Was anyone gonna tell me I got a pseudo omake or was I always gonna have to find out myself.

Otherwise: well done! I enjoyed it. My only regret is that there isn't more. Perhaps this could be the start of a trend... [Eyes other posters hopefully.]
Thank you! I have the same regret. ^^; If I ever get a better idea of where to go from here, I might expand on it.
Thank you! I have the same regret. ^^; If I ever get a better idea of where to go from here, I might expand on it.

For anyone looking, a decent title for a proper ABG/Hyphen crossover would need to be based in punctuation puns. Perhaps something as simple as [Slash]. [Backslash]? Possibly [Semicolon]. [Ampersand]! Feel free to find your own god awful gag.
If you don't, I just might...
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A Backwards Hyphen. Hmm.... well we have the :D emoji... So uh... "D-" for a crossover? (Although I'm partial to Backslash.)
You know, Mawile are humanoid and two feet tall, with a sufficiently long cloak and perhaps a mask it would be possible for two Mawile to stand one on top of the other and pretend to be a fat child.

Since children are apparently perfectly acceptable Trainer candidates, and no-one ever seems to bat an eye at Pokemon Trainers having the weirdest personality quirks as long as they can do the Pokemon fight-time competently, there's even a decent chance that the ruse could go undiscovered for an extensive length of time.

The ultimate deception. :V

"I was there on that day; the day when the world discovered that the words 'Pokemon Trainer' could be taken somewhat more literally than anyone had ever anticipated. The day that the greatest Pokemon Champion the world had ever seen turned out to have been two Mawile in a trenchcoat all along, a literal Pokemon Champion."
"In hindsight, we probably should have realized something was up when they put down their name as 'Maw Mawmaw'."
- Old Man
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Omake: Fool Stop (Hyphen X-over)
Well, if all the cool kids are doing it...
[glottal stop] [fool stop]
After long weeks on the road, a proper meal was eagerly anticipated, yet Astra froze just shy of her first bite. Just as she was about to enjoy her fried goldeen with lemon-and-togepi sauce, she was shocked to see three infamous international criminals walk in the door, wearing the uniform of their illegal organisation, along with tall hats, sashes, and painted-on moustaches. She tensed up in nervous expectation; what were they here for? would there be a fight? would they be taken hostage? what could she do without being discovered!? The three walked past, ordered (wielding ridiculous accents) at the counter, and sat down next to a small group with a pikachu. The pikachu started making threatening gestures at the meowth, pointing to its eyes, drawing a paw across its throat, pointing to the sky and making an explosion gesture for some reason... the humans, though, hadn't reacted at all. Did they somehow just not see the giant red symbol on their shirts? Then the meowth started talking, TALKING!!! nobody batted an eye!

Then the doorchime rang out again, and out of the corner of her eye- that- that- that- a mawile! With its maw up in the air with a groucho mask glued onto it. She walked straight up to the counter, ordered, the attendant talking earnestly to the ridiculous mask, then she trotted off to a table across from the other two groups, produced a binoculars out of somewhere, and started spying on the pikachu. Nobody so much as raised an eyebrow! Astra just gazed in confused fasci-*PROD*. She looked up cross-eyed at May's finger and heard "You doing okay there? Just because you're named Astra doesn't mean your head should be in space.". Astra replied with a "Hey!" and a "do you see anything weird about the people over there?" to gain May's response of "Uh? No? You mean the short one in the middle? You're one to talk about short people!" to which Astra found one of her eyes twitching. She then tinted her head to indicate the mawile (with binoculars still glued to its eyes) and asked "What about the person behind us?", to which May raised an eyebrow and a dubious "She's also short.... Were you the only short person living under that rock? It's not polite to-" Astra interjected with an insistent "what about the binoculars!?". May, looking genuinely concerned now, pointed out "She has binoculars in her lap... they are an accessory... lots of people have that sort of stuff.... You're starting to worry m-" "What about the one over there, on our side of the kid with a cap?". May, getting annoyed at the interruptions, sighed at the ridiculousness and growing 'Astra issue' that this was turning into, but grudgingly replied with "Astra. That is a pokemon. Pikachu are not short people.". Astra, her mind a tumult of shock, confusion, and incredulity, had the one last recourse of "What if it were wearing a disguise?". May's reply that left Astra choking on the goldeen that hadn't even reached her mouth yet: "Don't be silly Astra! Pokemon don't wear disguises.".

Were humans really like this? After so much time effort and fear, was it really so easy? Astra looked around once more, and sense carefully for the tiniest thread of intent. There were traces of deception from the perpetrators, but they seemed to think this was normal. Nobody else was reacting at all! She thought with all of her mind and couldn't see any trick or deception aside from the obvious. She had to know... "I'm fine May! just one last thing.". Ducking into her bag, Astra found a thick pen and drew shaggy brows over her eyes, affixed a bow to her hair so as to hang over her face, then dropped her illusions, and with a deep gulp, arose to look May in the face. May just asked if she was okay, no surprise or shock, just concern. Astra drew back the hood of her rag cloak to receive naught but a reply of "Wow! The hood came off? You must be hot!" to which the only thoughts Astra could pick up were realisation that she had just called Astra "hot" and audible snickering associated with that. Astra would spend the following weeks conducting tests with her pokemon to determine exactly what would qualify as a disguise, and wondering if an inability to comprehend disguises was a trait common to all trees...
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Benny the Bidoof: Directors Cut
Astra wasn't quite sure what she was seeing.

Oh my god I am being BURIED IN OMAKES. Not that I mind, but WHAT IS HAPPENING. :jackiechan:

In any event, those have all been threadmarked (the Benny one where the original one was). A happy dance has also been done, and while no one was present to witness it, please do feel free to imagine me aimlessly flailing about in joy. 🥰

With its maw up in the air with a groucho mask glued onto it.
"She's also short.... Were you the only short person living under that rock? It's not polite to-"

I like how Mawile!me is still interpreted as female by May, despite the Groucho Mask presumably still having the traditional attached mustache. It just adds to the ridiculousness of it all. :D

Take it far enough and you end up so deep into absurdity that everyone goes 'there's no way that isn't serious, because no-one would willingly be that ridiculous unless they have no choice'.

Yep, that's how refuge in audacity works - with enough confidence in yourself, you too can play out a real-life version of the emperor's new clothes.

The Sinnoh fighting type gym leader was shown to be trained by her Lucario, a Lucario without knowledge of human limits. She was a bit ridiculous if I remember right.

For a second I was confused, because I thought you were talking about Korrina, who's from Kalos. But no, you're right, Maylene also has a Lucario... and according to Bulbapedia, she's very confused about how she ended up as a gym leader to begin with. In which case, apparently it's not a position you have to actually apply to obtain?

...jeez, imagine accidentally ending up as a gym leader. "Aw man, I was going to become a Pokemon Researcher, but then a trainer challenged me, and then another, and another, and I kept winning, and eventually someone set up a whole building for it, and someone gave me these badges I'm supposed to be handing out to anyone who does manage to win... guess this is my life now."

Seriously though, I'm curious what Paul is thinking. But I hope it's more of a 2k chapter rather than an 8k one.

Most likely, yes. I don't think it'll get over the size of any of the current chapters, and there's no way it will end up being anywhere near 8k words.

But more to that topic and my own justification for it, Jesse caught Serviper herself, using real named attacks and legitimately defeating it. Albeit, I think it was Meowth calling out the attacks.

Heh, I'd forgotten that part about Meowth playing Pokemon Trainer; all I remembered was the Seviper somehow ending up biting Jessie's hair and her getting furious about it. Though since I'm guessing she still had her gloves on, I'm not sure how "Fury Swipes" worked - perhaps that was actually closer to Flail, Thrash, or Rage. Any or all of them could technically apply, I'd think. :p

Yes, Ash fought Krabby with a stick, but he didn't actually land a blow. Krabby chopped it into pieces before Ash did anything with it, and then Ash just threw the pokeball and it worked. It was Caterpie all over again.

*Checks Bulbapedia* Ah, right you are. Much like the games, sometimes just throwing the Pokeball right off the bat is enough.

Is this just a thing that fairy type pokémon do? Go on and become a pokémon trainer for a while, have adventures, go hiking, make friends, win competitions, get rich, spend it all, go back home, shrug, say it was nothing, get captured and do it again but from the other side of the equation? :thonk:

Perhaps it's a coming of age thing for Fairies. Upon reaching a certain age, they're sent out on a traditional "human pilgrimage" so as to obtain a greater understanding of both humans and the rest of the world... orrrrr maybe they're just instinctively are drawn to the idea of slapping on a disguise of dubious quality and going on a human adventure. It IS the most interesting thing going on in most regions, I imagine. ;)

(Fun fact, about 12% of any given region's "trainers" are actually just Pokemon in disguise through various means. Shh, don't tell the officials.)

Where else are all these nameless trainers coming from? If as many ten year olds were roaming the woods as it looks like nobody'd be in school.

Considering that every country in the Pokemon world seems to have either one school or no school, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that pretty much no one IS in school.

And this gives me an image of a pokemon charging in to attack mawile. Mawile screams and flees in terror! Except that fleeing means turning her back to her enemy, and her back is a giant mouth, and maybe she wasn't actually scared at all...

Best combined with Fake Tears, so as to really sell the image. Gotta live up to that "Deceiver" title somehow, after all. :drevil:

IIRC it is canon that humans in the Pokeworld can possess both Aura and Psychic powers, they're rare (Aura users especially, there's like two in the whole world and one of them is Ash), but there are and have been humans who can use magical powers normally only available to Pokemon.
I'm pretty sure at least one of the Psychic-type Gym Leaders is shown to be capable of launching psychic attacks that could probably be used to fight Pokemon too.

Most likely - Mawile!me never saw the Kalos arc of the anime (I only watched it after starting this story), but Olympia is pretty much constantly floating around via psychic powers, can scan and display other's memories, and has prophet-like visions of the future. With that much inherent psychic power, if she applied herself to it, I imagine she could almost certainly use her powers for combat. Sabrina in the anime is also more than powerful to do something of that nature - in fact, some of her psychic powers (particularly her ability to shrink people and/or turn people into dolls) are so loose and inexplicable through traditional psychic means that it's frankly easier to assume she can just flat out warp reality. Don't recall if any of the other Psychic gym leaders or Elite Four are ever seen displaying anything comparable, but that makes at least two... and that's just the psychic ones.

Drink ten gallons of jellied gasoline, vomit napalm. There can be no other way.

A gallon of gasoline contains roughly 31000 calories, meaning ten of them would be 310000 calories. Somehow I think that even if this somehow wasn't toxic, that would be too much even for Mawile!me. ^^;

(Also, the Pokemon world doesn't actually use gasoline so far as I recall, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Was anyone gonna tell me I got a pseudo omake or was I always gonna have to find out myself.

I only just got around to this response, or I'd have @'d you. That said, there's now another, so hey, @Dermonster! Check it out! :D

A Backwards Hyphen. Hmm.... well we have the :D emoji... So uh... "D-" for a crossover? (Although I'm partial to Backslash.)

For a full on crossover, I think Backslash would be perfect - it incorporates Backwards, it's punctuation, and a backslash (or a normal slash) can be used as a shorthand for two properties being crossed with each other. I don't think there's anything better I could possibly come up with in that regard.

"I was there on that day; the day when the world discovered that the words 'Pokemon Trainer' could be taken somewhat more literally than anyone had ever anticipated. The day that the greatest Pokemon Champion the world had ever seen turned out to have been two Mawile in a trenchcoat all along, a literal Pokemon Champion."
"In hindsight, we probably should have realized something was up when they put down their name as 'Maw Mawmaw'."
- Old Man

Yep, that's pretty much the plot of Hyphen! Albeit with a Ralts rather than a Mawile. IIRC, that's also the point of the name, ie. "Pokemon Trainer" plus a hyphen is "Pokemon-Trainer", meaning a trainer who is also a Pokemon. :)
Don't recall if any of the other Psychic gym leaders or Elite Four are ever seen displaying anything comparable, but that makes at least two... and that's just the psychic ones.
Unova's Caitlin is one of these. When we meet her in Gen IV at the Battle Frontier, we learn that as much as she loves Pokémon Battles she can't keep a hold of her psychic powers in the heat of the moment.

In regards to Pokémon trainers in general, each and every Psychic has at least basic telekinesis, and they're everywhere.
For a second I was confused, because I thought you were talking about Korrina, who's from Kalos. But no, you're right, Maylene also has a Lucario... and according to Bulbapedia, she's very confused about how she ended up as a gym leader to begin with. In which case, apparently it's not a position you have to actually apply to obtain?

...jeez, imagine accidentally ending up as a gym leader. "Aw man, I was going to become a Pokemon Researcher, but then a trainer challenged me, and then another, and another, and I kept winning, and eventually someone set up a whole building for it, and someone gave me these badges I'm supposed to be handing out to anyone who does manage to win... guess this is my life now."
Now I'm imagining a Gym Leader who's one of the Oak-like 'pokescientists' and their 'Gym' is actually just their laboratory with a dirt arena instead of a front yard, they only grudgingly go along with the whole 'Gym Leader' thing and when challenged by a Trainer they basically just grab a nearby Pokeball at random and toss it out the window, yelling 'fight them or whatever' at the 'mon before returning to their work.
But the Pokemon are all mad science experiments gone right and are totally capable of wrecking face all on their own, so the 'Gym' is actually considered to be the most challenging in the region. :V
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A happy dance has also been done, and while no one was present to witness it, please do feel free to imagine me aimlessly flailing about in joy.
Oh, it wouldn't happen too look like this would it?

(Ps. If you you don't know what this is, go read Subsumtion (It's in Flairina's sig)! Fair warning, it's Puella Magi, so you know. Be warned i guess.)
Oh, it wouldn't happen too look like this would it?

I assume that is in fact exactly what it looked like.

(Also, the Pokemon world doesn't actually use gasoline so far as I recall, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Yep, IIRC Pokeworld technology and civilization is 100% electric, powered by clean, renewable energy harvested from gigantic swarms of Voltorbs. (And other Electric types, but those are less relevant, because Voltorbs.)
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(Fun fact, about 12% of any given region's "trainers" are actually just Pokemon in disguise through various means. Shh, don't tell the officials.)
This puts a whole new perspective on that kid the pokedex said "suddenly turned into" a Kadabra.

Day 126. It has been a month since I evolved and ruined my disguise. I'm not even trying anymore. Somehow, impossibly, the humans STILL haven't noticed anything. I can tell they genuinely believe that nonsense I blurted out in a panic. It's in the pokedex and everything. There are no words.
(Fun fact, about 12% of any given region's "trainers" are actually just Pokemon in disguise through various means. Shh, don't tell the officials.)
I have to assume that's one of the major reasons for having a Trainer Card, so the officials can keep track. Do you think they'd let someone compete in a League without any ID?
Also, the Pokemon world doesn't actually use gasoline so far as I recall, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Welllllll..... the Detective Pikachu movie does have the Mr Mime interrogation scene that Tim finishes up by miming pouring gasoline over him (and to quote Pikachu, "That went dark fast, I like this").

The games & show also had cars, trucks, and vans (some based on actual vehicles) but I can't remember if they included a gas cap and searching for images to find out just drowns you in cars with Pokémon-themed paint jobs. The ones in the show usually didn't sound like electric one cars though, not to mention there's enough pollution to spawn/feed Poison Types in their world.

Team Rocket (or at least Jesse & James) were always environmentally friendly though, using so many peddle-powered things like giant robots and submarines. No mention of the fuel for their hot air balloons though.
Omake: 12% of All Trainers
That means the government knows and just doesn't care. I think that makes it even better.
"Had another Pokemon register as a Trainer today."
"Oh? What was it this time? Something almost plausible like that Gardevoir last week, an Ursaring in a hat with a sign saying 'NOT A BEAR' hanging around its neck, or did that inexplicably tall Diglett come back for another try?"
"Actually it was something new; a Mawile with groucho glasses on its maw, held up at head-height."
"Not laughing nearly killed me, but I managed to keep my shit together until after I'd taken the forms for processing and was out of earshot."
"Oh damn. How is it that this is the first time we've ever seen a Pokemon use groucho glasses for one of their ridiculous 'totally a human guys, no really' disguises?"
"Dunno man, but that Mawile, that one is gonna go far I tell you, real far. Genius like that..." *Shakes head*
"I brought up the security video, this is... this is art, wonderful, wonderful art."
"Wait... Is it... is it throwing its voice to come from the groucho glasses? Oh Arceus, it is!"
"Yeah, yeah it did that. I told you; genius."
"You know, sometimes I wonder how it is that we are literally the only people in the world who notice this stuff."
"Don't think about it, you'll end up asking unfortunate questions if you follow that train of thought. Believe me, I know. Nothing good comes from going down that path."
"Seriously, just accept it and move on. People are weird. Pokemon are weirder. Pokemon pretending to be people are hilarious."
"Indeed. Indeed they are."
"Oops, back to work then."
"Hello sir, how can I help you today? Trainer registration I see? ... This all seems to be in order, processing will take one to three working days, after which your Trainer ID will be issued via mail to the listed address. Is there anything else I can help you with? No? Good day sir."
"Was that a Metapod in a three piece suit?"
"But how was it walking, and, like... having arms?"
"I don't know."
"Pokemon, man."
*Nod* "Pokemon."
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For a second I was confused, because I thought you were talking about Korrina, who's from Kalos. But no, you're right, Maylene also has a Lucario... and according to Bulbapedia, she's very confused about how she ended up as a gym leader to begin with. In which case, apparently it's not a position you have to actually apply to obtain?

...jeez, imagine accidentally ending up as a gym leader. "Aw man, I was going to become a Pokemon Researcher, but then a trainer challenged me, and then another, and another, and I kept winning, and eventually someone set up a whole building for it, and someone gave me these badges I'm supposed to be handing out to anyone who does manage to win... guess this is my life now."
She applied for Gym Leader as a joke thinking that she would never get it, then shit got real and the application went through and she decided to go with it.

So, basically the real life application of the meme image of going past the point of stopping but continuing to see what happens.
I just had a thought, the pokemon population in Bewilder Forest seemed to be pretty high, to the point where there isn't really enough berry bushes to feed them all, maybe the reason the Stantlers were preventing Mawile from leaving was to keep predators from exiting the forest in an effort to lower the prey population and free up more berries for themselves?
I just had a thought, the pokemon population in Bewilder Forest seemed to be pretty high, to the point where there isn't really enough berry bushes to feed them all, maybe the reason the Stantlers were preventing Mawile from leaving was to keep predators from exiting the forest in an effort to lower the prey population and free up more berries for themselves?
Could also just as easily be an inadvertent accident; their illusions make it easy for Pokemon to enter the forest, but impossible to leave. So wild Pokemon are constantly entering the forest and staying there, causing abnormally high population density.
Yep, that's how refuge in audacity works - with enough confidence in yourself, you too can play out a real-life version of the emperor's new clothes.

Naturally, this can only mean one thing. I've figured it out, people. The TRUE ENDING. I have glimpsed into the future and seen the truth!

Jan Valentine will be Mawile's next trainer.

As in, Jan Valentine from Hellsing Ultimate. Abridged Jan Valentine.

Jan was confident. Mawile is confident. Jan eats people. Mawile eats on occasion. Jan wears clothes. Mawile would look cute with a little ribbon. They both possess enough sass to one-up the, er, sass man. Whoever that is. B-But still! It's the perfect match. Together, they will take on Firelord Ozai and bring peace and freedom to their new Empire.

Oh, and spoiler alert by the way.