A Certain Mental Isekai (Raildex SI)

Unrelated to the current chapter, but I hope at some point Gunha ends up part of the Mental Upper network and Misaki throws an Amazing Punch.
Nah, everyone knows that it'll just turn MisaSI into a bona fide (dark?) magical girl... because it'd be funny and embarrass her to no end, and everyone in the Constitutionals except her own damn self would love it. :V

Source: several bouts of humorous discussion in the SB thread.
Okay, but Misaki is the one who has already thrown a GUTZ PAWNCH before, she deserves to get to fire a off a SUPER ULTRA COOL AMAZING PUNCH!!!
Chapter 21
"Fuck!" swore Mugino, checking her phone, and finding its signal to be unresponsive. She was glaring at it like her eyes could make lasers too; it wasn't like she was able to shoot either of us given my presence. "They must've put up their own jammers when you got your hands on me… And they'd be using the drone-mounted versions if they're picking a fight with you two, so we can't get out of their range." I checked our DA captive's brain, and frowned, making an affirmative noise. "Stupid bastards- what the hell are they thinking? Are they trying to pick a fight with the whole fucking city? What the hell are they going to achieve other than pissing me off?!"

"DA's trying to start an uprising," I said, "and making the Level 5s go crazy is one of their bets for bringing allies in. Nobody's going to follow them if they feel safe… Either score points as a force to be reckoned with for taking down ITEM and Mental Out, or make those prospective allies scared enough to start fighting back too- whoever dies, their leadership wins. …Supposedly."

"That's the dumbest fucking plan I've ever heard!" ground out Mugino. "And- they're trying to kill my people for it?!"

I didn't really have a response for that. She was right, after all- it was ungodly levels of stupid. At least, from the outside- from what I'd seen myself, DA was an echo chamber. They'd invested themselves so much in their ideals that speaking out was tantamount to treason. Within Anti-Skill, they were the court of the Tzar; whatever problems existed, it was in every DA member's best interests in the moment to keep moving towards the cliff's edge of violence, regardless of what would happen when they reached it.

From ahead of us came the 'thump-thump-thump' of security drones being knocked out of our way, and the crackle as Mugino stuck her arm out of the window to evapourate them; a spiked mat flew past the window to the side of us, and flashed with blazing green light as it was deleted. That we were only seeing drones, rather than DA troops, was a good sign. From what I was reading from our captive, there was only a token reserve force. Almost all of their forces had been deployed to try and take down ITEM and myself, with the lack of armaments on police drones making them better for intercepting and disrupting than for trying to kill anyone. Only seeing drones meant we weren't being pursued from behind- as anyone but DA could have predicted, Anti-Skill was fighting them rather than joining them.

For an opening move, it made sense. From what Mugino knew, myself and ITEM were currently the two greatest threats to DA; my own support network was partially absent from the city, concentrated in a hornet's nest of espers, and was fairly lacking in experienced combatants (beyond what an average Tokiwadai student knew from defence classes and gang harassment), so ITEM's base was the softest relevant target they had. True, Accelerator had attacked them once, but he was still holed up in the hospital- they were keeping the Coffins in their token reserves in case he went on the attack, and would be betting everything else here and now to try and light the flame of official anger against powerful espers.

"So…" said Michan, trying to pay more attention to the road than to the pissed-off Meltdowner next to her. "What's the plan when we get there?"

"Simple," Mugino growled, still fruitlessly refreshing her phone's connection status. "I kill them."

"...Umm-" started Michan, about to reiterate what we'd established as DA's plan.

"What, are you deaf?" she snarled. "I'm going to kill them. Fuck you if you're all 'oh, isn't that mean?' or 'but isn't their plan to get themselves all killed?'." She listed the bullet points with a violent gesture of each finger. "One: They're trying to kill us all. Two: They're trying their hardest to destroy everything I give a shit about! And three: their plan's already failed!" she shouted. "If they're not hunting us, then either someone else is a bigger problem, or Anti-Skill's gunning them down- nobody's coming to help them now. So I'm going to kill them."

Michan turned her head towards Mugino, no longer hesitant, eyes hard. "If you just want to get your jollies off when we have two Level 5s to take them down how we want to? You're out of your mind." She huffed. "Good thing that my bestie's in it, then." Then she looked back to the screen in front of her, glaring.

"...I don't know who you think you are, girl," said Mugino in response, too slowly. "I don't even know who you are. But let me make this clear. If you don't let me do whatever I need to… I'm not going to stop. Every moment I'm alive will be a moment where you're not safe. Whatever little tricks you use, whatever mental blocks you put in place I'll find a way around it… I'll only rest when I'm dead. Do you really think you can stay alive- let alone live like that?" she asked us.

Michan glanced at me. "We wouldn't have to kill you to stop you. Not if we really needed to," she said quietly.

She hadn't heard my rant about forcing ITEM to surrender- neither had Mugino, for that matter- but she had something of a personal experience with what Mental Out could do in situations like these. Mental Out had been brought into Clone Dolly so I could replace her, after all… I'd been much, much weaker then. If I could replace someone's best friend without incident back then, what was I capable of now?

Michan thought for a moment, lips curling downwards. "Hey, Misaki," she said. "Mugino and these… friends of hers. Are they good friends?"

I put Mugino on physical pause for a moment so she wouldn't start shouting over Michan for making decisions based on something so utterly sappy.

I knew what Michan really meant when she asked about 'good friends', even without Mental Out. She wasn't asking how friendly they were. She was asking how much it would hurt Mugino to lose them. "Yes," I replied. "They're good friends."

This did not make Mugino any less livid, though given this was no longer taking her off-guard, she'd settled in to seethe.

"...I don't want anyone to lose their friend," said Michan. "Ever. …But sometimes you have to stop someone. However you need to." She paused. "If we let you go all-in on rescuing them… What happens to us, afterwards? And what about once your friends are safe?"

I let Mugino speak.

She didn't speak immediately. The sound of the tires on the road was all that could be heard. "...As long as I don't have to bother finding any replacements," she said, "we're even. You want anything from us? You stop messing with us, and we won't screw you over if you come to bargain. Same on our side. We'll make DA, and the creeps who hired them, pay in our own time. If they're not from DA, and I don't get to them first, you can do what you want with them."

…This was an offer made in legitimate good faith- or, at least, in bad enough faith to someone else that 'I'm going to give up on this' would have been acceptable even if she hadn't been self-hypnotised right now. If she made this deal, she'd enforce it, regardless of what the rest of her team thought.

Michan didn't immediately reply. But I hadn't given voice to any lies, so when she'd thought it through, she nodded. "I won't stop you, then." She glanced into the back of the van- I nodded. "And neither will Misaki. …I don't think there's any way to get there faster than we're already going, though."

There was nothing left for her to say to us after that.

We kept driving. ITEM's base was… not exactly close by, being in the northern part of the city, where we'd been somewhat southwest of the city centre. Even at the unsafe speeds of a middle-schooler with a powerful psychic playing interference, it wasn't a quick journey, and Mugino was approaching rage nirvana with every second she had to wait, back to frantically refreshing her phone's connection status.

Michan made a sock-puppet lip-flapping gesture with one hand; Mugino wasn't paying any attention to us now, so I set our audio to 'mumble' on her brain. "Yes?" I asked.

"Is this the right thing to do?" asked Michan. "I mean, they're in danger, but…"

I waited for her to keep speaking. She didn't.

"It's not the right thing to do," I said, into the quiet inside the van. "But stopping her wouldn't be the right thing to do, either. It's two bad options; we don't want anyone to die, none of them are good people, they've both tried to kill us, and they're currently trying to kill each other." I sighed. "But I'd rather help the teenagers and the kid who we screwed over, than the adults who want to ruin my life just because I have a big number."

"...You're very sure of that," said Michan, not judgingly.

I hesitated. "I think it's a problem," I started.

Michan didn't reply, waiting patiently.

"I…" I didn't want to talk about it. "...In school," I told her. "When there's girls who try to start something. An argument, a fight, whatever."

"What about them?" my friend asked, tilting her head as she watched the road through her cameras. There was another impact as she drove through some more robots, trying to block our path, which Mugino vaporised as they flew past the windows. "You're usually pretty nice about it."

"Yes," I agreed. "But… it's not really in good faith. I'm polite, and if they start being polite back then I'm happy, but it's not really what I want to happen." I paused. "If they're bad people, and all their problems could be solved just by choosing not to be bad people… It's satisfying. I like it."

Michan sensed I had more to say, so she kept her silence.

"When we invaded ITEM's base, that was okay- if they're the sort of person who might kill us, and none of us are strong enough to stop Meltdowner if she's prepped and ready, then why bother asking?" I said. "And that made it pretty funny, at the time, I thought. I still think it was the best choice. We didn't know how pissed Mugino was when we did it, and trying to talk would have given them a warning- even if none of us got hurt, that delay probably would've gotten 10032 killed. But I didn't even try to avoid picking a fight, I just tried to win it. Which we did, but… she was only one mental block from killing us. If she'd been able to hypnotise herself enough for a ranged assassination or something, if she'd found the block that dropped her barriers…"

"Barriers?" asked Michan.

"Yeah," I replied. "Her Meltdowner abilities need a lot of electrons to overlap for the glow and the destructive force to happen. If she uses less, and she doesn't phase them the same way, she can do something similar to how Railgun's passive field works. I haven't tested it, but I'd assume it'd do something like what happens when I try to use Mental Out on Railgun. She'd copied and remixed the oscillation from the DA's barriers, too; it probably would've been enough to spoof the passive scanners. So she could've walked in, monologued with Meltdowner on a hair trigger in case- I dunno- I tried to drop blackmail on every person within a thousand metres, killed me once she was done talking, and walked out."

Michan nodded, with an understanding noise. Then she kept waiting.

"...Back when we first got out of Clone Dolly, I tried reporting any unethical scientists I spotted to Anti-Skill. Nothing happened, so… I started making them fail, if they did too much that was wrong. Making themselves fail, I mean. There was this one guy I remember in particular, running a social experiment with some girls, and… well, he didn't conduct himself appropriately. Or at all. He…" I paused. "...Well, he's alive, but I made sure his fingers would slip in the kitchen if he made any more plans like that. He's not in a position to repeat his mistakes, let's say." Michan winced, despite her best efforts. "It's… I don't do anything like that normally. They record the results wrong, arrive at work late, stuff like that. But it was the first time I did anything that was… just 'because'. Because I got mad, and I didn't try hard enough to care." Exterior had been self-defence. "It's.. just…"

Michan kept listening.

"I understand they're people," I said. "It's the whole reason why Mental Out exists. When I was first getting my powers," I admitted, "part of what excited me… For everyone else, they live in a box. They don't really understand how happy someone can be to see them, or how much joy lending a helping hand can give, or something like that. They just have to guess. I wouldn't have to guess anymore- I'd make someone smile, and I'd really, truly, honestly know that they appreciated me. Just about everyone has empathy, but what would it be like if I had something that was better than that?"

"So you wanted Mental Out to get strong enough that you'd see the good in people?" asked Michan.

"Yeah," I replied. "Something along those lines. Dolly, she was… she was happy, y'know?" I felt my eyes growing a little wet. "When she died. She wasn't putting on a brave face for us. Without Mental Out, I'd always… have that question. Whether that smile was real or not, at the end."

"...She really was the best, wasn't she?" said Michan.

"The best," I agreed. "So… understanding people like that… That's what I wanted Mental Out for. I didn't have any reason to think I'd reach Level 5, that I'd be powerful. I just liked the idea of knowing how other people felt."

"You've never really wanted power," Michan said. "I bet that school club of yours-" My faction. "-would be twice the size if you did."


"But… you think something went wrong with that dream?" she asked me.

"...Mental Out is the most powerful tool for empathy in all the world," I said. "So… what happens to a person if you give someone a tool like that, and you keep putting them…" I stopped. "...What happens in situations where they know- not just guess, know- that someone is a real person, just as valid as they are, who really, truly, honestly hates them? Or want to hurt them? Or hurt their friends? Or want to hurt other people? Or- or when you don't have to guess how much they've hurt someone? Or… if someone dies- and you're the only person in the world who knows exactly what's been done?"

I took a breath.

"They're people. But you still want them to stop. And there's that part of you, before you get that tool in the first place, that wants to give them an opportunity to be good, that can already see it won't happen- and that smiles wider when they refuse to take it." I paused again, trying to find the words. "...I don't care enough about the answers," I said, at last. "I just… don't want to be a disappointment. But whichever way they stop…"

"...You're worried that you're being cruel, and you're just finding ways to justify it to yourself," Michan said.

I didn't reply.

"...Your senpai's always here if you need advice," she told me, watching the road. "And I don't think this is a problem that we can solve in the back of somebody else's van. But…" She paused herself, this time. "...When they took Dolly from me, I was… so angry. I don't know what sort of person I'd be if I stayed like that. But… you let me find her again. You took me off that route. And I might not have Mental Out, but I can see your smile is real when you help someone, no cruelty involved. So-" said Michan, firmly. "You're my bestie, and whatever else you think you are, I know you're someone who likes it when they make people smile. You hear me, Misaki?"

"...That's the corniest thing I've ever heard," I said, smiling faintly.

She smiled. "As your senpai, I'll be here for corny advice all day!" she responded. "Y'know, once this is all over, we should plan something therapeutic. We could ask Junko and Rei if they want to book a spa day for when you get the ankle cast off- don't look at me like that, I keep a little bit saved," she said, glancing in the rear view mirror. "And maybe we can invite Misaka, too? Maybe she's made friends with Junko while they're all been on holiday- and we might have to invite Shirai too, otherwise she'd probably just teleport in and get herself thrown out…"

I listened to her talk, as we ran down the minutes until our arrival.


Our welcoming reception to the vicinity of ITEM's base was warm. By which I mean it involved a large quantity of high explosives, being annihilated by a flash of green light. Michan made a very concerned, high-pitched sound.

Mugino was completely unbothered. "Hit the brakes," she demanded- Michan obliged, bringing us to a rough, screeching halt.

We got out- we left the DA agent in the back, while I was carried out by the putty platform the mook had been brought in on. "Ah," said Michan, staring at the road ahead of us- or the lack of it. "They've blown up the road. Why didn't they do that earlier?"

"Academy City has ways to intercept aerial attacks like that," she responded. "If they did it any further away, it would have been blown out of the sky- this is as close as they can hold us off." She raised a hand- a particle shield blocked an incoming hail of bullets from the street corners ahead of us. "Or as close as they think they can hold us off."

With a leer, she fired off her beams- a set of them, headed in different directions. At this distance, with no adjacent materials to reflect the heat back at her, the brickwork protecting the DA agents was obliterated, and the agents themselves didn't last any longer. Michan gasped, appalled, despite her prior agreement.

"Oh, don't give me that," said Mugino. "This is what you said you were okay with. What, are you going to get cold feet now?"

Michan glanced back at me. "No," she said, looking rather pale despite her words, bringing the oobleck she had together for a platform- it would serve us where the van couldn't. "Let's help your friends."

"They are not my-" Mugino started, before gritting her teeth, entirely aware how weak her arguments were when the mind-reader had said otherwise. She stepped onto the platform, and got her footing as my section joined up with it. "...Just hurry up!"

Given that Meltdowner was no longer restrained, we could move quickly after that. We only had a few hundred metres to go before we reached the battle site- at least, the current battle site. ITEM had clearly been expecting long-distance attacks, and from the state and contents of the streets here, DA had been thoroughly blooded by their attack.

Another hail of indirect fire came down at us- this time, Mugino threw up a card of some sort, and fired her beam through it. The attack split into a constellation of smaller beams; she had no apparent means of controlling the card, but somehow, the fusillade struck everything they'd launched at us. The card itself shattered into tiny triangles, falling around us.

"You're close enough to use your power," said Mugino. "What's the situation?"

"...I've got a number of people not using DA anti-psychic tech," I said. "It's pretty good quality. Something you bought, I assume. I'm counting seven, placed pretty aggressively, I think it's three versus four- the enemy espers probably stole yours rather than risking DA's deathtraps. There's also something that might have been a safe room." I scanned through Mugino's memories to compare locations. "Yeah- the psychic protections on it are busted, and there's a giant hole and a lot of loose fluid solutions." My power responded to it more easily than water; blood, interstitial fluid, and other such things, then. Anyone inside must have been mulched by whatever broke into it. "I can't detect anyone else who's still active."

She snarled. "Do they know how long it takes to vet someone for a place like this?! Can you break through those defences?" demanded Mugino. Our platform hopped over a particularly large hole in the road; it didn't affect her aim whatsoever as she took out another group of DA defenders.

"Can I? Yes. Without frying the brain of whoever-it-is with the backlash? Probably not, they're pretty strong," I admitted. "We need line of sight- that'll let us figure out who's who. Michan," I said, "once we're close, I'll guide you to see if we can circle around and either hit their backliners or get ITEM out of there- if we can take out the mercenaries non-lethally, I'll be able to take control and start snowballing."

"Right," said Michan. "Let's-"

Whatever she was about to say, it was interrupted by a screech of metal on stone, and the building next to us started to collapse- Mugino flared her ability, and there was an explosion of molten metal and burning plastic beside us. Michan pulled up Liquid Shadow on one side as she sprung the platform forwards.

The movement was enough to avoid the majority of the rubble, with Michan's ability being able to deflect the rest. Then another of what I realised was some sort of screaming disc ripped through a building ahead of us, and span through the other side of the street- Mugino blasted it into oblivion before it could complete its run, but even that was enough to bring down the faces of the buildings in front of us, forcing us back temporarily.

Mugino screamed wordlessly in rage as she realised we were being stalled- and successfully, at that. She was powerful as all hell, but in this moment, that was a weakness. Michan wasn't strong enough to fight off that amount of weight, and though Mugino was, the proximity of these buildings meant we'd be fried alive with the energy needed to actually do it.

She prepared a beam to collapse the remaining buildings ahead of us pre-emptively- I shut it off, and she turned to me with absolute fury in her eyes. "What the hell are you doing?!" she snarled.

"We'll be just as slow crawling over the rubble," I said. "We need to take out whatever's-"

Something small and white drifted into my field of vision, and I looked up. So did Mugino- her eyes widened. Throwing up another of those refraction cards, she blasted through most of them. There were enough that a couple more made it through her laser array; they were blocked by Liquid Shadow, and as they started to make a hissing, crinkling noise, Mugino annihilated them through the oobleck with another beam. "It's Nakimoto's cleaners," she hissed. "One of them controls paper- those paper planes might as well be grenades!"

Then we really, really needed to take these people down- there were only so many cards to fire through, and we couldn't close the distance and ID the source while those sawblade mechanisms could just tear down a building on top of us when we tried to make any headway. "Mugino," I said. "Can you explode something upwards? If we can get a bird's-eye view with one of Michan's cameras-"

That was all I needed to say- picking up her thoughts the moment she had them, I send the specs to Michan, and a ball of putty with a camera on top bounced out of the greater mass like a basketball.

With a flare of green light, most of the oobleck disintegrated- but what survived was the camera, and enough putty for Michan to control. She shaped the remaining oobleck into a dart-shape , and at the apex of its trajectory, puffed up the remaining material into a parachute.

The camera swivelled around like an eye. Michan spotted a massive, crab-like machine on her camera, firing some sort of weapon from its front- a moment before it reoriented its gaze upwards, and shot some sort of laser and took down the improvised UAV in a burst of heat.

A second later, and another of those disks tore through the buildings to the side of us. Michan's platform scrabbled its way up the rubble in front of us, just in time for the shrieking discus to collapse the faces of the buildings behind us. We had our target- I sent the aiming direction to Mugino.

She smiled widely, and shot a high-power beam in the direction I'd aimed her in. Michan prepared another orb, and a moment later, our new eye in the sky spotted a slagged mess in the direction the vehicle had been. The beam had struck somewhere on the left side, and by my estimations, it had hit some sort of ammo storage or other explosive part of the vehicle.

Our path was clear. "One down," I said- the Liquid Shadow platform scrabbled over the rest of the destroyed building, and with no more collapsing buildings to bar our way, we finally made it into view of the ITEM base.

It… didn't look great. It was basically unrecognisable; where once it had been a squat, stocky building with thick walls, an indoor swimming pool with bulletproof glass looking out over a small outdoor space, now it was mostly rubble. I saw a broken version of one of those discs, wedged at the base of a partially-collapsed wall, and shell casings of some kind were littered alongside torn-up road and the few standing bullet-pierced outer walls. It would have been hard to figure out where the pool had been, if not for the mud that had been created when the water spilled into the ground; the rest of it was more anthill than building, its own rubble piling around its flanks, with the tallest points being inner walls and a few segments of rooftop.

Another beam from Meltdowner cleaved through a group of DA that were still present- Michan looked away, and brought a few masses of oobleck out of the main pile, turning the rest of it into improvised sandbags to defend her from stray fire. There wasn't quite enough left to get moving at any reasonable pace.

I set my crutch down, and huddled down with her, guiding her towards her targets.

With the advantage of forewarning, the second volley of paper aeroplanes was much less threatening than the last- Mugino barely had to pay attention, throwing up another card and annihilating the vast majority in one shot. The rest, she destroyed with a sweeping motion; all the telekinetic control in the world couldn't make paper any less vulnerable to point-blank thermal annihilation. "You had your shot already," she said to the general direction the planes had come from.

As Michan's spy blobs approached, we caught sight of the first of our enemies. It was a girl that might've been a bit younger than us, with long, dark hair underneath the oversized helmet she was wearing as a psychic barrier. She was wearing a sailor fuku uniform, with the skirt and baggy-shouldered shirt. She was closing the distance quickly, skating along the ground like it was ice.

As she got into range of one of the blobs, it suddenly froze up- she stuck her tongue out, and declared, "Nyeeh!" into the camera.

Michan grunted. "Whatever she's doing, it's keeping Liquid Shadow from moving most of it!" she told me. "Let's see…"

The rear of the blob suddenly flared out, and tried to envelop the girl like an amoeba. It didn't work. She poked it- and, with a surprised expression, watched the material abruptly separate into water and cornstarch. I wasn't quite sure how it had happened, and she might not have been either, in all honesty.

Then she grinned wider, and stretched out her hand at the blob.

"Hey, Meltdowner," I said, as the fight switched to a glorified keep-away slap-fight. "Can I borrow you to scare the life out of a preteen?"

"Will it deal with this any faster?" she replied.

Taking that as permission, I checked the position of what Michan still had, and promptly bracketed the girl with three fuckoff-huge laser beams through the nearest wall. The girl yelped, glancing around frantically- "Holy heck, she can see me?!"

She looked through one of the holes the beam had left; since the hole let directly to us, I stuck my head out of cover (being covered by Meltdowner as I was), and waved cheerily at her. "Why hello there!" I shouted. Then I made a helmet-removing motion, and pointed directly at her.

She did not follow the advice. Instead, she turned tail, immediately fleeing back towards her presumable team-mates- but if she was fleeing, she wasn't closing the distance with us or killing ITEM, which was fine by me.

The remaining Liquid Shadow blobs were closing on the clusters I could identify by that point already. One pair of blobs had basically been shredded by similar explosive aeroplanes- but when they'd realised that it was doing pretty much zilch, had sent their next volley in our direction.

But they basically had zero capacity to stall us any longer. Now that we had a bead on them, their time was running out.

As for the last blob… Well, that one had moved uncontested, and had gotten a bead on ITEM.

"Oh," said Michan, swallowing. "They're not doing too good."

Of the three of them, the only one still standing was Kinuhata, breathing heavily with a posture eerily like how Accelerator had been, back when I'd gotten back up and thrown a rock at him. Sharp red lines and bruises were visible on much of the skin I could see on her, and there was a dent in the barrier helmet she was wearing, with a trickle of blood running down her forehead.

Takitsubo was leaning on a wall, breathing heavily; the camera had just caught her eye, and she was staring at it. Frenda was curled up on the floor, skin clammy-looking, facing away from us. Judging by the red liquid pooling on the floor adjacent to her, below her leg, something was very wrong.

"We've found your team, Mugino," I said. "They've seen Liquid Shadow; I think they've recognised that someone's distracting the cleaners, so they aren't fighting it yet. I don't think they're up to moving."

"They've lasted this long, they can last a little longer, can't they?" snarled Mugino. That wasn't her real reasoning- she'd help them more with a clear line of sight and targets to pick off.

The remaining Liquid Shadow blob made eye contact with the other members of the enemy mercenaries. A brunette wearing something almost like a chimney-sweep costume was arguing frantically with a pinkette in some sort of glorified bunny outfit; meanwhile, a girl or boy whose hair was completely covered by their barrier helmet was staring directly at the blob that had just arrived. It didn't last long when rose-hair alerted the brunette- some sort of chemical concoction was immediately thrown at it, turning into goop (well, a sort of goop that Michan couldn't manipulate).

No matter- they'd lost the moment we'd confirmed which ones were ITEM and which ones weren't. All that had changed was that they knew it now. "I'm going to borrow your particle beams again," I said, and fired three more of Mugino's sweeping beams- each one sweeping downwards directly above a member of the enemy team. Two of them dodged to the side, but the short one stood there, standing still as the beam came down.

Fortunately for them, I was the one piloting the beam rather than Meltdowner; it stopped directly over their head. A moment later, rose-hair spotted a figure of oobleck in the distance- about the height and shape of a flailing-arm tube man, which removed an ooblecky helmet from its head.

They immediately took off the mind-control prevention helmet. Apparently, they were the leader of the group- the rest of them, with a few more particle beams for emphasis, surrendered quickly enough after that.

Faced with an angry Meltdowner and the destruction or subversion of basically all their assets, the remaining DA members lost their taste for martyrdom quickly enough- and Anti-Skill, no longer held at bay by the forces we'd just annihilated, were eager to take their traitors into custody.

The attack was over.


In the end, Takitsubo and Frenda would both live- though the latter had almost been cut in half by one of those spinning sawblades from the tank-like robot. Her explosives had successfully downed it, but hadn't diverted it quickly enough; it had gone deep enough to break through the end of her femur, and given the damage that cauterising the wound had done, she'd be amputating above the knee when she reached the hospital.

Still, Mugino had confirmed our deal would hold. There was apparently something of a Dark Side truce at the hospital Accelerator and the Sisters were at, though nobody really knew why; the two of them would be able to get treatment there without incident, despite Takitsubo having hurt herself by overusing ability-enhancing drugs.

She'd demanded entry into the ambulance, after ordering me to confirm that the nurses within were legitimate- Meltdowner was clearly feeling more than a little more worried for them right now, even if she was showing that with the same raging fury she was showing everything else at the moment. Being more exhausted and battered than seriously injured, Kinuhata had been ordered to make sure we didn't do something stupid like releasing our captives with a 'yeah sure begone' or something, and so she was taking the van to the hospital with the rest of us.

We'd had to Jedi mind-trick Anti-Skill into letting us past with the mercenary team- called Scavenger, apparently. They were all nervously silent, but given I was emotionally exhausted right now, I was not exactly ready to figure out precisely what I was going to do with an uprooted pile of murderous preteens.

"...Michan," I'd asked when we got in, seeing a familiar-looking bag. "Did you smuggle our shopping into ITEM's van when we were running away from a gunfight?"

"No, it fell behind while we were running…" she replied. "It caught up a little while ago though."

"Oh," I said, "that makes sense." Sometimes I forgot that she had an arbitrarily-large range on her power.

Once Michan started driving, it took her a while for anyone to break the silence. Normally, it would be up to Michan herself, but she was still collecting herself after seeing Mugino's violence. It ended up being Kinuhata who did it.

"Are you going to super turn Mugino into a maid?" she said seriously. The statement briefly united Michan with Scavenger in their absolute befuddlement.

"...No," I replied, "we've come to an arrangement. We're deescalating- neither of us want to get caught in another game of Level 5 rocket tag."

Kinuhata relaxed. "That's super good," she replied. "What did you want when you went for our base?"

Slightly awkwardly, I replied, "Err, we were raiding your brain for ways to punch Accelerator in the face."

She clearly didn't quite know how to feel about that. "...Did you super punch him?" she asked.

"Repeatedly," I confirmed. "Twice in the face, once in the kidney. Then he kicked my ass and got punched in the face by a Level 0 for completely unrelated reasons. I'm only telling you since I got the information from you, though; I'd ask you keep it private."

"What trick did you use to do it?" she asked me.

"If you switched the vector just after you hit the aura, it used to suck it through his shield," I said. "He fixed it during the fight, so he's still invincible for all intents and purposes… If you can't fix your equations yourself for whatever reason, I'd be willing to trade favours with Meltdowner for it."

That seemed to satisfy her. She nodded, and resumed staring coolly at the Scavengers through the rear-view mirror.

For their part, the four children we'd basically kidnapped seemed even more terrified than they did before. "...Y-you managed to hit the Rank 1?" their leader squeaked.

"That I did," I agreed. "And that's why you don't coast on your power strength."

In theory, Scavenger was incredibly powerful. To be honest, they were incredibly powerful in practise, too. They were able to combine a powerful all-range paper manipulator with an Accelerator-lite, an incredibly savvy chemical-user and a power-enhanced tracker that was better than my own scanning in some ways- for most targets, it was an unbeatable combo, and it made sense that they'd been brought together to annihilate anything their backer didn't like.

In practise, they'd gone up against two different Level 5s that could completely hard-counter them the moment we'd gotten a target lock and a clear enough line of fire. The trick with the buildings might have taken us down, if they'd copied the tank's sawblades or timed their attacks to coincide, but DA had wasted that opportunity by refusing to coordinate and by damaging the road enough that we'd left the van. If the roads had been clear, they could have tried dropping buildings on the much less agile van instead of attacking while we were sitting on Liquid Shadow; instead, we'd been perfectly well-equipped to evade the attempts, and had gotten too close for them to be able to counter us.

The combo of Meltdowner and Liquid Shadow had been the key to our victory. While Mugino only had a limited capacity for self-defence with those silicon cards she'd refracted her beams with, she'd only needed to delay long enough to get a target lock, and Liquid Shadow had been able to cover the holes in her guard. And there were precisely zero members of Scavenger that could defend against a Meltdowner beam- their Accelerator-lite relied on friction, which would do precisely nothing of use against a particle canon, while any telekinetic material that stopped working upon being carbonised was about as effective as paper mache. No wonder they'd surrendered when I'd shown the only thing keeping them intact was my own lack of desire to kill them.

The most obvious thing about Scavenger was that they were… young. The four of them were about as childish and immature as their appearances suggested, most of them being the same age or younger as Uiharu and Shirai. To illustrate, the grand depths of their philosophy amounted to 'Academy City is bad, it is a city of academies, therefore it's all the teachers' fault and we should murder lots of teachers until things get better'.

They also had rather large killcounts. The safe room in ITEM's base had been destroyed by a giant drill made by their paper-manipulator, for one. That would easily have been enough for Mugino to have killed her personally if she hadn't thought of her hires as 'the help' more than members of the team. In all honesty, if you looked purely at the morality of the people involved, they were much more dangerous people than ITEM- Scavenger took a childish glee in annihilating everything they were told to utterly destroy, with their only real complaint being that they had to be thorough rather than doing what they wanted, as they'd get charged money for their failures.

Which… convincing a bunch of children to kill for money, and then stealing the money back from them whenever they failed? Their backer was a real piece of work… which was a problem, because apparently the same guy was directing the city's board of agriculture.

Even if I hadn't caught some more information on the matter- he was paranoid enough to live on a constantly-moving train under the city, from what ITEM had heard- I wouldn't think the man the sort of target I could go for and be expected to survive.

But a man like that wouldn't accept a kill squad that had been compromised by a Level 5 with a history of sabotage.

Now, I wasn't going to overstate the importance of Scavenger- there were a lot of mercenary esper squads in the city, and Scavenger didn't really know or care about anything vital to such an individual. The most likely outcome was them being written off as acceptable casualties, and being abandoned to their fates; unfortunately, their only skillset was 'indiscriminate murder', they'd apparently been compromised by someone who was strongly against indiscriminate murder, and so their job resume was not looking good right now.

If I didn't want them to… well, they weren't going to starve to death on the streets given they were powerful espers, but 'subtle theft' was certainly not within their skillset. Most likely, they'd run afoul of their own mess if I left them unattended, and someone like ITEM would come along to clean them up. I did not exactly like this as an outcome, given that- much like ITEM- it was blundering into my mind control range that had put them in mortal peril in the first place.

So I had to figure out what to do with a quartet of tiny murderers, preferably before anything else happened.

"...Umm, why were you and Meltdowner working together?" asked the pinkette nervously, now that their leader had opened the floodgates. Her name was Sakuragi Naruha. She was their paper-controller; she was wearing her paper in a costume that was halfway between 'bunny outfit' and 'English maid', using the sheen of her telekinesis to change the paper's colour as she did.

"Pro tip- if your plan is to distract a Level 5 by setting them on the other Level 5 who humiliated them and attacked their base," I commented, "don't do the exact same thing but with more murder. Having to surrender was pretty much the best outcome you could have asked for there."

"...But wasn't our plan to have you controlling you both into being goody two-shoes and let DA kill you if that happened?" she asked. I could almost hear the brain cells bouncing around inside her head, while the other three members of the team frantically tried to shush her with their eyes.

"Mugino only started killing people when she realised her friends were in danger," I said, neglecting to mention that it was only because we'd given them permission. "It was two Level 5s. Do you really think a pacifist run is particularly dangerous when you've got that much of a power disparity?"

Sakuragi blinked. "...No?" she tried.

I nodded. "Exactly," I responded.

"W-wait," said the tallest of them. The mini-Accelerator was a friction-manipulator, I'd learned; she'd destroyed Liquid Shadow's putty by causing the particles within it to lose all friction, making them fall apart into the uncontrollable water and cornstarch grains that composed it. Despite being the most feminine of them, with his long black hair and his sailor fuku, Seike Taroumaru was a boy- not trans or anything, he just liked the style. Honestly, I could respect that. "D-didn't you do a pacifist run against Meltdowner, too…?"

"A-and the Rank 1, too!" realised the brunette, though she was only sort of correct in her evaluation. Her name was Yakumaru Itsuki, and she was a specialist hydrokinetic like myself- though she specialised in solution manipulation for chemical purposes, rather than biological ones, using it to rapidly and efficiently concoct chemical weapons and tools for her personal use. "He got out of it without getting hurt, but- they're not doing that project he wanted to do any more!"

Before they could work themselves up any more, I interrupted them- "Okay, okay," I said, "enough with the hype. Who I may or may not have beaten up is none of your business; however, I'm not in the business of killing people younger than me… or in general," I added, belatedly, "so if you all stopped fearing for your lives I would appreciate that."

"Are you going to super turn them into maids?" asked Kinuhata, from the front of the van. She conversationally added, "Mental Out said that if we didn't stop trying to kill her, she'd-"

"Oi," I said, giving her a look. Kinuhata wisely shut up.

She still took amusement in the obvious fact that her unfinished explanation had made Scavenger even more concerned, though.

"W-wait," said their leader, who was nicknamed Leader. She was a short, rather young, somewhat androgynous girl who habitually wore a face mask; her position as their leader was mostly due to her ability, which gave her a largely arbitrary bird's-eye view that could help coordinate the others. "L-let's not go that far," said Iizumi Rita. "I'm sure we can do something useful for you! Our old buyer's never going to use us again if we've been mind-controlled by Mental Out, s-so we really need a new job!"

"I dunno, I wouldn't mind working as a maid," said Sakuragi. "I think those outfits are really cute!"

Kinuhata chuckled darkly, which promptly gave Sakuragi second thoughts on the matter. "Shut," I emphasised. "Okay, for the sake of ensuring you don't do anything stupid-"

I'd been about to continue with something along the lines of 'I will find you a job that preferably doesn't involve mass murder', but I was interrupted by my phone ringing. Ah, right- we hadn't exactly been subtle, so other people probably knew something was up.

"Sorry, this might be important," I said, and fished the phone out of my pocket- it wasn't a number I recognised. "Hello?"

"Oi, are you done dealing with those sacks of shit?" said a familiar, scratchy voice.

"Ah, Accelerator," I said, which was enough for Iizumi to get even closer to a heart attack. "I'm fine, thanks for asking," I added, deadpan.

"Tsh. Idiots thought you were a soft target… The moron who's trying to grab Last Order went and sent two of those scrap buckets after me," he said, conversationally by Accelerator standards. "Idiot thought I couldn't see when I was being baited."

Ah. And that was why I'd wanted him to stay on guard duty. "Thank you," I said honestly. "Are the sisters okay?"

"They're all in one piece, even if someone-" I heard the brush of hair on skin as he turned his head purposefully. "-wouldn't stop trying to butt in. …Huh?" He paused in response to someone else, and shifted a little. "...Huh. So that's why I felt dizzy…" he said. "Stupid… head wound…"

There was a thump. "...Accelerator?" I said.

I heard movement on the other end. About ten seconds later, I heard a voice, as well as the sound of footsteps. "Hello, who is this? asks Misaka!" said a new voice. "Misaka will get Accelerator back to the hospital with all her speed, assures Misaka, holding the phone to her ear with her powers."

"Misaka," I replied, glad to hear her- whichever one she was. Given they didn't know about the other Misakas, Leader died inside a little more. "I'm glad you're all okay. How is he?"

"Accelerator's efforts to protect Last Order- and the rest of the Sisters, as we have learned that we are also valid targets- resulted in his head wound reopening unexpectedly, explains Misaka, concerned for his health," Misaka replied. "But he is not bleeding badly enough to be in imminent danger, adds Misaka."

"That's good," I responded. "He said he got attacked by two robots- which ones?"

"A teleportation and psychokinetic Coffin, recalls Misaka," she said.

Those were the two ones that had supposedly been in reserve to block Accelerator if he attacked- if either of then needed line of sight, they would have been much better in that role than fighting Meltdowner. But it seemed like the Coffins' creator had diverged from the plan to try his luck at grabbing Last Order while I was distracted. "You'll need to keep an eye on the sky with your power, though," I said. "We got attacked by some sort of invisible Coffin- Meltdowner could detect it, so it's damaged, but we didn't take it down. It might still be skulking around somewhere."

"...Misaka sees-" she started, before a sudden impact of metal on rock interrupted her- my heart stilled as I heard a clatter of the phone on the floor.

"...Oh, fuck," I said. "He has Accelerator."

"What?" said Kinuhata.

"The guy who boosts powers by putting them in robots," I said. "He has Accelerator!"

And he had one of the sisters.
I grimaced. "...Shut up," I said.

It wasn't the best comeback I'd ever given, but I still needed to delay.
Ah yes, delay, certainly not you weakly trying to convince her to not inadvertently remove your mask of civility.
But Meltdowner had already lost, and she knew it the moment I wasn't annihilated.
What a twist!
"We lost? Oh, phooie…" said Frenda. "Welp, I guess the gig is up guys. We've got a cunning plan- we surrender! Go easy on us, please~?"
Nervous laughter.
The only difference would be making it… dramatic.
"...How about a maid cafe?" I suggested.
And it was from this point forward that I stopped being passively happy whenever this fic updated and started looking forward to it.
"...Uh," said Frenda nervously, "that doesn't… sound very nice anymore, but-"
No, no it doesn't. I would suggest running, but that would only result in you being MAIDed tired.
The other end of the line was silent. They'd clearly decided to stop tempting me.
And yet you kept tapdancing, you barely-sane sadist mind controller, you.
mutually assured destruction
More like Mutually Assured Identity Destruction.
You're a real sadist, you know that?"
"Do you like hurting other people?"
I clenched my fists.
That mask of civility is only sticking on by sweat at this point.
Mugino unlocking it with a practised burst of electromagnetism.
You gotta love mundane uses of superpowers.
They're not going for the hospital, they're going for the rest of ITEM."
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"
Instead, he forced her to question her actions, motives and morality and seek advice from her friend, thus course-correcting herself somewhat and continuing to keep her worst impulses at bay.
Nice job fixing it, villain!
"Fuck!" swore Mugino
I love how this is the first word that comes out of her mouth when she regains control.
"Simple," Mugino growled, still fruitlessly refreshing her phone's connection status. "I kill them."
Short, sour, and to the point. Your all heart, Meltdowner.
so she wouldn't start shouting over Michan for making decisions based on something so utterly sappy.
Also because she would make loud tsundere noises.
So you wanted Mental Out to get strong enough that you'd see the good in people?" asked Michan.
And then you discovered that your "caretakers" are plotting to kill you.
Yeah," I replied. "Something along those lines. Dolly, she was… she was happy, y'know?" I felt my eyes growing a little wet. "When she died. She wasn't putting on a brave face for us. Without Mental Out, I'd always… have that question. Whether that smile was real or not, at the end."

"...She really was the best, wasn't she?" said Michan.

"The best," I agreed.
Man, when Dolly's clone appears tears are gonna be she's, in and out of story.
Y'know, once this is all over, we should plan something therapeutic. We could ask Junko and Rei if they want to book a spa day for when you get the ankle cast off- don't look at me like that, I keep a little bit saved,"
I would be more concerned of there being enough time to do it without the city trying to screw you over.
They are not my-" Mugino started, before gritting her teeth, entirely aware how weak her arguments were when the mind-reader had said otherwise. She stepped onto the platform, and got her footing as my section joined up with it. "...Just hurry up!"
See? Tsundere noises!
Another beam from Meltdowner cleaved through a group of DA that were still present- Michan looked away,
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that if this were from Mi-chan's POV and not from someone inured to gore this would be more descriptive.
General Shoukahou!
Frenda would both live- though the latter had almost been cut in half by one of those spinning sawblades from the tank-like robot. Her explosives had successfully downed it, but hadn't diverted it quickly enough; it had gone deep enough to break through the end of her femur, and given the damage that cauterising the wound had done, she'd be amputating above the knee when she reached the hospital.
Goodbye Frenda, hello Frend a.
Meltdowner was clearly feeling more than a little more worried for them right now, even if she was showing that with the same raging fury she was showing everything else at the moment.
Which… convincing a bunch of children to kill for money, and then stealing the money back from them whenever they failed? Their backer was a real piece of work… which was a problem, because apparently the same guy was directing the city's board of agriculture.
This Fucking City.
"I dunno, I wouldn't mind working as a maid," said Sakuragi. "I think those outfits are really cute!"
A girl of culture, this one.
Ah, Accelerator," I said, which was enough for Iizumi to get even closer to a heart attack.
The game was rigged from the start.
He has Accelerator!"
Ah yes, the chapter where the protagonist scares the living daylights out of a squad of murderous and traumatised child soldiers with her reputation and connections alone. Especially since she feels that these child soldiers are her responsibility now. Spoiler: somehow, she's still a genuine good influence on them.

Also, Kinuhata is an absolute troll who turns a very real mortal threat into an inside joke (much to the mortification of Mental Out and the terror of third parties) once it's no longer on the table, dear god.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that if this were from Mi-chan's POV and not from someone inured to gore this would be more descriptive.
No wonder she needed some R&R afterwards.
Last edited:
Chapter 22
The van was incredibly cramped.

Upon hearing the bad news, we'd rushed to the hospital. It had only been a few more minutes away, and quick mathematical estimates suggested we'd save more time than we lost if we had a Sister on-hand for route-planning. Also, we'd get a Meltdowner out of the deal, and very few situations couldn't be made less dangerous by adding an allied Level 5 to it.

We'd found Mugino arguing with 10044 (Nickname-chan) outside of the hospital, as the sister hadn't been making the right arguments to convince her to ditch her injured teammates and get back into the fray. I'd quickly explained that there were two different Level 6 scenarios if the latest wacko got his hands on his victims for too long, and that he'd just tried to kill her and her team. Suitably convinced of the merits of committing some more murder today, she got in the van.

The back of the van was designed to be spacious and comfortable for four people, plus two extras in the front of the van; with Michan and 10044 in the front, plus two members of ITEM, four members of Scavenger, myself, and a hefty amount of space reserved by Scavenger for keeping away from people they'd tried to murder, plus the quantity of materials needed for Michan's Liquid Shadow and Sakuragi's Perfect Paper abilities… and also the shopping bag that still hadn't been taken out of the van… there was not all that much space in here. Not ideal.

But then again, nothing about the situation was ideal.

"Okay," I said. "This is now a war council. Currently, Accelerator and Misaka 10046 are being kidnapped by a giant invisible robot, for the purposes of creating Level 6s under the control of a mad scientist who'd kill random schoolgirls to stuff their corpses in giant robots. I should not need to explain why we don't want this. In the best-case scenario, we intercept them before anything happens. If Accelerator's shield is up, we have an Accelerator on our side in the villain's-" Mugino snorted. "-the villain's lair," I continued, "and we win. If it's not up, then getting him into Mental Out's range means I can puppet him while he's unconscious, get his powers working, and then we have an Accelerator on our side and we win."

"I like those plans!" said Sakuragi, giving two thumbs up to that evaluation.

"Which is why we should plan for the plans we don't like," I responded. "Our enemy is a man called Hishigata Mikihiko… His goal is similar to the AIM Burst incident; though it's using a different power source and means of distribution, his plan can be summarised as using universal, unconscious AIM fields to boost an artificial AIM source to Level 6."

"So what do we do to stop it?" asked Mugino seriously. She was all business, now, her rage simmering serenely behind that facade. She was the only member of ITEM we'd needed to add to the van. Takitsubo and Frenda were both back at the hospital, and Kinuhata had already been inside. Takitsubo was recovering from an AIM-enhancer overdose and was basically redundant with two super-powerful clairvoyants on the team already, while Frenda didn't have a leg to stand on, both literally and metaphorically; she was in surgery for that right now.

"For those not aware- there's a gestalt of around ten-thousand clones of Misaka Mikoto, who've retain the memories from ten-thousand other dead clones who were killed in combat," I explained. "Hishigata's plan is to use the memories of those deaths to resonate with universal fears of death, or something like that- I don't really understand the science, but he wouldn't pick a fight with this many Level 5s if he didn't think it would work. In the same way that Level Upper and AIM Burst spread its own brainwaves to connect to the people around it, Hishigata's plan is to work from the opposite end; if he makes pre-existing thought patterns resonate with his construct, it can syphon energy and processing power from the Personal Realities of everyone on the planet."

It was my best guess from what I knew of how magic worked. In the same way that an incantation and a spell circle in the Nihilist's lab might invoke 'Amaterasu' to make a small light from the AIM gestalt of Shinto beliefs, the memories of 10,000 deaths would resonate potently with the unconscious AIM field gestalt of 'Death' to become an inevitable, unstoppable force.

"So, obviously, the best case scenario is keeping him from downloading those memories," I said. "But it's a lot of information; it will first take time to download and transfer to the construct, and even if we fail, it will still take time to synchronise fully and reach Level 6, which means the faster we get there, the better."

Scavenger was on the job of making us go as fast as possible. Seike and his friction control had basically negated air resistance and any unnecessary friction on the van's parts; with Sakuragi's paper on the outside of the van to help control it at these speeds, we'd left the city speed limit sobbing in a corner. Ordinarily, this would have taken too much coordination for them to manage, but I was coordinating their powers and boosting them with Mental Upper.

I wouldn't normally do that without permission. But we'd all be screwed if we failed, and we'd all be screwed if the van crashed at these speeds. I was willing to relax my usual Mental Upper safety standards when we'd lose everything otherwise.

"The kidnapped girl, Misaka 10046, can get information back from the network if they need to- if we get into Mental Out range of her, I can delete the important memories, and she can reupload them from her sisters once she's safe. Same for 10044 here," I said, inclining my head towards the sister in the front, who was serving as our tracker.

The connection was based on brainwaves and AIM fields, and so the sisters couldn't manually disconnect another sister. They couldn't disconnect themselves either, except in the case of administrative permission. As long as 10046 was unconscious, her AIM fields were active, so the connection was stuck in the active 'connected' position. It did mean that Hishigata could get at the memories of death he needed, since those ones were- by definition- not locked in any one living sister's head; however, it also meant that he couldn't keep another sister from homing in on her current location, and that gave us a way to track 10046- by extension, him and his machine- down. Slowly, we were gaining.

"The other problem is Accelerator," I said. "Hishigata has found a way to use giant robot bodies to boost the powers of espers placed within; usually he uses corpses, but he's lost the expert he needs for that, so he'll need to take Accelerator alive. It's a big gamble," I noted, "but given he tried to attack me and Meltdowner earlier today- he's probably already got a machine to use the same thing to control and boost a living Level 5. He already has the information he needs in the Misaka sister he's kidnapped, so it would be pointless to take Accelerator unless he either needs a hostage- which he already has, and a Level 6 is a carrot and a stick for anyone powerful who cares about Accelerator otherwise- or he's got a way to use Accelerator to defend himself."

"So if everything goes wrong, we're picking a fight with a power-boosted Accelerator, and we have to get past him before he finishes making a pet god," summarised Michan from the front of the van. "Fun!"

"That's… super not good," said Kinuhata, in the understatement of the century.

"U-umm," said Iizumi, nervously raising a hand, stepping up as Scavenger's leader. "I-if both people are on the same robot, and we know where they are, couldn't we just… y'know…?" She made a little 'pew-pew' gesture with her hands, glancing between me and Meltdowner.

10044 spoke up from the front. "While Misaka and her sisters are willing to die to save people, says Misaka, hoping that she has hid her nervousness sufficiently," she said, not noticing her slip of the tongue, "the information being transferred between Misaka, Shokuhou and Miss Mugino suggests that-"

"What it wants to say," interrupted Mugino, drawing a glare from me, "is that anything strong enough to shoot them down would kill me with the backlash before it penetrated enough for a clear shot. Our target is staying below the skyline- we don't have a clear shot."

"And by the time we do have a clear shot, we'll already be in range of Perfect Paper, Michan's Liquid Shadow putty control, and Mental Out," I said. "Which means we'll be in a position to rescue or subvert Accelerator, which is a much quicker way to get the enemy in range of a 'damage: yes'-level power."

"What if the Accelerator is already super being controlled by this guy?" asked Kinuhata. "How do we beat him?"

A shadow of doubt swept over most of the team. "Then it depends how good Hishigata's machine is," I said, fording onwards with the plan. "Understand that sharing this information is definitely breaking the truce: Accelerator recently took a bullet to the upper right side of his head, and his bodily control and processing ability are completely wrecked," I informed them. "He's completely reliant on the clones' Radio Noise power, and their permission, to use his powers right now- and they can remove that access at will, since it's being shared actively to a device around his neck, rather than passively. The sisters are more powerful at processing than any computer he could get his hands on, so while his powers might be stronger, his ability to use them under Hishigata's control would be massively hindered."

"We would predict anywhere from five to ten percent of his normal processing ability could be preserved with available materials, says Misaka," 10044 noted.

"He also won't be conscious- otherwise he'd control the machine himself and break free," I said. "So his power won't be at its full skill level, and might be missing pieces that he has to add consciously. His vector manipulation isn't impossible to bypass. In my last fight with him, he was only reversing vectors that tried to harm him, rather than repelling them; that was a weak point I can exploit. That one's fixed," I added, "but under the control of some guy or some drone instead of Accelerator himself, and with a rushed implementation, Accelerator will most likely have trouble adapting his strategies if we pick at another weak point."

"Like what?" asked Mugino.

"I'm thinking our best bet is oxygen," I said. "As far as I'm aware, he hasn't had the need to start working on molecular manipulation; if we can use Meltdowner to deoxygenate his immediate environment, then if Hishigata or his control module don't realise the danger, we can suffocate him into unconsciousness and take control."

Mugino frowned. "He'll melt first," she pointed out, "so don't expect to have anything to control."

"Which brings me to our next means of stopping him," I said. "This is also information not to be shared: I have a homemade version of Level Upper- including both the power-boosting for everyone involved, and the power-borrowing for the core of the network, that being myself."

"What the fuck?" said Mugino.

"Doesn't that boost people by two levels?!" realised Yakumaru. "With a boost like that on Mix Master…"

"There's a major downside," I told them. "If we're in an environment that's safe, like right now, it's fine- I'm boosting Sakuragi's paper and Seike's friction control using it. Michan is also hooked up to it. But I can't afford to die while it's in use, otherwise everyone else in the network will suffer backlash- probably fatal," I added.

Seike and Sakuragi suddenly look very concerned.

"By the time we get into combat," I said, "I'll only have volunteers connected, and there's a notable start-up time. It works by sharing information- so the more people who join, the less tug-of-war there'll be when you're using it for boosted power, and the more powerful you'll get in total. So- decide now." I looked around, to see who'd hold my gaze.

Michan just gave me a thumbs up from the drivers' seat; Meltdowner was first to speak up. "How many digits of pi can you calculate?" she asked, immediately. "No boosts from that network, arctan of x method." It was a fairly common standardisation, sometimes used in System Scans. She held up her hand, and counted down on five fingers, precisely one per second. "I have a few quadrillion."

Both of my eyebrows raised. "Wait, how little?" I asked, honestly surprised. Calculating pi that way was about 1.4 digits a term- I could completely control about five esper brains brains at once, and given that even an unenhanced brain was about a quadrillion calculations a second to review…

"...Tag me in," demanded Mugino.

With that, the dam broke. Nobody wanted to miss sharing processing power with two Level 5s at the same time, even with the risks (that were now rapidly diminishing with each person who jointed), and we quickly had affirmative answers from everyone in the van save 10044- she was more valuable being synchronised to the other Misakas, and she knew it.

My eyebrows raised even higher. "...We best get started, then?" I responded. I hadn't expected unanimity at all- it was my hands they were putting their lives in, after all- but I had it, now.

I started the brainwave synchronisation process.

Not even a minute later, 10044 reported that the robot had touched down. We had our destination- Hishigata was making his stand in a high school, still closed for the summer, but only a few days away from opening.

Clearly, he hadn't expected this to last much longer.

Neither did I.


When we arrived, about five minutes after the enemy did, we were in crisis mode- there was no point in going quiet anymore, no point in hiding anything we could do.

Or- given that everyone here was not only part of Mental Upper, but getting fed information and directives as fast as I could think of them, or review them from other team members- there was no point hiding anything I could do.

I knew that there were five brains within the building, but somehow the information on where they were just wasn't making it to me, like when I'd tried to look at Magnus Stiyl's brain. The magical bullshit was nonsensical like that. Hishigata must have had this place protected back when Rosenthal had been part of the team, or had relocated previous protections from somewhere else; I hadn't had the opportunity to attack other DA facilities, but it didn't seem unlikely that they had similar elsewhere.

…I really needed to work on just finding a bypass for all these magical and electrical defences.

But we had a paper controller boosted by multiple Level 4s and Level 5s, and a clairvoyant that could see anything under the sky. They were holed up in a school, a building known for containing many books and papers. It wasn't hard to do the maths.

The building practically exploded as Sakuragi got into range; the members of Scavenger whooped and hollered at the sight of a hated educational institution being torn open from the inside-out. "Maid outfits? Destroying schools? I like this boss!" announced Sakuragi, to loud agreement from the rest of her teammates.

Our improvised hit squad poured out of the van, and I ordered one of Scavenger's usual tricks- combining no friction and paper control to create personal vehicles. Seiin High School was already a shell of its former self, and rapidly losing mass by the second; the concrete, bricks and mortar were crumbling like mud beneath a pressure washer. At this pace, wherever he lay within the building, he'd be exposed in not much more than a minute.

It was one hell of a way to knock on Hishigata's doorstep.

Hishigata knocked back.

Before I could even really understand what I was defending from, Meltdowner and I flared her power into a shield, and I automatically formed an ablative wall of paper between us and the heat of the twin flares. That much power wasn't unnecessary- even with a Level 5 power, it wasn't enough to redirect the attack in its entirety, and white-hot plasma sprayed out to the sides of the shield.

When we dropped the shield, it was obvious what had caused it.

In the rubble of the edge of the chemistry building, there stood a machine, covered in exposed wires and joints, with a computer screen and two megaphones obscuring the face of Accelerator, who'd been strapped into the machine's heart.

It reminded me of the mech from one of the Alien movies more than anything, really- something industrial and dirty, rather than the clean lines and sleek shapes of the previous, magic-based Coffins. The screen was lit up with a man's face, visible from here only using Iizumi's Predator ability; blonde, but with day-old stubble growing from his chin and upper lip, and with greasy hair. "Hah! I knew I'd get a reaction, but don't you think this is a bit over the top?" he said easily, voice tinny and echoing given the megaphones and the distance.

I launched the paper at the building the machine had come from- there wouldn't have been time to relocate too much. I didn't need to fight this robot unless it got in my way, so there was no point engaging in it if the telekinesis we had available could get to him and bypass the fight entirely.

"Not at all," I replied, although he couldn't hear from me at this distance.

That white-hot beam appeared again, but this time, it appeared from the flanks of the machine. I realised what they were. They were beams of hyper-accelerated matter- air, concrete, whatever- and they turned the paper into ash on the wind before cutting through nearby buildings in a burst of fire, like a pressurised water jet.

He'd done it- Accelerator's power was not only under his control, but boosted in power. He might not have had the skill and finesse of Accelerator, but in his hands, the One Way Road had just become the barrel of a particle cannon.

With no apparent means of lift, the makeshift robot lifted up into the sky, before we could try and use the cover of the building it protected to get something past it. "Apparently not," Hishigata said, in response to our attempted attack. The back of my neck tingled, and Meltdowner and I raised the shields again- another matter cannon screamed into the barriers with astounding force, and more lances of white-hot material fired out to the sides.

He was destroying the material we could control telekinetically- and he was doing a damn good job of it. Soon, all we had to work with was the material behind our shields.

The beams came down… I realised that the Accelerator-bot couldn't keep it up forever. "Don't worry, I don't have any grudge against you, yeah?" said Hishigata, through his megaphones- he was probably redirecting the sound with Accelerator's power, just so we could hear it from here. "I mean, you're going to die if you keep trying to stop me when I'm this close, but soon I'll have all I want and you can give up. I'll let you deal with this, me and Hundun have an intruder to deal with… Ciao."

"Oh, come on…" hissed Meltdowner, utterly done with such casual disrespect from people doing their best to kick her ass, a moment before she had to bring up her shield again.

This time, though, Accelerator wasn't aiming at us directly- he was aiming all around us, the same bracketing maneuver I'd used to intimidate Scavenger. But he wasn't hitting air, he was aiming for the ground, and the Meltdowner shields we were using had to either expand vertically to keep them from hitting overhead or expand around our flanks to protect our sides.

If he couldn't pierce Meltdowner's barriers, or force us to bake ourselves in an effort to keep from getting sliced and charred to pieces by the streams of hyper-accelerated plasma coming our way, he- or rather, what was presumably the dim-witted but slowly-learning AI control module in charge of Accelerator- would just kill us with the splash damage.

But we'd come to an agreement, within the data-feeds of Mental Out- if he was truly using Accelerator's power to its full potential, there'd be no need to pause. Our hypothesis seemed to be correct- Accelerator needed oxygen, and while he was turning the matter into around him into super-heated plasma jets, the heat must have been converting the oxygen in the air into toxic ozone, nitrous oxide, and other such compounds.

In a battle of boosted Level 5s, Accelerator's only way to break through Meltdowner was to close in, but leaving his perch would leave Hishigata vulnerable to a last-ditch telekinetic crash of paper. We didn't know where in the building Hishigata was, but we knew enough to kill both him and 10046 if we were all going to be killed by Accelerator anyway. So now it was another single-strike battle. Whether it was Accelerator's control module finally leveraging Accelerator in a way that would kill us, or us finding a way to break Accelerator's defences, the first attack to hit would win- we just had to ensure that attack was ours.

The next clash of powers came, and this time, Accelerator aimed far in front of us. The ground beneath us shifted and shuddered, whatever open space lay below ground immediately giving under the force of the attack- but while we'd lost a lot of material, we still had some to use, and we shored up the ground beneath our feet with oobleck and paper.

Our own probing was much more subtle… but as I saw steam rising on the hull of the robot, its presence generated by Mental Out, the movement patterns confirmed something else. We'd been dead right about the loss of processing power, too.

I consulted Misaka 10044's network connection and Kinuhata's calculations for confirmation; excess moisture shouldn't have gotten through his shield if it was 100% functional. Hot water vapour was hanging in the air behind the machine, a visible gradient where Accelerator's barrier was deflecting it, but during the attack some of the vapour had been pulled through.

When it was launching an attack, it wasn't operating on Accelerator's normal 'whitelist'- it was just filtering the worst out as a cost-saving measure, relying on the mass beams' fury to make it impossible to launch an attack, and the rest of its vectors were aligning with the beams rather than the defensive shield.

But our anti-beam defence was only relying on one Level 5 ability. And we had another with which to attack.

In response to the data on the plan being passed to her, Mugino split from the group. She broke into a sprint, powerful legs working to make as much distance as possible before the next attack. One bulbous camera on the machine's shoulder followed her… But the other shoulder's camera hadn't left us. It was obviously going to attack us both- and from what we'd observed of the robot's attacks, it couldn't attack in too many directions at once. If we broke its primary attack into two directions, we'd limit the possibilities for how it could attack.

In other words, splitting up would make it predictable, in the very moment its guard was down. It fired- and drawing from Kinuhata and her implanted Accelerator equations, I calculated what the vector patterns would look like.

And knowing that, had been how I'd broken through with the reverse-punch the first time.

Once I loaded those calculations into Mental Out, and filtered my usual calculations through those altered vectors, it was all over for the machine controlling Accelerator. The beams screamed against two separate Meltdowner shields, one from me, one from the real Meltdowner, at those oh-so-predictable angles… and then they cut off abruptly.

Mental Out had used 'incorrect' vectors at the edge of the mid-attack, misaligned vectors of the machine-controlled Accelerator, and Accelerator's own power had 'corrected' them for me. The command I'd sent that way had been simply to add Mental Out's vectors to the whitelist. And that meant I could get through.

With the person at the heart of the machine as vulnerable as anyone else now, all I needed to do was break the machine before it could force through any more commands. His mathematical abilities were in shambles, without a direct network upload, but there was enough for what I needed to do.

The machine around him burst into pieces- to the wild applause of the more excitable members of the group. Even Mugino was elated to finally have a win- "Hell yes!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, seeing the Rank 1 finally fall from the sky.

It was just like Doctor Kiyama had learned back with Level Upper. Sure, you could try and match the power of a Level 5 however you liked… but if you didn't know how to use it well, the most you could hope for was a speedbump.

As Accelerator fell, Yakamaru used her Mix Master power to quickly fabricate material for a soft landing- a blast of air from Kinuhata's hand was enough to send it soaring across the shattered landscape, and it cracked open, frothing and fizzing into a mass of soft, fluffy foam. Scavenger's leader used their Predator ability to confirm he came to a smooth halt as the froth dissolved underneath his unconscious body. "He's landed safely!" said Iizuma, somewhat redundantly, but I nodded in approval nevertheless.

Now that there wasn't anything stopping us, the buildings around us- already damaged by the uncontrolled mass beams- burst their windows, as whatever nearby paper could be found was used to make a new paper swarm to finish our impromptu demolition project. "Let's get him into the network- his choker thing's wrecked, so he can borrow our calculations instead for now," I informed the others. "Mugino," I said, even after she was already running over, "you get to carry him while it loads in."

"Oh, so I have to babysit the Rank One now?" she complained, leaning over and picking him up in a bridal carry- she grunted a little at the weight, but the woman was ungodly strong for her build.

"I will bribe you by saying you're allowed to never let him live it down," I said reasonably.

"...Y'know what?" replied Mugino. "I'll take that-"

And then the courtyard between us exploded in a glowing pillar of pallid flesh.

The memory upload was already completed.


The colour was gone.

…No, that wasn't it, I realised. The colours on that… thing, just looked more real than anything else around it.

It glowed with prismatic lights overlaying pale, stark tissues that I couldn't quite call 'skin' or 'bark'.

As I watched, a vivid green beam- the only thing that seemed as real as it- shrieked its fury, material bubbling and boiling on its flanks and tearing holes in its superstructure; Meltdowner clearly disliked it as much as I did. The attack annihilated what it touched- but as I felt the ground beneath my feet vibrate, and saw its flesh twist back into position, I realised that whatever it was, it was still taking in mass.

I realised what I was looking at- a tree of Sephiroth, but in massive scale, on something even less understandable than how Railgun had described the AIM Burst. And as I looked, the mound of flesh at its base continued to grow, now starting to differentiate its tissues into structures that looked like twisted, broken wings. I didn't know what it was made of, but at least some part of it was a substance that Mental Out was reacting to- the wispy substance it has brushed against, whatever that 'residual information' brain had been made of, back when Huotou had first been animated.

The destruction had divided us from Mugino and the still-unconscious Accelerator. I sent my orders through Mental Out- Iizumi and Sakuragi would be splitting off to support Mugino, as well as Yakumaru, since some of her chemical mixes would be suitable for making sure Accelerator didn't bleed out from that head wound of his (falling from the sky without his shield had done him no favours). They zoomed off on a paper construct, motivated primarily by their own terror at the out-of-control situation. Me, Michan, Kinuhata and Seike would stick together as blunt-force instruments.

Whatever circles or rituals had been here, while they might have survived our battle with Robo-cellerator, they hadn't survived this- and I could still track four people within the building. Huotou, Rosenthal, Misaka 10046, and Hishigata himself.

The fifth, I couldn't track, but I could only assume that it was somewhere in this mass of flesh- the brain of the Taowu itself.

Hishigata was apparently wearing a fail-deadly barrier, but Rosenthal wasn't. She and her zombie girl had independently deduced which base Hishigata was using in our absence, and she'd gone in to assassinate the Taowu.

Her plan was to use a particular knife. The knife she wielded was enchanted with, in effect, an emergency off-switch- something vital when Mugino was rapidly learning she couldn't find the limits of its regenerative ability. Even in its mortal form, the Taowu was nigh-impossible to kill, and with it transformed into this growing Tower of Babel we needed that knife more than ever.

With their powers boosted, and working in the perfect synchrony of Mental Out, the walls and limp tendrils of flesh that stood were largely arbitrary before Kinuhata and Seike. "They think some super piece of crap like that can stop us?!" snarled Kinuhata, her inner fragments of Accelerator shining through her usual personality, and she blasted through with concentrated pneumatic bursts. Seike moved along behind her, tense as anything, using his friction control to make sure the debris slipped quietly out of our way.

As we moved, eyes grew in our wake- we were being watched. That was fine; I could watch this thing right back.

The vanguard tore past one last wall of meat, and the five of us entered the room.

Hishigata, Rosenthal and Huotou were all standing in an elevator, with 10046 being carried, unconscious, in Huotou's arms; all the other exits were blocked by Taowu's body, and he'd been fruitlessly trying to get the elevator to work. But the destruction of the wall had been enough to draw their attention. "...Ah," he said. "End of the line, I guess. Funny… Screwing so many people over, and I didn't even get what I wanted out of it, yeah?"

"I take it that's not your sister up there," I said, approaching him with a frown. He was wearing the fail-deadly helmet- but there was blood running down the side of his head, and two small, wet screws drilled into either side of it.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, not my brightest idea," he said. "It's easy enough to threaten someone to take off a helmet, so I thought a little bit of impromptu surgery would delay you for long enough to let this happen, yeah…?" He laughed mirthlessly. "Of course, it's not helping now that I need a crazy bitch like you to fight God, and the information is all locked up in here…" Hishigata tapped the side of his head for emphasis, and winced.

"Seike?" I interrupted- he stepped forwards. "Excuse me, Hishigata, this might sting a little."

He looked in sudden anxious confusion as Seike approached him with a vindictive grin, but didn't step away. "What are you- grhlk!" He made a strangled noise of pain, as Seike simply set the friction to zero and let the screws spin out of his head. "Agh…! Argh, fuck," he breathed, quickly tugging off the helmet so I could scan what he knew.

"Miss Shokuhou…!" said Rosenthal, appalled.

In response, I just gestured wordlessly at the giant mass of flesh that was slowly creeping into the world. "Literal apocalypse scenario," I pointed out reasonably. "I am allowed some moral leeway!"

Hishigata hissed. "It's fine, Esther," he said. "Get that shiny knife of yours- we should solve this sooner rather than later, yeah?"

Michan raised us up on Liquid Shadow, with our two wallbreakers opening a hole in the elevator roof. We stepped back outside, into the pale light left behind by the imminent Level 6.

I'd been monitoring the situation with Mental Out, but it certainly hadn't improved. "Why won't you die?!" shouted Meltdowner, off in the distance; I only knew what she was saying because of Mental Out. She was desperately trying to find some weak point, some injury that would stick. But no matter how many times her emerald blasts tore boiling holes in the beast, the damage didn't stick- and now, with tendrils like the roots of a redwood, it was starting to fight back.

No longer was Meltdowner attacking its main body- she was being forced to send her searing beams into the masses of writhing flesh that were trying to attack her, tipped now with clacking human teeth.

"Th-that's the perfect vessel… for the perfect soul…?" said Rosenthal, looking into the sky in disbelief. The thing was still growing; its upper reaches were scraping the edges of my unenhanced range.

"No," I responded. "It's still growing." I glanced at her knife- a magical object. "I'm not sure if we can use that… but I'm sure we can get you into position."

Hishigata's knowledge suggested that the talisman acting as that thing's core would still be in its human body. To check, I had Meltdowner redirect a beam from her defence against the maw-tendrils to attack it, mostly out of spite- but when it simply regenerated from that too, despite having technically destroyed the talisman, I knew from Rosenthal and Hishigata that the talisman itself would keep regenerating until we destroyed it properly.

There was only one obvious way to kill this thing, and it was in melee combat, with a small, delicate knife. Its regeneration, and the sheer mass it was drawing into itself from the concrete of the buildings around it, was only getting stronger the longer we left it.

If only we could wait for Accelerator to finish synchronising… but if it reached Level 6 for real, and Level 6 was truly the level of power that the title promised, waiting too long would be signing our death warrants regardless of what Accelerator could do.

"Miss Rosenthal, Huotou," I asked. "Could Huotou please get Misaka to safety? It'll be easier to protect ourselves without someone unconscious here."

Rosenthal looked to Huotou- she nodded to the zombie. "I will do this, Adonai," said Huotou to Rosenthal. "Please, stay safe." Then she leapt, and tore off at superhuman speeds- tendrils snapped in her wake, but with a few paper blades to divert the attacks, she quickly left their reach with her human cargo safe and sound.

With that seen to… I braced myself, pressing my crutch into the oobleck platform below us. "Let's get this done," I said.

Then- raised up by a geyser of fluttering paper, still soggy from tearing through the meat in the building below- our half of the team soared into the sky, to meet the abomination head-on.

Seeing our approach with a billion eyes growing from its sides, Taowu turned its grublike head towards us, the tiny body that had once been a girl called Hirumi staring smugly at us from where it was embedded at the creature's peak. It shouted something- and though it was too far away to hear, with Predator, I could read its lips.

"Ah, more to experiment with?" said Taowu, licking its lips. "Hundun was far too small a meal to fuel my evolution… Ah, if only we'd kept some of those rebel guard pawns around. But perhaps this will help. And coming right to me, instead of fleeing… Come on then, little magicians!" it declared. "Come and serve the god of the new world!"

Seven tendrils came down at us- one for each of us. Rosenthal, Hishigata, Misaka 10044, Seike, Kinuhata, Michan and myself. Clearly, Taowu wasn't expecting failure in its attack.

Taowu definitely should have expected to fail. None of the snapping maws reached us- a wall of paper rose up around us, and with a single touch from Seike, the wall's friction was set to 'no'. The attacks slipped right off the shield, like a dog biting a beachball- and then the tendrils burst into flame, Seike's power having jumped to them with the contact, setting their friction to 'yes'.

"Ow!" cried Seike, and I turned to him- I realised that we'd had an injury, even if none of them had touched us. He'd started bleeding from the leg, taking his weight off the unexpected injury. His arm was bleeding, too, and he was clutching his waist. "What happened?!"

After a moment, I recognised what had happened- I grimaced, quickly improvising the tissues back together. He was still hurt, neither I nor anyone else in the team were healers by any means, but I had enough different powers and points of comparison to knit him up enough that he wouldn't be falling over. "...Everyone. Don't try and directly manipulate that thing's flesh with your powers, if you can help it," I said, transmitting to the other members of the team too, just in case. "They're using a different technique to Academy City, and it's embedded in the stuff it's made of- if you can't deal with the backlash using your powers, it'll hurt you, and if that backlash hits you in the brain, you're dead."

The tendrils that we'd redirected, already having regenerated after having gotten far enough for Seike's friction powers to fail, lunged again- this time from below. Meltdowner's power strength was reserved for her own problems, so I couldn't afford to use her beams right now; that didn't mean I was out of options, though.

I couldn't tear through them entirely with paper alone, but I could hamstring them enough to delay- quite literally, tearing through muscles with the intent to redirect and slow rather than to actually cut anything apart. This was no longer a question of whether we could fight them off or not- we couldn't, not forever. Now we just had to stall the enemy long enough to strike the final blow. It was the position that Hishigata had been in, a few minutes ago; if we got our win condition, all the strength in the world wouldn't matter.

With one last lurch, the paper geyser that sent us into the sky threw us forwards, and then dissolved into a shield to guard our backs. Michan's power brought us skidding to a halt on the crown of the beast's head, putting us face to face with our foe.

"You're more resourceful than I thought you'd be," Taowu gloated, a torso embedded in a crevice of abominable flesh, even as our platform rushed into close range. "But you-"

Rosenthal plunged the knife forwards, aiming for its heart as we reached it.

But a tendril grew from nothing to stop it- it lodged in the flesh, and with a horrified gasp, its writhing made Rosenthal lose her grip.

"No!" shouted Michan, thrusting her power forwards with all her speed- but the tendril flicked to the side lazily, and the knife was flung away as it came loose, the blob of putty falling down, down, down off the side of the beast with it. Then Michan had to redirect her attention back to the tendrils; a single sweep was enough to force the platform backwards just to keep it from bisecting us all, a thunderous noise ringing out at the impact.

I lunged with every single sheet controlled by Perfect Paper I could manage- but a single great tendril came crashing down on the knife, and slammed it down to the floor, more than a kilometre below us, faster than any of our powers could catch up to. As the tendril lifted, Predator's view spotted the knife… but a few estimates of the speed of the tendrils, the mass that would need to be forced aside, suggested that- from here- Taowu could intercept any attempts to get that knife until its growth became exponential.

The knife was gone, and too far away to reach before Taowu reached Level 6. Our win condition was no longer an option, I realised, with growing dread.

"As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted- but you can't win," finished Taowu, grinning wide as it unknowingly echoed my thoughts. "Do you have any last words, before you're repurposed to serve the needs of the ultimate golem?"

More tendrils sprouted from underneath it, closing in slowly, lazily, taking pleasure in the growing fear amongst our ranks. Rosenthal put her hands to her mouth. Seike, Kinuhata and Michan stepped closer to me, each raising their powers to cover a different angle.

Hishigata didn't step back- he stepped forwards, stepping off the Liquid Shadow platform. "...Hirumi," he said, "if you're in there-"

Before he could finish, a pair of jaws sprouted around him like a moray eel from a hole- crunching through his ribs, and then snapping open to swallow him entirely before his torso could fall. Rosenthal let out a strangled cry of despair at the loss of a man who'd once been her friend, Kinuhata physically holding her back from trying to follow the jaws as they retracted.

"...Any last words- that aren't utterly inane, I should clarify?" Taowu said, unbothered.

We didn't have the knife… What could we even do, other than wait to die…?

My fists clenched. If we'd just been able to keep it from getting the memories-

I realised something.

If Mental Out could sense some fluid other than water in the body of this beast, and merely using his power on this thing had given Seike magical backlash…

I could sense something loud and clear, and the most notable physical component of the Taowu's god-body seemed to be 'magic'.

And the same could be said for that 'residual memories' brain, back when Huotou had first been resurrected.

…Did that mean Mental Out could treat magic as a fluid?

And if the knife was just an emergency override, written in that fluid, just like how brains were a person written in the electrical solutions of the neurons…? If I could copy the magical pattern, rearrange some of the magic around me to fit it…

Trying anything would risk backlash, strong enough to kill us all. Accelerator's power had partially loaded- it would have to be enough. There wasn't enough time for anything else. I set an equation to minimise the change of vectors within my own body, hoping that the partial strength of the One Way Road would be enough to protect me from the backlash.

I opened my metaphorical third eye to the construct around me, and my whole body suddenly felt a sharp pain- but the pressure didn't overwhelm me, the vectors firmly controlled, and I stayed firmly on my feet.

Now that I could see it all, Mental Out alone wouldn't be enough. I was finally able to look for its brain, but I saw that its mind was protected, like whatever defences Rosenthal had, and whatever way Magnus Stiyl had shielded his own mind.

The knife, as far away as it was, still lay within my boosted range. And now I was actively looking for such things, I could see it- the patterns on it, inscribed in that not-material that I was somehow picking up.

In need of a solution, a guide, I dived into Rosenthal's mind- and suddenly clutched my head. The knowledge I needed… It would be on one of those grimoires, and it hurt in a way I couldn't describe to flick past the knowledge of artificial souls, the-

There. I saved the fragment of knowledge I needed to my own memory, almost feeling like a brand within my skull and got the hell out of her head. She seemed to realise something had happened, turning towards me despite the sadistically-encroaching danger around us.

My mind burned and sputtered. But I'd found what I needed to get the access code. I didn't have any means to stab Taowu from here- but the talisman was embedded in magic, and if I could manipulate that-

I took hold, a strange light glowing behind me for a moment. Mental Out's influence snagged the talisman, and twisted.

The tendrils shuddered, stopping their advance. Flashes of green light started to show through the forest of flesh; the tendrils had stopped for her, too, and she was starting to cut through them to attack the main body. Taowu itself had stilled before us; its expression had gone from leering triumph to frozen confusion, and now, it was shifting to dawning horror.

"No…" it breathed. "No! I will- I will not- I DO NOT PERMIT THIS!"

The tendrils burrowed into its own flesh, and with a great ripping noise, the meat beneath us was sent flying into the air, scattering us to the winds.

But that was okay. With a paper-based telekinetic on our side, the fluttering winds came up to catch most of us; Kinuhata simply manipulated the air to control her fall, and myself and Seike amped up the air resistance just enough to act as a parachute. The acceleration hadn't been fast enough to do any real damage to us squishy mortals, though some of the team probably had whiplash, all that Taowu had done was take us out of melee range.

Taowu's defences had already been broken by the magical access code contained on the knife; while the regeneration was a property of its body alone, the defences of its mind were not, and its whole endeavour was reliant on one, single, critical point- just like AIM Burst, just like the Coffins, just like every other attempt at reaching Level 6 through artificial means.

Technologically-downloaded memories were always easy to detect. I reached in, Accelerator's power bracing me against the magical backlash, and I deleted the memories of ten-thousand deaths.

For a moment, nothing changed- it continued to regenerate. For a moment, I wondered if we were too late.

Then one of Mugino's beams cleaved into its flank, and rather than healing, the beast's upper body buckled under the loss of support. Its wings began to droop, and when they started to be cleaved off by beams of vindictive green light, I knew that it had lost. Without its powers being artificially boosted by the ritual it had tried to perform… The sheer mass it had added to itself was enough to make it as powerful as any Level 5, but it didn't know how to use esper powers, and so before the onslaught of a real Level 5's attacks, its size simply made it an easier target.

I redirected my fall, away from the others, and requested a few firing targets from Meltdowner. She obliged. By the time I touched the ground, the Taowu's core was already falling towards me, and- picking up the ritual knife, held in a motile blob of oobleck that had come forth to meet me- I ambled forwards to meet it when it hit the ground.

Above me, the Taowu's body was caving in on itself, turning to dust- like a deflating blister, and like a vampire under the sun.

Remembering the trick I'd improvised in the battle with Accelerator, I set Mental Out to generate moisture in the air; the water droplets gathered and condensed, and the dust above and around me fell as pale white rain. I didn't feel that breathing in a monster that ate concrete would be healthy, even if it was dissolving into nothingness.

A lump of pale meat hit the ground with a thud, about ten metres ahead of me. After one last burst of Meltdowner- hearing a cry of pain as I did it- I disconnected the Mental Upper network, feeling my range shrink suddenly, and stumbled with my crutch towards the fallen, severed body of Taowu that had one been Hishigata Hiromi.

"Taowu," I greeted, as it glared up at me with one baleful eye open, speaking to it in its own language- an old dialect of chinese, to be specific, as he'd been born and raised in that country. "Or should I say, Isaac Rosenthal?"

"Hah… How did you hear that?" it said, its voice full of hate. "What… what sort of interfering creature are you?"

"Really?" I asked bemusedly, still approaching it. "The giant zombie meat-lump wants to know what sort of creature I am?"

"I… am a golem… that was almost the perfect combination, of body and soul," spat Taowu. "But you… none of that should have been possible. Not for magicians, not for one of you… 'esper' creatures. What are you…?!"

"Ah, well… I actually had a conversation about that earlier today," I said. "For people I like, I'm just somebody who wants to see people smile. But for people like you…"

I grinned. Taowu pushed with its two remaining limbs, trying to make distance from me- but as broken as it was, it couldn't even escape from a middle-schooler with a crutch, and I closed in on it.

"Well…" I said. "Every mind within a kilometre of me is allowed to have a pleasant day, with little things like free will and self-interest and not being cogs in a greater mind, because I don't feel that being a hyper-controlling megalomaniac is a desirable end goal. I don't think you'd understand that, Mister Rosenthal. I don't think you understand at all…"

It tried to keep moving away as I reached melee range- I stabbed at it with my crutch, between the head and the shoulder, to keep it from moving away any further.

"So, with that in mind," I said. "I control hearts and minds with impunity. I can have any power of the people around me I like, and I live in Academy City. I can generate matter from nothing… What sort of creature- pray tell, Mister so-called God- do you think I am, from that narrow-minded perspective of yours?"

"That…" said Taowu. "That's-"

"The correct answer is: someone who's going to end you, and do it the right way," I replied with a wide smile, raising the knife.

And, just to ruin the drama he probably desired from his final moments, I added, "Because I have no idea how zombies work."

And I brought the knife down.

It pierced the talisman attached to Hirumi's chest with ease. Taowu mouthed in wordless pain for a moment… then it crumbled, into just as much dust as anything else.

I left the knife where it lay, and slowly pushed myself back to my feet. I took a few, deep breaths, and let the tension drain from my body. Then, I relayed a few, simple words to the scattered members of the team- "Give yourselves a pat on the back, guys," I said. "We've done it."
And there we go; Misaki isn't going to top this one in a while, I feel. Here we've got a team of the most unlikely heroes saving the world from someone else's folly.

That said, Misaki's blatant disregard for her own well-being and the newly discovered desire to grandstand are rather evident here, and she's letting her inner supervillain shine through once again, given that Taowu was clearly terrified of her in the end before she executed it. Her gloating, coupled with the slasher smile, doesn't help. It deserved everything she did to it, but still...

Of course, both the Hail Mary she's pulled here and the "reason-you-suck" speech she's given the Taowu are going to have consequences down the line. In fact, the very next arc deals with them...
"For those not aware- there's a gestalt of around ten-thousand clones of Misaka Mikoto, who've retain the memories from ten-thousand other dead clones who were killed in combat," I explained. "Hishigata's plan is to use the memories of those deaths to resonate with universal fears of death, or something like that- I don't really understand the science, but he wouldn't pick a fight with this many Level 5s if he didn't think it would work. In the same way that Level Upper and AIM Burst spread its own brainwaves to connect to the people around it, Hishigata's plan is to work from the opposite end; if he makes pre-existing thought patterns resonate with his construct, it can syphon energy and processing power from the Personal Realities of everyone on the planet."

It was my best guess from what I knew of how magic worked. In the same way that an incantation and a spell circle in the Nihilist's lab might invoke 'Amaterasu' to make a small light from the AIM gestalt of Shinto beliefs, the memories of 10,000 deaths would resonate potently with the unconscious AIM field gestalt of 'Death' to become an inevitable, unstoppable force.
with Michan and 10044 in the front, plus two members of ITEM, four members of Scavenger, myself, and a hefty amount of space reserved by Scavenger for keeping away from people they'd tried to murder, plus the quantity of materials needed for Michan's Liquid Shadow and Sakuragi's Perfect Paper abilities… and also the shopping bag that still hadn't been taken out of the van… there was not all that much space in here. Not ideal.
And a partridge in a pear tree~.
while Frenda didn't have a leg to stand on
I was willing to relax my usual Mental Upper safety standards when we'd lose everything otherwise.
Read: Sense of morals.
What it wants to say," interrupted Mugino, drawing a glare from me
Thin ice, Meltdowner. Better watch what you say lest you feel the overwhelming urge to serve people and call them Master~.
"What the fuck?" said Mugino.
Must be a horrible feeling, thinking your the shit, only to realize the depths of the rabbit hole.
The building practically exploded as Sakuragi got into range; the members of Scavenger whooped and hollered at the sight of a hated educational institution being torn open from the inside-out. "Maid outfits? Destroying schools? I like this boss!" announced Sakuragi, to loud agreement from the rest of her teammates.
Message from child me: Mood.
"Hah! I knew I'd get a reaction, but don't you think this is a bit over the top?"
Eh, the equivalent of a Level Six Shift Project requires a "proportional" response.
He made a strangled noise of pain, as Seike simply set the friction to zero and let the screws spin out of his head.
Well that's one way to skin the proverbial cat.
"Why won't you die?!"
"Magical Shit, girl."
I grinned. Taowu pushed with its two remaining limbs, trying to make distance from me
You gotta love Slasher Smiles.
And thus Misaki forever cements Mugino's respect . By being scarier than a city rending monster that pitifully tries to crawl away from her in its final moments.
"Maid outfits? Destroying schools? I like this boss!" announced Sakuragi, to loud agreement from the rest of her teammates.
She's never living the maid threat down.
In need of a solution, a guide, I dived into Rosenthal's mind- and suddenly clutched my head. The knowledge I needed… It would be on one of those grimoires, and it hurt in a way I couldn't describe to flick past the knowledge of artificial souls, the-
Yep. Grimoires are bad for your brain.
Gah. Now I've bingeread this after is was Pick of the Month, I've bingeread it on SB, and now I'm having plot ideas for a similar setup with Accelerator.

I've been having a lot of fun reading the fic, and definitely looking forwards to seeing where the current arc is going. :)
Chapter 23- Arc 2, End
Unlike the first time I'd been here, back on that baking summer day with Shirai and Railgun, the hospital waiting room was very, very busy.

We'd successfully avoided an Academy City civil war between the Level 5s and its organisations, but that didn't meant that there hadn't been fallout. Injured DA members were being treated elsewhere, but a lot of Anti-Skill personnel had been hurt too. Accelerator and ITEM's other members were being treated here, as well as Seike of Scavenger (I'd patched him up with Mental Upper after he'd been hit by magical backlash, but he'd still benefit from a hospital trip), so many of Anti-Skill's more vulnerable members had been gathered here under the aegis of the powerful espers with an interest in keeping the place intact.

I was sitting next to 10046, the sister we'd rescued, and Last Order by extension. The poor girl had been distraught by her sister and probable older brother figure both getting kidnapped, and since Accelerator was getting brain surgery right now, she'd glued herself to the one who was currently available. She'd fallen asleep. The fretting had exhausted her, and now that everyone was finally safe, she'd curled into her sister's side like a puppy and accidentally dozed off.

10046 was gently running her fingers through Last Order's hair, with a mostly-neutral but quietly content expression. Given their history, most of the sisters were probably touch-starved. I could guess she was figuring that out right now.

One of the side doors opened; I idly watched, mostly just people-watching, and saw Mugino. She met my eyes, and approached, padding up to us.

"You busy?" Mugino said to me, in a low voice- she'd clearly noticed Last Order's current state, though since she and I had reached a point I could let her mind be in a conversation, I didn't know if she was being nice or if she just couldn't be bothered to cause a fuss.

I glanced at 10046; in lieu of saying anything that might wake up her sister, she gave a small, unpractised smile.

They'd be fine, then. "No, I'm not busy," I replied easily, and got up to follow her.

She led me down the corridors, past the bustle, until we reached a corridor that was empty.

There, she leaned herself against a wall. Mugino took a breath.

"I'm going after Nakimoto Rizou," she said. "He's the idiot who thought hiring Scavenger and DA to get us killed was a good idea." Her eyes darkened. "He's a member of the Board of Directors- the Director of Agriculture. Some people say he's a cannibal. I'm going to have to pull a hell of a lot of favours just to get a shot at him, let alone actually kill him… Stay out of it," she demanded. "Dealing with pieces of shit like him is my job. If you go for him, though, they'll see it as a power play- we'll be starting that fight you pulled your punches to avoid."

I could see her point, all too clearly. DA's political goal with the attack had been to make the upper echelons of Academy City believe that the Level 5s were too dangerous to stick around. If you had the mind-controller Level 5 in range of a Director's support staff… regardless of how little you liked him, that was a terrifying scenario for anyone else in power. Meltdowner, as scary as she was, didn't have the sort of power that made her a threat by association- the same wasn't true for me.

But I was happy to be left out, in a case like this one. "Oh no, having to leave this crap to someone reasonably competent while I sit around drinking tea?" I responded- she gave me an irritated look. "However will I cope… Yeah, I'll take that deal. Is there anything you want from me anyway, before you go charging off?" I asked her. "And what are you going to do when Accelerator wakes up and decides he's picking a fight, too? I doubt he's going to take a threat to Last Order laying down, and he's doing a lot of laying down right now."

She paused. "Accelerator? As far as I'm concerned- as far as anyone on the Dark Side is concerned?" She huffed. "He's an Act of God. If he wants to join in, I'm sure not going to try and stop him. As for you…" she said, consideringly. "Hmph. I need to know how I'm going to swing this, which means I need to know what the hell just happened. I can't take him down with half a team, so some of those favours need to be spent on getting competent feet on the ground." Apparently, Mugino wasn't planning to wait for her team to heal up. "Tell me everything you know. I know how to keep my mouth shut about the parts that are better left quiet."

"...Well, we'd best be sat down for that," I replied. "It might take a while."

Mugino grunted, and I followed her back through the hospital's corridors.

Eventually, she came to a patient's room door, and opened it. I stepped inside, seeing the other members of her team, as I'd expected. Takitsubo looked up from her bed with wary eyes; Frenda was still unconscious, but from the shapes under the bed she rested in, they'd gone through with the amputation I predicted. Kinuhata was reading a magazine, and didn't turn to regard us.

She jabbed her hand in the direction of a chair; I sat down obligingly. Mugino stayed standing. I held back from rolling my eyes at the attempted power play.

"Right," I said. "Where to start… As far as I'm aware, it started with the Coffin project. It was a side project for the Dark May project." Kinuhata glanced up from her reading material. "The kids who they couldn't implant Accelerator's formulae into, they vivisected; the goal was identifying the biological origins of AIM fields. They found that the strongest correlate was bodily mass."

As neutrally as one of the sisters, Takitsubo asked, "Is that why your boobs are both so big?"

We both paused our serious conversation to give her an incredulous look, despite our differences.

"Our intel said you used to look like a doll," she explained, "and Mugino used to be a pretty small person. So if you both went through a growth spurt between getting your powers and becoming Level 5…"

I interrupted her. "Firstly, that's stupid. Second, I was a Level 5 before I got tall," I said, purposefully ignoring the question of width and breadth. After fishing for any more points, I added, "Third, Railgun is also a Level 5, so it can't be a deciding factor."

Takitsubo hummed. "What does she look like again?"

"Like her clones- short hair, skinny, flat as a board," said Mugino, and paused to consider. "...She looks like Kinuhata," she decided after a moment. "So she's right, your idea's stupid."

"...I am going to super kill you both," growled Kinuhata, having an Accelerator-brain moment in response to the unwelcome commentary on her build.

"...Moving on," I said quickly, wanting to get this topic away from the obvious troll in our midst before Kinuhata committed a murder. "The leader of the project, Hishigata Mikihiko, deduced that if he artificially increased the mass of espers, he could enhance their powers… Takitsubo," I interjected, seeing she was about to speak up, "if you say anything about what sort of 'mass' it was, you're going to be serving tiny sandwiches in a frilly skirt for the next week and a half, regardless of how many painkillers you're on right now."

"...What?" said Mugino.

"...So Hishigata's plan was to use robot suits as a means of boosting Personal Reality strength," I continued. Kinuhata snorted at my blatant attempt to avoid that topic. "By manipulating an esper's mind to believe that the giant robot suit was a part of their body, their Personal Reality would grow to fill the void, resulting in a more powerful esper. A larger robot suit could both fit better control systems and enhance the powers more effectively; I know you only saw the last one and some scraps," I said to Kinuhata and Mugino, "but an intact one was pretty big- the one I fought boosted a Level 2 pyrokinetic to Level 4, for example."

"Right," she noted. "But he hired us to bring him your body, rather than taking you alive."

I shrugged. "His original versions all used corpses, but they were reliant on an expert they'd brought in-" Mugino's brows furrowed. "-that abandoned the project, so by the time of the incident he had no way to use a dead body... I'm guessing that was a practical wager- he wasn't going to try and keep a Level 5 as a prisoner, but he wasn't confident that machine he hooked Accelerator up to would work, either. So he'd preserve my corpse," I surmised, "and either swap me with one of the other Coffin robots' bodies, or figure out the technique himself."

"Tell me about the expert," she pressed.

I nodded. "Her name's Rosenthal Esther. Kinuhata saw her and her assistant when we dug Hishigata out of his hiding hole," I noted. "She was there to try and destroy the Taowu- the regenerating creature. She'd been brought in from outside the city, to try and bypass the Coffin project's biggest issue- that they didn't have enough control over the brains to enhance powers reliably. They convinced her that the bodies were ethically donated, with the intent of surgically altering the brains post-mortem, and then using Rosenthal's expertise to reactivate their powers."

"Is that expertise in the 'different technique to Academy City' you told us about?" asked Mugino.

Right- I'd beamed that message to everyone, after Seike got hurt by the magical backlash. "It's… think of it as pre-industrial esper abilities," I commented. "A gunsmith can make a gun, and can refine it however he wants, but it's slow and needs careful preparation. A factory line can make lots of them, at a reliable level of power. There's other differences," I admitted, "but to summarise- its design principles go against Gemstones and other espers and thus causes explosive internal damage to espers that use or mess with it, and explanatory texts- or memorised information from the original copies- will generally become cognitohazardous to use."

My head still ached from the fragment I'd had to memorise, and occasionally it flickered into the front of my mind; it seemed to be firmly lodged in its position, but was starting to settle down. "You know a lot about it," pointed out Mugino. "How did that happen?"

"I encountered another expert who specialises in avoiding the latter problem, who informed me due to concern about my own health if I read the wrong mind, and I've been looking into ways to avoid the former," I said. "Mostly out of concern for what happens if anyone else gets their hands on it- we don't really need careless scientists making children go 'pop', or going even more insane than they usually are from reading the wrong texts… A faction as stupid as DA found a way to take advantage of it," I noted, "but I'd rather keep it as quiet as possible to delay anything else like that- the longer it stays quiet, the more of a leg up I'll have in the next mess." I paused. "If you see something like that in the field, I'd be willing to trade favours if it's causing you trouble."

"I haven't heard of anything like this before, but… If you're right about it, what makes it different to Academy City techniques?" she pressed. "How do you ID it in the field?"

"A lot of the experts identify these techniques as 'magic'," I said- she raised an eyebrow- "which is presumably why the City hasn't been taking it seriously enough to investigate… Most of them keep themselves pretty hidden, so don't expect them to be common in a place like this. My best guess is that it works by referring to unconscious, non-esper AIM field gestalts; if it looks like magic, or it sounds like magic, it might be an artisanal esper technique. Religious mnemonics, written-out 'spell circles', foreigners with powers that are obviously new enough to not be a naturalised citizen- that sort of thing."

"...Right," said Mugino, dubiously. "If Nakimoto picked up any of this from the Coffin project, his staff might be able to use powers, even if they're too old to be espers. What tactical differences are there, if there are any?"

"It's got a very high skill floor without instruction," I said, "but I can't discount it- which is half the reason I'm telling you all this, instead of feeding you something else. As for major differences… It's a lot slower and more methodical than a real esper. On one hand, it has its advantages- one of the reasons Rosenthal was brought in was that she could pre-prepare a technique on paper, which could then be applied to pilot the finished Coffin gestalt regardless of whether she was present or not. But it's a lot weaker if you catch them off-guard. I encountered a practitioner putting post-it notes all around my lab, on one occasion," I noted, recalling my encounter with Magnus Stiyl, "which presumably would have been very dangerous if the team precog hadn't pointed him out to me. I talked him down easily enough."

She grunted in acknowledgement. "Any weaknesses?" she asked.

"I haven't had the chance to fight a proper magician, and I hope that continues." She grimaced at how dumb that sentence sounded to her. "Their counters to your abilities might not make sense, though- I've noticed that personally- so if you can't figure out their trick, try to destroy their mnemonic or the tools they're using. Otherwise, I suspect that point-blank annihilation would be very effective," I deadpanned. "They've got a more flexible toolkit, but real espers have much bigger hammers that are much easier to wield, at the same level of power- in most cases, you'll have the bigger stick, so if there's an angle they haven't guarded effectively, just hit them really hard with your powers and they'll probably lose."

Mugino frowned, but nodded. "And you're not just telling me something stupid to get me to fuck off?" she checked.

"If I was, I'd tell you something shorter and more believable," I said reasonably. For the sake of getting back on track, I added, "Anything else to cover before we carry on?"

"First," said Mugino, staring me in the eyes- "I'll trade a favour if you prove it to me. That lab of yours is where you're looking into it?"

"We're in the middle of a safety review- if it fails the review, or if there's a major objection to the presence of you or whoever you want to observe, no can do," I told her. "That's non-negotiable. …Otherwise, I can do that. I expect the favour would be equivalent to a similar level of private, power-related intel?" She thought that over- then nodded her head, once. "If the trade goes through, then," I said, "I'll likely request an esper revision session each from members of your team; I have electrokinetics and aerokinetics who could benefit, and I have a personal interest in what exactly AIM fields are doing." I nodded towards Takitsubo. "The power enhancing drugs shouldn't be necessary, for the latter one. Where were we?"

"We were at Rosenthal Esther," Mugino said. "She comes in, uses pre-fabricated esper abilities to activate the dead espers' abilities, and their abilities are controlled and amplified by the 'Coffin' robot."

"Right," I agreed. "However, Hishigata's sister and Rosenthal's friend- one Hishigata Hirumi- died during the experiments, due to an unrelated illness. Rosenthal used a pre-fabricated technique from a previous head of the Rosenthal house- when I say 'artisanal', that includes the long-term master-apprentice relationships and whatnot- in an effort to revive Hirumi. However, instead of reviving Hirumi, it revived… basically an artificial intelligence, using her brain as a processor, with the esper technique being pre-written code for it. It split the two from each other- Hishigata believed that he'd only partially revived Hirumi, and believed bringing Hirumi's body to Level 6 would complete the process; Rosenthal correctly identified the animating intelligence, Taowu, as an imposter."

"So he was an idiot who didn't listen to his advisors and nearly fucked us all because of it," she said understandingly. "How did you get brought into it?"
"I bumped into her, pretty literally," I started. "She was looking for one of Railgun's clones in the hospital after her escape, as the intelligence running on Hirumi's corpse- the Taowu, as Rosenthal's family called it- had identified the memories of ten-thousand deaths, known to be held within the sisters' AIM network, as supposedly being useful to a traditional esper technique that Hishigata was convinced would bring Hirumi to Level 6 and fully revive her…"

The explanation went pretty smoothly from there, for the most part- Takitsubo interjected with a few questions occasionally, while Kinuhata added details to what she'd been present for- up until we reached the end of the fight.

"How did you kill it, if you didn't have the failsafe any more?" asked Mugino. She was referring to the enchanted knife that Rosenthal had brought with her to slay the Taowu. "Kinuhata didn't see anything," she added, to which Kinuhata made an affirmative noise- she'd finished her magazine by now. "Using Mental Out somehow, makes the most sense."

"Whatever magic's made of, it was dense enough in the Taowu to behave like a fluid," I said. "Mental Out could pick it up. It gave me the idea to try and input the failsafe directly onto the paper that Taowu was coded on; I raided Rosenthal's brain for the relevant knowledge- I'll probably have to book an appointment with my expert to make sure I didn't hurt myself too bad, looking up the info- and managed to copy it from the knife it was encoded on. When I plugged it in, the Taowu's magical defences dropped, and as long as I was using Accelerator's One Way Road ability to make sure I didn't pop like a zit, I could delete the memories it was using to pseudo-Level Upper itself."

"You found it that easy?" asked Takitsubo from her bed.

"Well, yeah, it was just the brain-stuff I do pretty much daily once I got past the 'I will literally explode if I look at it' thing," I pointed out. "That's why you don't base your whole evil plan on a single lynchpin, if you want to actually win against the people interested in keeping the city intact."

"...Bullshit," sighed Mugino. I looked at her confusedly. "No, listen- you're supposed to be the weak one. Railgun picks fights pretty much daily, and blacks out districts when she gets mad. Accelerator and Dark Matter control reality. You already know what I can do. Sogiita Gunha trashes whatever he likes, and the Sixth is strong enough to be called the Dark Side's Bane. You, though?" She shook her head. "You just pick off a few assholes that do something dumb, and sit in that school of yours the rest of the day. And then the moment someone pisses you off enough, you're suddenly throwing down with the Rank One better than anyone else has done before, you're taking down things that your power has no right to be beating, you're always one step ahead of people who live and breathe this shit…"

"I've always been this strong, though," I said, tilting my head at her. "...Well, no, actually- I've been learning a few new tricks recently, some of them related, some of them not- but the whole mind control thing is exactly the same as it usually is."

"You're on record as waiting for Judgment more often than just dealing it with yourself," she pointed out frustratedly. "How does that make any sense?"

"Unlike some people," I said, thinking of Accelerator and Railgun, "I actually follow the rules on not using my powers in public." She gave me a disbelieving look. "...I sometimes pretend to follow those rules, at the very least," I corrected. "Judgment exists for a reason, y'know? They have to do a lot more paperwork if you don't just let them beat people up instead…"

"Is that… is that the whole reason you've got such a weak reputation?" Mugino said incredulously. "You just can't be bothered to use your power? Not even when someone starts stepping all over you?"

"I'm a Level 5- if I thought they were stepping on me, they'd know it quickly enough," I replied. "And I use my power plenty. I just find the weaker-looking stuff like mind-reading more useful. Browsing for new scientific theories, grabbing new cooking recipes or quick tips… Things that are useful for normal people, rather than things that let you blow a hole in the side of a building. I might actually practise with my power somewhat more than the rest of us, actually. Accelerator's got his field, but it's pretty passive," I pointed out, "and unless you've found new and interesting ways to do cooking or dispose of the garbage, I can't see many ways you'd use your power if you're just ambling around the house or something."

"...That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but it makes the worst kind of sense," groaned Mugino. "So… what? Someone bothers you, and you just show them up like it's nothing? Because you just don't feel like letting people know you're stronger than them?"

"I wouldn't go that far, given how many times I've almost been killed this week alone," I countered, "but… basically, yeah. To butcher a few quotes- 'those who proceed to fuck around, shall be brought by degrees to subsequently find out'," I summarised, sagely.

Not having heard the original quote, Mugino asked, "Find out what?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Most of the espers, I squared up to first one way or another, but the people in charge? They were just people in funny hats. And I've heard Accelerator complain about people picking fights with him… I don't think hyping myself up would help with anything other than my ego, really," I said. "So what they're finding out is just the obvious outcome, same as picking a fight with any other Level 5."

I hummed, thinking it over.

"...Ordinary humans shouldn't be picking a fight with the human-controlling esper, I guess? It seems kind of self-evident to me," I admitted.

Mugino frowned. She seemed unsatisfied with that.


When I was done with the hospital for the evening, I finally had to figure out what to do with the Scavengers. Michan had been monitoring them while I was occupied, but she'd had to get home eventually, and her flat didn't exactly have much for feeding four extra mouths at short notice. So dealing with them was up to me.

They were sitting around in one of the other waiting rooms, kicking their feet, and probably would've been surrounded by the wrappers of the snacks I'd bought them if I hadn't specifically instructed them to make sure they tidied up after themselves. Actually, I had to specifically instruct them to do a lot of things- like not taking the opportunity of being in a hospital with a bunch of injured teachers to commit some teacher murder. Not even 'a really mean one', as if there was anything really bad they somehow noticed, they had a Level 5 who could address it without being arrested for murder or angering said Level 5.

They all looked pretty miserable when I got there. "We got fired," said Iizumi, holding her phone limply- it wasn't anything unexpected, for either of us, but it must've been pretty disheartening nevertheless.

"Then, since I'm assuming none of you are going to go to school-" They all made various noises of protest and disgust, the mere thought being enough to rouse them from their dejection. "-and get the stipend from being in education, you're going to have to get a new job. Do you have a plan for food and housing?"

"...That's all part of the agency," muttered Seike- he had a few bandages on, but didn't need any major treatment after his brush with magical backlash. "And they keep our pocket money so we don't spend too much at once. That's gone, too…"

I frowned. "I think I'm going to have to… file a few ethical complaints, about this agency of yours," I said. "There's a few hotels nearby; I can book you room and board for a week or so easily enough. And I'm sure I can muster up some busywork to put on your resume, though you'll have to settle for 'boring and safe unless something goes wrong' in that case- not a bad deal, since you can use that to buy video games or sweets or pizza or something, but it's probably not what you're used to."

"You sell video games?" asked Sakuragi, her eyes gleaming. "I keep wanting to try 'em, but the company store doesn't sell 'em!"

"...I don't have a company store?" I corrected. "If you get hired by me- or people who allegedly work for me, at least," I noted, thinking of the Nihilists' science lab. "-then you can just buy things from the shops or whatever. I might need to review your purchases so you don't give yourselves diabetes or something, but as long as you're not being accidentally self-destructive, you can buy what you like."

While they probably wouldn't respond well to any adult figures I'd consider appropriate for looking after them, I also wasn't willing to let a bunch of preteens go completely without oversight, so that was the best compromise I could offer. Iizumi looked up at me with a slightly suspicious expression, before gesturing for her minions to form a group huddle.

"I dunno," muttered Yakumaru. "They might not have all the chemicals I need in the normal shops…"

"But she did say 'or whatever'," Sakuragi pointed out. "And all the science labs have got to be getting their stuff from somewhere, right…?"

"But Naru, Yakumaru," pointed out Seike. "All the snacks are much cheaper in the normal stores, right? Like when we had to pretend we were doing stuff all normal so we could sneak up on that guy with the weird trousers…" There were a few murmurs of agreement.

"That means the question is- are snacks cheap enough compared to mission supplies that it's worth not having a company store?" Iizumi surmised. "And does anyone else have a better company store with a good enough paycheck to make the difference that important? Plus, she said we'd be doing boring jobs, and having fun when we're not working instead- so we might not need to spend as much on mission supplies anyway… We need to check our budget and see how much pocket money we'd need to spend on work stuff if we worked for Mental Out, for sure."

"The jobs do get pretty boring anyway," said Sakuragi. "I mean, it's fun smashing stuff, but then they have all this 'confirm your kills, Scavenger' and 'send a message in this weirdly specific way, Scavenger'..." There were some more acknowledging noises from the other members.

…You know, the people at the top were lucky that Mugino had called dibs on dealing with them. They would probably feel a wave of impending doom right now, if that hadn't been the case. Scavanger was also getting somewhat bogged down in minutiae that hadn't happened yet, so I took the opportunity to interject. "All I need you to agree to right now is to think about it, and to keep a low profile while you come to a decision and I see what I can organise," I told them. "Which does mean no murder, if I have to clarify."

"Leader?" asked Sakuragi, the two other members of the group turning to Iizumi as well.

"W-we'll take your offer, Miss Mental Out," said Iizumi, feeling under some pretty intense scrutiny right now, having weighed 'has to stay in range of Mental Out' with 'possibility of buying more jelly beans by an order of magnitude' and finding the latter more enticing.

I nodded. "Let's find you lot a hotel, then!" I told them. "I'll be headed back afterwards- I don't want to miss curfew."

There were a few looks of distaste at the mention of a curfew. "...But Miss Mental Out," asked Yakumaru hesitantly. "If you're one of the city's Level 5s… why do you still have to follow curfew?"

"Well, it's a good habit to be in, y'know?" I non-explained, deciding to not have the exact same conversation I'd just had with Meltdowner about what I felt was reasonable.

I called a taxi to ferry myself and their team to the nearest decent hotel, since the van was now firmly back in ITEM's hands. It must have been something of a sight- I was still in my Tokiwadai uniform, still covered in something that was probably concrete dust from when I'd tried to get it out of the air for the sake of not breathing it, and I was leading around a bunch of probable elementary schoolers like they were extremely nervous ducklings.

I was fairly sure I could see the dollars in their eyes when I spent a little of my ungodly educational stipend on their temporary housing. Given the amount of stairs involved, their wanting to avoid making me mad, and the fact that the hotels apparently dealt with a lot of dumb super-powered kids anyway, I decided to let them be once they were signed in. They had food and a roof over their heads, they were intelligent enough not to do anything rash in that situation- you didn't become a mercenary by being incapable of planning or patience, after all.

They were probably on the lower end of the spectrum for both planning and patience, admittedly, but… still. They weren't idiots, just not quite mature enough to leave on their own for too long.

It was around the end of dinner time when I finally got back into the dorms. That was fortunate for me; most people were at dinner, so I mostly avoided attention as I slipped back in. I probably wouldn't be in time for eating in the cafeteria by the time I made myself presentable, but I had a few leftovers in the fridge. If I was willing to eat those leftovers now, and go to the cafeteria for tomorrow's lunchtime…

My plans for that were dashed when my passive alarms detected someone semi-familiar in my bedroom, and a presence waiting outside. With an audible sigh, I trudged my way back to my room, and resigned myself to having even more to deal with tonight.

The Nihilists' precog, Ai Ichika, was sat outside my door. She didn't even live in this dormitory, being a native of the outer dorms that Shirai and Sakibasu lived in; she'd clearly made the trip specifically to wait for me, since I could see the wrappers of a pre-made bento sitting next to her. As usual, she was idly typing away on her phone; she seemed to have upgraded to one of those graphene-screen phones that looked like scrolls sticking out of the side of a tube, which I really didn't understand the appeal of.

"Lady Shokuhou," she said, without looking up at me. "There's a wizard in your room."

"...Thank you for the warning, Ai," I replied. "I can see her from here," I said, referring to having spotted Rosenthal with Mental Out rather than my eyes, "but I know at least one that I can't. So if you see any magicians in strange places, it's helpful to let me know."

"Your day's been very busy," she said. "But I only realised when you were already gone. You were an angel for a moment. Or maybe you were wearing a jetpack?" She hummed. "They all fly- angels, jetpacks, demons… It might be any of them. My power says it could have gone badly, but I never had any doubt. You were always going to come back safe and sound. I'm glad."

I smiled at her. "Thanks," I said. "...Do you have any advice for getting a shower without causing a fuss? Dried concrete dust is really uncomfortable," I observed, gesturing with a white-streaked hand that felt like fingernails on a chalkboard, "and I have a feeling that I'm never going to hear the end of it if too many people see me in a state like this…"

"I can't see anything about that," she said. "The empress is still upside-down, but the devil is no longer a blockage. I don't get the metaphor. You killed a devil; it was so bright I didn't have to look at my window to see it. You should smile more often, I like it when you do that."

I didn't really get the metaphor, either. She was falling into word salad a bit, but Ai seemed to have noticed the Taowu. Given the nature of the thing and the enthusiasm of Mugino's attack on it, a lot of other people probably had, too. Whether they understood the significance of the whole fiasco or not? That still remained to be seen.

In answer to her last comment about smiling, I said, "Well, I'm hoping to have a bit of a rest week before the next system scan. I've got a second scan once the cast comes off, and after that, it'll be the Daihaseisai… I do quite like sports, but it's going to be a pain if I'm anything near sporting about it."

"You'll win the festival if you make it run backwards," she said confidently. And with that cryptic comment- or maybe not so cryptic, I would be certain to win if nobody else could run in the correct direction, after all- she stood up and left, taking her sandwich wrapper with her.

"See you…?" I commented with a bemused wave.

She strolled off without a reply, still staring at her phone.

Which left me to deal with- in Ai's words- the wizard in my room. I sighed, and opened the door.

"Hello, Rosenthal," I said, who was sitting on one of my chairs and looked somewhat awkward about her presence being completely unsurprising. "Can I help you with something?"

"Ah, Miss Shokohou…" she replied. "I'm sorry to intrude." Given the fact my window was wide open behind her, obviously her point of entry despite the state-of-the-art locks on it, I could take her apology quite literally. "I'll have to be leaving quickly- there's a gathering of the Catholic Church at the outskirts of the city, allegedly to open a new church, and I fear they might be here because my own mistakes have drawn them here…"

I paused. "Is that why Magnus was here…?" I said, mostly to myself.

Rosenthal looked alarmed. "Magnus?" she asked. "As in, Stiyl Magnus, Priest of the Anglican Church?" That was his name, and he was English, so I nodded. "Oh," she replied. "He's one of the most feared witch-hunters of the Anglican Church. You know of him?"

"Tall, red hair, bit of a jackass? He's a friend of a friend, unfortunately," I explained. "If you think you're in danger from him…"

Rosenthal shook her head. "No- if you see him, and he asks about me, tell him whatever you like," she replied. "The Anglican Church is said to be less dogmatic and more pragmatic than the orthodoxy of the Roman Catholics… Even if we believe different things, I can only hope that fixing my mistakes might grant me forgiveness. But if he's cooperating with them, they must be here for something more important." Rosenthal sighed. "...If not for you, I don't know how much damage I would have caused. So thank you."

"...I don't know if it's really right for you to thank me," I said. "I didn't exactly…"

"Hishigata knew he had to fix things too," Rosenthal interrupted. "He only got that chance because you were there to stop him. He already forgave you for hurting him; I just… hope he's in a better place now."

I gave her a hollow smile. "I hope so too," I responded, though 'hope' had never exactly done much in my experience. "If you ever find yourself back in the neighbourhood… You sticking around to fix this mess was the whole reason we're all stay alive, by my reckoning. I won't forget that."

"...Then I hope we meet again," she said. "Did I ever thank you for saving my life, on that night in the hospital? It wasn't that long ago, but it feels like a blur… Thank your friend for me too, please. She was there when you fought Taowu… A friend like that should never go unappreciated."

"Don't worry," I replied. "She knows how much we mean to each other. I fell out of contact, once, but… I'm not going to let that happen again."

She nodded, satisfied. "Then… this is where we part ways," she said. "Until we meet again, Miss Shokuhou."

"Until we meet again," I returned.

The magician turned- and then, in a few, smooth movements, she disappeared from my window, and into the evening light.

I pulled a rice and gammon bento out of the mini-fridge's freezer, heated it back up, and sat on my bed. Then I stared into the evening sky as I ate, letting my muscles finally loosen, watching the clouds as they drifted by.


When the morning came, I cashed in my usual habit of waking up hilariously early, and got to sleep in for an extra hour compared to when I normally did.

But such things could not last forever; I had to wake up eventually. Which- fortunately- meant I was dressed by the time someone triggered the buzzer at the front entrance. "Hello," I asked, holding the button near my own door to reply, "who is it?"

"It's Kinuhata," she replied. "I super have your shopping. You left it in our van. And we super don't know where your friend lives."

"...Oh, right," I said. Michan must've been a bit out of it if she'd forgotten her shopping after all that; Hokaze would be back this evening, so I'd call her today, and we could probably go to a cafe or something after school tomorrow. "Sorry about that, I'll be right down."

I trundled off to the front door to meet her. "Hello," she said when I got there, and passed me the bag.

"Thank you very much," I responded- and checked what was inside… Tea, check, Michan's clothes, check, those impulse-bought bottles of perfume, also check. I still didn't know what I was actually going to do with the latter. "Is your extra credits project going well?"

"Mugino super thinks we can get another group to join us if we super play up the 'foreigners messing with Academy City science' angle," she said. "They're called BLOCK-" I guessed it was pronounced in all-capitals, like ITEM. "-and they're super interested in stuff like that. They're all supposed to be blackmailed, though, so it'd be super funny if you took them over once we're done and it cools off- they're super not doing a good job if someone with secret methods can cause something super bad like that boss monster, and they'll fall apart anyway if they're built so flimsy."

I checked nobody could overhear us, then replied myself. "...Well, I don't like being in charge of things, but I like blackmailers even less," I told her. "It's certainly something to think about, if you lot think it's a good idea?"

Kinuhata nodded. "See you around," she said- with her bag delivered and her duty done, she turned around and left.

I briefly noticed her having a stare-out with one of the other students, who were starting to filter outside at this time of day, but decided not to pay it any mind. Mercenaries were suspicious people, after all.

I headed back inside, bag in tow. The clothes, I left inside it, since I'd need to pass them to Michan at some point. The tea, I placed carefully in the stache of assorted other loose-leaf tea; after some consideration, I pulled out some holy basil, pineapple, mango, hibiscus and so on, for a nice fruity tea to put in my bag today. The perfumes… I still had no idea what to do with them, so I just stuck them in a drawer.

That done, I had breakfast in my room- I had emergency reserves of breakfast cereal, which didn't need two hands to make and prepare.

All that done… I'd been about to call Michan, but just as I was tying my hair into its usual ponytail, the phone started to ring of its own accord. I picked it up, and checked the contact details.

I accepted the phone call pretty much as soon as I saw the name. "Oh, Hokaze!" I said. "Good to hear from you."

"Ah, good morning, Shokuhou," said Hokaze. "I was just calling you to let you know that we've made it back to Academy City safely; I will need to sleep off the jet lag, so I won't be in school today, unfortunately."

"Hmm? Weren't you supposed to be back this evening?" I asked. As far as I was aware, the plan was to set off around this time today… "Did something happen?"

"You could say that…" said Hokaze. "The city was evacuated; we're told terrorists obtained control over an American satellite, and used it to deal a great amount of damage to the city. We were forced to return early because of this."

"...Ah," I responded. "And you're all alright?"

"The evacuation took place before the city was attacked, and the protocols were very effective," she reassured me. "We're all fine."

"Good, good…" I responded.

"I trust you've had a better time of it than we have?" she asked me.

I had to laugh nervously at that one.

"...Shokuhou?" she asked. "Tell me that whatever happened, it's not on the news, at the very least…"

"...I haven't looked, but I'm almost certain it would be on the news," I responded.

Hokaze sighed fondly. "I suppose we both have a lot to catch up on… Could you summarise it briefly?"

"...Umm," I said. "Well… I interrupted a kidnapping, fought a giant robot, got involved in a minor Anti-Skill civil war, got in a fight with unconscious mech-suit Accelerator, and beat up a giant tree angel monster thing?"

"...I think," said Hokaze, "that I will be needing more than a summary."

I just giggled nervously.
"...Shokuhou?" she asked. "Tell me that whatever happened, it's not on the news, at the very least…"

"...I haven't looked, but I'm almost certain it would be on the news," I responded.

Hokaze sighed fondly. "I suppose we both have a lot to catch up on… Could you summarise it briefly?"

"...Umm," I said. "Well… I interrupted a kidnapping, fought a giant robot, got involved in a minor Anti-Skill civil war, got in a fight with unconscious mech-suit Accelerator, and beat up a giant tree angel monster thing?"

"...I think," said Hokaze, "that I will be needing more than a summary."
Needless to say, it's not a good time to be Hokaze Junko. Poor girl's heart and nerves are going to be stress-tested increasingly often, because her dearest and greatest friend just can't help getting herself into trouble.

Neither of them would have it any other way, though. They're really lucky to have each other, for multiple reasons.
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Hokaze: "Oh yeah, things happened, terrorist attacks and all that jazz. Stolen American satellite and a bunch of property damage. You?"
Shoukuhou: "Uhhh... about that..."