Gerald Newton is a very... interesting man.
"TREE SALT! WE MUST USE THESE CIRCUIT BOARDS TO MAKE COFFEE ROBOTS!" Gerald shouts, in one of his weird fugues again, hoisting circuit boards in ways that should break them or at least introduce a lot of flaws, but they will once again prove miraculously unharmed somehow.
He's normally just a little bit kooky. That's part of what make him so good at seeing connections and thinking outside of the box. Of course when he gets like this, usually when he goes without sleep for too long, he doesn't so much think outside the box as blow a hole in the box's side and let the outside in.
Nevertheless, you oblige him. Coffee robots shouldn't cause too much destruction, unlike the last three times he tried to build something when he was like this. You still didn't know why he kept calling you that.
He wasn't a psyker... you think. His soul was weird, especially when he got like this. He had one, so he wasn't a blank. You honestly weren't sure what was going on with it. Of course, most of the psykers who got like this were corrupted in short order, so unless he was something really, really weird, he couldn't be one, since this was the fifth time this had happened in the last year.
Learning Check: 30: Required: 10.
Learning Check: 30: Required: 20.
Learning Check: 30: Required: 30. Check reduced in difficulty by 75.
Forging: Gear Check: 90. Required: -25. Passed.
90. Required: 0. Passed.
90. Required: 25. Passed.
90. Required: 50. Passed.
100/310 to Level 22.
You manage to build the... coffee robots to his specifications, before he collapsed from exhaustion. This is getting ridiculous. He keeps doing this, and you still don't know why.
[ ] Confront him. If he's going to keep doing this, then you want to know WHY.
[ ] Do not. If he hasn't told you by this point, then you probably shouldn't pry into his personal life.