My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] Join the fight against the general.

Jolly cooperation!
[x] Bombard both enemies from range.
-[X] while making the grass is greener than it once was jokes.
Go after the General
[x] Go after the General

"IT'S JUSTICE TIME!" You call as you teleport right in front of the general and throw a punch right to his face.

To your disappointment he catchers your punch, but you manage to teleport back a safe distance before he can capitalize on his successful block.

"Nice try." The Homunculu's general's face is completely and utterly stoic. "But I am not so easily blindsided."

"Well it was worth a shot." You say as you let out a shrug. "Can you blame me for trying?"

"No." The general says as he blocks Mary's sword with his own. "Though I you don't blame me for this."

He snaps his finger causing a massive magical explosive to detonate right wonder you.


You are sent flying about twenty feet into the air, but you manage to focus you magic so you take minimal actually damage from the attempt and then proceed to focus a little more into your feet at you touch the ground with an unnatural amount of grace for a guy that was just blown into the air by what abouts to magical land mine or magical C4 charge, you weren't sure which one it was.

Still how the heck did he even know where to put that thing?

"Ok." You using your hand to wipe some sweat off of your face as it turns down your head. "I'll admit it straight up, that was a good one, and I'll have to figure out how you did that sometime, even if I know you won't tell me."

"Thank you." The general compliments you as he delivers a kick right into Mary's gut and sends her flying. He then looks to you and raises his sword. "Now let us see how you do in a direct fight!"

He's in front of you in less than a moment's notice. If you'd been a normal human you are almost certain that he'd cut you down before a chance to react, though you'll admit the likes of Skullcrusher could probably keep up or at least take the hit before delivering on of their own, but they kind of are freaks of nature even they are technically 'normal' humans.

You duct under his first swing making sure that you stay down long enough for the teal bolts of magically lightning to pass over your head as the sword had earlier, allowing you to avoid the bulk of the damage, though you'll admit that you're not happy that your hair is now standing on end under your disguise.

This guy is shockingly dangerous for the first enemy that isn't a monster of the week. These kinds of guys are usually just a bunch of clowns that can barely tie their own shoes let alone honestly threaten a magical warrior or some other protagonist, and you have a feeling that he's doing to be doing his best to stay threatening even as everyone else starts bringing out there A game.

"Well I can't say that your last attack wasn't electrifying." You begin as you smirk. "But I have no intention of being the guy who gets beaten down just to show how tough the main bad guy is!"

You try and hit him with an uppercut but once again he manages to dodge out of the.

Darn! Why is this guy so fast?!

The General looks at you and meets you eye to eye before raising his own sword against, and Mary has once again joined your side as the two of you look at your mutual opponent.

Well at least you have numbers of your side.

What do you do?
[x] Call in Octobro, he should be able to help without being noticed.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] "Hey fairy princess….you have any ideas because I'm fresh out."
[x] Write in.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Nov 14, 2017 at 3:51 PM, finished with 924 posts and 9 votes.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
Three questions. How strong are we, how much do we care about collateral damage, and can we magically empower a limb.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] Put your sense of smell to use, it might make your magical attacks slightly less powerful due to the distraction, but at least you'll be capable of smelling out more mines like the one you hit.
[x] "Hey fairy princess….you have any ideas because I'm fresh out."

Use that protagonist, we double team him
Three questions. How strong are we, how much do we care about collateral damage, and can we magically empower a limb.
Strong enough that you're decently sure that you can hurt him if you land a hit and he doesn't manage to block, but since it's daytime and a full moon is still a ways away you don't think you have a high risk of excessive collateral damage.
...I was planning on making our leg stronger with some kind of magic spell and just kick the ground, hoping it'd cause enough damage to the surrounding area to disable all the mines. Or at least, cause them all to explode at once.
[x] "Hey fairy princess….you have any ideas because I'm fresh out."
...I was planning on making our leg stronger with some kind of magic spell and just kick the ground, hoping it'd cause enough damage to the surrounding area to disable all the mines. Or at least, cause them all to explode at once.
I can tell you right now it won't work, whatever those mines are they had been built with are of effect attacks in mind.

Anyway today's going to be busy for me so I'm going to give ya another day to vote before I start working on the next update.
[x] Detection.

You close your eyes for a moment and put some focus into your sense of smell. No matter how well hidden these 'land minds' maybe they are still no match for your formidable detection capabilities, well that and they happen to have a really strong smell. In all honestly it's one of the major advantages that you have held a first grasp on when it comes to dealing with this sort of things. They may be immune to most types of magical detection, and they may be able to resist being detonated prematurely via area of effect attacks, but everything comes with its own trade off and the rather distinct smell of the mines seems to be the one this situation.

"Hey!' You call to Mary. "I can detect the mines, so any place I step in is safe as far as those mines are concerned ok?"

"Right." Mary meets your eyes with her own and then nods. "If the mines are out of the way then the only threat we need to worry about is the general, the very fast, very strong, very competent, and very determined to put both of us into the ground Homcunculus general."

Ah Mary she's always such an optimist.

"Exactly." You smile. "It should be a fun time should it not?"

"You have a very strange idea of fun." Mary says with a deadpan look on her face. "But I suppose it's better than trying to get through a bunch of land minds."

"Most things are better than landmines." You laugh happily as you gather energy within your legs. "Now follow me!"

You dark between the mines managing to expertly weave between them and avoid another case of 'blown several feet into the air' interrupting your attack pattern. Mary naturally follows closely behind you also avoiding the mines with an unnaturally grace that only you're New Moon form can match, as your Full Moon form is far too animalistic and your current form just doesn't have the unique 'boost' that a Fey who is at home during the daytime hours has during daylight.

A part of you can't help but feel some envy at that fact but you quickly banish the thought to the deepest nether regions of the deepest and most isolated parts of your mind. Though her powers are arguably more useful due to being at full strength at all times of the day you own more than make up for that fact with the greatly increased power at nighttime, and are further magnified during the full and new moons.

The General does his best to try and blast the two of you with ranged attacks but they don't seem to be his area of skill and you have no problem avoiding them, which in turn means that Mary with her far greater dodging ability and reaction time has an even easier time of keeping out of the magic blasts reach.

Soon enough you've closed in on the general and are once again battling fiercely with him in a melee.

The presence of the mines does make things difficult as even though you have no problem avoiding the mines yourself the effort you need to put into it more than hampers your efforts against the general…but thankfully you are not fighting alone

He may be more than a match for either of you alone but with his long sword the general seems to be having a much harder time fending off both of you, and slowly but surely you start getting hits on him. It may not be a knockout blow or another of the sort, but if things keep up as they have been you may be able to bring him down through sheer attrition.

"Enough." As if coming to the same conclusion the Homunculus grows angry and channels power into himself, it looks like he's about to do something big. "It's time to step things up a notch!"

The power that's been channel through the general overflows as he…pulls out a second sword.

Ordinarily that would be a huge let down of a power up, but given the raw skill he manages to display with just one you actually feel kind of threatened, especially if this new form enhances his other abilities in some way.

How do you response to this development.
[x] One of you should fall back and focus on ranged damage, the remaining fighter will have to stay of the defensive but he should be less prepared for it. (Choose who falls back)
[x] One of you should fall back and focus on supporting magic, it's a skill that both of you are proficient in and it should give the other one an edge in the fight. (Choose who falls back)
[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
[x] Write in.
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