My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

Further Down
[x] Further Down

Well much as you dislike admitting it you probably aren't going to get much done if you just remain up here…well you could try and steal from the dragon but you don't feel like fighting the thing right now so you'll just move on.

In fact it's so well hidden that it takes you the better part of three hours to find it. Up until this point you had the benefit of just being able to follow the horrible smell….which up until recently you'd though was coming from the lower levels but now you realize had coming from the horrifically smelling dragon, and now that you're walking around on the same level as the Dragon itself you've that said smell is now hindering your ability to find the exit…but eventually you do.

At least you'll have just as easy a way finding a way back up.


The next floor down isn't really anything special, just some moderate level fungus creatures and old weapons for use in case of sudden attack. Well you suppose that at least means you'll know the place to wreck if you at least want to slow down the guards…or make them less well armed as far as weapons go.

Sure fungis monsters are pretty darn week in general anyway…exceptions like the dragon aside but not chance of stopping you is even better than a small chance of stopping you! Well for you anyway, it's very much not better for the fungi monsters in question, but since when do you care about what's better for them?


The next level is….shockingly enough patrolled by extremely powerful monsters.

This creatures known as the Fungal Knights are relative powerhouses, especially among the house of Fungi. The wear 'armor' the resembles plate male, but instead of being made out of metal like any normal armored would be it is made up off strange blue colored mushroom tops, yet somehow they manage to interlock together and form adequate coverage anyway. Each one holds a massive circular shield that like there armor is made up a mushroom cap, except this one is green and capable of absorbing hostile magic in order to use it to boost the knights own regeneration. In their other hands are strange swords with a wide variety of strange growths and insects covering them, those things could do damage even beyond the initial cut with all of that nasty nonsense on them. In addition the unique nature of the knights in question makes them resistant to physical damage even without there armor, when they actually have the armor they become durable to the point that few things can actually harm them, and even ten it takes a ton more effort than it would be to harm most other supernatural creatures.

More importantly however is the Fungal Knights are smart a big change from a great deal of fungus based creatures. If you try and bombard them from range they will realize that you're focusing on that as tactic and use both there shields and any cover they have nearby that might work in order to try and close the distance with you. If they had reason to think a potential intruder was around they would immediately alert all these fellows as well as the bases more powerful commanders, even picking them off one by one would soon see them getting suspicious and alerting the rest of the base. The reason for the greater intelligence is for the most part unknown, but the predominant theory is that the souls used to create this knights are put through a different transformation than the average.

Darn and this base has so many interesting things too, files, souls, spellbooks, and rare magical artifacts it looks like you've found the jackpot with this bit. You also spot an exit leading to a floor that's further down, but you probably won't be able to open it without drawing some attention.

What do you do?
[x] Retreat, you've discovered enough and things are really starting to get dangerous.
[x] Try and get to the next floor down.
[x] Try and steal some of the files or books, it'll be risky but it'll be informative if you pull it off.
[x] Write in.
[x] Retreat, you've discovered enough and things are really starting to get dangerous.

Let's not get greedy. We can come back with backup and take everything.
[x] Try and steal some of the files or books, it'll be risky but it'll be informative if you pull it off.
[x] Retreat, you've discovered enough and things are really starting to get dangerous.
[x] Try and steal some of the files or books, it'll be risky but it'll be informative if you pull it off.

So we know what they are plotting.
[x] Retreat, you've discovered enough and things are really starting to get dangerous.

doing anything would tip them off that we were down here.
[x] Try and steal some of the files or books, it'll be risky but it'll be informative if you pull it off.
[x] Stealing

You try and sneak over to the documents.

…and are almost immediately skewered by a magical sword curtesy of a nearby Fungal Knight.

Nope! Nope! Nope! All of the nope!

That's your sign to get out of this place! Resistant to damage you may be but that doesn't mean that you don't have an aversion to people stabbing you!

Another Fungal Knight tries to stab you but you quickly slip out of the way and into the closest shadow. It doesn't give you and instant way out as this place is warded against shadow melding teleportation but it does increase your chances and makes you much harder for the Fungal Knights to hit. Not that they don't try, but you manage to avoid them well enough sans a few close calls.

Naturally you get through the next floor with little problem.

Thankfully the Dragon on the next floor up hadn't been woken up by the commotion that you'd started about two floors down. That was the only thing you'd been worried about up until this point as it was also the only thing that had a good chance at stopping you from getting out of this place. You end up having a close call with it though as it takes you a while to find an exit that leads into the upper floors but you manage to get out of it before the Dragon wakes up. Stupid Fungal Knights you wouldn't even have had to worry about the dragon waking up if it hadn't been for them chasing you all the way up to its floor.

Still after you clear the floor with dragon sleeping in it you manage to clear the rest of the store and get the heck out of the place easily enough. You didn't get any documents, and you don't doubt that the place will have more security the next time you make an attempt but at least you know the stupid thing is there, the House of Thriving Fungi doesn't change locations except as a last resort, it's a disadvantage they face due to mostly being sedentary creatures let by a cheap miser.

Octobro is there waiting for you when you get back and you share your findings with him. He seems not less happy then you about the Lord of Fungi encroaching…and he was thinking about inviting his Octodad over to visit. You feel sorry that he can't now, not counting your dad Octodad is the best dad ever.

Well than again as frustrating as current events are you could be somewhere worse, you heard about a dimension with its own Fey and a King Arthur style group of magical warriors...anyway you've always hated going up against anything resembling Knights so you're really glad that you'll never had to deal with that mess.


The next day when you wake up and check you're emails you find that Mary ha sent you a message.

Hey Jonathan!
My cousin going to attend this collage and I wanted to show her around! Anyway since you're my best friend and you know a lot of the better places around town I was wondering if you'd help me do it. Well that and the Von Cracks are in town and you know how nasty the feud between our families can get, you're one of the few people around her that knows our history well enough to actually contribute should we run into them and things turn sour. I can understand if you have other things to do but I'd really appreciate it if you came, you've been a close friend of both of us for a long time and I think she'd be really happy if you were there to help her get settled in as well.

You close the…leave it to marry to just drop something like this one you.

Hi Slugger
I've gone some secret plan's for tonight and I need you to get some ingredients for a powerful ritual I have in the works. It has to be during the day though because these specific ingredients don't exist at night, but the creatures guarding it are weak enough that you should be able to handle them even during you weaker day for. Still I know you're a busy young man so if you happen to have other commitments today just send me a reply and I'll have someone else on the job. You came to human world to learn and grow into a better person and I don't want your princely duties to get in the way of that learning.
Good luck!

Oh great two of them on the same day! Of course these sorts of things would both happen at the same time!

What do you do?
[x] Mary wants you're help and you may as well give it to her.
[x] Take this chance to enjoy the wonders of nature and rest up at the park….you might find something interesting.
[x] Don your disguise and go out on patrol, if the pattern from earlier keeps up a homunculus attack is bound to happen.
[x] Go hang out at Gregs for the day….you really just want the social interaction.
[x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love your father.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Oct 30, 2017 at 12:56 PM, finished with 15 posts and 13 votes.

  • [x] Mary wants you're help and you may as well give it to her.
    [x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love you mother.
    [x] Stealing
    [x] Mary wants you're help and you may as well give it to her.
    [x] Take this chance to enjoy the wonders of nature and rest up at the park….you might find something interesting.
    [x] Don your disguise and go out on patrol, if the pattern from earlier keeps up a homunculus attack is bound to happen.
    [x] Go hang out at Gregs for the day….you really just want the social interaction.
    [x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love your father.
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[x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love you mother.
[x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love you mother.
[x] Mary wants you're help and you may as well give it to her.

So who wants to bet that Mary's 'cousin' is another fey/feyblooded?
So who wants to bet that Mary's 'cousin' is another fey/feyblooded?
Maybe, but remember Johnathon already knows about them. It's mentioned a couple of times that he's been a good friend to "both" of them.

Also the other reason is because of the Von Crack family and if they aren't some kind of evil (more than likely involved with the fungus asshole) I will eat my monitor.
[x] You'd better go get those ingredients dad wants, it's not a demand but you still love you mother.
You feel sorry that he can't now, not counting your dad Octodad is the best dad ever.

I agree, he is pretty darn cool.

Not how you spell my name, unless this is someone else.

you'll never had to deal with that mess.

Have, not had.

Mary ha sent you a message.


is going.


I've gone some secret planning's for tonight

This line is a mess, I have no idea how to fix it.

[x] Mary wants you're help and you may as well give it to her.