My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.
[X] Investigate of the new warriors.
-[X] Skullcrusher
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[x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.

This is our town, other Fey aren't welcome without our permission.
[x] You smell an evil presence…you'd better go investigate.
The Fungi's Servants
[x] The Fungi's Servants

You do your best to hold in a growl. The lord of thriving Fungi is once again working on gathering food and soul for his festering and rotting legions. You must admit that on some level you can't help but admire his audacity for the act, even if it's committed out of base greet and gluttony instead of anything resembling courage. In a way though you suppose that's only natural of living thing, and even if he is a jerk you have to admit that his servants at least bother to show others some form of respect even as they happy violate your Houses territory in the unending search for human souls. Sure the final house is likely to actually pull sometime like this, but it's leader and the Fey that follow her are such unapologetic HRSGRS! That you can't help but despise every last fiber of their wretched being and see there continued existence as a blight against everything that ever has existed or ever will exist. The only good thing you can say about that house is that you aren't related into anyone in it, and that you never will be related to anyone in it. Heck if a civil war does break out you'll at least get the pleasure of ripping them to shreds, probably one of the few upsides of such an even by conventional thinking.

Well either way you aren't going to defend your stuff just by thinking about, not at all. The scent from before is stronger than last night, so you'd guess that this time it isn't just a deal with a local tree creature….this time they might be looking to set up a permanent presence or base of some kind…Naturally you disprove of this, after all you've got enough to worry about without the Lord of Fungi throwing yet more Fey into the mix.

Sniffing the air you do your best to try and narrow down the 'bases' location. Hmmmm it's definitely not out in the forest this time that much you can tell for sure. No looking at the direction of the smell you're pretty sure that wherever the base is at, it's somewhere within the city itself. The Lord of Thriving Fungi must want to maximize the chance of the place scooping up any wayward human souls that haven't been claimed by anyone else yet. That greedy lunatic, than again it does make it harder for you to sniff it out so this time there might actually have been a motive beside base greed for this one….man that just doesn't feel right describing any possible motive of his. He's just so immensely greedy that the idea of another motive seems wrong to you.

Hmmm….it's not in the center of the town, you've gone there and the smell of it seems to grow weather as you go into the denser parts of the town. Your next stop is the residential area….which sadly is empty of the elusive base as far as smell is concerned. After that you check the commercial hub of the place…also known as the place full of stores.

Naturally the very last part of the town you check happens to be the one the scent was coming from and you soon zero in on a small little shop that by all means is out of the way and unlikely to see a large amount of traffic. Still the closer you get the stronger and more intense the smell of mushrooms and other types of fungi become….this is clearly the place….still you haven't actually entered the building so you have no clue about the contents.

….Oh boy this could end very badly.

How do you about this?
[x] Go up to the building…knock on the door…and then ask them to leave.
[x] Meld into the shadows and infiltrate that way.
[x] Transform and smash into it, you're quite a bit weak magically than you where during the new moon, but you still have a good deal of physical strength regardless.
[x] Write in.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Oct 21, 2017 at 11:09 AM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Meld into the shadows and infiltrate that way.
    [x] Go up to the building…knock on the door…and then ask them to leave.
    [X] Burn down the base and everything in it with fey fire.
    [x] The Fungi's Servants
    [x] Go up to the building…knock on the door…and then ask them to leave.
    [x] Meld into the shadows and infiltrate that way.
    [x] Transform and smash into it, you're quite a bit weak magically than you where during the new moon, but you still have a good deal of physical strength regardless.
    [x] Write in.
As fun as arsonry sounds against these bastards...actually, fuck it, lets do it!

[X] Burn down the base and everything in it with fey fire.
[x] Meld into the shadows and infiltrate that way.

Arson is fun, but it would draw the heroes pretty quickly. Especially if it's obviously Fey in origin.
[x] Go up to the building…knock on the door…and then ask them to leave.
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[x] Go up to the building…knock on the door…and then ask them to leave.
We could always

[] Call your BFF in your heroic secret identity and ask her for help.

She is a superhero so she sort of has to help, plus working with us would let her get a better handle on our character and try to figure out/ask how we learned her identity and if she can trust us.