A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

[X] Plan Paperwork and Patronage
[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus

[X][NAME] Name your pistol: Precision
A short and simple name befitting our namesake and psychic approach.
You are playing as a teacher.

We are playing as the Head of the Department of Telekinesis in a Psyker University Our job is mainly researching and coordinating the teachers...

So sorry but we can teach, but it is not our job description and with our immense Psyker potential our research can save more lives than our teachings
EDIT: Added options I missed. Trading Influence for Relations with Hanse, and improving psyker recruitment.
Why not Telekine Rounds it is much more immediately effective and it is essential for the whole Psyker Shock Toopers that is the most essential part of our job...

And about Recruitment, both versions of Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations and Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus set us for an extremely extensive recruitment drive next turn that synergizes extremely well...
[X] Lessons in Force
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power Weapons and Psi-Tech using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Pyromania Hans
-[X] Schedule classes:
-[X] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
I don't understand what people are seeing in the Plan Paperwork and Patronage plan when it is pretty suboptimal...

We don't get the Telekine Rounds that are essential for our Shock troopers, and while the actions with Alfonse and we set the stage for a massive synergetic three-pronged recruitment drive the next turn, we go for recruiting Rogue Psykers via the family instead (the QM confirmed that taking the Family and Regular Rogue Psykers get us even more recruits)...

All, while we could buy all the remaining advanced equipment from either the Brotherhood of Kel or the Brakkvarr Corsairs which would make our Wyrdbanes a force to be reckoned with...

Besides that the argument of @CanYouMeme that "You are playing as a teacher. Teach." Is at best only partialy true (if not straigh up false)... As Mayto said, we are a Prefect of the Telepathica (the equivalent of a head of department in the University), our main duty is setting up systems and infrastructure for the training of our Wyrdvanes, and our other primary duties are teaching the advanced students and researching things that makes our Wyrdvanes more effective... No one is expecting to teach the basics to newcomers...

Not everything needs to be taught by a Primaris.

You don't need to oversee each of your Psyker learning to put up a mental wall and block out whispers, or learning basic examples of Pyromancy. You will have your students, and teach them the advanced stuff. But the Scholam will have a support staff of regular sanctioned Psyker tutors and teachers who do a lot of the grunt work.

Each of the prefects is tasked with setting up systems and infrastructure for the training of a type of Wyrdvane, with the intention that they'll personally be involved in the first one.

But afterwards, it needs to be done automatically.
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[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
[X] Lessons in Force

[X][NAME] Name your pistol: Precision
I don't see any reason to teach if we haven't recruited any new Psykers.
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations
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I imagine Occam's sidearm as looking like this, except with a nickel trim on the edges, a small Astra Telepathica symbol on the side, and with the pearl grips being a greyed bone. Same size too.

And yes, it does in-story look close to a 1911. Just with hypertech materials and some optimizations.
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Don't take this as proof of anything.

But I imagine that you could, if you had the reputation and knowledge, recruit from the Imperial Guard by testing any particularly lucky or skilled members for latent divinatory skill.

On the other hand. I imagine some people would be quite grumpy if they learned that a tenth of their Grenadiers had their latent abilities awakened and were taken away!

I imagine Occam's sidearm as looking like this, except with a nickel trim on the edges, a small Astra Telepathica symbol on the side, and with the pearl grips being a greyed bone. Same size too.

And yes, it does in-story look close to a 1911. Just with hypertech materials and some optimizations.
That is soo cool (let's face it the 1911 is so iconic), and a nice reference to the Archeotech Stubb Gun...
Honestly, I always thought that Occam would fit better with a big iron on his hip but this is also pretty awesome...
Don't take this as proof of anything.

But I imagine that you could, if you had the reputation and knowledge, recruit from the Imperial Guard by testing any particularly lucky or skilled members for latent divinatory skill.

On the other hand. I imagine some people would be quite grumpy if they learned that a tenth of their Grenadiers had their latent abilities awakened and were taken away!
That sounds cool but it seems a good way of pointing a target on our back, we would piss off everybody that makes use of Temepestus Scions and we will remove the best of the best of many regiments...

I mean even if we become a Legend in the war against The Hive Fleet Leviathan, despite the leeway that we would get that could too problematic to handle...
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Also alot of people might not like the idea of any part of the Astra Telepathic having a psychic population boom in the middle of a galaxy-wide psychic population boom.
Feels like the Astra Telepathica (and Astronomicon) having a psychic population boom during a period where there's a galactic psychic population boom is the best possible outcome, because it means a great number of those psykers that are popping up are getting picked up and sanctioned or euthanized, rather than exploding into daemonhosts and warp portals.
[X] Name your pistol: The Razor

Shame on all of you for ignoring the most obvious choice for Occam's sidearm!

[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
Feels like the Astra Telepathica (and Astronomicon) having a psychic population boom during a period where there's a galactic psychic population boom is the best possible outcome, because it means a great number of those psykers that are popping up are getting picked up and sanctioned or euthanized, rather than exploding into daemonhosts and warp portals.
I don't think other factions will see it that way. The Astra Telepathica basically has a monopoly on the distribution of psykers while also building an army of psykers. I don't think most of the cut-throat, power hungry elites will trust that.
[X] Name your pistol: The Razor

[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)