them know that no the explanation isn't neccesary and Kihara sympathizing with her... ward?

Again and again you press the buttons, your mind slowly collapsing in on itself until there you can see nothing but the buttons. Finally, after an hour of sitting still and pressing buttons, all four of the little lights go dim. "Hmmm... Interesting..." Somehow, just those two words send a chill down your spine. You look over to the doctor, who is staring at one of the many machines pointed in your direction, as she jots down notes on a small pad. Hoepfully, whatever it is that the woman finds so interesting is a good thing.

Also a point here is that - we can't discount the background of our view point. She wants to trust Kori Kihara - so she may overlook stuff. On the other hand - well she doesn't have a background that would make trusting adults a good idea does she? Our insight score makes me lean that if we think that something is bad it's actually bad. But the possibility is there for taking something iffy and blowing it up to something outright dangerous when it actually isn't. But only a small possibility.

Until - the pain peaks, higher and stronger and more than any pain you've ever felt before, which is actually saying something given the events that happened before you came to the city. "And... time." Doctor Kori says, as you blink, looking up at the woman. Has... has it already been... The woman gives you a bit of an odd look as she stands up, but there is a bright smile on the Doctor's face. "Thank you for your assistance with today's testing. You may go and collect your payment, however-" The Doctor's eyes and voice go hard and sharp as steel. "Do not speak of what happened here today. Understood?"

So context because this is one of the places where there are multiple factors and we don't know which ones Kori is thinking of.

1. The other woman works with the scientists - and I somewhat doubt this is a one time thing only. In this setting I do think it's confirmed that there's back room nasty shenanigans between scientists. The doc might be reacting this way so that she doesn't have to worry about anyone trying to steal her newly revealed to be shiny and interesting test subject. At the same time it's Academy City - and Kori is a Kihara so it can also be that Kori's Hinako has been revealed to be shiny and interesting which means that yeah if you care about the test subject personally you probably do want to keep that info locked down.

2. The odd look versus smiling. Odd look being concerned because bleeding while the doc is smiling is bad. Odd look being something not as benign as concern can be anything from nuetral to slightly good to still bad. And given that the other woman is specifically noted to give the odd look as she's standing up and not prior... I don't think it's concern. Which further puts a question to 1.

2b. Because we don't know why Doc thought it important to put the quash then and there. Was it because the bleeding could be commented on, or just the sudden spark of information. I think the bleeding because the woman would not have been close enough to see the data I don't think. But since Doc only says something because of the odd look - it might be partially in reaction to that look as well. We don't know, we are the lab rat and we don't know enough about the Doc to say what she's doing, and we don't know enough about the lab culture and how she interacts with it to try and narrow down the possibilities.

It's moments like these that you don't understand. The Doctor is normally so nice and sweet and almost saccharine, but occasionally something happens and you see something else... you would almost say Someone else.

And this - is the interesting part given the insight score. Because I don't think you need a score of 5 to notice this change of behavior. Saying it is distinctly almost someone else though... that might be a hint of two modes in play. Which - caring for Hinako and still being very interested in the data she provides are not mutually exclusive yet.

You've never brought it up with the Doctor, more than a little worried about seeing this side of her pointed at you, but there is a part of you that wonders which side of her is the real side? The kind hearted Doctor who practically raised you over the two years and change that you have lived in Academy City, or this terrifying presence that seems to instantly dwarf everyone in the room.

The fact that both sides might be true is something that is not brought up as an option.

None the less, the terrified girl nods quickly, before almost running out of the makeshift room. The pressure is suddenly gone, and the Doctor gives you an affectionate look, "Come here for a moment," Hoping up, you feel something wet on your lips. A flick of the tongue gives you a start at the coppery taste. "The data that that last test gave was truly fascinating, Hanako. I wish you hadn't pushed yourself so hard though."

Stepping close the woman pulls a handkerchief out of a pocket and quickly runs it along the bottom of your face. The cloth comes back red and bloody. She quickly cleans your face, before handing you a couple small candies. "Those will handle the copper taste. Please, while I am happy with the data you have gotten me, do not injure yourself again." You nod, not really sure what she is actually talking about, but agreeing with the woman is the easiest way to handle things.

So again 1. - Hanako goes to Kihara, not the other way around even with Hanako bleeding enough that Kihara wanted to mop their face. That always happens. And is a bit of a red flag to me because yeah that is how the scientist with a lab rat would treat them.

1b. That Kihara feels comfortable enough to step into Hanako's personal space without asking could be just familiar with the child and so does so to wipe off blood or again lab rat.

1c. Given who the Kihara's are I don't think that they will carry around hankerchief's for the fun of it or to usually share. So that's probably Kori's - and... like I said it's a mix.

2. At the same time - the pressure was focused on the other person and while there are more sinister reasons for that there is no denying that the scientists of Academy City are dangerous and that the other scientists would know it - information control is important.

3. This isn't the only time that the doc goes - oh this data is great but please don't hurt yourself for it. Manipulation or truth? And truth because she cares about Hanako or truth because she wants a steady stream of data not having her test subject die before she is finished?

The Doctor is a lot more polite to this assistant as he gathers up his cards and table to leave, which means that you have just two tests left for the morning. Telekinesis and Psychometry. You watch the Doctor go over her notes and the device for a few minutes before she nods to herself and clicks the button on the remote again.

More polite is likely because nothing happened - which does nothing to explain Doc's actual reason to go - well Kihara.

"Now, under normal circumstances, once the testing ends when all cards have been drawn. However, due to the data that I have been gathering today, I am going to have you go through this test a second time."

You don't know whether to think it frustrating or lucky, but unlike the other two tests you have done this morning, nothing out of the ordinary happens while you try and see the true nature of the cards.

So something I've noticed is that Kori does explain what's going on. Could be because explaining apparently helps with results - or because she's a scientist and she enjoys science and people share what they enjoy. Lab rat or treating as non lab rat.

Two more tries. Two more failures...

Was it all for naught? Was spending your money on that MP3 file a waste? You... Don't know. You do know that everything that you have tried today has been a failu-"Good job." what. It takes a moment for your mind to parse the words that the Doctor said. "You may not have succeeded at moving the Protractor today, however you have given me truly fascinating data. I'm proud of you. Don't let yourself get too down, either. There is still one more test."

Again manipulation or genuine?

...The only problem is that just doing that was exhausting. However, you know that you can open up any of these boxes now. Stumbling up to your feet, you walk around the table, trying to get a better look at the boxes... You don't know if you'll be able to do that again, not... not without at the very least getting something to eat. "You've done well, Hanako." Kori speaks up, drawing your attention to the scientist for the first time since you started looking at the boxes. "Don't push yourself too hard. We can stop this whenever you are ready. You have gotten me a lot of data today."

And there's the second time that Kori says to not hurt yourself. This happens before the test even ends so at the very least Kori isn't the burn up test subject type. She's long term ... or she cares. She pays enough attention to know what type of chocolate Hanako likes.

"Extraordinary. Truly, truly extraordinary." The Doctor says as she watches you, a soft smile on her face, before she pulls out the remote a last time and summons forth a final assistant. The man enters, but as he moves for the chair, the doctor shakes her head. "No, leave it." Pausing, the man turns and takes the table and the boxes. Once he is gone, the doctor turns to you, motioning over next to her. "Bring the chair."

Grabbing the chair, you quickly come to sit next to the doctor. "I don't have the words to try and explain the data that you have provided for me today." She says, pausing for a moment and bringing a finger to her lips. "Or, perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that the data that you have showed me here today goes against so much of what we thought that we understood about the nature of Espers and their abilities." Turning the screen so that you can see it, she first shows you a short video of you sitting there, staring intently at the girl brought in for the Telepathy exam, before your nose suddenly started bleeding.

So the fact the man took away everything - without more people coming points that the scientists don't usually bring their test subject over to show the data. So either Doc is a big believer in that understanding what's going on helps test results... or she is genuinely interested in showing Hanako. Which given the second paragraph - well if you're a scientist and seen something interesting - you talk about it to those you care about because it's interesting and you want to share.

Or gloat.

You sit there, looking almost dull and dim in the darker light, while the girl across from you sit there, wrapped in what almost looks like a pulsing ball of light. "This is an AIM field Camera." The Doctor explains, "We only have about a half dozen of them across the city so far, based off the studies of some girl's esper ability... AIM stalker or something of the like. Regardless, it interprets AIM fields into a visible medium onscreen." The video starts to play, and you watch as you stare at the girl, staring harder and harder, then - a flicker of light right at the level of your head. Something begins to bubble outwards, wavering and flickering almost like it wasn't really there at all.

So big question here - how and why did our Doc have an AIM field Camera this day of all days. If she's a big shot - she didn't have to go to a second rate school for testing day. If she isn't a big shot and this is her big day to have one of the six cameras - it's probably not a coincidence that it's the day that Hanako is having her testing and that Kihara is testing at her school .

"There is still a lot of study that I will require of you in the future. Many questions that are going to be asked, and that need to be answer of your... hmmm... A.I.M Roulette. Yes, that is what I shall call your ability." The Doctor says with a smile far too large for her face. It is a downright terrifying look on the woman. The moment quickly passes however, as she turns to you. "ah, yes. Hanako, you may go." She says with a soft wave of a hand. "You have most certainly reached Level 1 today, even if that is only in the borrowed usage of Psychometry. I will have your updated System Scan card sent to your dorm this evening along with this six month's stipend, increased now that you are a Level1."

The mad scientist part is what Hanako finds terrifying and rightly so. But honestly this entire section seems to be the mad scientist trying to share what they love with someone they care about. Along side exposition for the audience.

The doc might be a terrifying Kirhara that cares only for science and actually has decent people skills for manipulating people. Or she could actually care. Right now I'm leaning to both being true. The doc will put efforts in to keep the other scientists away from her newly revealed shiny and interesting subject. At the same time I don't think that's the only reason. It's been two and a half years - and Kihara showed up with a very rare type of equipment. If she had an interest in us before - she was the one that put us into the system. It is much easier to disappear someone not in the system. So if she noticed something prior she's been unusually patient for a mad scientist model that includes Level UP and putting many people in comas for more processing power.

I think both sides are genuine. We are an interesting test subject - and that the doc does care. Those are not mutually exclusive things to feel. The question is which trumps the other when the chips are down - Hanako or the science. And we are going to find out one day.
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[X][Kuroko] Are kind of a little... well, scared isn't the right word? Intimidated? Maybe. She has such drive, drive that dwarfs even the drive you had to leave your home... You don't know how to handle such passion in everything she does.
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't understand the weird things that Yanagisako talks about the rare times that she does come in to the office
[X][Uiharu] Really respect your Senpai, she works hard and always has a super positive attitude

I'll admit it; I'm a sucker for power-copiers of any kind. I'm really curious to read how our MC will develop. MC's got some of the best possible friends, that's for sure; if we're in trouble, our friends will come running.
[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
[X][Kuroko] Admire that about her, she has so much energy, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need
[X][Konori] Respect the Captain, Konori Mii. She's brave and smart and you want to be like her when you are older.
[X][Yanagisako] Don't really like Yanagisako... She's never around, and even when she is around she just jokes and lays about without actually doing any judgement work
[X][Uiharu] Wish that she would pay more attention to you! You just... She makes you feel funny. Not like in a haha way, but not in a bad way. You don't understand how she makes you feel and that kind of frightens you, but when she pays attention to you everything is so amazing that you don't know if you even want it to stop...
if voting is still open and this isn't dead.