[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] Damn… Is she a robot? Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?

If we eat plant hair genes then maybe we might be able to eat plants... And we could fix our legs!

I know that dgrayman feel QAQ
[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests
[X] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?
[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.

If we eat plant hair genes then maybe we can assimilate plants also we must fix the legs
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[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
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We actually met Mineta before, the kid who agreed to let us eat him back before we had to switch schools over said stunt. We should go reintroduce ourselves and see if he remembers us.

[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?

[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[x] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?

[X] Damn… Is she a robot? Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?
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[X] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
[X] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.

Maybe if we eat more people animals, we can get more biomass for all the cool stuff we want to do. We might need to invest in a freezer or something, since I doubt we can eat it all at once.
Okay, now increase the density of your intercostal muscles to compensate for the extra space the air needed to fill... Your liver could probably get a bit smaller to make room for all those air sacs… Damn, you'd have to reduce your stomach a bit, too. Oh well, you normally had to move everything around when eating people, so these new air sacs would be more practical for day to day use. Once you relearned how to breathe, of course. Turns out birds have an extra two stages of breathing, in which air is circulated in and out of the anterior air sacs.
We should look into finding lung structures that have different tubes for breathing in and breathing out. On the subject of breathing tubes, we can probably cut down on some problems if we make some tracheae (the tube based breathing system that insects use), if only to get rid of carbon dioxide.
"So, how did the last few exams go?"

"Great! I got… most of the questions right, I think. Not too sure about some of the maths ones, though…"

"Come on, Kaede. Maths is simple - you should have been able to get them."

"You try and factorise an algebraic fraction, then explain why it's inside a triangle that equals twelve."
We should look into making a part of our brain into a calculator. Maybe start with the border recognition section of our brain? We can probably look into some brain-damage caused savants.
Now, the finished version of your mount would have to be both strong and large enough to support you, which was certainly a problem with your available resources. You'd come to the conclusion that there were at least two things you would need to find in order to create something of the scale you required; a different source of energy than you currently had - one with a higher output, as well as a different, stronger, and preferably lighter material to create the skeleton with.
It seems like we can get both of these things from explody guy. On the subject of energy: we should probably look into places that process food so that we can get the parts that no one wants. It shouldn't matter too much to us.
And these pheromones they release… It would be so cool if you could do that yourself! You added it to the list of things to test when you join UA.
This could be a good way to stop our friends from eating each other. On a side note: it could also be a good way to deal with birds if we can make it so that their offspring will have those systems, because then we can just "recall" them.
I kinda don't wanna screw with our brain.

We should probably do more reading about biology and related fields. Like neurobiology before we do brains. I know we did a bit before, but that was a while ago, and intuitive quirk use combined with trial by error only goes so far.
I kinda don't wanna screw with our brain.

We should probably do more reading about biology and related fields. Like neurobiology before we do brains. I know we did a bit before, but that was a while ago, and intuitive quirk use combined with trial by error only goes so far.
We can look up neurobiology, and we can still mess some one/thing else's brain while we're reading.:V
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[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
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[ ] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
Minoru Mineta is a short pervert who has sticky hairballs that he can throw. It'd actually be hilarious to talk to him because I think he'd be horrified by our lovely protagonist. She'd also be largely immune to his power because she could just shed the skin that adheres to his sticky-hair.
Actually, we met him earlier on in the quest. When we asked him if we could eat him, he said yes.
It was after your parents had drilled it into you that even if it would be interesting to see how other people's quirks worked, and even if the strange, grape-headed boy had said yes, you still couldn't swallow people in public that you were allowed into a different primary school.
Now I really want to see this reunion.
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[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?
[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?
Wait plant hair could helps us bridge the us/other gap we have with plants.
We have Said it before this something we must get

Adhoc vote count started by the swarm on Sep 9, 2017 at 3:48 AM, finished with 28 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by the swarm on Sep 9, 2017 at 3:52 AM, finished with 28 posts and 15 votes.
[X] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.


[x] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.

the little dude is small enofgh to easily nom so he should be an acquaintance, the limb dude has a quirk that we may be able to benefit from analyzing, and the brainwasher dude intrests me because I like his character from the anime.
[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
[X] Damn… Is she a robot? Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?
[X] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[X] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
Right, some of the votes are tied, so pick one from:

[ ] Seriously, how would that even work? Does she photosynthesise? Do they taste good?
[ ] Oh dear, the addict has noticed you now. He doesn't look happy
[ ] Let me love you, spider man

This can only end well. :V
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