There's also that there many who can and do improve normal tech. Like Ferrus Manus, Perturabo, Arkhan Land and other people in the Mechanicum. While for psy tech there's Magnus and he doesn't seem to be good at the technological aspect of that.
Do they? Weapons aside, I havent noticed.
As for the Mechanicum, I really dont want to leave tech to them so long as they are so bound by their theology. We need scientists.
Good point that few if any humans work on psytech though. Maybe the Eldar can reasearch Psytech for us?
3) The point isn't that we can combine a huge number although improving that would be good, the point is to grab the ability to utilise self runes in conjuction with others which right now we can't. It'd make a massive difference for our Eldar allies if they had the ability to combine self runes with concealment from the warp to allow them to draw more heavily on warp energy without actually getting gobbled by she who thirsts.
3 actions away. Good to know. Do keep in mind however that we have many billions of people in our polity with only fraction of them psykers. As such I highly doubt that making the spirit stones simple enough to produce in such qualities is that easy.
Still, it should save quite a few souls... I will find a way to edit it in. No more then 3 actions though. (Emps above we need 50 more invention actions there is just so much to dooooo.)
3) Getting The Self rune to combine with another is part of my plan. If you want it to combine with more then one that is a pretty long term project considering the costs. Also, we do not know if that would work and there might be a cheaper way, such as a warded room to charge Psy batteries with. Each person must discover their own Self Rune btw, and we do not know how difficult that is yet.
5) I really dont think it works that way... Quote or something please? I need to know before reworking my plan yet again. 20. revision coming soon...
I'd also strongly disagree about psytech not being our strongest advantage look at what the runic script gives us currently
And remember how many action we have dumped into it?
ALD. +10 to background project rolls. Lack of study time no longer considered a valid reason to fail.
Improved Medical Care. +1% population growth from majority of deaths being prevented, and births being essentially risk-free.
Replicators. +50% to production for worlds under your control.
Resized Replicators. 100% increase in production and raw material extraction.
Universal Translator. Malus to diplomacy actions with cultures with unknown languages removed.
First Stage of Genetic Therapy +15 to Projects involving citizens of Thernus and PDF rolls. Increases by 5 every 4 years until total bonus for each is 60 due to passed Checks. [Turn 5 +10 bonus] [Turn 9 +15 bonus]
Improved Genetics. A breakthrough in the understanding of genetics has accelerated Genetics testing by 1 Turn, and will provide a +5 bonus to future genetics projects.
Hugely Improved Transistors. With the advent of immensely improved transistors, computers are incredibly more efficient, both in space and power, allowing for much more advanced designs. +50% to efficiency of industry. +25 to rolls for point defenses and missile launches due to improved targeting. +10 to hacking rolls, both resisting and attempting, due to immense processing power.
Improved Crops. Millennia of selective breeding on Ored has produced crops that are incredibly efficient, growing in much poorer soil than they normally would, and resisting disease far better. +25% to sustainable population of worlds with these crops, due to strong disease resistance and improved yields.
Cold-Resistant Crops. Meera Yerala has (with some help from you) developed crops that will grow in incredibly low temperatures compared to their relatives. +25% to sustainable population of worlds with pronounced seasons. +100% to sustainable population of ice-worlds.
Miniaturized Reactors. +25% to industry from improved transports. +100 to PDF rolls from effectively unlimited ammunition.
Hugely Improved Reactors. +100% to industry from massive increase to available power. +250 to PDF rolls due to improved vehicles, fighters, etc. +100 to fleet rolls from effective elimination of power issues.
Basic Juve-nat. Heads of state and similarly important people have their lifespan drastically extended. Currently 50 years if treated in their twenties, decreasing slowly as they age. 25-year extension Juve-nat available to regular population.
Improved Medi-Gel. +100 to Champion rolls. +50 to PDF rolls from eased treatment of injured soldiers. +25 to morale rolls.
Greatly Improved Ship Design. As your ships are well-designed, they perform better. +50 to fleet rolls, in combat, and anti-boarding alike.
And more besides. Tried to pick the best we have.
Compare what replicators and reactors do for us and how many actions they cost for example.