A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

Not really each purchase is 2 points, so 4 purchases is 8 points...
Edit: Ok it 3 instead of t points good to know

And we have 32 points of favor so we are not going to run out anytime soon...
I thought it was lower. Still, I suspect going too quickly with the Corsairs could anger those who are opposed to their existence, like the Arbites and Ecclesiarchy. Nor do I wish to annoy the Mechanicus by going to the Votann for tech that they are already supplying us. In fact, I might change my previous post to exclude las weapons.
[X] Name your pistol: Duty Upheld
[X] Name your pistol: Terminal Sanction
[X] Plan Paperwork and Patronage

I am going to hold off the plan part for now.
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OK here are my plans, the first one is very straightforward we buy everything that's left from the Brotherhood of Kel

[X] Plan: GUN MAXING (and preparing for the Recruitment Drive)
-[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
--[X] Offer to help with Wetwork and pay above-board currency exchange for specialized ammunition for our Wyrdvanes and the assignment of a master Gunsmith.
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:

And this is my second plan, which is a variation of Hunter531 one (which is a variation of mine), basically, we go directly for Votann's tech, but unlike the original, we also buy Psytech from them...

[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:

By the way @Hunter531 we still need to give our new pistol a name so unless you have an idea for it I am leaving a placeholder to edit the name afterwards... Sorry but I am terrible at naming things.

-[X] Occam's Last Stand
Sorry, but that is pretty terrible because it suggests that Occam died using this pistol, which is too much tempting fate for my taste...

I thought it was lower. Still, I suspect going too quickly with the Corsairs could anger those who are opposed to their existence, like the Arbites and Ecclesiarchy. Nor do I wish to annoy the Mechanicus by going to the Votann for tech that they are already supplying us. In fact, I might change my previous post to exclude las weapons.
Hey the main reason that we are even discussing to go after Votann tech is because the Mechanicus said that it is kosher as long as they get their share...
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[X] Plan: Tele-Bullets
-[X] Telekine Rounds
-[X] Do a favour for another Prefect
—[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Planetary Psykana variations
-[X] Research Heat manipulation
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers
By the way @Hunter531 we still need to give our new pistol a name so unless you have an idea for it I am leaving a placeholder to edit the name afterwards... Sorry but I am terrible at naming things.
Same, hopefully the name vote should be separate from the rest.

Edit: And just to make sure everything is working properly since I posted my plan after the timer ended but before the vote opened.

[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power and Energy Weapons using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
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Yes, please seperate the name from the plans. I'll add that to the description.
Thank you very much!!!

Edit: I have been checking the Name Generator, and well most of the names that it suggested were weird badly written Haikus...

These ones may be a little on the Edgelord side of things, but some are decent: Eclipse, Finality, Peacemaker, Misery's End, Dreamhunter, Equalizer, Vanquisher, Solitude, Vigilance Severance
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[X] Plan: Tele-Bullets
-[X] Telekine Rounds
-[X] Do a favour for another Prefect
—[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Planetary Psykana variations
-[X] Research Heat manipulation
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers
[X] Plan: Tele-Bullets
[X] Plan: Tele-Bullets
You do realize that this plan doesn't have any of these options, no?

Which are not mandatory but honestly it seems like a waste not to use them especially when we have 32 points to spend...
Contact important officials:
Oaths, pledges, bonds, and vows of fealty are what keep the Imperium together. Meetings of any kind are always pre-planned, and require a proper amount of protocol and propriety to be upheld. This means that you can only organize a meeting with an official group once per turn.
You can decide to choose one group outside of the Scholam you wish to negotiate with. This is not required.
Write in what you want from them.

[] Brotherhood of Kel:

Master Gunsmiths and artificers of renown. The Brotherhood of Kel are an ancient order of artificers and smiths who produce fine Autoguns according to ancient designs that predate the Imperium. Each gun and round they make is produced according to the finest of quality control.
High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers. Specialized ammunition. Assignment of a master Gunsmith.

[] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
A mysterious force of abhumans that operate in The Pit. They operate from a hidden redoubts from where they trade technology with the Nautillans, while they work their secret plants.
1: A band of licensed Abhumans named Squats, according to the Administratum.
2: A band of Non-Imperial Abhumans named 'The Votann' according to the Arbites.
3: A band of foul Xenos named 'The Demiurge' according to the Ministorum.
Energy weapons, Power-weapons. Possible contact with the Leagues of Votann. Psi-Tech for Wyrdvane augmentations.
Note: This is not officially sanctioned technology and the Mechanicus is legally allowed to seize this technology, if they so wish.
Addendum: You have a better reputation with the Mechanicus. They won't take everything, if you give them a cut.
All interactions cost an additional favour.

[] The Family:
An organized syndicate of ratlings that is spread across Nautilus, protecting their own kind from oppression while also enriching themselves through espionage, petty crime, and lesser conflicts. They avoid breaking Imperial laws as best they can.
Information on activity within Nautilus. Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers. Hooks into 'soft' organized crime.

[] The Alkata Cartel:
A cartel of hired muscle that provides every social strata of the Hive with muscle and protection. Built around a core of former Imperial veterans, the Alkata Cartel avoids breaking the Imperial Lex, and seeks a measure of legitimacy.
Muscle. Combat experience. Combat training. Drugs. Narcotics. Hooks into hard crime. A steady supply of violence in The Pit.
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Edit: Changed my vote away from this.

[] Name your pistol: Terminal Sanction

[] Plan: Tele-Bullets
-[] Telekine Rounds
-[] Do a favour for another Prefect
—[] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[] Planetary Psykana variations
-[] Research Heat manipulation
-[] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers
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I could add combat training from the Alkata Cartel if those that have voted for the Tele-Bullets plan already agree, I just wasn't sure how voting for those actions worked.
I am not voting for any plan that does not have Schedule Classes in it, which near as I can see is none of you.

You are playing as a teacher. Teach.

[X] Plan Paperwork and Patronage
-[X] The Family:
--[X] Negotiate above board payment and limited exchange of services for the locations and minor no-contact aid in finding rogue psykers.
-[X] Pyromantic Las-weapon infusion:
-[X] Assist Prefect:

--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse:
-[X] Do a favour for another Prefect:

--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse:
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
-[X] Schedule classes:

Work with the divinator to unlock combat divination, teach the incoming newbies, and most importantly;

Repeat our success with Martha and leverage the near infinite low-level benefits of knowing and being in alignment with the clerks, janitors, secretaries, and entry-level teachers who are more responsible for the success of our people than we are.

EDIT: Added options I missed. Trading Influence for Relations with Hanse, and improving psyker recruitment.

[X] [NAME] Name your pistol: Terminal Sanction
[X][NAME] Name your pistol: Precision

[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
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[X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:

[X] Lessons in Force
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[X] Plan Paperwork and Patronage
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse:
-[X] Do a favour for another Prefect:

--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse:
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
-[X] Schedule classes:
You have not included any of these options either, and you don't even pick a Personal Psychic Studies
Contact important officials:
Oaths, pledges, bonds, and vows of fealty are what keep the Imperium together. Meetings of any kind are always pre-planned, and require a proper amount of protocol and propriety to be upheld. This means that you can only organize a meeting with an official group once per turn.
You can decide to choose one group outside of the Scholam you wish to negotiate with. This is not required.
Write in what you want from them.

[] Brotherhood of Kel:

Master Gunsmiths and artificers of renown. The Brotherhood of Kel are an ancient order of artificers and smiths who produce fine Autoguns according to ancient designs that predate the Imperium. Each gun and round they make is produced according to the finest of quality control.
High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers. Specialized ammunition. Assignment of a master Gunsmith.

[] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
A mysterious force of abhumans that operate in The Pit. They operate from a hidden redoubts from where they trade technology with the Nautillans, while they work their secret plants.
1: A band of licensed Abhumans named Squats, according to the Administratum.
2: A band of Non-Imperial Abhumans named 'The Votann' according to the Arbites.
3: A band of foul Xenos named 'The Demiurge' according to the Ministorum.
Energy weapons, Power-weapons. Possible contact with the Leagues of Votann. Psi-Tech for Wyrdvane augmentations.
Note: This is not officially sanctioned technology and the Mechanicus is legally allowed to seize this technology, if they so wish.
Addendum: You have a better reputation with the Mechanicus. They won't take everything, if you give them a cut.
All interactions cost an additional favour.

[] The Family:
An organized syndicate of ratlings that is spread across Nautilus, protecting their own kind from oppression while also enriching themselves through espionage, petty crime, and lesser conflicts. They avoid breaking Imperial laws as best they can.
Information on activity within Nautilus. Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers. Hooks into 'soft' organized crime.

[] The Alkata Cartel:
A cartel of hired muscle that provides every social strata of the Hive with muscle and protection. Built around a core of former Imperial veterans, the Alkata Cartel avoids breaking the Imperial Lex, and seeks a measure of legitimacy.
Muscle. Combat experience. Combat training. Drugs. Narcotics. Hooks into hard crime. A steady supply of violence in The Pit.
Besides that action is to farm Preceptor favor, the closest thing we have to what you want is Getting to know the teachers:
[] Getting to know the teachers:
The Eta-grade Psykers of the Scholam Psykana do a lot of the grunt work involved in training Psykers, and to your shame, you've not actually gotten to know them well.
Speak with and get to know the staff of the Scholam, get them around to your way of thinking.
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You have not included any of these options either

Besides that that action is to farm Preceptor favour
What you talkin bout Willis? All of my actions are teaching, working with our friends in the front ranks, and getting divination.

We don't need more prefect favor right now. We have an assload of it. We need to do the last bit of scutwork needed to get our classes in order, which is paperwork and socializing with necessary people we haven't socialized with.

Oh, and missed that there was a vote for a gun name.

[][NAME] Name your pistol: Precision

I don't want something self referential, because frankly Occam isn't actually that important. And I want a name that's simple, accurate, and poignant. So "Precision" - because upping our killing power by applying copious amounts of exactly the right kind of firepower to the target is why we got these fancy-pants guns in the first place.
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We don't need more prefect favor right now. We have an assload of it. We need to do the last bit of scutwork needed to get our classes in order, which is paperwork and socializing with necessary people we haven't socialized with.
It is literally in the description of the action...
[] Schedule classes:
You personally assist in the processing of incoming Psykers by hosting a series of classes on Telekinetics.
5 Favour Action Per Turn.
And your plan is still lacking both Contact Important Officials and Personal Psychic Studies categories.
Personal Psychic Studies:
Research and studying is considered an important part of the Astra Telepathica. You will exercise this rare privilege as an Imperial Citizen in order to become a better master for your students.
(you can choose one Personal Psychic Studies option each turn.)

[] Develop one of your Schools:

You attempt to improve your ability to master one of your Psykana Schools.
-Write in which school of Psykana you want to train in your spare time.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Biomancy:

Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the way the biosphere is able to draw impossible amounts of calories from their nutrients to maintain massive forms.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Telepathy:
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the sea predators that are able to telepathically compel their prey to move into their mouths.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Telekinesis :
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study a genus of pistol shrimps that is able to shoot bolts of telekinetic force at its prey.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Pyromancy:
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the creatures that live around the magma vents and which are able to endure the heat of magma and draw nutrition from it.

[] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
Continue developing your Gravity manifestation technique to try and improve your Telekinesis. Focus upon developing your personal abilities by experimenting upon your Psychic abilities.

[] Pyromantic Las-weapon infusion:
Hans has a technique by which he infuses his las shots with his power, greatly increasing the strength of his weapons. Ask him to share it.
Costs 2 Influence with Hans. Increases relations by one.

[] Telekine Rounds:

An ability that you know, although you rarely use, is to infuses solid projectiles with telekinetic energy, increasing the speed and impact of each round many times over. While a taxing process, this can allow Autoguns to hit like heavy stubbers.
Teach this to the tutors of the Scholam so they can pass it on to the new arrivals.
Costs 3 Influence with the Lord Prefect for borrowing the time of so many tutors.
Required to unlock Psi-Munitions Production
Contact important officials:
Oaths, pledges, bonds, and vows of fealty are what keep the Imperium together. Meetings of any kind are always pre-planned, and require a proper amount of protocol and propriety to be upheld. This means that you can only organize a meeting with an official group once per turn.
You can decide to choose one group outside of the Scholam you wish to negotiate with. This is not required.
Write in what you want from them.

[] Brotherhood of Kel:

Master Gunsmiths and artificers of renown. The Brotherhood of Kel are an ancient order of artificers and smiths who produce fine Autoguns according to ancient designs that predate the Imperium. Each gun and round they make is produced according to the finest of quality control.
High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers. Specialized ammunition. Assignment of a master Gunsmith.

[] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
A mysterious force of abhumans that operate in The Pit. They operate from a hidden redoubts from where they trade technology with the Nautillans, while they work their secret plants.
1: A band of licensed Abhumans named Squats, according to the Administratum.
2: A band of Non-Imperial Abhumans named 'The Votann' according to the Arbites.
3: A band of foul Xenos named 'The Demiurge' according to the Ministorum.
Energy weapons, Power-weapons. Possible contact with the Leagues of Votann. Psi-Tech for Wyrdvane augmentations.
Note: This is not officially sanctioned technology and the Mechanicus is legally allowed to seize this technology, if they so wish.
Addendum: You have a better reputation with the Mechanicus. They won't take everything, if you give them a cut.
All interactions cost an additional favour.

[] The Family:
An organized syndicate of ratlings that is spread across Nautilus, protecting their own kind from oppression while also enriching themselves through espionage, petty crime, and lesser conflicts. They avoid breaking Imperial laws as best they can.
Information on activity within Nautilus. Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers. Hooks into 'soft' organized crime.

[] The Alkata Cartel:
A cartel of hired muscle that provides every social strata of the Hive with muscle and protection. Built around a core of former Imperial veterans, the Alkata Cartel avoids breaking the Imperial Lex, and seeks a measure of legitimacy.
Muscle. Combat experience. Combat training. Drugs. Narcotics. Hooks into hard crime. A steady supply of violence in The Pit.

Each item/skillset/piece of knowledge provided by a group will cost two favour with the Lord Prefect.

Offering to do wetwork in The Pit for a group will provide you with two favour's worth of value.
I've changed my mind, here's my plan I'm throwing in the ring.

[X] Name your pistol: Terminal Sanction

[X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
-[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
--[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
-[X] Telekine Rounds:
-[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
--[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
-[X] Schedule classes:
It is literally in the description of the action...

And your plan is still lacking both Contact Important Officials and Personal Psychic Studies categories.
In reverse:
I saw QM say "4 actions" while reading through the rest and took that literally. I'll go and edit it. Thank you.

Concerning the former,

I don't give a flying damn for the Favor, and frankly even though I know I shouldn't I'm a bit personally irritated that that, of all things, is what's catching you're attention. If it gave us nothing but a dice roll with disadvantage I'd be voting for it now. If it cost us a small amount of Favor, I'd be voting for it now and making up the difference elsewhere.

You are playing as a teacher.

I don't give a flying damn for the Favor, and frankly even though I know I shouldn't I'm a bit personally irritated that that, of all things, is what's catching you're attention. If it gave us nothing but a dice roll with disadvantage I'd be voting for it now. If it cost us a small amount of Favor, I'd be voting for it now and making up the difference elsewhere.

You are playing as a teacher.

I'd say our position is more administrative than teaching personally. We're like a department chair in that our main job is to ensure that other members of the faculty are giving our people the best possible education (mainly through research in our specific case). We can teach, sure, but we're under no obligation to do so. In fact, if it's a choice between helping this class and taking advantage of a valuable research opportunity, it would be irresponsible of us not to do the research that can help all future classes.

TL;DR: Teaching now is fine, but can we please not commit to doing it every single turn regardless of what else is going on?