OK here are my plans, the first one is very straightforward we buy everything that's left from the Brotherhood of Kel
[X] Plan: GUN MAXING (and preparing for the Recruitment Drive)
-[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
--[X] Offer to help with Wetwork and pay above-board currency exchange for specialized ammunition for our Wyrdvanes and the assignment of a master Gunsmith.
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
And this is my second plan, which is a variation of Hunter531 one (which is a variation of mine), basically, we go directly for Votann's tech, but unlike the original, we also buy Psytech from them...
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
By the way
@Hunter531 we still need to give our new pistol a name so unless you have an idea for it I am leaving a placeholder to edit the name afterwards... Sorry but I am terrible at naming things.
Sorry, but that is pretty terrible because it suggests that Occam died using this pistol, which is too much tempting fate for my taste...
I thought it was lower. Still, I suspect going too quickly with the Corsairs could anger those who are opposed to their existence, like the Arbites and Ecclesiarchy. Nor do I wish to annoy the Mechanicus by going to the Votann for tech that they are already supplying us. In fact, I might change my previous post to exclude las weapons.
Hey the main reason that we are even discussing to go after Votann tech is because the Mechanicus said that it is kosher as long as they get their share...