[X][backstory] Backstory 2
[X][Age] 10
[X][Name] Hanako Mishima
[X][LvUP] Listen?
[X][Appearance] Murderhobo of Nod's suggestion
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Lunaryon on Aug 22, 2019 at 7:34 PM, finished with 25 posts and 16 votes.
Alright, it's been 23 hours and the leading vote is 8 ahead of the next vote, which is identical except for the name...

So Hanako Mishima it is!

Can I get a d15 for nudge.
Arriving at the System Scan
You hold in your hands something that is already starting to become an Urban Legend. Something... that if it is true might just be the answer to all your problems. Especially...

Well... Some of the older students that live in the same dorm as you like to talk to you about how Academy City does sometimes kick out Child Errors who never develop their Esper abilities, and how it's only a matter of time until...

Until you are sent back home. Back to him... back to her...

You try and shake the thoughts from you head, as trembling fingers slowly click your headphones into the MP3 player.

All you have to do is press the button and then... everything will change.

You flinch back from the harsh metal noise, but continue to listen as you gather the last of your things and head out. If there is any one thing to be thankful of... it is that the sound is so horrible and so painful to listen to that you are certainly awake now. You take one last look around to room that you haven't forgotten anything...

[ ][Judgement] Oh! Your armband for Judgement. You can't forget that... Even if you pretty much never get to actually go out and help people cause you are a Level Zero...
[ ][Judgement] No, there doesn't seem to be anything you've forgotten.

Having finished up your final check for anything that you might have forgotten or missed, you are quickly out the door, of course making a quick stop to lock up. While you might live in District 7, the particular neighborhood that your apartment is in isn't... it isn't the greatest. There are a lot of big, strong, and angry Level Zeros who live near here.

Skill-Out. Gangs of Level Zeros who are most well known for attacking and beating up low level espers. There is one Particular Skill-Out gang near where you live...

[ ][Skill-Out] Big Spider
- It's like a very, very angry Biker Gang.
[ ][Skill-Out] Crouching Tiger
- A group of martial artists and like Kung Fu fighters, in particular they pick on those who can't fight back and steal their money
[ ][Skill-Out] Thunder Fall
- ...You don't know a lot about this Skill-Out gang, but they seem a lot better off than most of the others. They all have more expensive clothes and carry laptops.
[ ][Skill-Out] Devil Brigade
- Loud. Very, very loud. The ones near your apartment talk about how they have a Level 4 as their 'Banjo' whatever that means.

Descending down the stairs from your apartment, you pause for a moment, as you spot a couple members of the gang, leaning against one of the apartment doors and talking... You carefully move away from the scary people, keeping your head down and trying not to draw their attention as you head to the bus stop.

Thankfully, the buses in Academy City run fast, and they run on time, so it isn't long at all before you hop on board and away from the gangsters. Zooming along, its only a few minutes before you reach your stop.

[ ][School] Minamikawa Middle School
[ ][School] Sakugawa Middle School

Hopping off the bus, you give another yawn, but you aren't the only one. People are slowly starting to arrive one by one, and many of them look just as exhausted as you are. Slowly, the gathering people make their way to the school's Gymnasium, which has already been sectioned off to set up for the day's testing.

You can already see that people are being sorted and spit into various groups. Electromasters go there, telekinetics over in that direction, teleports need to gather that way...

Everyone is separated and sorted not only by their powers, but also by their levels. Because there is no point in trying to get a teleporter to read a person's mind. No matter how hard you try, or how far you push yourself, whatever your Esper ability is is what it is. Espers only get the one power. It is impossible to have multiple powers.

That is just how it is for Espers.

Level Zeros like you however? No, you get all the tests.

For all that it frustrates you, having to sit through all of those many, many tests... You do kind of understand. What if you were actually a telekinetic, and they didn't do the tests for that? You are a Level Zero, no one knows what power you have hidden inside of you, so you have to go through everything you can to make it all the more likely for you to finally awaken.

There are already so many of your fellow Level Zeros who have gathered here... having woken in the early hours of the morning so that they can be weighed and measured by the doctors and scientists in their white lab coats.

System Scan days are the hardest days for you to try and keep up your hopes... Especially when you see the various scientists who are running the tests, and the coldly bored looks on their faces. The looks that ask 'Why are we here? We could be doing something actually important with our time' they all seem to say.

It's clear that they don't care, that they don't believe in any of the people here.

They don't think that any of you have the potential to raise out of what you are now... And that's just really sad.

One by one names are called. One by one the people step on the other side of the curtain. You don't know if it is intentional or not, but something about how all of this is set up just... Everyone around you seems hopeless.

Around a half dozen of the Level Zeros have had their names called, and already the two Level Fours at your school have come and gone, and even the Level 3s are nearly done.

Little by little the students start to disappear, after all it takes the same amount of time to test a Level Zero as it does to test four Electromasters, due to the differences in the tests.

Finally, after so long, "Hanako Mishima." One of the many scientists call out...

Here it is...

Time for your System Scan.
[ ][Stats] Plan format
You have 25 Points to spend on your Attributes
All Attributes begin allocation with a score of 1
Except Mana, which starts at 0
You cannot raise any stat higher than 8
Mana cannot be raised to higher than 5
StrengthYour Physical might, how strong you are and how much you can lift. Part of Health
AgilityYour flexibility and how fast you are
EnduranceHow fit you are, how long you can run and how hardy you are
Part of health
IntelligenceHow smart and learned you are
InsightYour Perception and Wit, how fast you think and how hard it is to trick you
Charismahow likeable you are
BeliefEsper Stat
ManaMagic Stat
WillpowerMental Strength, how hard it is to shake your world view or displace your faith
I see nerd gang in mind power city with an I t and mind power stat. I now instantly want to go all in on mind stuff for maximum geekitude.
I'm not sure what I'm in favor of, but a Low/High/Avg split in all the areas seems appealing. Though getting all the special stats up is a nice idea too.

Like my first though was High Str, Low Agi, Avg End - Low Int, High Insight, Avg Charisma - Avg Belief, Low Mana, High Willpower.

Or maybe switch around Willpower and Belief.

Or we could go all in on one set. Special all in leaves us with 7 points for everything else though. Or knock a point off each and have 10 to split between the other six or something, idk.
[X][Judgement] Oh! Your armband for Judgement. You can't forget that... Even if you pretty much never get to actually go out and help people cause you are a Level Zero...

[X][Skill-Out] Thunder Fall
[X][School] Sakugawa Middle School

[X] Plan: I WANNA BELIEF (Edited)
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Intelligence 4
Insight 4
Charisma 4
Belief 8
Mana 0
Willpower 4

I hope I did this right....
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I thought that point was a freebie tho? Save, Mana.
All stats start at 1, except mana, then you add points. I'm fairly sure. That's what "starts allocation with 1 point in all stats (except mana)" ends up meaning when I read it.

It says we have 25 points to spend and start at 1, so... Somehow you still ended up spending 29 points. Which makes no sense either way really.

Strength 2
Agility 2
Endurance 2
Intelligence 4
Insight 4
Charisma 4
Belief 8
Mana 0
Willpower 7

is valid. +3 points in the phsyical section, +9 in the mental, and +13 in the special = 25 points.


Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Intelligence 4
Insight 4
Charisma 4
Belief 8
Mana 0
Willpower 4

Weak across the board by academy city standards still, but not near-crippled at only 2 points in our physical state.
[X][Judgement] Oh! Your armband for Judgement. You can't forget that... Even if you pretty much never get to actually go out and help people cause you are a Level Zero...

[X][Skill-Out] Thunder Fall
[X][School] Sakugawa Middle School


I hope I did this right....
By my count you spent 21points, so you have 3 more to spend
So something like...
[X][Judgement] No, there doesn't seem to be anything you've forgotten.
I'm not sold on judgement, I'm not against it either but being perfectly normal is fine with me.

[X][Skill-Out] Devil Brigade
Classic delinquents sound okay, its not big spider but I dont know if we wanna do that I'm down with switching though.

[X][School] Sakugawa Middle School
Hey is the school we go to? Or just where the tests are taking place, because I don't really want to be a hanger-on for the plot of railgun. On the otherhand meeting canon characters would be fun.

And the stat layout.
[X][Stats] Plan Butterfly
Strength 2
Agility 6
Endurance 3
Intelligence 4
Insight 6
Charisma 7
Belief 1
Mana 0
Willpower 4

Belief is the esper stat so I didnt put anything into it. Figure as a lvl 0 we could just grind that stat to make it more authentic. Then I went for a more delicate build, good for getting away from situations, gathering info, making friends and connections, but not that great in a straight fight, though as a middleschooler we shouldn't be fighting straight out. Why the name? Just thought of it. Delicate, deft, and pretty. Hope I got the numbers right. Wondering if I should boost insight more.
I do want to see someone create a magic oriented build, I'd do so myself just for the fun of it but I already made one and don't want to split my loyalty, so to speak.
We don't know what else mana might effect. It might also be our magical defense/resist stat as well for all we know.

"So you're getting Cursed and... oh, 0 mana. Welp, auto-botch."

I mean more fluff-wise, as in suffering terrible brain damage and if I remember correctly, organ failure? Mixing up sci-fi and Hogwarts is apparently bad civ in this verse....

I do want to see someone create a magic oriented build, I'd do so myself just for the fun of it but I already made one and don't want to split my loyalty, so to speak.

Magic may not be the best route in early dividends though, unless we want to pull Touma's dad-tier antics we need some kind of mentor.
[] Plan: I should have been a mage
Strength 4
Agility 3
Endurance 4
Intelligence 4
Insight 4
Charisma 4
Belief 1
Mana 5
Willpower 4

[] Raise your hand if you're an Esper-Mage
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Intelligence 4
Insight 4
Charisma 4
Belief 4
Mana 4
Willpower 4

And... painfully average? Mmm, not sure how that one came out like that actually.
I mean more fluff-wise, as in suffering terrible brain damage and if I remember correctly, organ failure? Mixing up sci-fi and Hogwarts is apparently bad civ in this verse....
Yes, if Espers try to use magic they die pretty horrifically. Mostly its the angel summoning bit I think? Most magic is about calling on angels/spirits/gods to do things.
[X][Judgement] Oh! Your armband for Judgement. You can't forget that... Even if you pretty much never get to actually go out and help people cause you are a Level Zero...
[X][School] Sakugawa Middle School
[X] Raise your hand if you're an Esper-Mage
Strength 2
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Intelligence 3
Insight 6
Charisma 3
Belief 4
Mana 4
Willpower 4

I... do wish we had more points for Willpower. She seems like she'd be either a high willpower character or a low willpower one with not much middleground with what she's been through. Hmm... Maybe she could be portrayed as just being selective. Eh.

And yes, the vote's name is a joke.

... You know, one thing I never figured out was how long needed to be between posts before a double-post was considered with an "Eh" instead of a frown. 20 minutes seems about right with how many people seem to be going through the thread anyway.
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[X][Judgement] No, there doesn't seem to be anything you've forgotten.
[X][School] Sakugawa Middle School
[X] Raise your hand if you're an Esper-Mage