A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

I am mostly a stalker here, but if I might make a comment... the whole nature of Nautilus and Odium seems somewhat unexplored right now. I mean, the adventures right now are not so different from an underhive somewhere else? How about diving into the oceans, collecting rare lifeforms to study and/or make familiars out of! Trying to leanr from or tame the natural behemoths that lurk in the waves. Doing some lavabending or heatbending near the warm parts of the ocean, etc.
Where do you think you'll find records on all the possible uses of the local geology and beasts than the last Scholam on the planet? ;)
Also, I am for the dogmatic option.
I'd rather spend Iconoclasm on systemic changes.
It's 40k. Willingness to kill is something useful here to keep as reputation.
Beware the mask you wear, lest it become you.
Remember, the further we get away from being Iconoclast the more we actually become an asshole heartless Imperial that doesn't give a shit about the "little people". The more Occam tries to fit in and do what's expected of him, the more he'll lose track of why it matters to give a shit about "those ignoble pathetic blunts".

Remember, there are a great many roads to hell paved with good intentions, and we've already got a good amount of Dogmatic Renown to do an Iconoclast choice.

Also, this isn't so much as "willingness to kill", no Primaris Psyker finished their training without slaughtering dozens of declared heretics to train their powers. This is about if we want Occam to react to any strike against him, even if accidental, with ultraviolence, or try to de-escalate the situation first if we don't need to kill them.

[X] Drive them back
Well, guys considering that:
  • One of the holiest traditions in the Imperium is to send the loser who has discovered a weird anomaly to investigate said anomaly.
  • That the Shadow in the Warp that precedes the Tyranid fleets can affect astropathic comms for several months (up to a couple of years) before the proper Tyranid fleet arrives at the system.
So we have a nonnegligible chance of being sent there and arriving in time to witness the first contact between the Imperium and the Tyranids, which is quite likely to result in our early death...

There are several advantages to that though, besides the obvious matter of how instrumental an early alert can be for the Segmentum, but considering who is stationed there we could end up with a Catachan muscle mommy to add to our retiune :V...
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Also, this isn't so much as "willingness to kill", no Primaris Psyker finished their training without slaughtering dozens of declared heretics to train their powers. This is about if we want Occam to react to any strike against him, even if accidental, with ultraviolence, or try to de-escalate the situation first if we don't need to kill them.
I was thinking to keep racking up Dogmatic points to help for bigger changes later, but this specifically convinced me. Don't want to react against accidental strikes—ultraviolence is for the purposeful strikes.

[X] Drive them back.
"You grow used to taking the lives of those that dishonour or disrespect you. That is shown in your bearing and choice of words"

Will this be a character trait or a preferred action?
[X] Drive them back.
Segmentums Tempestus has many Xenos empires,
Which ones? I know of the Taus, but not of any others. And how powerful are they compared to the Blues, if they can give so much trouble to the Imperium?

But what if the disconnect was very gradual? A slow dimming of the signal until it faded away. Such phenomena have occurred before. Three astropathic relays shutting down slowly, in, if you're correct, short order.
There is something crawling in your skull and it is trying to-
Well, fuck. I thought the Tyranids Hive Fleets were already there.

[X] Destroy the attackers
Which ones? I know of the Taus, but not of any others. And how powerful are they compared to the Blues, if they can give so much trouble to the Imperium?
Just nameless generic Xenos Empires that are all over Segmentum Tempestus and have been a thorn in the Imperium's side ever since.

"You grow used to taking the lives of those that dishonour or disrespect you. That is shown in your bearing and choice of words"

Will this be a character trait or a preferred action?
Preferred actions mostly, with perhaps a trait.