Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
So with all the tech the Tau have gotten from trading, along with them pushing there own tech, along with tech gotten from taken worlds and other battles they have fought humans, have they reach the lvl they had when they fought in Damocles Crusade or what they have in 42K?
So with all the tech the Tau have gotten from trading, along with them pushing there own tech, along with tech gotten from taken worlds and other battles they have fought humans, have they reach the lvl they had when they fought in Damocles Crusade or what they have in 42K?
No and definitely no.
While the Tau might reach Damocles Crusade tech faster thats still ~130 years away. If we really want to help their tech development, we should focus on covering their main weakness at the moment, void combat. While their ground armies can fight Imperial armies one to one their ships are smoked by equivalent Imperial vessels.
i kinda want to get and get some Ur'Iso ships and other things they have, so we can give some to the tau, want to see what they could learn from Ur'Iso tech
New Gameplay Mechanics (Turn 24) New
Due to the increasing size of the Chapter and the scale you are operating at, I'm changing the mechanics to focus less on characters and more on units to keep gameplay sustainable. Working on this and nailing down the basics is why it took me so long to close the last vote.

First of which is that more basic missions will be condensed into Fronts, which is basically a region of space that you will assign companies and fleets to operate in. There will still be Missions, but they will be limited to advanced stuff or specific jobs or important things.

Secondly, I'm not going to be tracking basic wargear anymore. I'll still track the construction of vehicles and advanced wargear like Terminator Armour or Iron Halos. For more basic stuff, due to how many spares and how much new production you have, I'll be simplifying things to just Wargear rather than tracking every item individually. The nature of Wargear and how it works ties into the third change.

The third change is that I'm going to be reworking the Company system so rather than tracking individual squads and wargear, each Company will have a template that it follows and I'll track how much Manpower and Wargear it has by percentage. Specialists, vehicles and advanced wargear will still be tracked separately however.

Anyway, 10 Squads of 10 Marines would be 100% Manpower and 12 Squads of 10 Marines would be 120% Manpower, the latter of which is the maximum. Unlike Manpower, Wargear can go as high as 150% to represent spare supplies aboard the strike cruiser. Wargear needs to be a higher percentage than Manpower otherwise you will suffer penalties. For each template, 1% of Wargear will have a PP cost.

The fourth change is to the Storm Guard. Similarly to with Companies, I won't be tracking individual regiments anymore and will instead be using templates. Each Storm Legion will have a template with only one available by default and it will have a Strength percentage that tracks how much manpower and supplies it has remaining. 1% of Strength will cost a certain amount of RP to replace that is listed on the template and new Storm Guard Legions will be raised as a legion using a template rather than individual regiments.

I also won't be tracking the deployments of the Iron Sentinels and Knights of Caliban anymore. It was one thing to do it when you all had single digit numbers of companies and less than a thousand marines each, but with the current sizes involved, it is no longer practical to do.

There will also be a unique Storm Guard template called the Storm Guard Garrison, representing the regiments stationed at home. Rather than be tracked by individual planets and regiments, the Storm Guard Garrison will be assigned to the Gard Sub-Sector. Its starting template will be equal to the regiments you had garrisoned at the time and due to your training sites, it will passively regain any missing Strength.
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Were pretty Astral Claws coated I'm not gonna lie what if our remnants of the chapter that stayed with the imperium renamed themselves the astral claws XD (probably not because the Astral claws were a chapter of unknown founding and we are 100% sure who our primarch is ).
How difficult would it be to send scouting forces into imperium and pretend to be loyalist chapters ?
We can maybe have them do a Carcharadons tactic of telling that they have low contact with the imperium ?
How difficult would it be to send scouting forces into imperium and pretend to be loyalist chapters ?
We can maybe have them do a Carcharadons tactic of telling that they have low contact with the imperium ?

I propose we make an entire chapter of blackshields. Then have them infiltrate the Deathwatch.

None of them bother with a background check so it should be trivial to get away with it. That squad with the Rogue Trader are probably lonely.

What could possibly go wrong with such a flawless idea? :rolleyes:
How difficult would it be to send scouting forces into imperium and pretend to be loyalist chapters ?
We can maybe have them do a Carcharadons tactic of telling that they have low contact with the imperium ?
It can be done, but the difficulty varies. You would need to cut back on the xenotech and bolt rifles lest you get declared heretics for using those. It would also depend on who you pretend to be as pretending to be part of a certain Chapter risks running into those who actually know the people you are claiming to be while pretending to be part of a made-up Chapter risks someone checking their records and realising you are claiming to be part of a Chapter that doesn't exist. Not to mention someone knowledgeable might recognise that your Primaris marines aren't regular Astartes.
It can be done, but the difficulty varies. You would need to cut back on the xenotech and bolt rifles lest you get declared heretics for using those. It would also depend on who you pretend to be as pretending to be part of a certain Chapter risks running into those who actually know the people you are claiming to be while pretending to be part of a made-up Chapter risks someone checking their records and realising you are claiming to be part of a Chapter that doesn't exist. Not to mention someone knowledgeable might recognise that your Primaris marines aren't regular Astartes.
Would it be possible for us to make regular space marines supply for us to send into the imperium as spies?
Ok. We could make a small amount munt of regular space marines to send into the Imperium. Would would just need to find a nearby chapter to imitate.

Given how big of a mess the Imperium is, we could probably make a "loyalist" Chapter that was "heavily" damaged in some fight and is far below a regular Chapter's strength.

Said "Loyalist Chapter" is allied with the Carmine Talons and "subordinate" to them after saving their lives from [insert tragedy here]. So they have a big "debt" to pay off, not that the CT mind having some cousins to help them out now and then.

We just need to find a Chapter that probably doesn't exist anymore or make a new one and have it pass the Imperial bureaucracy. That could take a while.
You are all forgetting the obvious answer. We already have a Chapter that uses our colors, we just need to take their place. After their Crusade is over there is a good chance our Loyalist Brothers will regroup and rebuild at Ragnarok. We just need to kill the survivors and then we are golden.
You are all forgetting the obvious answer. We already have a Chapter that uses our colors, we just need to take their place. After their Crusade is over there is a good chance our Loyalist Brothers will regroup and rebuild at Ragnarok. We just need to kill the survivors and then we are golden.

The problem is that they are around Chapter strength before the Crusade and unless the majority get killed off, they probably will alert other forces before they fall completely.

That isn't considering the Inquisitor bitch who declared us traitors. She also pumped in a lot of resources for her new servants and has a vested interest in the planet. Having control of a Space Marine Chapter is a big deal in the Imperium.
The problem is that they are around Chapter strength before the Crusade and unless the majority get killed off, they probably will alert other forces before they fall completely.

That isn't considering the Inquisitor bitch who declared us traitors. She also pumped in a lot of resources for her new servants and has a vested interest in the planet. Having control of a Space Marine Chapter is a big deal in the Imperium.

If during the crusade we could get them to over extend we could cut them off and kill a lot, if not all, of them. We would just need to get the angry by offending their honer or something. We do that we might be able to wipe them out after the return their home world before they tell anyone. Even if we don't then we just get rid of thorn in our side.
We would just need to get the angry by offending their honer or something.
Your continued existence is the biggest offence to their honour, but the Storm Avengers aren't going to lose their tempers and blindly throw themselves at you in some sort of berserker rage. They are your good?/evil? twins and therefore will aproach dealing with you in a rational manner no matter how much you piss them off.
Your continued existence is the biggest offence to their honour, but the Storm Avengers aren't going to lose their tempers and blindly throw themselves at you in some sort of berserker rage. They are your good?/evil? twins and therefore will aproach dealing with you in a rational manner no matter how much you piss them off.
Ok. I would usually say that we need to think about we would act in their situation but they would know we would ask ourselves that and the cycle continues until we reach 4D chess with multiversal time travel levels of confusion. That and they could have change in years since we left.
Ok. I would usually say that we need to think about we would act in their situation but they would know we would ask ourselves that and the cycle continues until we reach 4D chess with multiversal time travel levels of confusion. That and they could have change in years since we left.

I think it would be better to keep a lower profile in the Imperium unless an opportunity is discovered. It probably will be several turns before we can introduce "infiltrator" marines.

As of this moment, we got several companies that need to be rescued thanks to Chaos being pissed at us last turn. Don't want to risk having hundreds of brothers being lost in the Warp... or worse.
I think it would be better to keep a lower profile in the Imperium unless an opportunity is discovered. It probably will be several turns before we can introduce "infiltrator" marines.

As of this moment, we got several companies that need to be rescued thanks to Chaos being pissed at us last turn. Don't want to risk having hundreds of brothers being lost in the Warp... or worse.
I was never saying we should do it now but it's an option I was thinking about.