A Certain Mental Isekai (Raildex SI)

Mental Isekai IF: A Certain Alternative Displacement
"...So," I said, glancing around my fellows as we stood inside an alleyway. "Does anybody have any idea how that happened, and what 'that' was, exactly?"

My fellow espers did not answer, most of them standing around awkwardly. Tatsuki was muttering to herself. Rei was currently sort of craning her neck and wiggling her head around, like she was trying to get a good phone reception in her cranium. Hokaze was glancing between the two with her hands half-raised and a helpless, bamboozled expression, trying to figure out the appropriate response.

"I would like to confirm that we are not in Academy City any more…" said Rei, her sentence ending with an upwards lilt- like she'd been about to continue, then found herself with nothing further to say.

"...I beg your pardon?" asked Tatsuki, turning towards the Sister. "This is quite clearly-"

"We are not in Academy City any more," she repeated, more confidently. "The dynamics of the situation have changed radically… says Misaka, finding it too frustrating to leave sentences unfinished despite the pointlessness of the additional words."

"Wait, pointlessness?" I asked. "Are we… not in range of your sisters?"

"This is correct, says Misaka worriedly," said Rei. "There is, however, a network of dubious provenance present, with extremely similar traits to the one that Misaka is familiar with despite the failure to connect; in addition, the city's electromagnetic regime is very different but has the same fundamental structure that would suggest we are geographically where Academy City should be, says Misaka, monologuing on the unusual intricacies of the situation."

"Oh!" said Hokaze, clapping her hands together. "I have an idea, my Queen! It's an isekai!"

We all paused from our concern to look at her confusedly.

"I read them in my mangas sometimes!" she added, still smiling cheerfully. "If everything's the same, but just different enough to not be identical, we might be in some sort of strange isekai version of our normal daily lives! It's the only logical explanation."

Tatsuki made a slightly disgusted expression. "Don't tell me you read that drivel…" she muttered. "Onizuka is bad enough with it! Just say what you mean."

Different electromagnetic regimes… I paused, and ran a scan with Mental Out.

"...Actually, I think Hokaze has a point," I said, after a moment. "By all indications, this place is Academy City, but, uh… it's not."

"...So you say?" said Tatsuki, still not quite following. She gestured down the alleyway, towards the street. "I saw an Academy City cleaning drone passing by, just a minute ago! How could it not be Academy City?"

"By being a different Academy City, displaced temporally or dimensionally, says Misaka," said Rei. "Could the date and time be confirmed, Shokuhou, asks Misaka politely, wondering which of the two it might be?"

"Ah, got it- it's still before the Daihaseisai," I said, and frowned. "But… not our 'before the Daihaseisai'. The psychic-blocking barriers I'd expect… they're positively anaemic. It's like nobody's even bothered to stress-test them. That, plus Rei's sisters not being on quite the same wavelength… It's roughly the same time, but… different. Dimensional displacement, perhaps? I've got definite reasons to believe that sort of thing exists…"

"I… must say that this doesn't quite make sense to me, even if you all find yourselves convinced," said Tatsuki, scratching her head. "I'm quite certain that multiverse theory is completely incompatible with the fundamental mechanics of esper powers. But… hmm." She paused, frowning. "If you assume that the matter phasing is… rotate it in the seventh dimension, maybe… and…"

She resumed muttering, but now with significantly more direction. I'd leave her to it. "Okay, Hokaze, Rei," I said, while Tatsuki did her mental maths trying to figure out if we'd accidentally done the impossible in our Festival-preparation science experiment or not. "If we're right, then we need a plan of action. Like figuring out if this is an evil goatee universe or not?"

"Misaka requests a clarification that does not involve an incomprehensible reference, says Misaka," deadpanned Rei.

"...Right. What I'm saying is- if we're really in some sort of mirror-dimension, however that would work," I said, gesturing at a still-perplexed Tatsuki, "then our most immediate problem is if there's someone very similar to us that we might be mistaken for. We want to figure out what's going on, then try to fix it. If we get attacked by someone thinking we're up to no good because we're accidentally committing identity theft, whether that be Judgment, ourselves, whoever, then that's bad. It's doubly-bad if our alternate selves are unpleasant people, for whatever reason."

"Why would our alternate selves be unpleasant people?" asked Hokaze, frowning. "I should think we'd all be perfectly nice…"

I shrugged. "I have no idea," I admitted, deciding not to bring up the two very different chuunis that she and Tatsuki had been, "but the butterfly effect is real, and we don't know what's going on yet. I'll only really be able to research the broad strokes of events via Mental Out until I've got some direction; until then, we should probably find ways to make ourselves look different, and somewhere to hole up until we've got a grasp on the situation."

"...Does this mean that Misaka will have to replace her Tokiwadai uniform, questions Misaka, not looking forwards to having to wear something different for the sake of the mission?" Rei asked with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

I sighed. "Yes," I replied, and patted her gently on the head, to her slight annoyance. "Yes it does. Which means that… I dunno, we really need to find a thrift shop or something? Let's go."

Tatsuki was quietly going insane due to not being able to figure out interdimensional physics, Hokaze was vibrating in the expectation of a fun manga plot adventure, and Rei thankfully continued to behave like a normal and ordinary person. Clearly, we were as ready as we'd ever be.

I led the way in search of an appropriate place to buy a replacement outfit. Fortunately, we already had some experience with avoiding cameras and whatnot, thanks to my somewhat illegal excursions with Hokaze and Michan, so Mental Out alone was enough to get us by with minimal obvious notice for the most part.

We found a cheap shop quickly enough; they were a little more common than thrift shops.

The general demeanour of the other three didn't really change much. I gave Hokaze a sidelong look, while Tatsuki and Rei wandered off to go find something that was closer in fit for them both. "...You're thinking of trying to befriend your alternate universe counterpart, aren't you?" I asked Hokaze, as I perused shop's supply of trousers in my size.

She pulled out a Gekota shirt, and held it up to herself to see if it fit her. Then she smiled at me. "Only if I get the opportunity!" Hokaze responded cheerfully.

I sighed. "...Make sure you wear a hoodie over that," I commented, not wanting to deprive her of extradimensional loot. I probably should've been more concerned about the situation, but given nobody was trying to fry my brains or attack us with dubiously-obtained robots, I was just thankful we were in a situation I could reasonably assume wasn't an evil plot of one kind or another.

She pouted, but nodded. "Of course, my Queen," she agreed. "...Oh! I should probably call you something less conspicuous, shouldn't I?"

By the time we were done, we were all passable as random people badly pretending to be delinquents, apart from Hokaze, who was an ojou-sama badly pretending to be a delinquent. Even Rei- whose entire life had been spent either pretending to be Misaka, or being herself but also simultaneously in a pretence of pretending to be Misaka- was doing an admirable job at it, having used her electricity to give herself ridiculous floaty hair. I'd just undone my ponytail and let my fair flow; I'd probably have to look into hair dye. Tatsuki had also found a ridiculous pair of star-shaped sunglasses with which to cover my eyes.

Tatsuki, unlike the rest of us, could reasonably disguise herself by switching to contact lenses and taking off her signature headband. Being a girl of fairly average height, build, and possessing a fairly common shade of black hair rather than having an anime-protagonist hairstyle like the rest of us (the Misakas' ruddy brunette wasn't too common in Japan), she had a lot less trouble blending in than us three. Rei was second most normal, but was also an exact copy of Railgun, and probably also a copy of nine or ten other girls wandering around here (Rei believed the alternate Network was demographically-similar to ours) rather than just one, so she didn't really count.

As for the other clothing, specifically the Tokiwadai uniforms… well, we didn't really want to be dumping interdimensional clothing everywhere, so we rolled them up and shoved them into our bags.

We left as soon as we'd paid for things (by which I meant I had mind-controlled them into thinking we'd paid for things, and then Rei had hacked the tills into a passable approximation of having paid, because interdimensional money definitely wasn't applicable here).

"We should stick to the outskirts. Given the upcoming Daihaseisai, security is going to be too tight close to the city centre for us to successfully conceal ourselves for long," said Tatsuki, as we walked back into the street in our newfound disguises. "We'll need to settle ourselves somewhere further afield from the city centre while we research a way back to the usual version of our reality… or until our researchers on the other side do so, at least." The thought gave her pause. "I'm suddenly very, very thankful that we properly document our procedures…"

Heh. "Told you it was a good idea," I said, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "As you've told me before," she sighed.

"Of the available districts, District 10 is the closest of sufficient ill repute to go unguarded, says Misaka, considering which districts are least likely to have a heavy tourist presence," Rei suggested. "We should find somewhere secure there, and then perform reconnaissance, decides Misaka."


Our first data-gathering target was quite simple. We wanted to gain access to the Tokiwadai news club's articles- assuming they existed- and, from there, we'd be able to get the information we needed on the most critical of immediately-identifiable problems… namely, ourselves, and whether they were individuals to be approached or avoided.

We'd holed up in an out-of-use building, using a combination of psychometry and electrical scanning to make sure nobody had reason to keep an eye on the place. After that, we'd needed to figure out how we'd actually gain access. We narrowed it down to me and Rei. I could easily breach the passwords with a bit of the old mind-reading, while she'd completed the electromaster rite of passage of power-driven hacking.

The main issue, we decided, was that I could get in more easily, but I lacked any means of boosting my electronic range, and if my psychic snooping was detected by alternate-Shokuhou then I'd be incredibly vulnerable to being caught by alternate-Hokaze or alternate-Shirai. Rei was weaker, but her electrical means of intrusion was much less immediately-threatening given how much more common and less directly-dangerous it was; she was the better bet, we agreed.

Hokaze was very disappointed that she didn't know how to hack things. Tatsuki dutifully added it to their esper practice to-do list.

Given that she'd be in the whims of the Level 5s (hopefully nice ones) if she got noticed, regardless of anything else, it was decided that I'd trail her for support. I'd keep her at the edge of my range in case anything went wrong, and to help her with her disguise. Tatsuki would be coming with me to close in on Rei quickly if anything went wrong- Hokaze was too recognisable, and both faster and more resilient than the rest of us, so she'd stay in reserve at base.

With that, we had our plan of attack. It was a very nice friendly attack to do nothing but steal their free digital newspapers and then run away, admittedly, but still a plan of attack.

However, we still needed a means of communication, as nobody had phones. We couldn't do much with Hokaze once she left our radius, but we decided to include her in the practice run of 'wandering around while making an improvised MISAKA Network with a bunch of untrained schoolgirls'.

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "I find the presence of untrained users to be even more unusual than the absence of users," I comment idly, "though I also do not find it unpalatable."

ID=Shokuhou0: "It's a bit awkward to format."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "That's not surprising," I say.

ID=Hokaze0: "Can we share pictures? :D "

ID=Tatsuki0: "...Did you just think 'colon capital D' to send a smiley directly into my brain?" accuses Tatsuki.

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "None of you are using consistent formatting," I point out reasonably.

ID=Shokuhou0: "You've already explained that it would get very confusing if we did this once you're hooked back up with the other girls, I'm entitled to be a little lazy about it! And besides, we don't really have the response time to figure out what we want to communicate and whether we want to communicate it to the whole network, since we're not used to the same communication methods."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "...I am looking forwards to reuniting with the rest of the Network even more now," I complain, despite being aware that this is far more efficient than other methods of ranged discussion we could be using.

ID=Shokuhou0: "We'll give you dibs on choosing what we do for lunch for putting up with our shenanigans."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": I look around surreptitiously, and identify a building of interest. "I have been wondering what chilli tastes like…" I mutter, seeing a building that looks like it may serve such an intriguingly-spicy dish. I sigh, and shake my head, before continuing on my way towards the Tokiwadai Middle School. "I will resume focusing on the school," I say.

ID=Tatsuki0: "Say, were you ever on any of those elementary-school RP websites?" asks Tatsuki out of curiosity.

IDMisaka10037, filter == "Rei": "No, why?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

ID=Tatsuki0: "Never mind," replies Tatsuki.

ID=Shokuhou0: "lmao"

ID=Hokaze0: "Oh! :D Did you use any sites in particular? I might know some of them!"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Hmm. There was one called 'Hands of Darkness' that I used to frequent," Tatsuki recalls.

ID=Hokaze0: "My goodness, I used to use that one too! :D Did you ever see a thread called 'Endless Night of the Wretched Abyss'?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Supposedly it was the most gruesome thread on the entire forum… It was the only one with any degree of gore and violence even approaching biological accuracy! And the manga-like art that the author used to include sometimes, subverting the expectations of the shoujo genre so dramatically… I must say, I did try to sign up a few times, but there were never enough places," I grumble.

ID=Hokaze0: "Oh no! D: I most certainly would have signed you up for it if I'd known we'd be friends in middle school! That's so sad!"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Wait, you wrote that?!"

ID=Hokaze0: "Umm"

ID=Hokaze0: "Oh there is free Gekota merchandise that is extra cute over there, please excuse me from the conversation, I may cut out unexpectedly if I exit my Queen's range"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Hokaze?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Queen Regent?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Get back here and give me some context damnit!"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Hokaze?!"

ERROR: UNPROMPTED DISCONNECT. Admin comment: Hokaze has exited the chat due to distance.

ID=Tatsuki0: "You can't just say something like that and then pretend like nothing happened! I demand answers, Hokaze!"

ID=Shokuhou0: "lmao 2: electric boogaloo"

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "...And I am looking forwards to reuniting with the rest of the Network even more now," I say, making a reasonable complaint about the situation.

I considered the test run to be a resounding success, all in all, so once we confirmed that Hokaze hadn't encountered a bluescreen error and was ready to keep our improvised base secure, we were ready to launch our data raid.


Rei encountered a problem with our plan fairly immediately.

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "The school's security is more effective than initially believed," I say, frustratedly staring at the disruption in the school's electromagnetic field through my visor.

ID=Tatsuki0: "Typical," says Tatsuki, giving Shokuhou a side-eye as she notes she still isn't having her extraneous comments translated into first person."

ID=Shokuhou0: "Have you considered just speaking in first person?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "I'd sound ridiculous!" points out Tatsuki.

ID=Shokuhou0: "You kind of already do."

ID=Tatsuki0: "...Given that I'm already in the habit, I may as well commit to it," Tatsuki says sharp-wittedly. "Miss Misaka? Is there anything we can do to assist you past the barrier?"

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "...A view of the electromagnetic signals given off by a verified phone to bypass the security systems would help significantly," Rei suggests, after having pondered the question. "Estimated period needed for an accurate visual: Thirty seconds. I can affect the security enough that I can provide you with my visor if you phase past the gates, so if you enter, gain a visual, and leave, we will gain access to the school's wireless fidelity."

ID=Tatsuki0: "Phase in, retrieve the helmet, view an individual whose phone is on," Tatsuki summarises. "Given the school's policy on phone usage, it may be difficult… But obtaining the intelligence we need to effectively conceal ourselves is critical. It's unfortunate that we didn't bring our Tokiwadai uniforms…"

ID=Shokuhou0: "Damn. Even if we get caught, it shouldn't be too critical- between the three of us and the fact we're not facing armed guards or anything, we can extract you well enough- but still…"

ID=Tatsuki0: "We're not exactly staying under the radar if we're trespassing on grounds as scientifically valuable as these, I understand. We'll just have to be careful," states Tatsuki, after careful consideration. "The interior defences of Tokiwadai are surprisingly lax, so once we're past the outer perimeter, our chances will increase dramatically."

She was quite correct in her assessment. Tokiwadai placed a lot of focus on being fancy over practical, and its security system was no different. If your goal was to keep out intruders, well, Tokwadai was a hornet's nest if the girls inside got mad at you. So they basically just made a very strong wall with a lot of sensors, and called it at that, because what sort of fancy young lady wanted to be under constant surveillance? Tatsuki also had her own suspicions that it was also to avoid offering 'unfair advantages' in clique politics, since anyone who could read into such systems themselves would be at a massive informational advantage.

So we bypassed the wall with a mix of well-placed fog, electrokinesis, and extradimensional phasing; it took us a few minutes, but soon enough Tatsuki was inside, and she readily caught the visor when it was tossed over the fence. She gave Rei- still waiting on the other side of the fence- a nod, and Rei nodded back.

Then she headed inside, stepping into the treeline to conceal her approach.

ID=Tatsuki0: "The school forest should enable an easy approach," Tatsuki observes.

ID=Shokuhou0: "I still don't get why we need forestry classes."

There were advantages to Tatsuki's approach- namely, that she could leverage her intelligence better to stay hidden. But there were also flaws… Namely, the abundance of organic matter.

In this environment, if someone tried to chase her down, Tatsuki was basically just a somewhat-athletic middle school girl- and while most of her potential pursuers were also somewhat-athletic middle school girls at best, if she was caught by someone like Misaka, Hokaze or even the dorm manager in a situation like this, she was going to get curbstomped if she didn't surrender.

Fortunately for Tatsuki, this was a scenario she was entirely prepared for. People knew that the forest was a good place to plan clique shenanigans, and as the leadership for active clique defence, Tatsuki knew a lot of the best plans of attack. Ideally, someone had their phones on and hadn't been caught by Shirai and Makagami's coworker, but that wasn't a guarantee, so we had three main avenues to get an active phone to view.

First was the obvious- steal it, hack it with Rei, turn it on. But we'd have to remove it from the grounds to do that, and if they noticed its absence, they could set it to shutdown mode faster than Rei could read the info she needed from it.

Second was to stalk a Judgment officer. Their phones were always on, but they were also risky to follow due to being on higher alert than other individuals.

The third was to steal Alternate Tatsuki's (Altski's?) phone. We could reasonably infer that Tatsuki's biometrics were identical to Altski's biometrics, which meant she could unlock her own phone and use it- with the added advantage of the same DNA meaning that she wouldn't even need to use gloves to keep herself from being caught. That plan relied on being able to locate a single person, but it did have some notable upshots.

ID=Tatsuki0: "If she's anything like me, she'll have a change of clothes and spare glassers in her gym locker," Tatsuki says. "And they're arranged alphabetically, so I can easily disguise myself as… well, myself. If I'm lucky, she may even have left her phone inside."

Tokiwadai had multiple buildings, and the changing rooms were separate from the others. They were, however, adjacent to the forest- and at an angle that would let her get in without the security cameras catching her in the act.

ID=Shokuhou0: "I'm not detecting anything. Proceed with caution nevertheless- I can't scan the area at full power if my doppelganger's around."

Tatsuki stuck her face through a wall to take a look inside. The interior was dark, but not enough to be a difficulty, given the slot windows high up on the walls; she could work with it- so she slipped into the building, leaving the visor outside.

She headed to the lockers she was familiar with, and phased her hand through one, patting around inside briefly. It was empty. "Not that one," she muttered. "We'll have to check sequentially, says Tatsuki, as she rummages through the lockers…"

An alert came up on my scans.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Shirai's coming. Get to cover."

Tatsuki's eyes widened- she quickly phased into the locker, just in time, as Shirai teleported into the room.

ID=Tatsuki0: "Are we blown?" asks Tatsuki, fairly alarmed.

ID=Shokuhou0: "...Apparently we aren't. She's appears to be, uh… Let's just say her thoughts are significantly more 'Onee-sama~' than I'd expect if it was our Shirai, and leave it at that."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "Would this not be a good opportunity to view the fields from her phone?" I inquire, believing that she is more likely to be a Judgment officer than not, given the personality of the Shirai we are familiar with.

Shirai moved with purpose, her footsteps and the shifting tones of a Shirai in full gremlin-mode just barely audible to Tatsuki's hiding place. In response to Rei's question, Tatsuki frowned.

ID=Tatsuki0: "Can we confirm that her powers don't give her any degree of undecimoreception?" asks Tatsuki. "If she does, then any significant movement could be something she detects…"

Undecimoreception meant 'eleventh sense'. She was basically asking if Shirai had any awareness of the eleventh dimension passively, in the same way that Misaka Mikoto could sense electric fields. It wasn't a question I'd had reason to ask before.

ID=Shokuhou0: "I don't think so? I'm can't say for certain, though; it's not like the eleventh dimension usually does much for her to pick up on. I can't check without active reconnaissance. It could be worth it if we get what we need here and now, though."

ID=Tatsuki0: "She's a person you're familiar with in our version of reality. The alternate Lady Shokuhou could be angered by interfering with her if she notices, compared to most other students, so I'd rather let this opportunity pass us by and wait- neither you nor Shirai would be convenient to fight against," Tatsuki decides.

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "...I do not believe our Shokuhou would be unreasonable in that situation," I consider.

ID=Tatsuki0: "It's best not to assume she's like ours," Tatsuki warns.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Best not to rely on me being nice in a situation like this, either… That'd only work if alt-me didn't think your good intentions were a trick, or otherwise get a bit overzealous- and she's got more friends nearby than we do."

I really did not want to see how hard I'd chase me down if I decided that our-Tatsuki was from an intentional attempt to replicate the Dimensional Reader, rather than having stumbled into it… and it wasn't like she could read my mind to check, given how my power interacted with Mitsuari's.

ID=Tatsuki0: "...How could good intentions be a trick, if you can check them directly?" asks Tatsuki, out of curiosity.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Well… The assumption that everything someone thinks is real, it's a great way to get caught out by somebody with their own mental manipulation- and the reason to follow through with it, of course, it's not a small thing to do. I've had people use it once or twice though, and I'm liable to get pretty mad when people go that far to sell a lie, let me tell you that now."

ID=Tatsuki0: "I suppose you're not a fan of lies," Tatsuki recalls.

ID=Shokuhou0: "That I am not. She's approaching, but still hasn't detected you; stay calm."

As Shirai came closer, Tatsuki held her breath. At this range, she could hear Shirai's muttering. "...if I switch out this shirt with one on Monday, then she won't notice its absence… and in addition to that, it will reduce the amount of strain she has to commit herself to do as a part of the washing machine rota- perhaps reducing the amount of stress she's under right now… fufufu, does my devotion know no ends…?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "...Shokuhou. Is Shirai sneaking into Miss Misaka's locker to steal her clothes?"

ID=Shokuhou0: "Yes. Yes she is."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "I motion to mug her and steal her phone," I say in response to her disrespect of our big sister.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Veto on tactical grounds."

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": I sigh despondently.

Tatsuki restrained herself from following through on Rei's suggestion, as Shirai closed Misaka's locker back up, and teleported away again. The silence returned.

ID=Shokuhou0: "...She's left, but we've lost time. The schedule might be tight if you want to get in and out before lunch is over."

Tatsuki nodded, and got to work in extracting the change of clothes.

Soon enough, she was back in Tokiwadai uniform, having hidden her 'delinquent clothes' in a nearby tree. With her cunning disguise of 'literally just Tatsuki Mirei' in place, the next phase of her plan was to simply walk into Tokiwadai.

Of the things in her locker, one that Tatsuki and Altsuki shared was a false panel in the back that they stored their counter-intelligence notes in… although in Altsuki's case, a lot of them were simply 'intelligence'. It seemed that unlike ours, this Tatsuki was an independent, running the Tatsuki Clique as she'd originally planned to do.

ID=Tatsuki0: "It makes me wonder…" Tatsuki muses. "Did this version of me decide against joining your clique, after the trial period? Or was it just unlikely for me to have that idea in the first place? Her handwriting is very similar to mine, so these dimensions can't be too different."

ID=Shokuhou0: "Your guess is as good as mine."

I used Mental Out to log the information as she read it. The cliques were definitely different; the Shokuhou Clique appeared to have never found the 'Constitutionals' name (or Altsuki simply didn't care enough to write it down), and seemed to be using different meeting rooms. Kobayashi didn't have a clique of her own, instead being within the not-Constitutionals, and a lot of other cliques seemed to be using smaller meeting rooms than I'd expect- or were entirely absent, such as Yonaki's clique. The cliques of particular note were also different- Inubashi's clique wasn't as prioritised as I thought it would be, for example.

From this alone, the applicability of our understanding of Tokiwadai's social structure was very much in doubt. Which meant our understanding of the people involved might be wrong, too.

Most of Tokiwadai's doors were wood, but the information she'd found- and her own knowledge of herself- gave her a good guess at which room was owned by the Tatsuki Clique. In particular, Altsuki was researching updated biometric scanners, so when she saw the room she suspected was also the room with a fingerprint scan on the door, she knew she had the right place.

Unfortunately, my lack of active scanning had left me with a gaping hole in my scans.

"Where did you get that?"

Tatsuki stiffened automatically, then turned around with relaxed muscles. "Miss Misaka," she said, trying to keep her nerves under control as she saw the look on the face of an unfamiliar Level 5. "Is there something I can help you with?"

ID=Shokuhou0: "Shit. I can only detect her by interference, I didn't even realise she was there!"

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "The visor has put her on high alert," I warn, alarmed by the sudden realisation of big sister's presence.

"The goggles," said Misaka Mikoto, cooly, fixated on the visor held in Tatsuki's off-hand. "Where did you get that, Tatsuki?"

ID=Tatsuki0: "Shit. Give me some ideas, Rei!"

"Hmm? These?" asked Tatsuki, stalling for time as Rei fed her the info. "Why, they're a pair of Electron Night Vision Goggles!" She grinned. "You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get a hold of technology as recent as this… I'd ask that you keep this between us, but I'm doing some penetration testing for the Clique, you see," she explained- penetration testing meant 'checking for security vulnerabilities in a physical or virtual space by trying to break into it'.

"Who sold them to you?" pressed Misaka, eyes still narrowed, stance still incredibly hostile.

Tatsuki quirked an eyebrow. "What's that information worth?" she countered. "You're acting rather strangely, Miss Misaka- and it's a rather odd question to ask. If it's their use for tracking your AIM field that you're concerned about, I can assure you that I'll be putting them away by the time lunch is over. And otherwise…" She smirked. "I don't give things for free," she said, guessing at how Altsuki would behave.

Misaka glowered. "You said you were doing penetration testing?" she asked. "Fine. I help you, you tell me where you got them. Deal?"

Tatsuki pretended to consider for a moment. Then she extended her hand with a smug smile. Misaka took it in her grip, a static sting running up Tatsuki's arm, but Tatsuki didn't break eye contact. "Deal," she replied.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Phew."

ID=Tatsuki0: "You're not the one in the room with her…"

Tatsuki pressed her thumb to the biometric scanner for Altsuki's clique; it bleeped pleasantly, and opened. "Welcome to the clique room," she said grandly, spreading her arms and spinning around to gesture to the whole space- and letting her gaze snag briefly on Altsuki's phone, left on her desk.

She closed the door behind Misaka, picked up the phone, turned it on, and slipped it into her pocket. Then she slipped the visor over her head- the interference from her own phone signals would be visible, and as long as she drew this out, Rei would be able to get her readings. "Right," said Tatsuki, grinning as she faced Misaka. "Tell me what you see with your electromaster eyes!"

She glowered, but nodded. "Of course," Misaka replied.

The whole process of 'look at hotspot, point out hotspot, mention ways it could be used and abused, provide fixes' used up a majority of the time that Tatsuki needed for Rei to crack Tokiwadai's internet security, but didn't take quite as long as she'd hoped. Once Misaka had pointed out the encryption vulnerabilities of every hotspot in the room, Tatsuki had to have her answer ready.

"...so just make sure nobody puts a data shunt in the wall here and you'll be fine," she finished. "That's everything. So now you owe me an explanation- where did you get those?" Misaka asked again, rounding on Tatsuki.

Tatsuki sighed dramatically. "Fine," she replied. "They were sold to me privately by an individual from the Mizuho Organisation Pathology Analysis Laboratory. They had an excess for some reason, and with their recent closure, there's been a few available if you know where to look. If you're looking to purchase one for yourself-"

"I'm not," Misaka interrupted. She let out a frustrated exhalation, her suspicions presumably both confirmed and denied- she'd confirmed that they were from Project Radio Noise, and had been denied any indication that Tatsuki had obtained them in an egregiously-underhanded manner.

"Before you go," Tatsuki said, cocking an eyebrow. "Why are you wandering around here at this time, anyway? I've given my reasons, but you never did give yours, did you?"

"...I was looking for Kuroko," said Misaka, caught a little off guard by the question. "She left lunch early. I'm making sure she's not doing something perverted again…"

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "Task complete," I state.

"I saw her teleporting out of the locker room with a set of gym clothes," Tatsuki replied, readily throwing Shirai under the bus now, while simultaneously ensuring that Misaka was motivated to check elsewhere first. She gave a shit-eating grin. "Given the assistance you've lent me today, I hope you find it useful."

Misaka clenched her fists, starting to crackle, with her attention now thoroughly diverted. "Kuroko…!" she growled, and stalked out of the room.

With Misaka gone, Tatsuki let out a sigh of relief. "That felt like an eternity, says Tatsuki," she muttered to us. Then she took the visor off, and started to put everything back precisely as she'd found it.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Cutting it close, Tatsuki."

ID=Tatsuki0: "Don't worry. I'll be out with time to spare- and with the data we needed. Seen anything of interest," asks Tatsuki?

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "Miss Shokuhou with long flowing hair, a fancy purse, and a shorter-than-usual skirt, doing a charming idol-like pose," I reply, reading through these new and interesting sources of information with great eagerness.

ID=Tatsuki0: "What?"

ID=Shokuhou0: "Eh?"
Lol. Well that was an entertaining diversion. No matter the universe, there is a gremlin that needs shocking, and a Mikasa all to ready to believe she has done something deserving of shocking, which to be fair, she probably has.

The clone speak was interesting. It would be kind of interesting to see that first conversation with the clones from the networks pov.

Needs Bakatwou being scolded because Rei has started wearing her skirt shorter, making her a bad influence.
I wonder if Tatsuki would clone herself if she had the chance? For science! And/or for roleplay partners who would accept and believe her excuses for why it's totally a productive use of their time!

"Oh!" said Hokaze, clapping her hands together. "I have an idea, my Queen! It's an isekai!"
"You've already had an isekai!"
"We've had one, yes. What about second isekai?"
I wonder if Tatsuki would clone herself if she had the chance? For science! And/or for roleplay partners who would accept and believe her excuses for why it's totally a productive use of their time!
If she wanted a copy of herself she would just have an assistant to pattern over with her mind template like MisaSI does with Shirai and Hokaze earlier in the story. More ethically achievable and not against international law.
If she wanted a copy of herself she would just have an assistant to pattern over with her mind template like MisaSI does with Shirai and Hokaze earlier in the story. More ethically achievable and not against international law.
Eh, Tatsuki doesn't need a new assistant. She's already got one, in the form of her top minion/best friend Onizuka. :V
How will she achieve true peer review without the ultimate peers?
Clearly, ShokuSI should introduce her to Dr. Kiyama. They even work in the same field. Both would probably be rather pleased.

Well, perhaps not Kiyama. She's getting roped into ShokuSI's support network more and more, and she's not getting paid enough for this. :V
Eh, Tatsuki doesn't need a new assistant. She's already got one, in the form of her top minion/best friend Onizuka. :V
Yes but she doesn't monopolize Onizuka's time, as seen in the episode where MisaSI runs into Onizuka seperate from Tatsuki. This means an assistant with a mental overlay of herself or Onizuka with a trigger of slotting in there work card to activate and deactivate the overlay has value for maintaining productivity.
I'm pretty sure no one gets paid enough for this. Including Aleister - cause he doesn't get paid at all.
Aleister set all of this up, so he has no one to complain about his lack of pay except himself. He planned to get paid, but... well, you know how his plans go... Honestly, he should have known better.
Aleister set all of this up, so he has no one to complain about his lack of pay except himself. He planned to get paid, but... well, you know how his plans go... Honestly, he should have known better.
What he should have done was plan meticulously how he would share the wealth he'd be getting from academy city with it's citizens through a series of life quality improvements. Everyone but Tokiwadai would be as fucked as Touma in terms of living conditions and Aleister would have more money than he can use, on account of all of his plans to use the money failing.
Mental Isekai IF: A Certain Alternative Displacement, Chapter 2
ID=Tatsuki0: "Will you please get off the Tokiwadai news site?" derides Tatsuki. "We're supposed to be focusing!"

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "I'm doing important research," I blatantly lie. "Also, I would like to remind Shokuhou0 that she needs to update the communication protocols."

ID=Shokuhou0: "I did! I was just automating it for Mental Upper use, rather than doing literally anything you asked me to do."

ID=Hokaze0: "How rude, Misaki! D: "

We'd spent the latter part of yesterday, this morning, and this afternoon consolidating our position- performing a bit of surreptitious crime on deserving targets so we had plausible sources of money, followed by the cat-herding that was trying to get two ojou-samas and a girl with less than a year of life experience to purchase a reasonable amount. This was on top of the underground mall we'd entered, to try and break any satellite tracking with a change of clothes. We expected that the higher-ups might be watching this event fairly closely, so it paid to be cautious, but that only added more cat-herding to the mix.

…Rei and Hokaze had ended up with only a large pile of Gekota merch instead of filling a few rooms, and I'd been kind of distracted with figuring out how many mental viruses on unsuspecting mad scientists I could use without giving away our presence or position. I thought I did a good job all things considered.

Once we'd done that, though, the next question had been: If we're in the (relative) past, is there anything we can avert? And the answer was, quite possibly, yes- this was supposed to be the day that a crazed teleporter tried to steal Tree Diagram, injuring Shirai and Hokaze (the latter being much less hindered than the former, admittedly) and doing a lot of property damage in the process.

I hadn't thought that the timelines would realistically line up. Hokaze had countered that it was an easy test of dimensional mechanics that would be able to test many of our assumptions quite easily, and that it would totally be the same timeline but with minor things different if this was an isekai manga. The latter should logically have been a silly argument, but the former was reasonable, so we'd agreed to prep for an encounter with what's-her-name that had put Shirai in a wheelchair.

She was supposedly a more dangerous (albeit less skilled) teleporter than Shirai. That seemed like a good time to break out Mental Upper.

I'd never confirmed or denied if this girl had any mental defences. If she did, though, the combination of Hokaze's speed and regeneration with Tatsuki's phasing would effectively negate the sort of hard materials often-used for offensive teleportation as a credible threat. There was still a risk of having a lump of wood teleported into the cerebrum, but intense AIM fields made it more difficult for virtually any power to take effect.

The idea was that, in that case, Mental Upper's overlapping fields would provide at least some form of resistance. It wasn't something that had crossed my mind before, but perhaps it would help.

Rei happened to know some of the original route that the thieves of Tree Diagram had taken. We didn't know if the satellite was intact or not- they'd covered up the damage on the weather reports more effectively, if it was- and from there, we'd inferred a few possible choke points. Lo and behold, a few minutes ago, Tatsuki had spotted a shifty group of men with a case that had been positively identified as the Tree Diagram computer.

Which now left me and Hokaze waiting on the rooftops nearby, ready to strike when the time was right.

Now, this wasn't quite proof of 'dimensional convergence', or the 'isekai theory', as Hokaze had put it. There was a converging factor- the Level 6 Shift. We didn't know how long it had been planned, not even Rei; we weren't quite ready to go snooping around on the most obviously lead of Altkohou's history, since we were still pinning down her exact capabilities, but it was entirely possible that the Misakas being let into the world would have lead to the project being stopped at a similar point in time, leading to a similar orbital window for Tree Diagram's recovery, and a similar window of opportunity for its subsequent theft. A news report of an explosion at the Trainyard on the same day that we'd picked a fight with Accelerator was a point in favour of that theory.

(On the other hand, we'd caused our fair share of problems to the city's train transfers in our own version of the fight, but we hadn't exactly blown anything up in the process. So clearly something had changed there, too.)

Given that we'd found them, our plan was to wait for Shirai to take down the initial group, and provide support if she got into trouble unexpectedly. We'd flex on the real enemy once we'd confirmed or denied Shirai's presence. Finally, we'd scarper once we confirmed Anti-Skill would be picking up after us, because we didn't really want to have to explain everything.

To summarise- our plan was to drop in, beat up the teleporter who'd attack Shirai, not explain, and then subsequently leave. I'd been placed on the rooftop above the expected conflict point. All I had to do was wait.

And, soon enough, I saw the first batch of unfortunates approaching.

A group of men in suits were passing through… They looked rather suspicious, and a quick mind-read confirmed that these were the individuals we were after. I sent a quick message over UpperChat (for lack of a better name), and ran a scan of the area.

"...There she is," I muttered to myself (and the others). "Confirming that Shirai is present, and moving to take down the initial thieves. Checking what she's up to…"

I tapped into her sense of hearing.

She was teleporting irregularly, timing herself to catch the vital parts of her conversation with Uiharu. The phone signal cut out briefly every time she poofed out of existence "-culprits- moving. They ca- out from th- entrance AO3 of- Area Sale Mall. Th- re's two people waiting- on the roofs." Shirai took a moment to pause, and I internally cursed. Damnable hypercompetent little moeblob. "The perps are headed to the next mall entrance."

"I see them," said Shirai, and teleported towards us.

I'd sent the conversation over UpperChat, and Hokaze- standing on the opposite building- had already turned her head, a low-power Rampage Dress having caught the sound of teleportation. Shirai's eyes locked with hers.

She slipped her phone back into her pocket, and teleported straight for Hokaze. Her maths was simple- our involvement and our size (as a proxy for age) suggested we were espers, and if she went into the alleyway, she wouldn't have a line of sight on every potential threat. And from her perspective, we looked very much like potential threats- or, to be more specific, like guards playing overwatch at a risky crossing-point.

As did Rei and Tatsuki, for that matter.

Hokaze made a very concerned squeak when Shirai appeared a few metres in front of her. "Judgment!" the girl yelled, striking the obligatory pose as her feet touched down. "Get on the floor!"

ID=Shokuhou0: "She'll pin you!"

Hokaze quickly caught onto my advice- Shirai used a set of thin lengths of metal like nails, pinning people to the ground by their clothing. She wanted us to get on the floor so she could do exactly that. If we did, she'd be able to teleport down and retrieve the suitcase. If we didn't, well, what good were disguises if Hokaze'd have to tear her way out of it?

Needing an immediate response, Hokaze's flight-or-fight instincts turned to 'fight'. She balled her fists, and turned up the heat on her ability, a pair of sunglasses glowing as they hid her now-recognisable irises.

That was all the indication Shirai needed- she disappeared, and appeared right behind Hokaze. This was a favourite tactic of hers, followed shortly by a second teleport, flipping Hokaze upside-down with a brush of her fingers.

She did not expect Hokaze to donkey-kick her in the gut.

The first-year girl was thrown backwards to the floor, wheezing, but caught herself with one hand. The other brushed her skirt aside- revealing the shining rows of metal she planned to use in earnest now.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Watch your joints!"

Hokaze had recovered from the attack with a forwards flip, using the recoil to land herself in a graceful crouch- she leapt upwards like a springtail, flashing out of view, a cluster of metal appearing in the space she'd left behind.

Shirai teleported forwards, turning herself around in the same movement. Below us, the thieves were starting to move, having heard the shout of 'Judgment!' and having no desire to still be here- Shirai wasn't playing lethally, so I moved to cut them off before they could get out of the alleyway.

I landed on top of the guy with the briefcase. Even if Hokaze had more power than she knew what to do with even before Mental Upper, we only had so much bandwidth for Rampage Dress's calculations- I'd rely on Radio Noise instead.

Given I also had access to three different skill-based melee fighters, and had no need to compensate for guns or other such weapons thanks to Tatsuki's ability as a backup one, this basically meant I turned into the taser equivalent of a blender down there.

Up above, Hokaze let out a blast of violet light from her hands, thrusting herself back down before Shirai could reorient herself. That was the key to the fight- Shirai could move with impunity, but when she lost line of sight, Rampage Dress's sensory boost meant Hokaze would always be first to draw a bead on her enemy.

Shirai's free hand was already on her nails, and when she saw the blur as Hokaze touched down, she teleported them outwards in a line to try and land a hit. Hokaze had predicted that, though, and she'd flattened herself out in a frog-like pose, the nails appearing over her head- and she tugged herself to the side rather than charge, mostly dodging the secondary attack that Shirai threw out at her, making her grunt in discomfort as one of the nails lodged in her thigh.

But that was a fair trade in Hokaze's book, because the 'beam' of nails was still falling, and that gave her an opening. She thrust her hand forwards in a palm strike- and the electrical charge meant that, rather than dig into her hand, the nail was sent hurtling forwards towards Shirai.

And Hokaze's aim, the small part of my brain not occupied with beating the everloving crap out of people noted, was always impeccable.

Shirai yelped as it hit her fingers side-on, the sudden surface-pain causing her hand to flinch backwards, away from the nails on her opposite leg- and that was all the opening Hokaze needed. With a leap, she flung herself at Shirai- or rather, past her, avoiding the punch that Shirai had improvised in an effort to compensate for her crippled initiative.

The teleporter's gaze was knocked off-balance as Hokaze briefly caught a pigtail in a loose-handed grip- it slipped out of her hands before it could do something like pull off the skin below, but for a teleporter that needed a reference system, the sudden disorientation was devastating. Teleportation was the only reason she'd been able to keep up with Hokaze's terrifying burst-mobility, and now that her field of view was lopsidedly turning towards the floor and her body was twisting to follow, she was left completely open.

A foot made contact with the ledge at the edge of the roof, and Hokaze lunged for real this time. Her fist made contact with Shirai's face, and the girl was thrown limply to the floor, unconscious.

"...Sorry!" cried Hokaze, absolutely mortified by having unprovokedly punched out an alternate-universe version of her friend.

I, meanwhile, was standing atop a pile of beat-down mooks, semi-literally. We could drop the silence now that everyone who could hear us was unconscious. "Pretend it was for the locker-room thing she was doing earlier!" I advised.

"B-but I wouldn't have punched her for that!" she wailed.

ID=Tatsuki0: "I would have, so pretend it was from me instead," suggests Tatsuki.

She blinked. "Oh, that works," she said, cheer restored. I quietly facepalmed.

I heard the sound of teleportation behind me. That would be the Tree Diagram suitcase, then- seeing how Shirai was still unconscious…

"...Moving on," I said, turning around, and activated Tatsuki's phasing through most of my body as I did.

The teleported items that What's-Her-Name had tried to ambush me with fell through me, and my organic-based clothing, clattering to the floor.

Her eyes widened as she saw them fall, and having been watching while I took out a whole group of people, she promptly realised that this was a very bad position to be in. Unfortunately for her, none of them had been organic- I'd checked- and so she was completely helpless to use them as an effective weapon.

Her next attempt was to teleport me away from her. But I knew her maths, and that meant I could dodge it.

For a moment I sunk into the ground, changing my position in a higher dimension- and slipping past her ability's grasp in the process.

She looked around frantically. "Th-that's impossible," she stuttered. "That's two completely different abilities…!"

"I think you mean 'improbable'," I replied, directly behind her- and slugged her in the face the moment she turned to face me. She slumped to the ground, unconscious. "...Great talk."

Then I punted Tree Diagram into the nearest wall, shattering it.

Mission technically accomplished!

ID=Misaka10037, filter == "Rei": "I should warn you that Big Sister is approaching," I say, "so hurry up!"

…Oh. That wasn't good.

ID=Shokuhou0: "Aight! Time to scarper then, lasses!"

ID=Tatsuki0: "...Lasses?"

We promptly fled the scene before the walking railgun showed up and realised we'd just punched her (probable) bestie unconscious.


Later, 177th Branch Office
Misaka Mikoto, Level 5 student of Tokiwadai Middle School

"To think… the authority of Judgment would be subverted by such lawless thugs…!" growled Kuroko.

We'd put her on the couch, since she was already coming to when I caught up with her. It was lucky her favourite mug was here- they said green tea was good for concussions, even if we didn't think she had one. I was sat on the couch opposite, and that she wasn't chasing after me showed just how mad she was.

When I'd learned that the Tree Diagram computer was being recovered- that the Sisters might be in danger from that psycho again- I'd had to do something. I'd done my best to keep Kuroko from getting mixed up in all of this, but… it hadn't worked. I was just glad nothing worse had happened… and mad, because I had my suspicions about who'd hurt her.

"I don't know what it was that they were trying to take, but it must have been really valuable," said Uiharu. "Everyone who was taken in was armed with guns, even that girl- Musujime Awaki. And you said they had gold teeth, Miss Misaka?"

"Yeah," I nodded, frowning. "It's a conductive metal, so I picked up on it when I got close."

"Everyone knows that there's better materials if you live in Academy City," she said. "Even if you want to show off- I hear that some people have prosthetic teeth that can change shape depending on what you're biting into! Though, ahah, that's just what Miss Saten said… She was talking about how there were esper powers that could create vampires." She hummed. "I don't know if Miss Musujime was trying to help the thieves, or steal that carry luggage for herself, but I don't think they're who we should focus on."

Kuroko nodded. "Indeed- we can trust Anti-Skill to deal with such things," she said. "Our concern should be the thugs who smashed it and decided to engage me rather than obey the laws of our fine City… You said that you had a suspicion about who they were, Onee-sama?"

"That esper was an electromaster, for sure- I could feel their static charge from a mile off," I said, frowning.

"Literally?" interjected Uiharu, frowning.

I shook my head. "No, not that far, but… you'd have to be a really powerful electromaster to do it, and Kuroko said she was using her abilities to move faster," I told them. "That can't be a long list, and there's only one person I know who's on it. That drill-haired girl that follows Shokuhou around."

Uiharu hummed. "Shokuhou, Shokuhou… Oh! The Queen of Tokiwadai?" she realised, voice suddenly raised with excitement- before she caught herself. "But… If that's true, then it's a Tokiwadai ojou-sama?! Please tell me she's a pervert like Miss Shirai or something!"

"Wha- hey!" Kuroko barked glaring.

"No, she's as fancy as anyone I've ever seen there," I said, and Uiharu deflated, typing something into her computer while she laid in a heap. She half-heartedly double-clicked her mouse. "I'll check- Miss Shirai didn't drop the call, so while we couldn't filter out the other voice enough to analyse, we did get some recordings of the one that she fought…"

"...Sorry!" came a muffled voice- one I recognised.

"That sounds like her," I said, glaring at the audio file I could see on screen.

"And the automated voice recognition program agrees, now I've narrowed it down to Tokiwadai students…" Uiharu sighed. "Why does every Tokiwadai student I meet ruin my dreams…?"

"I recognise the girl you speak of- Miss Hokaze Junko," said Kuroko, speaking up suddenly. "I've heard about her from my coworker, Miss Makigami."

"Huh? You actually work with Tokiwadai Judgment, even with all the time you spend here?" said Uiharu.

Kuroko harrumphed. "Continuing to the point… Miss Hokaze is a curious individual," she informed us. "Supposedly, she was rumoured to be the most likely Tokiwadai applicant to reach Level 5 before arrival, with her Interference, Clairvoyance, Psychometry and Psychokinesis all being top-graded even now. At first," she added, "Miss Makigami- who recently applied to the Shokuhou Clique- thought that this was just a rumour, but Miss Hokaze confirmed it."

Uiharu tilted her head. "Your friend applied to a clique?" she asked.

"Ah… Tokiwadai is separated into cliques- student-led social clubs that a majority of the school's membership join for their resources and social connections," said Kuroko, making Uiharu's eyes sparkle at the thought of it. "Miss Makigami joined primarily for access to their revision sessions, and as such has had some opportunity to speak to Miss Hokaze- as she effectively runs the day-to-day operations of the 'club'. When politely asked about the rumours, Miss Hokaze said that she had even been given an examination for Level 5 by the Board- and in elementary school, at that, just as the rumour said. But she failed it, and has never been retested; even after two years of minor progress, Miss Hokaze Junko has still failed to reach Level 5."

"Now you mention it… I do remember people being confused about me being Level 5 when I first joined," I said. It had been like something didn't quite register to them, not until I learned my 'Railgun' trick. "Is that why?"

"Perhaps? I wasn't there, Onee-sama," Kuroko said. "So, Miss Uiharu, your computer suspects that Miss Hokaze is the individual who assaulted me?"

She wheeled her computer chair out of the way, to show the results of the voice recognition program. "It looks that way…" she said sorrowfully. "If she's the manager of the largest social club in the school… Ah, why do things always turn out in such a way?! Aah, all I want is refined ojou-samas and a delicious sundae!"

"There's one problem with that theory, though," said Kuroko. "While much of her abilities matched up, there was one moment that defied what I know of her. Were you recording the satellite feeds, Miss Uiharu?"

Uiharu broke herself out of her moping. "Oh, of course," she said, and pulled up another window. "What am I looking for?"

"A violet flash," said Kuroko. Uiharu typed in a few more commands, and found the frame she needed soon enough- Kuroko's tawny-red hair visible on one side of the roof, and a girl dressed in thick, dark clothing over in the middle section. I could see her legs out to the side from this angle, but her head and upper torso were obscured by a flash of light that seemed to be coming from one of her hands. "She used this ability to propel herself with a small explosion, and avoid my attack when she was in midair… It's not something I've heard her to be capable of."

"You said she was an electromaster?" asked Uiharu. "But if it's her, then what could she have done to cause this…?"

Kuroko looked to me. "Onee-sama. Do you know?" she asked.

I furrowed my brow, thinking it over. "Arcs in a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere are naturally purple," I said. "But with enough energy to change her direction that fast… It should have arced all over the roof. The spread of light isn't right for that, though- there should have been trails leading out over the roof, since even I can't control my electricity enough to ignore conductivity completely. So it might have been some other use."

"Some other use?" asked Uiharu. "...Right, electron flow is important, but if she's using some other aspect of electromagnetism…"

"I can use light a little bit- just radio waves- but another electromaster might be better at it than me… That doesn't make sense here, though, since you'd expect visible light to be really inefficient at causing the thermal expansion you'd need for thrust. The flash would have been much brighter."

"Perhaps a more esoteric use, then?" asked Kuroko. She frowned. "Isn't the Fourth-Ranked an electromaster, also…? Could something like Meltdowner's abilities explain it?"

"She's the Fourth-Ranked because nobody else has figured out how to use her abilities," I said. "It can't be that."

"But Miss Shirai said that Miss Hokaze was the closest other electromaster to Level 5," asked Uiharu. "If anyone could figure it out, it would be someone like that…"

That was enough to make me consider it.

I'd seen Meltdowner's attacks before- I knew how quickly they could melt metal, and how much force I'd had to put in to deflect them. If I used that to estimate the heat-to-power ratio… "It's… not impossible," I said. "But that doesn't explain why she never would have used it before. If she's been that close to Level 5 before, couldn't that be enough to tip her over the edge?"

"Our only alternative is that our perp was someone with the same voice and build as Miss Hokaze Junko, with an extremely powerful electromaster ability used in an unusual fashion," Kuroko warned. "As incredulous as I might normally be, it is not an explanation that we can simply ignore. And we do have an alternative… Miss Uiharu, are there any means by which we might track the movements of Miss Hokaze, in the relevant time period?"

"Of course," Uiharu replied. "Let's see here… Move to the school, search by hair colour… Doo-dee-doo… Mmh-hmm… Ah! And if I plot a route… It'll take me a while to piece together her route, so we should talk about the other person who was there. At first I thought the other person was an electromaster too, since she zapped all the guys in the alleyway while you were fighting Miss Hokaze, but they used an ability that lets them phase through objects- her shoulders were removed from the image before her head was, and she left behind objects that Miss Musujime must have attacked her with. So it must have been a taser or equivalent weapon. Could Miss Hokaze's compatriot also be a Tokiwadai student?"

"That sounds like Miss Tatsuki Mirei to me, if it is," said Kuroko, and the name stirred my attention. "Miss Makigami was also investigating the Tatsuki Clique as a potential clique, but decided not to join based on Miss Tatsuki's rather aggressive personality. I'm also personally familiar with her attitude, due to being in the same higher-dimensional physics tests during the System Scans. She can phase through objects, though it's limited by needing to ensure her organs don't fall through her body when she does so. I haven't heard of her phasing in such thick clothing, but it may simply be Tokiwadai using inorganic uniform materials."

"I talked to her in the corridor recently," I said. "She sounds to me like she's full of herself… Even if she did tell me you were stealing my clothes again."

"She would dare?!" snarled Kuroko, before starting to rave. "Oh, that insidious varmint- she must have purposefully miscommunicated my entirely virtuous actions to you! Clearly, she is some diabolical schemer, one that we must investigate immediately! Miss Uiharu, are you…"

I tuned Kuroko out. …She'd had the same goggles as the Sisters. For her to show up hunting down the Tree Diagram computer… I'd shrugged it off as a coincidence, and she was just some idiot who didn't know somebody had died for her to have those goggles, but I was starting to think I should have looked more closely.

"My gut says it's her," I told them. "But Tatsuki and Hokaze would never work together- I've seen Tatsuki sniping at Hokaze and Shokuhou in the corridor before."

"I think I might have an explanation," said Uiharu. "Miss Hokaze went with a friend to one of the larger underground malls… Our perpetrators left and exited it before they did. And Miss Tatsuki could easily have arrived in the same location by using the sewers and a phasing ability to reach the mall, even if she appears not to have left the building she was in until later. And the person she goes to the underground mall with is…"

She pulled up a magnified slide, and I could see who it was as easily as anyone- large golden-blonde hair, a bag on one hip, some of her bust visible even from this angle… "Shokuhou Misaki," I growled.

"...Supposedly, Miss Hokaze knew Miss Shokuhou before she joined the school," said Kuroko. "That was around the time period that her efforts towards Level 5 appeared to stall out. If she's suddenly showing new capabilities, after leaving Tokiwadai with Miss Shokuhou, and behaving unlike herself… You don't think…?"

"I can't say for certain, but they went into an area of the mall without any security cameras, and they seem to have only just left!" said Uiharu. "That's a pretty bad lack of alibi there… If Miss Shokuhou's a mind controller, and she wanted to cover something up…"

"Wait," I said. "Are you saying… Shokuhou's intentionally sabotaging her friend!?"

Kuroko turned to me, and shuddered. "Umm, that's a concerningly shadowy expression, Onee-sama," she said. "Ah, and you're standing up to leave… While I can understand that you are generally inclined towards action, even disregarding the presence or absence of Judgment… This is an indignity for all of us," she told me firmly. "If you wish to act upon it… well, perhaps we will need some support if we are to take them in for questioning?"

"...You're right," I said, sitting back down with a sigh. "This is a Judgment matter."

But there was one question lingering.

If Hokaze and Tatsuki had both interfered with the Tree Diagram, and it was likely that Shokuhou Misaki had co-opted them both to stop it- just as I had- even if it was in the worst way she could've chosen to do it…

Then what relationship, exactly, did Shokuhou Misaki have with the Level 6 Shift Project? And why was she doing this?


At the gates of Tokiwadai
Shokuhou Misaki, Level 5 student of Tokiwadai Middle School

This again… Why was everyone taking an interest in those girls? "That cafe was such a disappointment," I sighed. "I suspect that they might even be using artificial sweeteners, instead of the all-natural sugar my delicate palate requires. And yet I keep going back to it…!"

"Perhaps we should try a different cafe then, my Queen?" asked Junko, smiling in a confused sort of way. Aww, how cute my Junko-chan was~!

"Maybe I just like the taste of disappointment sometimes," I said to her. Then I hugged her arm, squeezing my chest against her to make her blush adorably as I did. Even if she wasn't my Prince, it was always too fun not to tease her… "Or maybe it's just its sweetness ability is too much for me, and I'm there because you like sweet things~?"

"U-umm- well, I do…" she said bashfully. "B-but if you're not enjoying yourself, you should go somewhere else!"

"Oh, you know I'm not going to go somewhere I don't want to go," I told her with a smile. "Don't you worry about me! Anyway, I'm worn out from all that walking… I would be a lot happier with a cup of tea and a massage. Let's head back to the clique room!"

"Of course, my Queen!" she replied. Obedient as always- that was part of why I always loved having her around!

I'd had to fill her head with imagined memories again, unfortunately. But I'd really needed to learn more about that Tree Diagram processor-thingie that they'd brought back into the City, and it wasn't her fault I was so annoyed about having missed the whole thing. At least it had all been resolved for me- no work was my favourite kind of work, after all!

One thing did still trouble me; I didn't know who'd stopped it. It seemed like none of my contacts did, and that was surprising! On top of that mysterious enemy who kept trying to leak the presence of Exterior somehow, and it seemed like I had a lot of work ahead of me. Which meant a lot of things to hide from Junko.

Ah, she'd be flattered if she knew how much I relied on her~.

As we walked, my followers saw me, and fell into line as they should. Life at Tokiwadai truly was bliss! They split off to do their own things afterwards, but it was always polite to show off your allegiance, wasn't it?

Soon enough, we entered the clique room, and my followers there stood to attention. "Hello, ladies~!" I greeted. "Mmh, someone give my feet a massage, please? I'm worn out from walking so far… And I want a cold drink, too!"

"Umm, it wasn't that far, my Queen," said Junko, as Satori started throwing out orders. "Perhaps you just need more exercise…"

Grr… Bringing up that old argument again? "My fitness ability is just fine, thank you very much!" I said.

I was definitely going to get back at her for that. But later! I still had relaxation to do.

As I sat back on my special sofa-bed, having been passed an ice-cold iced tea- brewed to perfection, of course, some of our girls fanning me with cool air from their aerokinesis abilities, and a nice massage that was moving up to my sore calves… "Ah," I said. "It's good to be-"

Then there was a sound- a sudden displacement of air beside me.

Before I really knew what was happening, my remotes were gone, my delicious drink was spilled all over the floor, and I was tied to the sofa-bed by the long black ribbons of a cuff grenade. (The poor girl who'd been massaging my legs- Mei, in particular- was currently tied to them because of this.)

"Wh-wha- my Queen?!" yelled Hokaze, who'd fallen victim to the same attack. The other girls were already starting to react- Kii was drawing up her wind barriers, Satori was preparing to send out a message to alert the others to the sudden attack-

Two light feet touched down. "Judgment!" yelled the voice of Shirai Kuroko, who I couldn't quite see from this angle. "Miss Shokuhou and Miss Hokaze, you are under arrest, under suspicion of assaulting a Judgment officer and destruction of Academy City assets!"

There was a brief moment of silence as we all tried to process this.

One of my girls was first to reply. "That's absurd!" cried Satori. "Our Queen would never do something like that, and neither would Miss Hokaze!"

The door slammed open, and my eyes met those of someone who was really proving their problem-causing ability right now.

"The bruise on my friend's head proves otherwise," growled Misaka Mikoto, the formidable and definitely-less-beautiful second Level 5 of Tokiwadai Middle School.

Between Judgment appealing to their ethics, and Misaka appealing to their fear… well, I wasn't proud that none of the girls did anything, but it was understandable.

While some of the smaller or less fun-loving cliques requested particular rooms to use for their activities, most of us had buildings of our own, of varying size. The Gaouin Clique's was biggest, but ours was the best- partially because it was built in a much better place for my tea-drinking ability, and was a lot more central so I didn't have to walk so far, but I'd also chosen it for being much harder for someone to attack successfully.

But while it might let me hold off Misaka, even a building like this couldn't do much against a teleporter that nobody wanted to fight in the first place.

"...Your irritation ability knows no bounds, Miss Misaka," I complained. I had to pretend to still be in control of the situation, after all. "What on earth could be so important that you'd interrupt us in our clique building like this…?"

"While we strongly suspect that at least one of you is innocent… One of you is certainly not!" Kuroko declared, from her position somewhere behind me. "And as Miss Tatsuki- who we also suspect to be involved- was suffering from at least one incident of memory loss… we are quite certain of who it was that caused Miss Hokaze to attack me an hour ago. So don't try to play coy with us, Miss Shokuhou!"

"...Ah," I said, nodding knowingly. "I don't understand at all. Anyway, are you two going to keep me tied up like this, or are you just enjoying the view...?"

They both sputtered. Ah, they were both so easy to tease. It was a shame that Kuroko-chan wouldn't join me, instead of chasing after an unrequited love… It'd be a lot of fun to have her around as well as Junko, wouldn't it?

Misaka's anger broke through her indignation- wow, she really was mad. "Take this seriously, Shokuhou!" she yelled, and added- "You've been abusing Hokaze's trust since before she even joined Tokiwadai, haven't you?!"


While perhaps that was true, Junko certainly didn't think so. "Wh- what gives you a right to say that?!" yelled Junko, truly angry all of a sudden. So loyal~! "Without her, I never would have been the esper I am today! With those migraines and headaches, I never would have even been happy! So don't you dare insult my Queen's honour like that!"

Kuroko teleported beside Misaka, before she could start shouting back like the ape she was- and she was holding a piece of paper, with a picture printed off. "We have evidence that it was you who attacked me earlier today, Miss Hokaze, alongside Miss Tatsuki- who didn't remember a previous encounter with Miss Misaka, either," she said. "There are multiple lines of evidence that you were the individual present, including automated voice and motor biometric recognition, observation of your abilities, testimony from Miss Misaka on the use of a high-power electrical ability by my attacker, and the lack of an alibi as established by satellite and security recordings."

Someone had used my little outing to frame me for something, hadn't they? How annoying.

"Given that you don't appear to remember this, Miss Hokaze, and that Miss Tatsuki is suffering unrelated gaps in her memory while under the same suspicion, suggests that this was due to a telepath's influence- and Miss Shokuhou was both with you and also lacking a digital alibi," declared Kuroko. "And more to the point… We observed you to have used an ability we believe to be the same ability as Meltdowner, yourself being one of the few electromasters who might be skilled enough to replicate such a technique, and which would fit rumours of you having been approaching Level 5 just before joining Tokiwadai."

"B-but I've never used an ability like that in my life!" said Hokaze, still mad at them- but now, as mad as she was, she was just as utterly bamboozled by what they were saying.

"Which is why we're incredibly concerned!" Kuroko responded. "And given that the change in your projections for future ability development happened at roughly the same time you met Miss Shokuhou… If you don't remember using this ability, then there's only one logical explanation- that your ability has been purposefully locked. And we have suspicions that this applies to Miss Tatsuki, as well. You can trust us to to review this case with all possible haste, Miss Hokaze."

I looked at the vague purple smudge on the page. "This is… certainly an accusation…" I said, blinking, and just as confused as Junko was. "And you wouldn't mind if you let me use my memory-checking ability…?"

Kuroko glared at me, and teleported my bag of remotes out of the room.


"Well!" I said, smiling, and turned to my girls as best as I could. "I can trust you all to prove both our innocence, can't I?"

Despite all the things they'd suggested I'd do to someone as nice as Hokaze, there was a simultaneous cry of "Yes, Queen!" which was shortly followed by a "I-I mean, thank you very much, everybody…?" from Hokaze, who'd joined in on the cry on impulse.

Pulling me out of trouble like this was what I had them for, wasn't it?

Kuroko frowned at me- still thoroughly convinced that this was all my fault, whatever was going on- and, straining to pick me up (because she was small, not because I was big!), she teleported out of the building.

Which gave me time to wonder…

Who could pull off a false-flag operation well enough to completely fool not only these two meatheads, but whichever Judgment members she'd gotten support and approval from, to be this confident going after one of Academy City's shining Level 5s as a Judgment suspect? She wouldn't have gone all-in like this- taking us by surprise in our own building- if she wasn't completely, one-hundred-percent confident.

And more to the point- if they'd pulled off something like this, somehow having a perfect replica of Hokaze that might have even stronger abilities (and wasn't that concerning), and I hadn't heard a word of it even with my Level 5 ability…

What sort of enemy was I facing?


"Wake up, says Misaka, ignoring the bags under her eyes as she pokes Shokuhou in the leg," said Rei.

I groaned, and rolled onto my back, rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, and I was hoping to sleep in…" I complained idly. "What's up?"

"Misaka has definitely not been on her phone since five o'clock this morning," Rei blatantly lied, practically shoving the phone in my face, "and she feels Shokuhou should observe this internal Tokiwadai news headline immediately, Misaka suggests urgently."

I took the phone from her, and read it as suggested.

"...Wow. We caused this much of a problem already?" I asked, honestly impressed by how badly we'd screwed up. "And I wasn't even trying to cause a problem!"

Rei stared at me wordlessly.

"...Yes, yes, I know," I sighed. "Come on- our first priority will have to be 'fix this before it hurts their reputation', alas. Let's wake the others up, and get to work."
Well that went from typical, to funny chaotic, to seriously fucked up very quickly.

Your never trying to cause a problem Bakahou. There are simply times(The past and present, likely future) where you have trust issues, which means you can't leave things in the hands of other people who you don't intrinsically trust, which leads to problems. Problems like you interfering in a judgement operation as a hastily disguised third party that has no hope of standing up to flower gremlin scrutiny when you know in all likely hood that things will turn out just fine.
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