A Catgirl's Last Chance for High School Romance - COMPLETE

I'm gonna say, I loved this quest. I'm happy that you included trans characters, too. And yeah, this is a pretty good place to end it. I'll look forward to Hanako's college adventures.
I'm gonna say, I loved this quest. I'm happy that you included trans characters, too. And yeah, this is a pretty good place to end it. I'll look forward to Hanako's college adventures.

Thanks! I wish I had been able to make them more central to the plot, but I'm gonna try and do that in the sequel, I think. I really appreciate your support and participation. <3
Thanks for writing this. I enjoyed it a lot. You're now in the elusive circle of people who've actually finished a quest.

Knowing when to end it, cane be pretty dificiult, but I think this is a good point for this story to end. While there's still some potential conflicts left, Hanako has started to figure out herself and the important people in her life know and support her. Looking forward to the sequel.

Wow, this was a surprisingly good place to end it. I really enjoyed this quest and thank you so much for writing it!

Double post but it's my thread so I can do what I want. Thank you! Both of you kinda hit it on the head here. I was writing this update and was like "what the hell is Hanako going to get into next?" and it just kind of hit me that she's not going to, at least in this story. This is where this part of the story ends. And it was a really bittersweet moment, you know? I almost cried! I'm so looking forward to throwing the sequel at everyone but it needs some more development before it goes live, I think.

Congratulations, @Artificial Girl on a completed quest and story! Hanako's a bit of a surly, unruly kitty, but you managed to herd her to the finish line regardless. At 100k words, you managed to write up something of equal size to some novels that get published out there, and of frankly higher quality then most of those. As somebody who's been reading from the beginning (Though I admittedly only voted and posted a few times), I've gotta say, it's been a blast. Looking forward to the next thing you end up writing!

Ah, thank you! I actually finished this story 100k words total and 2 days off from 6 months to the day that I posted the first entry, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself, all things considered.

If you're interested in my other writing, I have another active quest about wooden ships and iron enbies over here. I also have orc quest, but it's currently on indefinite hiatus since my well of inspiration for that particular story is running a bit dry. Neither of them are really quite the same as Hanakoquest in tone and content, but I'd love for people to give them a look if they want to.


Also uh, I feel a little strange doing this but if people like the story/my writing well enough to buy me a coffee or something, you can throw a few dollars at me here at my Ko-Fi. Please don't feel obligated, and I'll keep working regardless because I love it, but hey, I figure I might as well put it out there as an option for people. ^^
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