[x] Try to talk with one of the tank officers, you need to start getting the common men of the Regiment to trust you
[x] Try to talk with one of the tank officers, you need to start getting the common men of the Regiment to trust you
[x] Try to talk with one of the tank officers, you need to start getting the common men of the Regiment to trust you
And we're off to war!

[X] Talk to Sir Vali, you honestly don't know him well, it might be good to have some more detail about him
[X] Talk to Alex, it's been sometime since you have been able to talk with your sister

Family funtimes!
[X] Talk to Alex, it's been sometime since you have been able to talk with your sister

It's a rather normal choice if you have been away from family
Emerald Tide: Chapter 4
[X] Talk to Alex, it's been sometime since you have been able to talk with your sister

You approach Alex somewhat awkwardly. It has been five years since you have been able to speak with your sister. Ten years ago, House Ullamor succumbed to great heresy and attempted to murder your family. Before the fall, Ullamor was one of the greatest and most trusted houses on Etumar. Their fall was completely unexpected and was only stopped through the bravery and foresight of one house, House Highmarch. When Ullamor executed their plot to destroy your family, Highmarch brought all their resources to bare in order to stop them. The battle was brutal, and ended with the remnants of Ullamor fleeing the planet. Highmarch saw their status raised immensely due to their noble actions. They went from a minor house of little import to a group of high confidence with the Royal House. And so, five years ago, Alex was sent to them to learn how to control her Knight. Being entrusted with the Third Princess of the Planet was a sign of great honor to the house. To you, it only meant your sister no longer lived in the palace with you and your dad. And now, after five years, you and your sister are together for war.

"Alexandrite," you say elegantly, "It truly has been too long, my dear sister."

Alex looks at you and smiles, "Yeah, it has. I am pleased to see you again Gene."

You huff a little, "Alexandrite, you aren't supposed to call me Gene. Their is a proper form of address, you know," you give a light smile, "You do have some leeway, but do try to be more formal."

Alex rolls her eyes and chuckles, "Oh yes, my most sincere apologies Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III of Etumar, Crown Princess of the Great House of Eriventa," she smiles, "What was I thinking."

You break down into laughter and Alex joins you, for all your love of proper behavior, it is wonderful to have someone you can be more relaxed around. "So tell me, Alex, how is Highmarch treating you? I hope those lowley fools know how lucky they are."

"They have been perfectly lovely to me," Alex replies, "They are quite loyal to us, you know, they treat me like I'm a legendary being."

You laugh, "Oh, that is wonderful." You smile as you take Alex's hand, "It really has been too long you know, I was so happy when I learned the two of us would be fighting together. Let's purge the Emperor's Enemies together, my sister. It will be glorious."

Alex smiles back, "Oh yes, it will be."

The two of you return to your duties. At this point, the ship finally jumps toward Solannor. You will reach the planet in three days Emperor willing, and then at last you will be slaying the vile Orks.

[] Prepare for Combat.

[] Talk to someone else?

[] Write-In
Emerald Tide: Chapter 5
[X] Talk to someone else?
-[X] Sir Vali

A day after speaking with Alex you decide to have a similar talk with Sir Vali. Vali is a new Knight like you and Alex, with this being his first deployment. You know that his house is suffering from a dishonorable reputation, brought about by the prior head blowing all their funds on foolish ventures and disreputable activities. The current head of the house is controlled by your father. This may be the gravest insult to the house, as they have proven incapable of taking care of themselves. It was via this control that Vali gained his opportunity. King Uriel met the young knight and was impressed by his chivalry and budding skill with his mount. Just because the young man met your father's standards doesn't mean he meets yours, however. Stains on someone's honor can't be easily expunged, and the only place Vali can is the battlefield.

You approach Vali as he works on his Knight, you say, "Sir Vali, do you have a moment?"

Vali starts and when he finally notices you smiles awkwardly and gives a somewhat stiff bow, "Of course, your highness."

You give him your best regal smile, "Tell me, Sir Vali, what is your goal in this venture."

Vali says, "My only goal is to serve you and the royal house your highness. I wish to regain my house's honor. I intend to do this by achieving great deeds on the battlefield."

You smile, "As do I. Tell me, Sir Vali, aside from my father's word of your distinction and some noble actions on your part, what do you have that proves you are not a failure like so many others of your house?"

Vali scowls, then corrects himself, "I am not my house. If I was, the King wouldn't recognize me as worthy to fight alongside his beloved daughters."

You laugh, "Oh, I suppose that makes sense enough. I guess you are right about one thing, the only place you can prove that, is on the battlefield."

Vali gives another bow, "Of course, your highness."

"Go back to your duties Sir Vali, I shall see you on the morrow, General Helios says we are to arrive then. Exciting, isn't it!"

Vali smiles, "Quite, your highness."

[] To battle!

[] Talk to someone else? (Quick note, only going to allow one more conversation, then jump to the combat)

[] Write-in