The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

and done

Also what's your vote on the Orange form part? The kick reason to the curb still?
Yes, I think it's the +10. Putting more power into it seems like Grade 3, and Green is obviously Mythic, so that would leave Giving Up as Orange 2.

Also, on that topic. @lordchaos99 Since the +10 and Grade 2 form effects vary depending on root transformation, do the Grade 3 forms also vary?
Also also, Gohans Ki-Control issues go away when Super Saiyan. Is this one of (maybe it's only) Esoteric? Or is that just a Gohan thing?
Yes, I think it's the +10. Putting more power into it seems like Grade 3, and Green is obviously Mythic, so that would leave Giving Up as Orange 2.

Giving up leads to Orange 3, the fear/self-doubt form. 2 is the hope one, not 3.

and...fuck it

Edit: Also wait, could give up be the way to Super Saiyan? If rolled high enough perhaps, I mean it worked for Vegeta
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Giving up leads to Orange 3, the fear/self-doubt form. 2 is the hope one, not 3.

and...fuck it [X] Kick reason to the curb

Edit: Also wait, could give up be the way to Super Saiyan? If rolled high enough perhaps, I mean it worked for Vegeta
The [X] needs to be on a new line. When there's stuff before it, it doesn't count. Also, need all of your vote in one post.

I really doubt it's Super Saiyan. Vegeta didn't just give up, he experienced immense grief at his failure. It's that grief that allowed him to finally transform.
The [X] needs to be on a new line. When there's stuff before it, it doesn't count. Also, need all of your vote in one post.

I really doubt it's Super Saiyan. Vegeta didn't just give up, he experienced immense grief at his failure. It's that grief that allowed him to finally transform.

True but this is also Gossard...the very prideful half saiyan who I don't think has ever truly failed something. Your probably right but I just thought "hey maybe" is all.
Giving up leads to Orange 3, the fear/self-doubt form. 2 is the hope one, not 3.

and...fuck it

Edit: Also wait, could give up be the way to Super Saiyan? If rolled high enough perhaps, I mean it worked for Vegeta

There is no difference between 2 and 3. It's just the order I list them in, it doesn't matter which is which.

Gossard knows enough about transforming to recognize and avoid adding other colors, so that option would tell you if it was Yellow. Like the Green option does.

Also, on that topic. @lordchaos99 Since the +10 and Grade 2 form effects vary depending on root transformation, do the Grade 3 forms also vary?
Also also, Gohans Ki-Control issues go away when Super Saiyan. Is this one of (maybe it's only) Esoteric? Or is that just a Gohan thing?

Nope. Its the Hulk form for everyone.
It's a Yellow Spark thing. Adding to his sheet now that someone pointed it out.
A Brief(s) Interlude
The vote is still open for the previous choice, the leading vote is 3-4 people... Are my choices just uninteresting? I know Im getting plenty of responses, but no Votes consistently.
Anyway, apart from the first scene, this happens during the current turn before Raditz lands. The first scene happens prior to Lord Slug's arrival in the nebulous timey-wimey zone that is the end of Thread One and the start of Thread Two.

A Brief(s) Interlude


The young girl blinks slowly, stifling the yawn in the back of her throat. Stepping out onto the serene Lookout tile she spots you, the man who was her predecessor and the one who removed said predecessor from his position.
You ignore her, looking out into the clouds but not seeing them. The act of Viewing an entire world and it's people had nearly overwhelmed you at first and struck awe into you even now.
"I know why you come here." She said, her face scrunched trying to repeat the phrase from memory, methodically tapping the walking stick against the tile approaching you. It was for effect of course. The wise Kami, barely old enough to walk on her own emulating the wise Kami, almost too old to walk on his own.
"So do I. You should be napping." You rumble, not rising from the Lotus seating position.
"Not tired." You don't need to look to see her frown softly, crossing her arms. You briefly wonder if prideful denial was a family trait or a learned one from her brother.
"I took care of Rainbow when he was your age Gottex. And that brat once denied something so hard his hair changed color. I can tell when a child is drowsy and denying it."
"Why my name but call brothers color, Rainbow, Yellow." She says, 'delicately' avoiding the subject of sleep.
"Rainbow isn't a color, it is a collection of them." You point out with a wry smile.
"If I tell you a bedtime story will you leave me in peace?"
"No, but you tell normal story and not talk naptime I maybe." She smiles, settling on the lip of the Lookout, legs dangling in the void above the clouds.

'Then I shall tell you the Tragedy of the Namekian Sage. Long ago, there was a young sage. He was brash and strong-willed, and didn't listen to his Elders. He flouted their conventional wisdom in order to try and progress faster, to find a new height to reach for himself and for his people who he believed had stagnated over the generations.
He was not alone of course, the foolhardy always seem to congregate and orbit each other. He and his brethren formed a pact, and group dedicated to seeking the forbidden power within.
And they found it. And it destroyed them. Not at first, or obviously, but it did. Their power was not the calm or placid majority of them, but the dark fringe. They slaked their thirst with it and the power corrupted them. Took their goals and twisted into mockeries. Poisoned their relationships. Ruined lives. But that is the nature of power, it is an amplifier. The gluttony they indulged for strength amplified within that strength.
The young sage fell into power, let it twist and consume him. He became a monster, towering over the Elders who urged caution. But slowly turned away that path. The young foolhardy sage dug his way out of the pit of gluttony carrying with him the power purified.
Except it wasn't, the power may not amplify his gluttony but the gluttony remained. His lesson went unheard.
With the First of the Namekian sins broken and tamed he sought another. Many in the pact again joined him but others shied away, they claimed it was enough for them. One new aspect discovered at great risk was enough for this generation, they were ready to fully master and teach of the new path.

He and his companions grew wrathful at this. That their brothers in arms would not reach for the stars with open hands but settle merely above all that had come before. And in their wrath, came their goal.
Unlike the sin of Gluttony, Wrath was harder to see. You could not look upon the Sage and see his rage like you could his glut. It did not expand to fill the space. It festered. Written all over him, but only to those that could see beyond sight. And the Elders possessed no such ability, for progress was not the way of the self-proclaimed Wise but the foolhardy.
The group, the pact, split in twain. Those who pulled away, focused on their wise society and the Sage's allies who grew enraged by the betrayal, arrogantly assuming they could conquer any peril within their psyche. Their anger was their undoing.

Power is an amplifier. They became monsters in their rage, and reveled in their rebellion. They were cruel and callous, slaying their way through friends and family towards the Temple. The government of their society.
And they found the ultimate traitor in their eyes. One of their own group, named the Guardian of the world.
The Guardian smote them down and then banished the Sage and his comrades to the stars they had reached for so hungrily. And the lesson was finally learned for some, including the foolhardy Sage.
He left the banished pact to their own exile while he pursued his. Hoping to find the absolution and contentedness that the Guardian had achieved and perhaps, Guard a planet of his own from those who would taint it, like himself.'

You finish the story, looking down at the dozing child, her head resting on your knee. Softly stroking the ebony spikes, before you gesture.
The girl shudders as the blanket forms over her shoulders.
"What was his name?" She asks, eyes closed.
"I cannot remember. Perhaps I can find it within the Kami Library. Pleasant Dreams..." You rumble and feel the nascent Goddess drift into full sleep.


You gently poke Momma's expanding stomach eyes wide as she finished explaining.
"Her name is Goose." She beams, while you frown in confusion.
"You ate my sister? Is it to try and get whatever unique mystical fancy color stuff she got from her Saiyan heritage? Wait, that means you can steal powers by eating! I knew that was the source of my power...GOSSARD!" You shoot from the room in an aura of light "Where are you, I want to serve you!"
"I'm not falling for that again! I am not your emergency lunch Dammit!"

Behind you, you hear Momma's face hitting her palm with a slapping sound.
"Phrasing Bulma. Phrasing. Sigh. At least this one doesn't have any spooky Saiyan oddness, I love my kids to death but I'd appreciate if this one didn't move out before her third birthday. Hmm, maybe I should double check again just to make sure Goku's genes haven't gone crazy this trimester..."


Power. Rage. Death. Grief. You twitch a little, rolling your shoulder around as the force of grief weighs heavily on your young frame.
You burn brightly within the shining green Tenma Defense, letting it soothe your strain away. The air shakes under the force of your blows, and you burn. Seconds pass as you train feeling like days to you, the power of the form suffusing your entire being.
You hold the form longer and longer, watching the jagged edges smooth over. Refining every inefficiency you see.
Smoothing out the power gradients, you see your Aura recede. Altering knots o/f Yellow Ki into a straight line. You methodically alter the form to suit your whim which itself changes as the form does. Though you had long since worked through the rage and callousness induced by the form it was still there in the back of your mind as if waiting to strike, burning you up even as you neglect to act on those desires.

The Super Saiyan form is destruction and perseverance. It is the sheer struggle to Survive, even as those around you Fail, until you fail as well. The Moment of Death is poetic and seemingly sharp, but it is not truly. Death and the absence of an object still causes another in it's place. A glass shattered is dozens of new shards created, a man's death is a corpse and on a larger scale it is his descendants and all those he touched with that passing.
It is that understanding that holds the key. The spark of pure grief that is usually required by the form is destruction. The loss of a life, a mind, an idea. For you, it was the realization Gossard was gone and replaced with a cruel(er) malevolent entity who wished simply to destroy. His apparent death in your eyes had shattered your limits.
The Super Saiyan form is the Moment elongated. The sharp rise in pure Power and Rage and Grief. But that was not all it was, it couldn't be.

Death is not the end, it is the means to an end.
Gold light softens and brightens. Brilliant gold settling into the pale yellow of the True Super Saiyan. Super Saiyan mastered in it's entirety.
Death is a single moment, but Grief is a lifetime. It influences every single action you take, but you Live. You live WITH Death, not against it. And as you do so, you live with Death Ki.
Beneath you, the skittish wildlife that had been spooked by a foreboding skeletal presence of Death began to relax. Those capable grew forlorn remembering their departed herdmates or parents, while the rest simply felt the calmness of living.

You open your teal eyes, not sure when you had shut them. Considering the golden shield around you.
You release it as unnecessary. Life is a struggle and Death wears away at you, but both take time. Weeks, Months, Years. Standing there in the air, the fullness of Power flowing through you, and not an ounce burns your reserves any more than the process of aging. But it isn't enough. You can feel it, in your bones. The true Gold inside you. Deeper.
[X] The Heart of Grief -Omake
You can feel them. The chill of the grave, the sheer unwavering pressure that is life, the depths of unbalanced strength, the focus on that singular peak moment.
Even the acceptance of Death and Grief within Life.

But you were born for this. Born with Destruction in your veins beating from a heart of Grief.
"Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds." You quote, as you touch that heart of power and your own with your Ki. Light shines brilliantly, as if a second sun had been born in the sky. Brilliant gold filling the heavens.
You do not fold your Ki upon itself, to focus it as you would in the Super Gohan form. You do not rage, or scream. You stand there, the calm within the storm.

After all, what kind of corpse screams. It is a strange sensation, to not hear the sound you have always heard. But for you, it is comforting to hear your heartbeat's absence. The light ends in an instant as if it was never there to begin with. And in it's place, a corpse takes a breath. Your hair a deep gold, shining with it's own light but darker than the Super Saiyan form had achieved.

"The Yellow Ki is that of Death. It's very existence is and always will be Death. To a Saiyan, that Death is Grief, because to the Concept of a Saiyan the ability to die is foreign and only known through others experiencing it." You look down at your hands, it was odd. You thought it would be more distinctive.
"But I am not a Saiyan. Not like this. This form is not a Saiyan, it is distinct. I am no longer Grief Incarnate, I am Death. I am a Super Saiyan."

It settles on you and something shifts. You are not life accepting Death. You are death accepting Life. You grow and you age, but you do not live.
You take a breath to speak, then not finding the words release the air. You had no other use for it after all.

Running a hand through your brilliant golden hair, so distinct from the pale of the mastered Super Saiyan. Heh, Mastered. As if you needed to master You.

"I am become Death..." Your heart starts beating as if nothing had happened, the gold locks falling into ebony once again.


Strike. Weave, strike, backstep, stri-afterimage. You twirl, flaring the odd quasi-Red energy to move your arm into position and block the sudden blow.
"Halt." You freeze in place.
"You were given instructions to maintain a certain power, you broke those instructions." The Djinn informs you, stepping out of the combat stance he had been in "Martial training is over for the day, tomorrow you will not break the instructions again.

"What? But Mister Popo, you can't. It was one little mistake, surely we can just start again." You protest, but know it to be useless. Trudging into the building you were quickly identifying as your home, into the library to study.
You liked it up here above the clouds surrounded by blue skies, you can see why Gossard spends a lot of his time hanging in the air to do his transformation training. The constantly refilling pantries helped as well, your stomach growling at the thought.

You are also very glad of the custom chair Gohan had provided. You may have a soft spot for the very well-equipped deadly hoverchair Gossard had constructed, but this basic one your Super Saiyan brother created fit the studious atmosphere of the library better. You can feel the imposing presence of knowledge around you as you take your seat.
"Your Japanglish needs more work, your vocabulary is vast but you misuse several words and your grammar is sporadic. I believe I will increase the amount of time spent on the subject, but for now we will go over the duties and role of the Guardian over a planet and the various types of worlds that can exist." Mister Popo says.
"Now, there are three types of planet in the universe but only one requires a Guardian. The first is known as Stage One and it is a mere planetoid, something the size of a planet usually with a molten core, these are generally created via natural forces or ill-informed Magicians. On worlds such as these which lack a Planetary Spirit lifeforms gradually weaken over their lives as their lifeforce is pulled from their body by the congregated mass trying to form said Spirit."
"What is the difference between a spaceship and a Stage One planet?" You ask, writing down notes in your new red crayon.
'Over a trillion tons, which is when the mass becomes great enough it tries to form a Spirit. A Second Stage planet is created either through that process or created wholesale by someone with Divine abilities such as the Supreme Kai or in some very rare cases by an incredibly knowledgeable Kami. The duty of the Supreme Kai is to create prosperous Second and Third Stage Planets and populate them with diverse species, while the duty of the God of Destruction is the opposite, to cull the destabilizing elements or planets that have lived too long. Though that is a personal choice on the God's part which lives or dies.
A Second stage planet is the basic life-giving world, it is capable of independently producing and evolving uni-cellular organisms into sophontic species if it did not have an ecosystem prior, and unlike the first stage or in space the process of Evolution is not halted by spiritual rejection disorder as the Planetary Spirit regulates the application of Soul to Body.
The third is the greatest of the stages and is only able to be formed by the Divine. This third stage has an altered Spirit that allows a single person to tie themselves to it. This is the Guardian of the planet who can use this connection to bring about the true power of the Divinely Inspired form, uh if they are not already Divine in nature such as your case. I believe our latest invader, the Namekian Lord, invaded due to this. He believed the Guardian slot was open, which it is, and the planet undefended so he was going to take the form to empower himself.'
"Wait, but I'm the Guardian now." You protest, you were a Goddess after all.
"Ah, not yet. You are not tied into the Planet's spirit you simply gained the power of both the Divine and the Inspired due to your...unique composition. I am not authorized to induct a new Guardian without express permission, much less a child. After you have grown, perhaps."


You sit in your big brother's lap, listening to him describe his version of the Three Pork Chops in delicious violent detail, when you see Mister Piccolo land on the Lookout.
"Mister Piccolo! Did you find out the young Sage's name?" You ask with a bright smile.
"...Pipan." He says tersely.
"I think I prefer the name Mister Piccolo to Pipan, it rolls off the tongue better. Let's leave stories of gluttony and wrath in the past." Gossard says, with a knowing smile.
"Perhaps...What atrocious things are you filling my successor's head with now Rainbow?" He growls when he spots the picture book, trying to hide the soft smile.


I'm not sure if people look at my posts that aren't long enough to trigger the wordcount :p I have gotten two pieces of commissioned fanart.
The first I posted already, and is now in Gohan's stat sheet.

The second, is Gottex. This would be her in a few years of course.
Dressed in her own personal Kami outfit.

It is also going into her stat sheet after I post this. Big thanks to@Swarm for arranging this. He said the next picture is going to be of Gohan in the Super Saiyan Hulk form (ie Super Trunks)
The vote is still open for the previous choice, the leading vote is 3-4 people... Are my choices just uninteresting? I know Im getting plenty of responses, but no Votes consistently.
Anyway, apart from the first scene, this happens during the current turn before Raditz lands. The first scene happens prior to Lord Slug's arrival in the nebulous timey-wimey zone that is the end of Thread One and the start of Thread Two.

A Brief(s) Interlude


The young girl blinks slowly, stifling the yawn in the back of her throat. Stepping out onto the serene Lookout tile she spots you, the man who was her predecessor and the one who removed said predecessor from his position.
You ignore her, looking out into the clouds but not seeing them. The act of Viewing an entire world and it's people had nearly overwhelmed you at first and struck awe into you even now.
"I know why you come here." She said, her face scrunched trying to repeat the phrase from memory, methodically tapping the walking stick against the tile approaching you. It was for effect of course. The wise Kami, barely old enough to walk on her own emulating the wise Kami, almost too old to walk on his own.
"So do I. You should be napping." You rumble, not rising from the Lotus seating position.
"Not tired." You don't need to look to see her frown softly, crossing her arms. You briefly wonder if prideful denial was a family trait or a learned one from her brother.
"I took care of Rainbow when he was your age Gottex. And that brat once denied something so hard his hair changed color. I can tell when a child is drowsy and denying it."
"Why my name but call brothers color, Rainbow, Yellow." She says, 'delicately' avoiding the subject of sleep.
"Rainbow isn't a color, it is a collection of them." You point out with a wry smile.
"If I tell you a bedtime story will you leave me in peace?"
"No, but you tell normal story and not talk naptime I maybe." She smiles, settling on the lip of the Lookout, legs dangling in the void above the clouds.

'Then I shall tell you the Tragedy of the Namekian Sage. Long ago, there was a young sage. He was brash and strong-willed, and didn't listen to his Elders. He flouted their conventional wisdom in order to try and progress faster, to find a new height to reach for himself and for his people who he believed had stagnated over the generations.
He was not alone of course, the foolhardy always seem to congregate and orbit each other. He and his brethren formed a pact, and group dedicated to seeking the forbidden power within.
And they found it. And it destroyed them. Not at first, or obviously, but it did. Their power was not the calm or placid majority of them, but the dark fringe. They slaked their thirst with it and the power corrupted them. Took their goals and twisted into mockeries. Poisoned their relationships. Ruined lives. But that is the nature of power, it is an amplifier. The gluttony they indulged for strength amplified within that strength.
The young sage fell into power, let it twist and consume him. He became a monster, towering over the Elders who urged caution. But slowly turned away that path. The young foolhardy sage dug his way out of the pit of gluttony carrying with him the power purified.
Except it wasn't, the power may not amplify his gluttony but the gluttony remained. His lesson went unheard.
With the First of the Namekian sins broken and tamed he sought another. Many in the pact again joined him but others shied away, they claimed it was enough for them. One new aspect discovered at great risk was enough for this generation, they were ready to fully master and teach of the new path.

He and his companions grew wrathful at this. That their brothers in arms would not reach for the stars with open hands but settle merely above all that had come before. And in their wrath, came their goal.
Unlike the sin of Gluttony, Wrath was harder to see. You could not look upon the Sage and see his rage like you could his glut. It did not expand to fill the space. It festered. Written all over him, but only to those that could see beyond sight. And the Elders possessed no such ability, for progress was not the way of the self-proclaimed Wise but the foolhardy.
The group, the pact, split in twain. Those who pulled away, focused on their wise society and the Sage's allies who grew enraged by the betrayal, arrogantly assuming they could conquer any peril within their psyche. Their anger was their undoing.

Power is an amplifier. They became monsters in their rage, and reveled in their rebellion. They were cruel and callous, slaying their way through friends and family towards the Temple. The government of their society.
And they found the ultimate traitor in their eyes. One of their own group, named the Guardian of the world.
The Guardian smote them down and then banished the Sage and his comrades to the stars they had reached for so hungrily. And the lesson was finally learned for some, including the foolhardy Sage.
He left the banished pact to their own exile while he pursued his. Hoping to find the absolution and contentedness that the Guardian had achieved and perhaps, Guard a planet of his own from those who would taint it, like himself.'

You finish the story, looking down at the dozing child, her head resting on your knee. Softly stroking the ebony spikes, before you gesture.
The girl shudders as the blanket forms over her shoulders.
"What was his name?" She asks, eyes closed.
"I cannot remember. Perhaps I can find it within the Kami Library. Pleasant Dreams..." You rumble and feel the nascent Goddess drift into full sleep.


You gently poke Momma's expanding stomach eyes wide as she finished explaining.
"Her name is Goose." She beams, while you frown in confusion.
"You ate my sister? Is it to try and get whatever unique mystical fancy color stuff she got from her Saiyan heritage? Wait, that means you can steal powers by eating! I knew that was the source of my power...GOSSARD!" You shoot from the room in an aura of light "Where are you, I want to serve you!"
"I'm not falling for that again! I am not your emergency lunch Dammit!"

Behind you, you hear Momma's face hitting her palm with a slapping sound.
"Phrasing Bulma. Phrasing. Sigh. At least this one doesn't have any spooky Saiyan oddness, I love my kids to death but I'd appreciate if this one didn't move out before her third birthday. Hmm, maybe I should double check again just to make sure Goku's genes haven't gone crazy this trimester..."


Power. Rage. Death. Grief. You twitch a little, rolling your shoulder around as the force of grief weighs heavily on your young frame.
You burn brightly within the shining green Tenma Defense, letting it soothe your strain away. The air shakes under the force of your blows, and you burn. Seconds pass as you train feeling like days to you, the power of the form suffusing your entire being.
You hold the form longer and longer, watching the jagged edges smooth over. Refining every inefficiency you see.
Smoothing out the power gradients, you see your Aura recede. Altering knots o/f Yellow Ki into a straight line. You methodically alter the form to suit your whim which itself changes as the form does. Though you had long since worked through the rage and callousness induced by the form it was still there in the back of your mind as if waiting to strike, burning you up even as you neglect to act on those desires.

The Super Saiyan form is destruction and perseverance. It is the sheer struggle to Survive, even as those around you Fail, until you fail as well. The Moment of Death is poetic and seemingly sharp, but it is not truly. Death and the absence of an object still causes another in it's place. A glass shattered is dozens of new shards created, a man's death is a corpse and on a larger scale it is his descendants and all those he touched with that passing.
It is that understanding that holds the key. The spark of pure grief that is usually required by the form is destruction. The loss of a life, a mind, an idea. For you, it was the realization Gossard was gone and replaced with a cruel(er) malevolent entity who wished simply to destroy. His apparent death in your eyes had shattered your limits.
The Super Saiyan form is the Moment elongated. The sharp rise in pure Power and Rage and Grief. But that was not all it was, it couldn't be.

Death is not the end, it is the means to an end.
Gold light softens and brightens. Brilliant gold settling into the pale yellow of the True Super Saiyan. Super Saiyan mastered in it's entirety.
Death is a single moment, but Grief is a lifetime. It influences every single action you take, but you Live. You live WITH Death, not against it. And as you do so, you live with Death Ki.
Beneath you, the skittish wildlife that had been spooked by a foreboding skeletal presence of Death began to relax. Those capable grew forlorn remembering their departed herdmates or parents, while the rest simply felt the calmness of living.

You open your teal eyes, not sure when you had shut them. Considering the golden shield around you.
You release it as unnecessary. Life is a struggle and Death wears away at you, but both take time. Weeks, Months, Years. Standing there in the air, the fullness of Power flowing through you, and not an ounce burns your reserves any more than the process of aging. But it isn't enough. You can feel it, in your bones. The true Gold inside you. Deeper.
[X] The Heart of Grief -Omake
You can feel them. The chill of the grave, the sheer unwavering pressure that is life, the depths of unbalanced strength, the focus on that singular peak moment.
Even the acceptance of Death and Grief within Life.

But you were born for this. Born with Destruction in your veins beating from a heart of Grief.
"Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds." You quote, as you touch that heart of power and your own with your Ki. Light shines brilliantly, as if a second sun had been born in the sky. Brilliant gold filling the heavens.
You do not fold your Ki upon itself, to focus it as you would in the Super Gohan form. You do not rage, or scream. You stand there, the calm within the storm.

After all, what kind of corpse screams. It is a strange sensation, to not hear the sound you have always heard. But for you, it is comforting to hear your heartbeat's absence. The light ends in an instant as if it was never there to begin with. And in it's place, a corpse takes a breath. Your hair a deep gold, shining with it's own light but darker than the Super Saiyan form had achieved.

"The Yellow Ki is that of Death. It's very existence is and always will be Death. To a Saiyan, that Death is Grief, because to the Concept of a Saiyan the ability to die is foreign and only known through others experiencing it." You look down at your hands, it was odd. You thought it would be more distinctive.
"But I am not a Saiyan. Not like this. This form is not a Saiyan, it is distinct. I am no longer Grief Incarnate, I am Death. I am a Super Saiyan."

It settles on you and something shifts. You are not life accepting Death. You are death accepting Life. You grow and you age, but you do not live.
You take a breath to speak, then not finding the words release the air. You had no other use for it after all.

Running a hand through your brilliant golden hair, so distinct from the pale of the mastered Super Saiyan. Heh, Mastered. As if you needed to master You.

"I am become Death..." Your heart starts beating as if nothing had happened, the gold locks falling into ebony once again.


Strike. Weave, strike, backstep, stri-afterimage. You twirl, flaring the odd quasi-Red energy to move your arm into position and block the sudden blow.
"Halt." You freeze in place.
"You were given instructions to maintain a certain power, you broke those instructions." The Djinn informs you, stepping out of the combat stance he had been in "Martial training is over for the day, tomorrow you will not break the instructions again.

"What? But Mister Popo, you can't. It was one little mistake, surely we can just start again." You protest, but know it to be useless. Trudging into the building you were quickly identifying as your home, into the library to study.
You liked it up here above the clouds surrounded by blue skies, you can see why Gossard spends a lot of his time hanging in the air to do his transformation training. The constantly refilling pantries helped as well, your stomach growling at the thought.

You are also very glad of the custom chair Gohan had provided. You may have a soft spot for the very well-equipped deadly hoverchair Gossard had constructed, but this basic one your Super Saiyan brother created fit the studious atmosphere of the library better. You can feel the imposing presence of knowledge around you as you take your seat.
"Your Japanglish needs more work, your vocabulary is vast but you misuse several words and your grammar is sporadic. I believe I will increase the amount of time spent on the subject, but for now we will go over the duties and role of the Guardian over a planet and the various types of worlds that can exist." Mister Popo says.
"Now, there are three types of planet in the universe but only one requires a Guardian. The first is known as Stage One and it is a mere planetoid, something the size of a planet usually with a molten core, these are generally created via natural forces or ill-informed Magicians. On worlds such as these which lack a Planetary Spirit lifeforms gradually weaken over their lives as their lifeforce is pulled from their body by the congregated mass trying to form said Spirit."
"What is the difference between a spaceship and a Stage One planet?" You ask, writing down notes in your new red crayon.
'Over a trillion tons, which is when the mass becomes great enough it tries to form a Spirit. A Second Stage planet is created either through that process or created wholesale by someone with Divine abilities such as the Supreme Kai or in some very rare cases by an incredibly knowledgeable Kami. The duty of the Supreme Kai is to create prosperous Second and Third Stage Planets and populate them with diverse species, while the duty of the God of Destruction is the opposite, to cull the destabilizing elements or planets that have lived too long. Though that is a personal choice on the God's part which lives or dies.
A Second stage planet is the basic life-giving world, it is capable of independently producing and evolving uni-cellular organisms into sophontic species if it did not have an ecosystem prior, and unlike the first stage or in space the process of Evolution is not halted by spiritual rejection disorder as the Planetary Spirit regulates the application of Soul to Body.
The third is the greatest of the stages and is only able to be formed by the Divine. This third stage has an altered Spirit that allows a single person to tie themselves to it. This is the Guardian of the planet who can use this connection to bring about the true power of the Divinely Inspired form, uh if they are not already Divine in nature such as your case. I believe our latest invader, the Namekian Lord, invaded due to this. He believed the Guardian slot was open, which it is, and the planet undefended so he was going to take the form to empower himself.'
"Wait, but I'm the Guardian now." You protest, you were a Goddess after all.
"Ah, not yet. You are not tied into the Planet's spirit you simply gained the power of both the Divine and the Inspired due to your...unique composition. I am not authorized to induct a new Guardian without express permission, much less a child. After you have grown, perhaps."


You sit in your big brother's lap, listening to him describe his version of the Three Pork Chops in delicious violent detail, when you see Mister Piccolo land on the Lookout.
"Mister Piccolo! Did you find out the young Sage's name?" You ask with a bright smile.
"...Pipan." He says tersely.
"I think I prefer the name Mister Piccolo to Pipan, it rolls off the tongue better. Let's leave stories of gluttony and wrath in the past." Gossard says, with a knowing smile.
"Perhaps...What atrocious things are you filling my successor's head with now Rainbow?" He growls when he spots the picture book, trying to hide the soft smile.


I'm not sure if people look at my posts that aren't long enough to trigger the wordcount :p I have gotten two pieces of commissioned fanart.
The first I posted already, and is now in Gohan's stat sheet.

The second, is Gottex. This would be her in a few years of course.
Dressed in her own personal Kami outfit.

It is also going into her stat sheet after I post this. Big thanks to@Swarm for arranging this. He said the next picture is going to be of Gohan in the Super Saiyan Hulk form (ie Super Trunks)
the pictures are pretty good but i think Gottex would look better in trainers than pointy shoes, just to show a small human element to the fledgling Kami rather than going full Namekian for clothes.


[X] Let it land and say hi
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.
--[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb

huh just realized i forgot to vote
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Can't speak for the others, but despite already voting, the reason I don't talk much about the second option (how to deal with Orange) is because I don't care. There' simply too many Sparks and too many Grades for me to care. I just pick my choice because it's the Kamina option. Like you already said, each option has it's rewards after all.

But just to be sure the vote is about which bonus should Gossard get for mastering False Saiyan right @lordchaos99?
Somethings that have changed.


Touch of Death: Your Ki Control is treated as 50 points higher in a Yellow form, if you have Ki Control maxed out you get +700 points to Perfect Ki Control in a Yellow form.

Super Saiyan Mastery: 60/50 - You are no longer a Saiyan in this form, but a Super Saiyan! The embodiment of Death, your heart has stopped beating. While you may age within the form, it is by accepting Life as the mastered Super Saiyan accepts Death. While in this form according to Magic you are an alien race, distinct from Saiyan, you still qualify as Human however. You can maintain this form regardless of any penalties, unconsciousness, pain. The only thing that drops you from the form is your own will.


Kai School - 6/10: You have begun learning the ancient style of the Divine. This form excels at tapping into magical abilities and the powers a God has over Mortals.

Gottex is about to become the world's strongest (or at least close to it) once she masters that martial art :p
[X] Let it land and say hi
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.
--[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb

eh...i really don't know about orange, though i guess just going with your gut feeling makes sense
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The mechanics are too heavy for me to follow most of the time. I just vote based on what sounds good and sometimes I just forget to vote.
[X] Let it land and say hi
[X] Let it land and say hi
[X] Let it land and say hi

Would ya'll mind adding on my sub-vote? It ensures we don't kill our Uncle (he has uses and things in his head(Both literally and metaphorically) that we can benefit from), and gets us Copy Cat without having to spend a turn on it.
[X] Let it land and say hi.
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.
--[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
Get us Copycat, DON"T murder our uncle, he has things he can teach us.
I had forgotten/wanted to talk about it :p

But alright, gotta admit that was an amazing piece and some insight on the characters that we normally don't see. The lessons of kami, the blue baby and Gohan's gold enlightenment.
This is a thing, have we moved out? I thought we all, even Gottex, still lived at home. Sure, we spend a lot of time out of the house, but I thought we still spent a lot of time in it.
Honestly i think your write in is unnecessary, this is our AU Raditz who has Bardocks time vision powers so he already knows what we can do.

Highly unlikely he will even attempt to start a fight.
Honestly i think your write in is unnecessary, this is our AU Raditz who has Bardocks time vision powers so he already knows what we can do.

Highly unlikely he will even attempt to start a fight.
Time-vision was ret-conned out. To hard for Lordchaos to write.

Plus, one of the problems Lordchaos was having with him having Timevision, was keeping Gossard from killing the smug prick, and keeping Gohan from letting him. So yeah, think it's neccessary.
Plus, the write-in lets us get Copycat without spending an action on it. People generally want to spend our actions on other things, so something that saves us an action I think they'd be all for.
But just to be sure the vote is about which bonus should Gossard get for mastering False Saiyan right @lordchaos99?

Which skill the excess training goes down, yes.

The mechanics are too heavy for me to follow most of the time. I just vote based on what sounds good and sometimes I just forget to vote.

Oops...I might have added too many mechanics for no reason, heh. It's still soon into the new thread, I might tinker and make things more streamlined and less mechanics-heavy. Perhaps remove points to replace with a tier system like the Ki Techs and remove a butt-ton of those to focus on a few select Key Ki Attacks (heh) which just exist rather than being tiered.
I'd definitely remove Flight for instance, because that can just be assumed without listed, similar to Zenkai or Ki Sense.

This is a thing, have we moved out? I thought we all, even Gottex, still lived at home. Sure, we spend a lot of time out of the house, but I thought we still spent a lot of time in it.

Gottex has effectively moved into the Lookout, which is the main gripe Bulma is expressing here (that and a reference to the Piccolo kidnapping thing). She wants a Pretty Princess for a daughter. Not really a major gripe, more of a complaint said with a smile if that makes sense.
She does maintain her bedroom and visit every few days, so Gottex is acting like she moved into the local college's dorms.

Gohan goes out almost every day, when not shadowing Gossard and is very independent-minded.
Gossard spends the most time at home, but lately he has been taking more of an active role in the Company so is more often found in the business section than the household and makes trips around the globe to coordinate (like his renovation and centralization of Capsule Corp in a city).

Bulma is basically finding herself with a house full of independent Teenagers and developing early-onset Empty Nest syndrome because at the rate the kids are growing up they just might move out for some odd reason at age6.
She personally blames Goku, either his influence or his Saiyan heritage given he effectively lived alone from that age.

Honestly i think your write in is unnecessary, this is our AU Raditz who has Bardocks time vision powers so he already knows what we can do.

Highly unlikely he will even attempt to start a fight.

He does not, that got Retconned because I couldn't make this exact encounter work.
That might be confusing for people who don't read discussion, maybe I should edit the last thread?

I had forgotten/wanted to talk about it :p

But alright, gotta admit that was an amazing piece and some insight on the characters that we normally don't see. The lessons of kami, the blue baby and Gohan's gold enlightenment.

Thank you :)
I just wish I'd had space to add Dr Briefs and Goku, but the word count was over 3k already (well, without notes it's closer to 2.9 but whatev)
Gottex has effectively moved into the Lookout
Thought she just commuted. It's not like it's THAT far away.

BTW, there's my questions from earlier that still need answering.
Well, Thought-Watcher was what I was aiming for, but that intelligence bonus. Gonna need some other people's input here. Also, might as well ask, is Intelligence as potent as Potential? Like, every +1 Potential increases our potential PL by roughly 2.23 times, so even minor difference in Potential means a lot. Is that the same for Intelligence?
Edit: Apparently +3 Potential rather evenly works out to an average of 10x PL after 10 Potential.

Question, with Thought-Watcher, will Copycat apply to more mental-oriented stuff as well?

Also, any hints as to how to get the All-Watcher trait? Or even what it's about, so an omake could possibly be made?
I just wish I'd had space to add Dr Briefs and Goku, but the word count was over 3k already (well, without notes it's closer to 2.9 but whatev)
We're fine with long updates. I'm sure it'd all be interesting
Also, you mentioned giving us everyone's character sheets after Slug. Still want atleast Gokus.
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Thank you :)
I just wish I'd had space to add Dr Briefs and Goku, but the word count was over 3k already (well, without notes it's closer to 2.9 but whatev)

I'd love to see how Goku is doing and, because I forgot, must say that Piccolo is still best dad :) it weird I...kinda want him to have a kid someday himself? He seems to be enjoying being a dad to the three half saiyans.

What a strange thought
Thought she just commuted. It's not like it's THAT far away.

BTW, there's my questions from earlier that still need answering.

We're fine with long updates. I'm sure it'd all be interesting
Also, you mentioned giving us everyone's character sheets after Slug. Still want atleast Gokus.

I didn't answer them? Oh, my bad.

Intelligence roughly doubles.
It starts before Pot10, the first repeating number is Pot8, and the sequence begins at Pot5.
Telepathy basically gives Copycat at high levels, so having it as a trait would be redundant.
All-Watcher is basically just an upgrade, so focus on watching in general and telepathic watching while watching in specific.

Oh and no I didn't say sheets after Slug, Im pretty sure anyway (I have terrible memory)
I think I said after Raditz. Got a quote to jog my memory? Not saying your lying, you probably know more than me :p
You definitely post more than me.

I'd love to see how Goku is doing and, because I forgot, must say that Piccolo is still best dad :) it weird I...kinda want him to have a kid someday himself? He seems to be enjoying being a dad to the three half saiyans.

What a strange thought

Green!Dad is Best!Dad. Pretty good for a seven year old.
Intelligence roughly doubles.
It starts before Pot10, the first repeating number is Pot8, and the sequence begins at Pot5.
Telepathy basically gives Copycat at high levels, so having it as a trait would be redundant.
All-Watcher is basically just an upgrade, so focus on watching in general and telepathic watching while watching in specific.

Oh and no I didn't say sheets after Slug, Im pretty sure anyway (I have terrible memory)
I think I said after Raditz. Got a quote to jog my memory? Not saying your lying, you probably know more than me :p
You definitely post more than me.
So Intelligence is comparable to Potential on that front, meaning +3 Int would either octuple, or x10 our effective intelligence.
I actually did the math though, before 10 the increases are like 11 times and such.
How high is high? The 30/30? Or is there stuff beyond that initial 30? And then, I was thinking less redundant, more stacking. But you are confirming that we can then copy-cat mental skills?
Alright, will see if i can slap something together eventually.

You're right, you said after Raditz.