A Bro's Life (AGG-ish Anime Bro Quest)
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The Saga Of The Best Brother Ever
OP/Genre Choice


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
Many anime archetypes have managed to stand the test of time, while others have fallen from grace. Some have risen from the ashes of obscurity to find new life. Most have retained the fundamental parts of their character. Others have been forced to change along with the advancing times and an aging audience.

However, one archetype has managed to remain relevant no matter how much things change:

The Bro.

The Best Friend.

The Main Man.

The Dude.

The Secondary Protagonist (in some cases), the Bro archetype can take on a wide variety of story roles. The supportive older brother (blood related or not). The stranger turned friend. The glue that holds the entire main group together. They can even be the rival/antagonist that pushes the protagonist to improve their lot in life.

But there is one universal law that they follow: They take care of the protag and make sure he gets the character development he needs to accomplish his goals. Whether this be through being a steadfast pillar of support that never lets his bro down, a constant goal set up so that his bro will never stop improving, or secretive figure who watches from the shadows but always seems to be there to assist the protag when they need it most.

But it is not all fist bumps and high fives. Being a protagonist's brother is a hefty weight. You can't let yourself look bad lest your bro lose faith in you, you have to make sure you give them the spotlight so they grow as a person, and you tend to become the protagonist emotional base...one which they would be lost without.

This is a risk that many Bros take on with a smile.

Because, at the end of the day, their bro is what's important.

And that will be the premise of this Quest.

You all will not be playing the part of the main protagonist.

You will be playing as the protagonist's Bro/Best Friend/Main Man.

However, before we get too far into the details, let us get some things straight about the story that you all will be apart of.

Starting off with the Genre of the story.

Your choice of Genre will have a major effect on how the story evolves. It will affect the tone, the power level, the characters, and more.

[] Shounen - Ah. The stereotypical genre for a Bro character. Not that that's a bad thing. This Genre is littered with this archetype and for good reason. This genre has it all. Over the top action sequences, epic tales of friendship, love, and loss, and badass dudes and girls doing badass things. This is a time where idealism rings true, and all you need to change the world is a never ending supply of hot-blood!

However, while Shounen shows can start noble and bright, they tend to get darker as the story goes on and the threat escalates. In fact, this Genre is extremely deadly to Bro characters because of a major rule: The cooler you are, the more likely you are to die or turn evil. Either to make the main character grow as a person, or to establish that the story has taken a seriously dark turn. And since the job of Bros is to be the coolest of the cool to support the protagonist, they tend to not live long.

Nevertheless, you must press on. For defying the odds is exactly what Bros do. And besides, this is a Shounen Genre. It's all about accomplishing the impossible...

[] Slice Of Life - The fuck is this? I thought we made Quest like this to escape real life? Seriously speaking, this Genre is similar to the Shounen Genre. Your job as a Bro is to ensure the protag develops into a decent person. The difference? There's not gonna be a lot of fighting, most of your challenges will be simple, real life ones, and things will generally focus on having a normal existence in the world. No world spanning quest, no over the top battles, no bad guys wishing you harm. Just a simple life.

Of course, all of us here know that life is anything but "simple". Things that are out of your control will happen. Sometimes they will fuck you over, sometimes they won't. But you just gotta take it one day at a time. And I believe that's the best way to describe this Genre: taking things one day at a time.

[] Seinen/Dark - If you were to compare these different Genres to "Difficulty Settings", this would be Hard Mode. This Genre is much the same as the Shounen Genre, but with "realistic" circumstances applied to them. What exactly does this entail?

Your enemies are numerous, almost uncountable. Their influence is great, they have a hand in almost every important part of society. They have the power to back all their plans up, and see them through. The populace is under their control, no one suspects they have an evil agenda. You are constantly being hunted, you can't rest your head even for a little bit. Allies are few and far between, it's either too dangerous for them or they're likely to betray you.

Basically, EVERYTHING is against you from the start. No pressure.

These are your choices of Genre. Keep in mind, none of these choices are set in stone. The choices you make, the events you trigger, the people you meet, and the causes you choose to fight for can all effect how the story evolves over the course of the Quest. What starts as a light-hearted Slice Of Life story can turn into a dark tale of trying to survive when the whole world is against you. Likewise, a Dark story where everything is against you from the start can be turned into a hopeful tale of succeeding against the odds. Choosing a Genre determines how things begin, not how they end.

WTF Is This: New Quest. You guys play as the Bro of the Main Protagonist. Basically, you're gonna be the Kamina to their Simon.

AGG-ish?: If anyone here remembers old Sage_Of_Eyes' "A Geek's Guide" Quest, think that. As in, I'm going to be using the same system idea (with Stats that go from 0 to 100, traits, SL Levels, and so on), but not just straight copy everything from them.
Style/Setting/Harem Choice
Ah, the Shounen Genre.

Wonderful choice.

Now, we shall take this Genre and specify it, so that this story has more of a focus. While Genres are inherently versatile, being able to focus down on one particular story within the Genre will allow for a much better experience.

To do this, you shall pick the next three things about our story, starting with Style and Setting.

A Genre Style is essentially a specific version of the Genre that governs different topics. The Mecha Genre, the Superhero Genre, and so on are examples of this. Where a Genre details the tone, a Style dictates what will be seen in the story. What powers the characters have, what threats can come about from the world itself, and even how people use their powers to get along in their everyday lives.

Style will determine what powers and advantages will be open to you and your bro from the beginning, and what avenues to improve those powers will be available. This applies to your enemies as well. The general rule is, if you can do it, so can those who oppose you...with the level of effectiveness varying greatly.

Setting goes hand in hand with Style to a certain degree. While a Genre and Style can work with any Setting, a Setting forms the basis of the world itself. A Mecha Genre story taking place in the Near/Far Future will naturally take place in a Setting where Mechs effect the way people live their lives, or are at least acknowledged by the general public. Be aware that no Setting or Style is exclusive another. A Superhero Genre story can take place in a Medieval Fantasy Setting. It'll just take some adjustments to fit.

However, while Settings and Style are not exclusive, the things you will see in a Setting within a certain Style are. You're unlikely to find Vampires in the Mecha Genre for instance.

Go ahead and choose between the following Styles. Are there two Styles that you simply can't choose between? There is a solution, make it a Double Style. This "Style" combines two Styles into one, taking the aspects of both and fusing them together. It is not that strange among Anime Genres to do this. For instance, G Gundam could arguably be considered a Mecha/Martial Arts Story due to how the Martial Artists in the show pilot Giant Robots. Simply take the Double Style option, then write in the two Styles you wish to combine.

[] Mecha - Giant Robots fighting each other, or things the size of Giant Robots. Need I say more?

[] Martial Arts - A Style that ask the question, "What if doing Martial Arts gave you superpowers?"

[] High Fantasy - Magic, Wizards, Dungeons and Dragons. This Style ensures that Magic has filled the world and changed everything about it in a major way.

[] Low/Medieval Fantasy - The same as High Fantasy, but Magic is either rare, dangerous, non-existent, or a combination of the three.

[] Soft Sci-Fi - At a certain point, Science becomes completely indistinguishable from Magic. And this Style aims to prove that.

[] Supernatural - Either there's no humans, or they're not the focus. Supernatural demons, monsters, and otherwise are.

[] Tokusatsu/Super Sentai - Humans transforming into spandex wearing Heroes of Justice, fighting monsters while screaming the names finishing moves at the top of their.

[] Partner/Mon - Monsters and Humans team up to fight other teams of Monsters and Humans while learning the true value of friendship...and evolving into stronger forms along the way...usually.

[] Mutant/Virus - Either something in the human body has caused it to mutate or a new virus has reared its ugly head on our world. And, for some reason, it gives certain people superpowers, while others either die or simply get the shaft.

[] Double Style - Write in Styles below
- [] Write in Style 1
- [] Write in Style 2

Now please, select a Setting to go along with the Style.

[] High School - The Prototypical Anime Setting. Especially among the Shounen Genre, this Setting is EXTREMELY Prolific. Which makes it extremely versatile as far as Styles go.

[] Post Apocalyptic - Everything that we know has come to end, and now the characters are left to pick up the pieces. While Survival is the focus, beating up on asshole gang members takes precedent.

[] "Modern"/Urban - We live in this Setting. While the story will ignore certain aspects and take liberties with others, this Setting is one that we all know, as we all live through it everyday. Sometimes different based on the Style it is matched with.

[] Medieval - Usually the Romanticized version of it, this Setting has Kings, Queens, Knights, and Mercenaries. Things are simpler and you don't have to worry about all the trouble of modern day...least that's what you hope.

[] Near Future - A Setting about a future that is actually kind of close to us. Normally has people using new tech that is derived from tech we use today, or tech that will soon become the norm in our everyday lives.

[] Far Future; Discovery Era - Space. The Final Frontier. The only thing that remains truly unknown by humanity. This Setting takes place during a time where Space Travel has become possible and humanity is discovering all the things the galaxy has to offer.

[] Far Future; Colonization Era - Same as the above Setting, however we have already mapped and colonized most of the nearby galaxy. Governments, both human and not, have staked their claim on numerous areas of the cosmos. Planets and solar systems now "belong" to specific groups of people, and they fight over the rights to them.

Now before we move on, there is one last thing I require your input on. This is the third aspect of the story that you all will decide on. I kept it for last, as it does not fit within the confines of a Style or Setting. In fact, it can be considered a Genre all on its own.


The Genre/Trope where the MC happens to have a group of people who all share romantic feelings for him, and they are all fighting for his affections. It is a Trope that has been played straight, mocked, parodied, deconstructed, and reconstructed across multiple stories. Some enjoy the Harem Genre. Others dislike it.

Due to this, I will allow you all to decide if a Harem is in your bro's future. Specifically, if it will get focus.

So everyone, do we have Harem?

[] Yes Harem, make it a focus - Not only will your bro get a Harem, but it will be a major facet of the story. Dealing with the fallout from the Harem's Shenanigans, things falling apart because of jealousy, and being forced into awkward situations due to it, will all happen. They will not only happen, they will be imperative to the main plot.

[] Yes Harem, no focus - Your bro will have a Harem, but it will not be a major part of the story. There will be Shenanigans and filler dealing with the Harem, but it will only happen when there's been a lull in the main story. Sometimes it won't even happen on screen.

[] No Harem - Your bro will not get a Harem. This doesn't mean he won't get people who have feelings for him to hang around him, but they will not be a Harem and he will have no problem picking one of them to be with. No Shenanigans, no jealousy, all focus on the main plot.

You are likely asking, "Why exactly should we care if our bro gets a Harem or not?"

The Answer: Because he's your bro.

Would you want him to accidentally hook up with a crazy Yandere bitch that ties him up in the basement? Or gaslights him into never hanging with you or his friends again? Or get with a girl who is plainly evil?

Of course not!

Seriously though, if a Harem becomes a focus, then one of your jobs as a Bro is to ensure the Protag makes a good choice in terms of a partner. While you won't have exacting standards, you need to watch out in case he makes a mistake...or let him make the mistake so he grows as a person.
Style Confirmation Vote
How about a confirmation vote. Have people choose between one of the two front runners instead of leaving it open to other style builds.

Could work I guess.

Alright everyone. The Setting shall be High School and while the Protag will have a Harem, they will not be the focus.

Now we just need the Style Vote.

That has resulted in a tie between two Double Styles:

[] Double Style
- [] Martial Arts
- [] Partner/Mon

[] Double Style
- [] Soft Sci-Fi
- [] Mutant/Virus

So, go ahead and choose between these two if only so that this isn't decided via coinflip. I'll count the votes for this one separate from the previous vote, so if you voted for one of these before, you're gonna want to do so again.
Style/Setting Details Vote
A Martial Arts/Partner/Mon Shounen Harem Anime Quest set in an Anime High School?

Quite an interesting combination of Genre, Setting, and Styles.

We will now move on to the final group of choices before we get to character creation. Much like the previous vote, this will be to specify important aspects about the Style and Setting you chose for this story. This might take a bit of time, but please bear with it until the end.

Let us start with the Double Style you all chose. In particular, the Partner/Mon Style as it will require the largest amount of decisions to be made. Starting with the type of Partners there will be. What exactly does this story consider a "Partner/Mon"?

[] Mythical Monsters - Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgons, Yuki-Onna, if there's a myth about it somewhere then it exist. The upside is that many of these creatures have insane abilities that can seriously turn the tide of battle. The downside is that many of them really, really hate humans, or love fucking with humans in their own twisted way.

[] Natural Monsters - Apparently Evolution and Mother Nature went on a bender one night and ended up creating weird, multi-colored animals that have power over the elements. These creatures can do anything from breathe fire or causing earthquakes with a stomp, to slicing through steel with razor sharp leaves. The only solace is that they seem to be relatively friendly towards humans.

[] Digital Monsters - Humans make things with data all the time. It isn't that much of a stretch to stay that an entire Digital World has been created by Humanity. However, it was a bit of stretch to say that that world was filled with Monsters with their own society. But that's exactly what's happened, and it has lead to the current state of affairs.

[] Demon Dolls - Demons exist and they've come to earth to team up with humans. But because giant monsters roaming the place would be problematic, they've chosen to inhabit specially made dolls that let them use their power while remaining incognito. So there are a bunch of tiny dolls with super powers running around...Lord help us all.

And what of their bond with a human? Is there something special about it?

[] Bound By Life - Essentially, it's a life for a life. When bound together, the two partner's lives become intertwined. This can be a good thing...and a bad thing. In particular, if something bad happens to one of them, the other will feel it. This includes death. Most humans with a Partner are limited to one, and only one.

[] Swear On This Book - The bond is made using a specific object, that forms the basis of the agreement between human and Partner. Whatever it is, as long as it's intact, the partner won't ever be gone for good baring extraneous circumstances. While a human normally only has one main Partner, they can get up to four max. Though that comes with its own set of baggage.

[] Hanging Out - There's no formal "bond" really. The Partners just choose to hang out with people they like. Nothing is keeping them together, and either side can end their relationship at any point. But the strongest Partners usually have bonds that have lasted a long, long time. Due to this, there's no limit on how many Parnters a human can have...but good luck taking care of all of them.

What about the Mon's powers? Are they a natural part of them, or do they come from the agreement? In fact, who gets the powers from the partnership exactly?

[] Master and Servant - The Partners NEED humans in order to use/get their powers. If they don't have a human they can partner with, they're sitting ducks.

[] Brains and Brawn - The Partners DON'T need humans to use their powers, but humans can act as tacticians so they can use them well.

[] We Fight Together - Partners and their humans share their powers with each other. As such, they usually fight at the same time, rather than one standing back while the other handles everything.

[] Go Get 'Em Human! - While Partners do have powers, they are not very effective on their own. Instead, they team up with a human and boost them using their bond. This means the humans usually fight with special powers granted by their Partners, rather than the other way around.

Lastly, what of the wider world? Does everyone know Monsters exist, or is it just a select few?

[] Worst Kept Secret - If they're existence is meant to be a secret, it's done a poor job of being one. Everyone knows these monsters are real, and use them or has had some interaction with them in someway.

[] Monster? What Monster? - As far as the wider public is concerned, these things are a child's bedtime story. Most are blissfully ignorant of the creatures that could blow up a city center living alongside them.

And that's it for the Partner Style for now. There is one last choice, but it is better decided during character creation. So, let us move on to the second Style we have: Martial Arts. This one will only have two choices to it. This is due to how many specific details about this Style can be decided or inferred based on the two choices.

For the first, what is considered a Martial Art? Can it be a Martial Art if it allows the use weapons? Or must it be strictly unarmed combat? If the latter, then do brawling, street fighting, and boxing count as Martial Arts? Must there be discipline to it? A state of mind? Training Regime?

[] The Disciplined Fist - A Martial Art MUST be a form of unarmed combat. And they can't be simple brawling. There needs to be discipline, a firm state of mind, and specific training to be considered a Martial Art. Anything else doesn't count as a Martial Art.

[] The Disciplined Weapon - A Martial Art can be either a form of unarmed or armed combat. Swords, daggers, darts, and even firearms. As long as there is discipline to be learned, a state of mind to be gained, and a training regime to be studied, it's a Martial Art.

[] Anything Goes - There's no real rules to this. ANYTHING can be a Martial Art. Brawling, street fighting, boxing, firearms, if it can be used to hurt or kill someone, it's a Martial Art. Discipline and training are all well and good, but not required.

Secondly, and this is the imperative question, how powerful are Martial Arts? Specifically, how powerful can someone become when they study them? What is the upper limit to a Martial Artist's abilities?

[] Superhuman (AKA Baki) - By studying Martial Arts a person can reach the peak of human capability. And by peak of human capability, we mean being able to stop an earthquake with a single punch. Martial Arts can bring someone to the point where they seem superhuman, but they're still human...to an extent.

[] Supernatural (AKA Fist Of The North Star) - By studying Martial Arts a person can go beyond the peak of human capability. This is stuff that leads into breaking the natural laws of the world themselves. These type of Martial Arts lead to people being able to create and launch energy from their hands and other weapons, or breaking the speed of sound to hit someone before they can blink.

[] Celestial (AKA Exalted) - By studying Martial Arts a person can become something well beyond human. They can hit someone so hard their soul flies out of their body. They can move faster than the speed of light within the space between two heartbeats. And the true masters can even warp the fundamental concepts of reality itself to suit their needs.

And now the final thing we shall decide here concerns our Setting. Specifically, what kind of High School is it? What type of students will you meet? How will it react to the standard Shounen Shenanigan?

[] Typical - There's nothing special about this high school. Honestly. It's your typical Japanese High School. Normal people, normal life.

[] Delinquent School - You're in one of those schools that, for some reason, is over run with delinquents and troublemakers. Everyone important is in a gang of some sort, the teachers are either useless or just as bad, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. You think at least two of the teachers here are in Law Enforcement and building case files on all the students.

[] Prestigious School - Somehow, you've managed to get into THAT School. The one with the stellar reputation where the kids of all the rich and influential people go to get an education. Everyone is either a pompous asshole, a backstabbing bastard, or a combination of both. To top that off, the school places a lot of value on its reputation. Any kind of trouble will be considered a scandal and "handled" accordingly.

[] Strange School - Your High School is...you're not sure. You know you can't call it normal. There have been waaaayyy too many strange things happening all at once it to call it that. The voices you hear when you're alone in a hallway, students disappearing for a while then reappearing no worse for wear, and that freaky Student Council that you're pretty sure are interdiminational beings from another world. You're school isn't normal...but it's not overtly crazy either. In fact, while there are rumors, no one seems to actually believe there's something otherworldly about your school.

And that is the last of it! The next update we shall get into character creation, which will include creating both your character, your Bro, and your Partner for the story.
Character Creation Part 1
There is one last "rule" concerning the Styles that must be decided before we get into formal character creation. This was kept out of the previous vote, as I felt the answer would heavily depend on what the previously decided details were.

It concerns one simple question: Why are the Monsters here? We now know they're apart of humanity's historical myths, but why have they been with humans for so long? And what made them go into hiding? Is there a bigger reason behind it all?

[] That's A Secret! - If there are any answers to these questions, the Monsters ain't telling 'em! They're all keeping tight lipped about it. (Starting Major Story Threat/Goal: ???)

[] A Looming Threat - The Monsters actually come from their own world. One that exist alongside the human world. However, they're being forced out of it by...something. They won't say what, but many of them have come to the human world to either get enough power to defeat it, or just find a life away from it. What's really ominous is, what happens when it's done with their world? (Starting Major Story Threat/Goal: Prepare For It's Coming)

[] Succession Battle - The Throne of the King or Queen of the Monsters is empty. Now everyone is vying to get their ass on that shiny piece of furniture, and they're using the human world as a battle ground. It's basically a mass tournament to decide who gets to be the top dog, likely with a few lessons on what it really means to wear the crown along the way. (Starting Major Story Threat/Goal: Beat Every Other Monster/Human Pair and Get to the Top)

[] From Hunters to Hunted - There's a Secret Organization hunting the Monsters down. Their reasons for doing so are known only to them, but one thing is for certain; They only have their own interest at heart. (Starting Major Story Threat/Goal: Learn Who You're Up Against)

[] No Real Reason - There's no over arching reason or cause behind the Monsters being here. They're just...here. It wouldn't be incorrect to say many of them are bumming off their human Partners. (Starting Major Story Threat/Goal: ???/Free Play Sandbox)

With that out of the way, we can move on to character creation. Specifically, we're going to be creating you. The Bro.

To start with, we will define what kind of Bro you are. The key aspects that color your relationship with your bro. These choices are important and will decide much of how you and your bro interact, how your bro grows as a character, and how the two of you react to certain situations. It also determines what the starting Bonds with your bro.

Bonds are an augmentation to to the typical SL Levels/Relationship Ranks between characters. They represent specific, and sometimes deeper, ties between two people that RR or SL just can't denote. They can be positive or negative, and they can sometimes auto pass a check for you. For instance, having a positive bond with your bro will auto pass checks to get him to trust you. However, they can also be used against you. If the bad guys poison your bro, your Bond will make you keep them alive to get the antidote. Lastly, unlike RR or SL points, Bonds can depreciate and disappear if you're not continuously cultivating them. While you won't have to hang with someone 24/7 to keep the Bonds active, ignoring someone for months can cause the Bond to disappear. So be careful what Bonds you make, and who you want to keep them with.

Now then, let us begin. First, what is your relationship from a familial perspective?

[] Blood Is Thicker - You are actual Brothers. You and your bro are family, and you will protect your family. No matter the cost. (Starting Bond: Blood Ties)

[] Nakama Is Where The Heart Is - You are not related by blood, but you're still Brothers. The two of you have forged a Bond that can't be broken. You're inseparable and will look out for each other no matter what. (Starting Bond: A Two Man Nakama)

Next, is there an age difference between the two of you?

[] Aniki Is You - You're the Big Brother out of the two of you. You may not be a full adult yet, but that doesn't matter. You'll handle most of the important stuff, and take care of your Little Bro. Let him have some fun while he's still young while you keep food on the table. (Starting Bond: My Big Brother Is Awesome!)

[] Two Teens, Two Troublemakers - You and your brother are the same age. You're in the prime of your lives and you're going to live it up that way. Nothing can get in your way if you work together! Best Friends For Life! (Starting Bond: He's My Best Friend AND Brother)

Next, since this story will have a Harem in it, what's your knowledge as far as romance and the Fairer Sex are concerned? What's your level of experience in these matters? This choice won't give you a Bond, but will influence certain choices that come up over the course of the Quest.

[] The Romantic - You've been around a few times. Had a few flings, gone on multiple dates, and tried your hand at a few relationships. Nothing serious, unfortunately, but the experience you've gained has stuck with you. If someone's looking for advice, you're not the worst person to come to for it.

[] The Bluffer - Oh yeah, sure! You've had plenty of relationships! Girls can't stop falling into your lap. In fact, you've actually done it before! Totally! You aren't just pulling all this outta your ass to look cool in front of your Bro! No sir!

[] The Virgin - You have no experience with women. Whatsoever. The closest you've ever gotten is with women in video games. At least that's something you and your bro have in common!

Lastly, we move to the mechanical part of character creation. I'm sure many of you have been waiting for this. Take note before you begin that the Class you choose will determine more than simply starting stats. It will determine parts of your personality, how you react to certain situations, your current living situation, how students and faculty will treat you, what Monsters will be open for you to Partner with, how the tone/story evolves as we go, and what kind of Class and Monster you can choose for your bro.

With that outta of the way, please Pick A Class:

[] The Outcast - You don't fit with the rest of society and live on its outskirts.
Bonus to: Evasion, Barter, and Perception

Deductions to: Empathy, Speech, and Education

Social Advantages: +1 Rank with other Outcast and Criminals

Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with High Society Members and Authority Figures

Evolves into: The Rebel

[] The Delinquent - You openly defy society in the name of those who can't.

Bonus to: Melee Weaponry, Firearms, and Martial Arts

Deductions to: Invention, Tactics, and Culture

Social Advantages: +1 Rank with "Criminals" and Downtrodden

Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with Authority Figures

Evolves into: The Avenger

[] The Prodigy - You are an Exemplar, pushing the boundaries of what is and isn't possible while dazzling others with your brilliance.

Bonus to: Education, Invention, and Culture

Deductions to: Melee Weaponry, Martial Arts, and Firearms

Social Advantages: +1 Rank with Students, Geniuses, and Authority Figures

Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with Delinquents, Outcast, and the Downtrodden

Evolves into: The Mastermind

[] The Everyman - You understand the average person, their plight, and why they get up every morning.

Bonus to: Empathy, Speech, and Medicine

Deductions to: Barter, Melee Weaponry, and Firearms

Social Advantages: +1 Rank with Common Folk

Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with High Society Members

Evolves into: The Peacemaker

[] The Dreamer - Your ideals are what guide you to believe the world can be better than what it is, and that there is one hiding right under your nose.

Bonus to: Empathy, Martial Arts, and Supernatural

Deductions to: Education, Culture, and Firearms

Social Advantages: +1 Rank with Idealist and Optimist

Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with Realist, Pessimist, and Authority Figures

Evolves into: The Unstoppable

Tag Three Skills.

[Tagged Skills gain 15 points all else starts at 0]
[The Skill you can Tag has a '-' by it]

- Armor
- Weapons
- Tools

- Art
- Music
- Religion

Melee Weaponry:
- Swords
- Axes
- Spears

- Necessity (Edison)
- Practicality (Ford)
- Extravagance (Tesla)

- History
- English
- Mathematics

- Covert
- Mundane
- Overt

- Motives
- Feelings
- Interests

- Fundamental Knowledge (The What)
- Persons Of Interest (The Who)
- The Myths Themselves (The How and Why)

Throwing Weaponry:
- Darts
- Daggers
- Improvised

- Small Arms
- Assault Weapons
- Heavy Guns

- Sun Tzu (Preparation)
- Alexander (Cleverness)
- Patton (Overwhelming Logistics)

Martial Arts:
- Brawling
- Street Fighting
- You must find a Partner to learn more

- Smuggling
- Business
- Trade

- Surgery
- Pharmaceutical
- Narcotics

- Diplomacy
- Persuasion
- Intimidation

- Physical (Your Body)
- Mental (Your Mind)
- Spiritual (Your Spirit)

- People (Determining Skills of other person.)
- Environment
- Objects (Knowing what an object truly is.)


Skills intermingle with one another in certain combinations. What is said in parentheses is usually just an overt summary, they are blank for the express reason that what they do must be found out by trials. Mix and match, have fun, etc. etc.

Choose a Level One Perk!

[] Humility: To remain with feet upon the ground, despite the achievements that grace heaven.
+5 to Empathy Skills
[] Compassion: To never fail in lightening the aches and pains of others.
+5 to Medicine Skills
[] Faith: To never doubt yourself or your allies even in the darkest of days.
+ 5 to Culture
[] Pride: To stand amongst others, a beacon of assurance in an ocean of sorrow and grief.
+5 to Melee Weapons
[] Loyalty: To follow others no matter the consequence and inspire others to do the same.
+5 to Speech
[] Solidarity: To stand alone unsupported and indomitable, a rock to shelter behind.
+5 to Armor
[] Luck: To be truly without fate, to move amongst the weavings of seers and fortune speakers as yourself.
+5 Barter

[] 'Last Name' 'First Name'
[] Class
[] Three Tagged Skills
[] Trait


1. Each Turn will be a "Week"
2. Each 'Week' is two phases: Training Phase and Action Phase.
3. During Training Phase Two Skills can be trained, simultaneous learning of the same skill can be done.
4. Skills grow according to a weekly value
Bonus: 15 points per weekly training.
Normal: 10
Debuff: 5
5. Extenuating circumstances (Such as story interrupts or quests) may occur to halt progress in training, resulting in the amount of skill gained to be according to days instead.
Bonus: 3 Per daily training.
Normal: 2
Debuff: 1
6. Visiting towns and interacting with others will generally be done during weekends, though weekends can also be used for training with a multiplier of 2.5.
7. Relationship Ranks:
Starts at 0 (Unless due to character actions/stats) and ends at 10.
Bonds are gained depending on Events, Quest, Story Interrupts, and Relationship Ranks.
No limit to how many relations you have, but time is of the essence.

I'll be doing the rolling. Most will be done with 1d100, baring certain circumstances.

Note: Class Pictures are not Indicative of the character that will be played if Class is picked.

2nd Note: The AGG System was originally codified by @Sage_Of_Eyes and I assert no ownership of it. Any use of it here is because it is a pretty cool system that allows for awesome Anime style Quest. Please don't be mad.

3rd Note: Please Vote in Plan Format.
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Character Creation Part 2
A wonderful choice of character.

The next thing we will decide concerns your Partner, or rather if you will start with one. Do you already have a Partner that you've Bonded with?

[] Yes - You've got a Partner that will help you fight and give you power. In return, you'll protect them from the Organization that hunting them. Though you're not sure how you'll do that.

[] No - You don't have a Partner. While you might have some knowledge or theories about the Supernatural world, you haven't had any physical interaction with it.

If you choose to start with a Partner, how did you meet them? For that matter, who sought the other out?

[] Stumbled Into It - You weren't really looking for a Partner. Nor were they looking for you. You just kind of...ran into each other during a tense moment that led to you making a Bound. Now, you're fighting together. (Starting Partner Bond: Victims Of Circumstance)

[] A Proposition - Your Partner sought you out. You're not sure why, but they really wanted to team up with you. Maybe it was your personality, your pure strength, or maybe they just felt sorry for you. Either way, they came to you and now you're working together. (Starting Partner Bond: A Monster's Confidence)

[] I Summon You - You've been looking for a Partner for a while. You were well aware of the Supernatural world, and have been looking for a way to get into it. You finally found one when a "Summoning Ritual" you read about online actually worked. Now you've got your own awesome Partner. (Starting Bond: By Your Will, Summoner)

And what object did you use for the contract? What must be protected, lest you lose your Partner?

[] A Book

[] Your Cell Phone

[] A Tokusatsu Action Figure

[] Write in...

Now, if you choose to not start with a Partner, go ahead and ignore both the previous vote and the next vote. Before we continue though, I'm sure you're all wondering what exactly separates you and your Partner. What makes them different from you besides the obvious?

Unlike you, Partners begin the game with point in specific Skills right from the start. They still have Bonuses and Deduction like you do, but they don't have to really on Tags to start with points in Skills. They just have them to reflect their experiences and knowledge from their time in the Supernatural World. In addition, all Partners start with 40 points in all Supernatural Skills, have Special Skills Unique to them that replace others, 50 points in a Martial Art of their own, and Traits that represent what kind of Mythical Monster they are.

Partners behave the same way that you do when it comes to Gameplay with the exception that you have no control over how they spend their time. They'll choose their own schedule and what they think is important to spend their time working on. You can suggest or ask them to do something else. But whether they listen will be determined by your Relationship Rank and Bonds.

You learn whatever Martial Art the Partner knows the moment you make the contract. You start with only 10 points in it, however the Skill will be treated as a Bonus Skill and rise at the same rate as others. This will last until you 50 points in the Martial Art. At that point the Martial Art will become a Normal Skill, as the techniques start getting more difficult to learn/understand. Once it hits 75 points, the Martial Art will become a Debuffed Skill as you are getting close to completely Mastering it. You'd need to find an actual Master of the Martial Art to be able to over come this debuff.

When Combat Starts, you will get the option to designate what target you and your Partner will focus down. If you don't have a preference or a plan in mind, it will default to Monster Vs Monster and Human Vs Human. If at any point your Partner wants to team up with you or vice versa, both of your relevant Skills will be combined to determine the outcome of the fight.

Now then, if you all start with a Partner, what Monster do you have?

[] Gryphon - A Proud, Majestic Predator, that will lead those who follow it into a New Dawn.

Bonus To: Speech And Perception

Deductions To: Barter And Medicine

New Skills: Smithing Replaced With Flying

Evolves Into: The Predator King

Martial Art: Shouting Hurricane Style - By combining the force of one's blow with the force of one's voice , the practitioner can strike with the power of the wind behind his every attack. The user's voice must be powerful enough to create such forceful winds, thus having large lungs, an eccentric personality, or a beautiful singing voice are required to use this style. Corresponding Skill: Speech

[] Naga - A Clever, Secretive Snake, that plays those around her like a strings on a fiddle.

Bonus To: Barter And Evasion

Deductions To: Empathy And Education

New Skills: Replace Explosives With Poisons

Evolves Into: The Serpent Queen

Martial Art: Secret Striking Snake Style - The user's attacks are silent and deadly, striking the opponent when they least expect. Knowing how to lull your opponent into a false sense of security is key for this Style. If one's opponent doesn't know an attack is coming, how can they prepare for it? Corresponding Skill: Evasion

[] Cursed Gauntlets - Weapons with Minds all their own who's only purpose is to be worn and used.

Bonus To: Martial Arts And Resistance

Deductions To: Speech And Evasion

New Skills: None

Evolves Into: Varies By User

Martial Art: Unyielding Mountain Technique - The user becomes as a mountain. Unmovable, unbreakable, yet hitting with enough force to shake the earth beneath them. This Style requires the user to not just be physically resilient, but mentally and spiritually as well. For only when all three are in balance does this Style truly shine. Corresponding Skill: Resistance

[] Valkyrie - A winged, Warrior Woman from on high, sent to bring victory to the righteous.

Bonus To: Melee Weapons And Tactics

Deductions To: Evasion And Barter

New Skills: Smithing Replaced With Flying

Evolves Into: The Maiden Of Victory

Martial Art: Shining Battle Saint Style - This Style focuses on turning the User into an Exemplar of Combat. While their primary weapon is the sword, they learn to use all weapons ways that no other can. When a practitioner of this Style enters the battlefield, they take control of it and turn the tide to whichever side they favor. Corresponding Skill: Melee Weaponry

Note: If a certain Mythical Monster wasn't here that you want, I'm sorry. I didn't want this to take too long, and narrowed it down to 4 choices.

2nd Note: Keep in mind that, due to your Choice of "Swear On This Book" while you may start with one Monster, it doesn't prevent you from grabbing more later down the line.

3rd Note: I'm aware that if you choose to not start with a Monster, you're basically only voting for one thing. However, I feel like this already has enough votes and the next one will be about your Bro which I feel deserves its own Update.
Character Creation Part 3
An amazing choice of Partner.

Now then, it's time for the last couple of votes before Character Creation is finally over.

These votes concern the person who could arguably be the most important character in this story.

The Main Character.

The Protagonist.

The One The Narrative Revolves Around.

In other words, Your Bro.

Your Main Man.

Your Best Friend.

Your Dude.

The following votes are the last ones before we can finally start the actual Quest. These will be different from the previous ones when it comes to character creation. For a start, does your brother know about the Supernatural like you do? Has he been introduced to it?

[] Yes - Either you told him about it, or he found out by himself. Point is he knows that Monsters exist, they're hiding among humans, and you can Partner with them to gain power. Granted, he doesn't have a Partner of his own yet. Not for lack of trying. It's just things haven't worked out that way for him. You're sure that'll change soon enough!

[] No - Either you haven't told him yet, he's really hard to convince, or he's as dense as a brick. Point is that he knows nothing about the Supernatural. He doesn't even know that you have cursed gauntlets that talk to you as Partners in a fight!

And the next three votes will be over your bro's Traits. These Traits will mix together to create the kind of Protagonist that your bro is. Choose wisely as they will severely affect the Narrative of the Quest, what kind of Monsters you'll meet, and what kind your bro will get as Partners as the story goes on.

First, the Protagonist Trait. What is it that makes your bro the Protagonist?

[] The Chosen One - Your bro is destined for greatness. You can just TELL that this guy can, and will, change the world someday. If Fate is real and it plays favorites, your bro is definitely one of them. You can feel it in your bones.

[] Destiny Defied - Fortune Tellers haven't been able to guess your bro's Fate no matter what methods they try. Your attempts at wishing for good fortune have always been mixed bags. Sometimes you're both lucky, other times you're not. Whenever it concerns your bro, the future is never certain. And that's why you think he's gonna do something great in the future. Because his is unpredictable.

[] Passing The Torch - You don't remember much about your parents. You know they loved you and raised the two of you as best they could. And that your pops left the two of you some of his and mom's old junk to take care of. But...everything else is a blur. Except for one thing. The one thing they said to you before your memories cut off; "We love you both. Keep your brother safe." Maybe you can find something among their junk that can tell you more?

Second, the Personality Trait. What personality type would best describe your brother?

[] The Good Guy - Your bro is a nice guy. A really nice guy. Probably too nice for his own good. Been that way ever since pre-school. He greets everyone with a smile, is polite and friendly to everyone, and overall just a pleasant person to be around. However, he does have trouble telling people to fuck off when he's busy. Which is why you're here. Even if he does get mad when you scare people away, it's for his own good.

[] The Shy Guy - Despite being in high school, your bro is still as shy as he was in pre-school. He gets real quiet when other people try to talk to him, and usually can't stand up for himself unless you're nearby. You've made some progress in "increasing his manliness", but not much. You're not giving up though. You know deep down he's got a manly personality waiting to be brought out.

[] The "Cool" Guy - Your brother is cool. Or at least, cool by high school standards. He's quiet and reserved, hardly talks to anyone, ignores girls when they try to talk to him, and always has a "I couldn't care less" look on his face. Of course, you know that's a front. He's a big softy when you get to know him, but no one at school ever bothered to do that. So, he doesn't try to get to know them.

[] The Logical Guy - Your brother...is very literal. And rational. Hear other people tell it, they'd mistake him for a robot. He speaks in a monotone voice, acts detached from everything going on around him, and never shows any kind of emotion. He never did this until you guys got into high school, so you wonder what changed?

Next, the Aptitude Trait. What activities does your brother seem naturally good at, and what ones is he weak in? Or at least, what ones could he be good at if he tried?

[] Meathead - Your brother's strong. Almost as strong as you. The two of you spent a lot of time beating up school yard and playground bullies when they wouldn't leave you alone. Or you'd be fighting each other for training...or over the last slice of pizza. If it has to do with punching something, he's your man. But when it comes to math or things that require studying he's pretty clueless.

[] Intellectual - Your brother is the smartest kid you know. No seriously. He got the highest marks on every test when you were younger, helped you catch up to everyone else when you slept through the lesson, and was constantly ahead of everyone else on the class material. It's kind of scary how smart the dude is. Unfortunately, that kind of brain power made every other student envy him. His social life and skills have tanked since then.

[] Charmer - Your brother has a magnetic personality. Whether he knows it or not, there's something about him that draws people in. Even before high school, everyone wanted to hang out and talk with him. Soon, willingly or not, he became the most popular kid in school. This made his physical power drop drastically. It was too much to maintain a strong body while keeping his grades up and trying to find time to hang with both you and other people. He's not nearly as strong as you, but that's fine. You've got enough muscle for the both of you!

Finally, what is your Bro's name?

[] Nagai "First Name"
[] Appearance (Optional Write In...)

Extra Vote Pick Your Appearance:

[] Option 1:

[] Option 2:

[] Option 3:

[] Write in.....
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Week 1
The wind whips through your blonde hair as you rush through the alleyway. Your legs move on pure instinct, launching you into the air to latch onto the familiar chain link fence separating the dark shortcut from the main street. You pull yourself up and over the obstruction in seconds, your black gloves barely scratched by the rough movement. You land on the balls of your feet, your shoes comfortably bending with them as you take off.

Your black eyes lock on to the washed-out, gray apartment complex across the one way street. A red car honks at you as you keep running across the street. You don't stop as it honks again and the people still waiting for the signal start to gasp and yell in fear and worry. Those emotions swiftly turn to awe as you slide over the car's hood as it comes to a screeching stop right in the middle of the road. Thankfully there were no other cars behind it, so there's no issue. You shout an apology to the driver as you rush through the open gate of the parking lot.

You say Hi to Mrs. Nakyama as you stop by the mailboxes on the bottom floor. She mentions how you're looking more like her grandson everyday. You reply that the guy must be damn handsome if he looks like you. You share a chuckle before grabbing the three envelopes from your box, Number 313, and telling her goodbye. You'd offer to help her back to her room, but today you need to get back to your bro and fast.

You take the stairs two at a time. You kept a quick pace all the way to the door with your room number on it. Grabbing the key from your pocket and turning it in the knob, you knocked twice before pushing the door open with a shove. You stopped only to take your shoes off at the entrance. Then you fast walked into the plain room with one table in front of a small gray TV Set. Your eyes focused on the black haired young man sitting on the floor while tapping away at his keyboard.

"I'm home, bro!" you stretch your arms as you walk into the living room, the sound of your bones popping reaching your ears.

"Seven minutes," Yamato's eyes remain glued on the bright screen of his laptop, "You were seven minutes late getting back."

You rolled your eyes, "Come on, man. You're still keeping track of that?"

"I must account for any deviations in previous data to obtain accurate measurements. Show me your head."

You knelt to the green matted floor at your brother's right. He stopped typing and turned to look at you as you lifted the hair covering your forehead with one hand. A few seconds of silence passed before he said, "No discoloration or bruises, thus a fight is unlikely. You took one of your shortcuts."

"Better than taking the train. You know how far the station is from the construction site," you smile smugly while taking a seat next to your bro. You lean over his shoulder to look at his laptop screen and change the subject before he can reply, "What have you been doing?"

His eye follow yours to the mess of blue links lining the white screen. He clicks on one of them before answering, "Performing investigations into our family name to locate any connection to our parents."

Your eyes narrow as you nod, "Any luck this time?"

His eyes dart across the website page before backing out, "No. I've found multiple references to the family name of Nagai, but no records detailing our family specifically."

"Hmm," your frown last for but a second, before you smile and clap your brother on the back, "Ah, don't worry too much, bro! We'll find something about our folks sooner or later."

"Not with unfounded confidence."

Another roll of your eyes follows as you stand up, "Anything to drink in the fridge?"

"Three bottles of Ramune, five bottles of water, and one can of coffee."

You grab one of the Ramune's and the can of coffee before closing the fridge. You toss the coffee to your brother who catches it in one hand. You sit next to him and open the bottle, taking a sip as Yamato goes back to typing on his laptop.

"Your actions confuse me, Lord Hayato."

The familiar, ghostly tone leads your eyes to the shimmering image of a metal gauntlet on your right arm. Its gray exterior was broken up by inlaid red crystals that had something swirling in side them. The deep yet otherworldly voice echoed through the room, "You are searching for your elders, yet you do nothing to find them."

"Incorrect," Yamato quickly responds, his voice never rising above a monotone, "All my investigations have been exhaustive."

"All on your 'device' never once leaving your room," your Partner replies, "I have yet to see either of you conduct your search with any true effort."

"Hey back off," you bring the talking gauntlet up to your face, "don't go acting like my bro hasn't done anything! He's doing great! He'll find something soon I know it."

Your Partner lets a silent moment pass before he continues, "My apologies, my young Lords. I mispoke."

You shake your head in slight disappointment, while your brother tells the talking gauntlet to continue. You're still surprised at how easily he accepted the possessed item's presence when you brought it home. His bored expression didn't crack once when you explained how the gauntlets appeared out of the blue and asked to "bond" with you. Just shrugged and asked your Partner questions he couldn't answer.

The spirit continues, "What I meant was, why limit your search to Lord Yamato's "laptop"? If your wish is to find information, then there are other, more direct ways of obtaining it. And I would be glad to assist you."

"That's an, uh, nice suggestion, Partner...," your laugh does nothing to hide your nervousness.

Your brother picks up on this, "What my brother is trying and failing to say is that your suggestions have a 99% chance of getting us put in jail, or wanted by Law Enforcement."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then it wouldn't be worth it," both you and your brother say in unison.

You smile and pat the shimmering gauntlet with your other hand, "Don't worry, Partner. We'll find out about our folks. On our own."

"As you wish," the image of the gauntlets disappears within moments. You briefly wonder how long that guy was listening in, before your head perks up.

"Oh, almost forgot!" you excitedly stand, finishing your Ramune in one go, and make your way to the kitchen. You rifle through the draws before pulling out two small knives. Then you rush back to your brother's side, this time pulling out the three envelopes and slamming them on the floor between you, "Got the mail! I've got a good feeling about this one!"

Your bro stares at the envelopes on the floor, two of which have silver embroidery trailing along the sides. He closes his laptop before looking at you, "It is highly doubtful your feeling will be true. While the letters might be there, the chances of either of us being accepted is-"

"Don't tell me the odds on this!" you shove one of the embroidered letters into his arms while you take the other. Then you hold one of the knives out to him and shoot him a knowing smile, "On three?"

He takes a moment before gripping the knife and nodding, "On three. One..."

You both place the knives under the envelope flaps at the back.


You lift the knife up even that you can almost hear the flimsy paper tearing, while your bro hardly makes a sound.


You rip the back of the envelope off, put your knife down and reach inside to grab the letter. Your brother uses a more measured tactic and barely harms his letter's envelope. You both unfold the pieces of thick, stylized paper and start reading from the top:

Dear Nagai Hayato,

After much review and consideration, we at Yokohama Raijin High would be honored to have you attend. Our national Martial Arts division would be to happy have you attend our prestigious institution. We hope that you will enjoy your time with us, as we will certainly enjoy our time with you.

A smug grin grows over your face the more you read through the letter. The rest of it is mostly suggestions, dress codes, yadda yadda yadda. You expected this much. What you're looking for is....ah here it is!

We're certain that you will be a wonderful student to have at our academy...

[]...which is the reason your request to live in one of our dorms with your brother has been accepted. We hope to see you soon.

[]...but, unfortunately, you do not qualify to live in one our dorms. We will do everything in our power to accommodate your commute to our school. We hope to see you soon.

Got it finished early. Hopefully it's good and I got the characters down right. Will admit getting all three's personalities across was kind of difficult.

And, as per usual with AGG Quest, you guys get a choice here. Either you go ahead and live on the campus of the High School, or you live off it in your Apartment. This choice could be considered one of the biggest choices in the Quest. As it will determine what characters you meet, what your adventures are like, how many Monsters you meet, how you encounter the Organization, what your brother starts finding out about your family, etc. etc.

Oh, and don't worry about the colors. They're for style and don't mean anything.

If you're wondering why a High School allows it's students to live in dorms:

1. You guys chose the Prestigious School. The students who attend are the children of the richest, strongest, and most influential people in the country. Do you really think they wouldn't pull some strings to set things up to ensure their kids get advantages that other High Schools don't? The place is closer to a college than a High School.

2. This is an Anime Quest in a High School. Stranger shit has happened.

And, as always, criticisms and questions are welcome.
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Week 1.1
While you would typically be paired with a random student at our school, we have decided to assign you to a room with your brother. At his explicit request. You can find your room number printed on the bottom of this letter, and may begin moving in once orientation is complete. May your developing years spent at Raijin be ones of great academic achievement!

You skip down to the bottom of the letter and see three numbers "278" printed on it. A glance up reveals the matching gold number painted on the solid black door of the two floor dorm building.

"Looks like we're here," you adjust the three bags tied to your back and the two suitcases in your hands. You look over your shoulder at Yamato, who's carrying one suitcase and his laptop under his arms. You jerk your head at the door, "Want to do the honors?"

Your brother steps forward, pulls a card from his pocket, swipes it through the rectangular opening in the gray number pad above the handle, and pushes the door open. He holds it for you while you duck to stop the bags from hitting the door frame. The two of you take a moment to drink in the room you've been given.

The entrance leads straight into a living room with a flat screen, two plush looking chairs sitting right across from it, and a small round table between them in the middle of the room. Multiple empty shelves stand to the left and right of the TV, their wood polished to a sheen.

Down the hall to your left you catch a glimpse of a bed with the whitest, cleanest sheets you've ever seen on it through an open door.

The hall to your right shows two doors. The open one leads into a kitchen complete with an electric stove and microwave while closed one has the word "Bathroom" emblazoned above it.

And, of course, there's the wonderful pine scent that hits your nose the moment you take off your shoes. You take in a deep breath of it and let it out with a satisfied sigh.

Then the both of you walk into the bedroom and toss your junk on your respective beds, taking care to place the bag containing the stuff from your parents gently on the floor. You take the bed to the left of the door while Yamato takes the one to the right. Both of you open the black suitcases with decorative "R"s emblazoned on them to pull out your uniforms.

You frown at the solid black shirt while you start to take off your clothes, "Urgh, still don't like the looks of this thing. It's so...plain. Think anyone would mind if I wore my white shirt under this?"

"Considering how many of our peers looked at you with clear disgust when we entered the campus grounds, making adjustments to your student uniform would most likely result in further ostracization among the student body, along with possible disciplinary action from the faculty for violating the uniform code," Yamato replies after you glance at him for an answer. He's started undressing too.

"Yamato, we just got here," you turn back to your own changing with a shake of your head, "I'm pretty sure no one's 'disgusted' with us yet."

"Incorrect. In all past Official Japanese Secondary Education Rankings, Yokohama Raijin High School has been ranked third 75% of the time. 90% of the students who graduate from here get into positions that give them great influence over the future of the country. 80% of those students are the Heir Apparent of various corporations and political parties within Japan."

"Aaaaannnndddd that means?"

You hear Yamato close his suitcase just as he answers, "That of the 200 students that go to this school, the vast majority are, or will be, apart of 'Society's Elites'. In contrast, we are here on Scholarships that pay for us to stay on campus. We are apart of 'The Masses'. The student body being kind to either of us is extremely unlikely."

Your brother starts walking out of the room as you zip up your pants, watching him leave with a concerned frown. A shake of your head follows as you unbutton the top two buttons on your uniform so you can breathe better. Then you follow your brother outside into the living room where he starts to set up his laptop on the small table.

One step is all it takes to stand in front of him and place a hand on his laptop. His black eyes are identical yet duller than yours as they look up to stare you down. But you can still see the small flame behind them, waiting for something to spark it.

"Ok, bro," you start, "What's eating you?"

"As I said when we applied to this school, choosing to live on campus is ill-advised," he flatly explains, "There are too many risk involved to see it as a wise decision."

You smile and place a hand on his shoulder, "That's because you're thinking about it the wrong way. You're only thinking about the risk. Think of the rewards."

Before he can reply you jump back and hold your arms out, "Look at us, bro. We're high schoolers. These will be the most important years of our lives! Here is where it all starts! Forming friendships that last a lifetime! Taking pride in your school and learning to love everything you do! Discovering your passion and following it through to the end! School crushes that will blossom into the unstoppable force of passion that is Love!"

You strike a pose while planting your foot on the table and pointing towards the ceiling, "And the best way to experience it all, is to be directly in its path! Sure there are risks, but they pale in comparison to the unfathomable rewards that await us when we overcome them! No matter what gets in our way, we will prevail! For we are the Nagai Brothers! And nothing can stand in the path we blaze to our future! Are you with me?!"

A glance at Yamato shows him supporting his head with his hand while looking at you with uninterested expression that you've grown familiar with. Your smile doesn't abate. He finally shrugs while emitting a short sigh, "I suppose there is a non-zero chance of the events you reference happening. So, I will concede that you are correct in this situation. Please remove your foot from the table and cease your posing. Wrinkling your school uniform before classes start or your Martial Arts Club meets will likely result in disciplinary action, which could include the cancellation of your Scholarship."

"Oh, right," you chuckle while stepping down from your perch and sitting in the open chair, "Actually, what do you have to do to keep your Scholarship again? If you told me, I can't remember. Sorry."

"It is no matter," he leans back in his chair, "Due to my scholastic ability, they have given me three possibilities for how I can go about keeping my Scholarship. The first is to join the Robotics Club and enter competitions with them. The second is to join the Chess Team with the same conditions. The final is to keep my grades above a certain percentage, consecutively, for my first two years. I currently plan to thoroughly investigate each option and then choose the most viable of the three."

You smile and give him a light punch to the shoulder, "That's my bro for ya. Figures your smarts would get you not one good deal, but three huh?"

"It is...only natural," you swear you hear the slightest hint of an emotion edging its way into his voice. It was slight, and only lasted a second, but it was there.

The tiniest hint of pride.

With a chuckle you stand up and start heading to the kitchen, "Well, if you need any help, you know where I'll be. You know I'm here for you."

"And I will be here when you require my assistance to pass your more mentally taxing classes."

"Hey, don't think that'll happen the entire time we're here," you send a cocky wink his way, "Who knows? Maybe this school rubs off on me and I end up smarter than you?"

"Maybe, Hayato. Maybe."

You laugh then turn the corner into the kitchen for a drink.

Time to begin your time at Raijin High.

Current AP: 2
Pick Two Skills to Train.
Skills with (+) gain 15 a week.
Skulls with (-) gain 5 a week,
Skills with neither gain 10 a week.

When Training with Someone Else:
Shared Skill Bonuses get a +10 to points gained.
Your Debuff of a Skill will get canceled out if your Training Partner has the Skill as a Bonus.
If both Skills are Normal, you both get a +1 Point Gain Bonus.
If you have a Skill at Normal, but your Partner has that same Skill at a Bonus, you get a +2 Bonus to the points gained.
If you have a Bonus to a Skill, but your Training Partner has a Debuff to that same Skill, then you don't get any extra points, but they do.

[] Train Alone
- []
- []

[] Train with Yamato Locked. Yamato is busy helping you get everything set up in the Dorm.

[] Train with the Gauntlets
- []
- []
- [] Give Gauntlets a nickname? (Optional Write-In...)

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Week 1.2
[] Train with the Gauntlets
-[] Unyielding Mountain Technique
-[] Feelings

Unyielding Mountain Technique: 10 + 15 + 10 (Shared Bonus) = 35

10: Yato, as you decided to call him, gave you the basics of this style when you made your bond. Specifically, how to use your already impressive spirit to better guard your soul and emotions against attacks. While you haven't had a chance to put what you've learned into practice you know enough to use the beginner techniques and moves to defend your soul from attacks. (+10 to Resist Soul Based Combat Attacks)

15: With Yato's instruction you start focusing on what UMT is all about: withstanding and resisting all types of harm. He has you build on the basics, going from your soul to your emotional state. Through constant reminders to focus on what's in front of you, you learn how to use Unyielding Mountain to control your emotions during combat. (+5 to Resist Emotion Based Combat Actions)

20 - 25: With the basics down, Yato moved on to teaching you the first actual technique in the Style. This move was intended to be a counter. You brace your inner self, forging a small barrier around your soul using excess energy from your body. Then, when the enemy attacks, you release the energy to both deflect it and reflect the damage onto them. Yato called this Reflecting Wall Technique: Soul Version. (Gain Technique: Reflecting Wall Technique: Soul Version)

30: Yato takes a more direct approach to teaching you this time around. By that you mean, he keeps sending spiritual spikes of pain aimed at your soul using his powers as a ghost. Each time you're expected to use the Reflecting Wall to stop his attack. After a good few hours, you finally get it down to the point where you can quickly activate it during combat to defend against an attack. (Reflecting Wall Technique: Soul Version will now automatically activate in Combat)

35: With the first technique learned, Yato moves on to teaching you the second. This one is focused outward instead of inward. Instead of using your body to guard your soul, you use your soul to guard your body. Through a method Yato calls "projection" you mold your soul into an ethereal but no less solid "armor" that can guard your physical self from attacks. However, this technique will make your soul more vulnerable to damage, as you are literally wearing it around your body. He names this technique, Impenetrable Soul Armor. (Gained Technique: Impenetrable Soul Armor)

It's at this point that Yato suggest you stop training in this style. When you asked why, he simply stated, "This Technique was never meant to be used by those who's bodies, minds, and souls are not prepared for the arduous work ahead of them. If you do not prepare yourself before you continue, you will destroy yourself in the pursuit of this power."

[UMT Cap Reached. Requires one Resistance Skill at 35]

Feelings (Hayato): 0 + 15 + 2 = 17

5: Learning more about how others feel is not that difficult for you. All it takes a bit of a change in perspective. How would someone feel if you, for instance, gave them a gift that they liked? What if it was something they didn't like? And you just expand out from there. Before long you start to understand how your average person feels.

10: After learning to look at it from the perspective of the average person, you expand to others. What about those who are considered "below average"? How would they feel if you gave them a gift? Or tried to encourage them to improve their lives? By the time it's over you start to understand how the less fortunate feel.

15: Then you do the same thing for those who would be considered "well off". This one's a bit easier as you're surrounded by people like that. Though you don't really make much head way in actually making friends, you do start to understand how someone more fortunate than you feels.

Feelings (Yato): 0 + 10 + 2 = 12

5: Teaching Yato these things proves...a bit difficult. He can grasp the ideas behind what you're saying just fine. But he sees no reason for it. Much of his complaints during your training fall under why the two of you should care how someone else feels about what you do? Regardless, you do manage to teach him to understand how the average person feels.

10: Yato seems more receptive to learning about people less fortunate than you. In fact, he's quiet the entire time you're talking to him about it. By the end of it, he simply thanks you for "Helping me remember something important." Whatever that means, at least he got the idea behind the less fortunates' feelings.

The week is over before you know it. While none of your classes have formally started, you did check out your homeroom and meet your teachers for the day. They gave you all a bit of introduction to the things you'll be learning this year. And after going through them...

[History Skill: 0/15: Fail!]
[English Skill: 0/15: Fail!]
[Mathematics Skill: 0/15: Fail!]
[Art Skill: 0/15: Fail!]
[Practicality Skill: 0/15: Fail!]

....You are gonna need some serious help here. You don't think you'll be able to cram your way through school this time around. Though you will admit, didn't expect them to give you an Art and Programming Class your first year here. You asked your bro how he spent his day when you get back to your room. After he made sure you guys had all your parent's stuff from the apartment, he went out to check on the Robotics and Chess Club after Class. The latter seemed more viable in terms of keeping a Scholarship, as they merely required he kept his mind sharp rather than finish any Projects that could interfere with his classes. However, he was still keeping his options open.

[Yamato History Skill: 30/15: Success!]
[Yamato English Skill: 30/15: Success!]
[Yamato Mathematics Skill: 35/15: Success]
[Yamato Art Skill: 20/15: Success!]
[Yamato Practicality Skill: 20/15: Success!]

When you asked about classes, he said they were trivial. As expected.

Either way, you've now got the Weekend to yourself...well almost. You've got to head to the Martial Arts Club Room today for the First Official Meetup of the year. There you'll get all the equipment you need to be in the Club. After that though, you'll be good.

Yamato says that he'll be spending the Weekend studying, but you're not sure if that's healthy. Maybe you should take him with you somewhere else?

Yato suggest roaming the school and checking if there's "anything suspicious". You're guessing he means look for any of his kind, or anyone apart of the group chasing him. Could be a good idea so you don't get blindsided.

[No Invention Skills Detected!]
[No New Research Options!}

Activities (Pick One):

[] Go Out Alone:

- [X] Martial Arts Club (Locked In)

- [] Cafeteria

- [] Gym

- [] Library

- [] Faculty Room

- [] "Rewards" Center

- [] Chess Club

- [] Robotics Club

- [] Track Field

[] Go out with Yamato:

- [] Martial Arts Club

- [] Cafeteria

- [] Gym

- [] Library

- [] Faculty Room

- [] "Rewards" Center

- [] Chess Club

- [] Robotics Club

- [] Track Field


[] Hang with Yamato

[] Spend time with Yato

Possible Events:

[] Search the School: You go looking for Monsters or Organization members. Might lead to new Relationships.
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