We do have a sizable stock of Metal in reserve and the Pyramid will likely need repairs even if we crit succeed the action so is not goign to eat a lot of Metal anyway.

The fact reclamation is just 60 Dice means and we can start production right away means that Zavok was not as thoughtfully as he believe in his trashing of his stronghold at least. So some mines there likely survive too and other pieces of infrastructures just somewhat damaged.

I think when we have the option to reclaim factories with a dice previous turns the QM mention it would depend on the dice how much damaged the factories will be even if was a success.

Making some assumptions there, I think.

For example, if Arsenal Pyramid is sufficiently damaged, it'll need repairs before any Badnik production can happen. 300 Metal is not a ton stockpiled for when we start really making Badniks, much less bigger projects. It's just kind of staying afloat with our current expenditures.

Frankly I am willing to wait in giving this to Metal there's no way to know how Sonia and Manic, if they get rescued, would react to Metal Sonic wearing Sonic's medallion.

The medallion should be able to be reassigned if we need to. Plus we can just… not show it to them by not sending whoever has it on the rescue, if you're committed to doing that.
Making some assumptions there, I think.

For example, if Arsenal Pyramid is sufficiently damaged, it'll need repairs before any Badnik production can happen. 300 Metal is not a ton stockpiled for when we start really making Badniks, much less bigger projects. It's just kind of staying afloat with our current expenditures.

The medallion should be able to be reassigned if we need to. Plus we can just… not show it to them by not sending whoever has it on the rescue, if you're committed to doing that.
Yeah, you can assign the medallón to any hero unit each turn. Its nit locked ti the first you give it to.
Belle is an option since we might to bring her on the adventure since Miku seems have her body controlled or damaged if the report showing her just standing there is any indication. She can probably fix her and her traits can buff her to convince them to leave with us.
Making some assumptions there, I think.

For example, if Arsenal Pyramid is sufficiently damaged, it'll need repairs before any Badnik production can happen. 300 Metal is not a ton stockpiled for when we start really making Badniks, much less bigger projects. It's just kind of staying afloat with our current expenditures.

Actually no, Arsenal Pyramid is stated to start production once we reclaim it.

Retake The Seat Of The Eggman Empire DC: 60
While the Arsenal Pyramid may not be where you actually stay, it is the largest badnik factory in all of Green Hills. Even damaged by those blasted Zeti it will be able to manufacture new forces at a rate a regular factory could never compare to. It's more than time to retake it. This will however leave your territory sparse and unconnected, which may be a problem
Result: The Arsenal Pyramid is brought back under your control and badnik production kicks into high gear as you retake your Empire.

The word and Dice implies to me is into as badly damaged. So even damaged I think we can hold for two to three turns.

It's not like is going to produce twenty badniks in one go in it's damaged state.

The medallion should be able to be reassigned if we need to. Plus we can just… not show it to them by not sending whoever has it on the rescue, if you're committed to doing that.

I am willing to be a reserve when we need it, if we assinged to someone we will likely forget about them until is too late.

Edit: what what the heck I will assigned to Metal maybe it cboost his roll into reclaimign territory.
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I'm assigning the medallion to Metal in my plan. It'll presumably help with conquering territory and, even if not, it'll help since we're presumably having him fight Omega next turn.
I would assign Guitar to Metal this turn.

We're reclaiming our Territory remember, we need Power score to go as high as possible.

Plus there is chance it might help Metal deal with Omega.
I would assign Guitar to Metal this turn.

We're reclaiming our Territory remember, we need Power score to go as high as possible.

Plus there is chance it might help Metal deal with Omega.

Imagine if it comes down to a close roll off between Omega and Metal and that +10 is what makes the difference...
> Be Omega, the Strongest Robot
> you and someone you will vaguely acknowledge as a peer have been running rampant across the territory, scaring off weaker being
> it comes time to finally clash
> you're winning and about to land the finishing blow
>Why did Metal Sonic pull out a guitar?
GG EZ Negaquest New
Since it seems like others are doing it and Kingster didn't tell us to stop, I'll post the negaquest I made. Sorry if the embargo is still on. @Kingster , @Boohoo the 3rd , @ShepardCom , @Ranger65 and @KA$H, this is for the A Mile in Another's Shoes bounty.

People probably expected Gouji because it's fun to see their quest rage. But I felt like writing something a bit more triumphant. Hope you guys enjoy.

GG EZ Negaquest​
Thebirbgirl said:
This is so bad… Most of our guys are either dead, healing, or in prison. I don't think we're going to win this.
Drunkeran said:
I told you guys we should upgrade our tech! But no, you guys were obsessed with allying with the other Rudies and making cool looking paint.
dogxhealer_3_1 said:
We thought that by working together we could overwhelm Gouji! We thought this would be like the games, with us running circles around the police.
Jesting said:
Calm down. But he's right, we warned you that you should probably get something more powerful than spray paint to use as weapons, and you didn't take the hint. All the Rudies together can be pretty strong with the right equipment. But you never made real combat equipment, while Gouji has been working hard to improve his.
davidfilling said:
Is the quest going to end?
Sheepcapt said:
You could still fix this, but yeah, the quest might be over if these next rolls don't go well.

Power- Joint exercises 60+25(Power)+20(Beat)=105, DC 60
You and the new members need some sick new moves if you want to even think about handling those wack demons, and Beat already has a plan. He has whipped them pretty well into shape to hopefully beat them… or if the worst comes, book it.

It only means so much when you have almost no weapons though. You're really regretting giving Roboy those rockets. You could really use them right now.

(+5 to combat rolls against Gouji's men, +15 if they involve running away from them.)

Brains-ResearchGraffiti Guns 28+21(Brains)+5(Noise Tanks)=54, DC 70-100

You look at the graffiti gun, or at least the attempt at making a graffiti gun. The thing is bent at a weird angle, its hard as hell to grasp, and you'd be lucky if it even painted normal graffiti much less carve it into metal! This ain't knocking anyone on their asses!

"Yo, you dug this out from the trash!? I asked you to make something to cut art into stuff, not go dumpster diving!"

The Noise Tank who made the gun dances on his skates frantically. "I know, I know! I'm about bustin' boxes and calculating computations! I know Gouji's gonna erase our hard drives, but this is the best I could do, Corn!"

Looks like that new weapon ain't comin'.

Trickery-Find a new hiding place: 43+16(Trickery)+25(Gum)=84, DC 90
Bare failure

It seems that Gum was unable to find much. Almost every place is patrolled and under Gouji's control in his efforts to take you out. With all the place she's looking, it won't be long before he finds you.

Gum does say that she found a lead, but at this point it don't mean much.

DC lowered by 10 to find a new base.

Gouji's search:80+(???)=120, DC 110

Just after your harsh string of bad luck, you think that things can't get any worse. Beat has lost his usual cheerfulness, and Gum is stressed to the point of art block, something you've never thought possible until now.

Then you hear a door slam. Turning around, you see one of the Noise Tanks, looking terrified. "Corn! They've trojaned our system, we gotta close this client now!"

In that moment, you don't even think about any plans, you and your fellow GGs run! You know you can't take on these things, as much as you prepared. Humans, sure, but those freak shows will kill every last one of you!

As the base disappears from view and you leave the other rudies in the dust, you cannot help but feel… sad. Hopeless. You know you've lost. No place to hide, no way to fight. What point is there anymore? It's just you and a few friends left. Maybe you had a chance to defeat him before when your problems were the size of a hill, but now it's like climbing an endless mountain.

You look to your friends, and they look back. You can tell that they are thinking the same thing. You've lost. You've all lost hope. Maybe you should just turn yourselves in and hope Gouji will be merciful.

But before you can suggest the idea, you catch Beat with that smile back on his face, holding a graffiti soul up. Then you turn to Gum with her own, eyebrow quirked, as if asking for your permission. Then, excitement blossoms in your chest, that feeling you've felt so many times before when you and your gang would go on a painting spree. Back when things were safer. Back when you started the group. You can't help but laugh. What were you thinking? Going up to the man with the worst taste in music to beg for your life? That loser inside you needs to pipe down and let the real you take a drive.

Taking hold of your own, you place it against, giving the other two the smile that they'd expect from their leader. They know exactly what you want, and they slow down and move behind you, all lining against the wall.

Then you all spray. As you skate, beautiful lines of color cover the wall, following you as you make your paths.

You might not survive this, but they can't take your souls. Your hearts. Your art! If it's the last thing you do, you'll paint shooting stars across every building you can! And like a shooting star, they might not be around for long, but they will be magnificent! Gouji is going to see your work whether he likes it or not.

(Continued in next update)

Drunkeran said:
Okay, we lost, there is no way we're winning.
Thebirbgirl said:
This is just too painful. I don't think I want to read any further, it will just hurt too much.
Anearly said:
I'm going to read through to the end. The QMs worked hard on this, and I trust them to make the ending enjoyable… as sudden as it might be.
FullSpectrum said:
Of all times to fail most of our rolls…
Jesting said:
I know it looks bad, but trust me, you're going to want to see the next update.


As you and your friends run through the district, painting everything you can, you prepare yourself for the dangers surely to come. For the last stand against the freaks and the police. To fight and paint the town in your colors in a stunning blaze of glory. But after who know show long, it never comes.

You run into no one. No police, no helicopters, nothin'. Where the hell is everyone?

"City is… quiet?" Gum says, voicing your thoughts.

"And here we sprayed these walls for nothin'."

"Beat, you know that making art is its own reward. But you're right, where is everybody?"

As you skate your way around, you run into a sight that both fills your heart with joy and fear. Joy because those no fun cops are on the ground looking like they got their asses handed to them. Fear because tank and helicopter parts are strewn everywhere! What kind of monster can do this kind of stuff?

Your eyes land on the captain, who is laying on the ground crying. "damned kids, damned robots. I'm sorry Gouji, I did my best!"

You approach him to see if he's okay. He might be an enemy, but he doesn't look like he's in the position to fight right now. "Yo, you good?"

"D-damn... You damned kids!"he yells, crawling up to you and grabbing your shirt. "Did you send them!?"

A push sends the captain back to the ground. "Send who? We didn't send for nobody!"

"Lies! You sent that blond woman with the guns, and that flying b-blue thing! T-they destroyed everyone!"

"Everyone? Like,the whole police force?" Beat asks. Before he can answer, a roar shakes the sky!

You turn to look up, and you see the freakiest damned thing that you had ever seen!

(posts picture of Samael)

"Damn! G-Gouji! Gouji I'm sorry!" Onishima yells before running off faster than even your skates could carry you.

Thankfully it seems very intent on something other than you. Still, you run into one of the open buildings in the hope it doesn't turn its ire towards you,but not before Gum can put a finishing touch on the star.

"Now ain't the time, Gum!"

"The others need to find us somehow! If the police are gone, the others might be able to find us!" She throws her empty graffiti soul and runs in to join you.

Now in your newplace, you feel safe. The roars and the dragon are scary, sure, but they never stray too close to you. Eventually you are greeted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it, my good fellow?" you ask, trying to speak in a way that couldn't be interpreted as a Rudie.

"Yo, open the fuck up, it's Roboy. I still got 1 volley of missiles left and I don't want to waste it on your sorry asses."

"Roboy?" Beat grins. "Dang, I thought you got your ass wiped out there! What happened?"

Gum goes to open the door, and just as he said, before you is the robot in the hardware."You won't believe what I saw! Gouji's forces were decimated!Owned by a small group of out of towners! Like, colorful out of towners, they were blue and orange and green, it was crazy."

"How much decimation we talkin'?"

"Most of the Golden Rhinos? Gone. That skeleton rider? Gone! It was so sick! I think they might have taken care of a few other guys too, but I was too busy being broke. Only one I saw left was the big red guy with the massive teeth. Oh, and I used up some of my rockets to handle them, hope you don't mind."

"Did they help take out those freaks and goldies?"

"You know it, I ain't wastin' these rockets on just any old lamo."

A lightness blossoms in your chest, and you have to laugh. "Hahaha, Perfect! GGs, it sounds like most of our trouble is gone for the time being!"

"What about the dragon?" Gum asks as another roar shakes the place.

The sound makes you wince a bit, but you don't let it scare you. You need to be strong for your homies. "We stay low. That thing may be strong, but I doubt it's the best at sniffin' people out. If anything, all this chaos has probably run off a lot of people, givin' us some more places to hide. We can probably attract the other Rudies to us with our graffiti, then we can make a plan on what to do next. You guys get me?"

"I get ya.Hopefully we still got the Jammers and the Tanks. I'll paint a cool mural for them!" Gum says, already taking out another can.

"Oh, uh, about that. The guys who saved us were just too cool for the Tanks to ignore, so a few left with them on their flying pirate ship. Maria too."

"… Well, that ain't cool."

"The ship ain't cool?"

"No, the ship sounds rad as hell."

-New base found
-Roboy recovered with 1 volley of rockets left
-Many of Gouji's forces are destroyed and he will be unable to search for Rudies until he has fixed the damages. Trickery DCs involving hiding in the cities are reduced by 10.
-Gouji is pissed at the people who wrecked his city.
-Lost 1 unit of Noise Tanks.
-Maria left with the intruders
-??? might come back to aid you.

Thebirbgirl said:
We're saved! Thank you mysterious people!
InferiorWhiteTwo said:
Did we just get some strong allies? Because if they can wreck the city like this, beating Gouji might become easy.
Jesting said:
Depends on your definition of ally. Saving you wasn't their goal, it was an unintended consequence of their actual goal.
Drunkeran said:
Destroying many of his forces seems a bit extreme though, even for a natural100. And summoning Samael seems more like something we'd get for a 1.
Woohoo said:
The nat 100 would have resulted in Gouji being distracted by the intruders. Then we rolled for the intruders, and… they rolled low in stealth but high in combat. We didn't PLAN for him to lose a fiend and a ton of Golden Rhinos, the dice just decided to fuck his shit up.

Gouji was also NOT ready to summon the big boy, he used a ton of resources for it. You can't fight it and win right now, but this thing is not going to smell you out, and Gouji doesn't have the resources to get anything that can smell you out. For now.
InferiorWhiteTwo said:
They WEREN'T here to whipe out Gouji's forces? And they caused this much damage?
Thebirbgirl said:
I guess they decided to go big before going home.
FullSpectrum said:
Who do you think those people were? Green? Blue?
Anearly said:
Might not be human either. The flying ship is throwing me off, I know Skies of Arcadia has flying ships but I wouldn't describe those characters as green, blue, and orange. Maybe Piastol? She has blue hair.
Silversmall12 said:
What I want to know about is when they are coming back to help. What kind of help will they give? And why are they coming to help if they don't care about us.
Jesting said:
There's lots of reasons to help you without technically caring about you. When they come back is up to the dice.
Woohoo said:
I'm so excited when the guy in charge of this operation comes! Trust me, you're going to love the toys he can give you!
Drunkeran said:
Sheepcapt said:
Cause problems for Gouji.
Prof Pterasaur said:
We were going to do that anyway, so I see this as a win.
InferiorWhiteTwo said:
So, wait, this guy doesn't care about us? So he isn't a good guy?
Woohoo said:

No. But he has style.
Thebirbgirl said:
If he has style, than I don't care, he's our best friend now.
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Cool negaquest, really like how you portrayed the Rudie attitude. The Rudie perspective on the adventure is also just really funny. They know nothing, but got saved from certain demise. lmao

Sudden consideration for the people who want to take care of the Restoration less lethally. If we rope them into helping with Black Doom and then crit on the action against the Black Arms, that would qualify for the Coalition Victory achievement.

Coalition Victory - Perform a collaborative Power action to attack another faction and Critically Succeed.
Reward: Increased relationship with the faction you performed the collaboration with.

Unrelated, but the reason why I have Canaan talking to Belle in my plan is because I just like the narrative of Belle getting to talk to Maria after going through so much to save her and getting Canaan's perspective on all the fighting as a mercenary. Plus the chance for an Adventure trait.
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[X] Plan: The Eggman Empire Strikes Back!
-[X] National Actions
--[X] Power: Reclaim Your Territory! DC: The Higher The Better
---[X] Launch Reclamation from Egg City - Metal Sonic + Omega
--[X] Power: Retake The Seat Of The Eggman Empire DC: 60 - Starline + Badniks: 4x Egg Pawns, 4x Egg Robos
--[X] Heart: Reach out to Janken The Great DC: 75 - Canaan
--[X] Logistics: Check In On The Mysterious Signal DC: 75 - Agent Stone
--[X] Logistics: Rebuild Honey's Shop DC:30 - Orbot & Cubot
--[X] Brains: Recall all the Badniks to Your Command DC: Autopass (Only Sage may be assigned) - Sage + Noise Tanks
--[X] Brains: Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (Locked) - Belle
--[X] Trickery: Look For The Sniper DC: Contested by ??? - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Newtron + 2x Moto Bugs + 1x Hotaru
--[X] Mystic: Through The Ringer DC: 70 - Yahan
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Dr. Eggman: Get back to Shape
--[X] Dr. Eggman: Draw Up Blueprints
--[X] Dr. Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
--[X] Dr. Eggman: Talk to Belle
--[X] Dr. Starline: Read up on Eggman Lore
--[X] Rusty Rose: Perform Personal Maintenance
--[X] Metal Sonic: Do Some General Training
--[X] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
--[X] Belle: Learn More About Eggman's Past
--[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Gamers Rise Up!
--[X] Canaan: Try out those Air Skates that Maria brought.
--[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[X] Sage: Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
--[X] Piastol: Rest and Recover
--[X] Conquering Storm: Train your Ninjas
--[X] Honey: Honey: Do some Training
--[X] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[X] Yahan: Develop a Magical Theory Dossier.
-[X] Magical Amulet: +10 to combat rolls, gives +5 to heart rolls when rolling againts those musical proficient.
--[X] Give it to someone?
---[X] Yes: Metal Sonic

I think this all the actions for this turn.

This is a scramble for territory and we can't be left behind and let Egg City be surround by enemy forces and please guys let's try to negotiate the release of our robots first before going into another adventure and get in the wrong side of another King.

Also the QMs are not answering how long we have to rebuilt Honey Shop now that Zavok left so we should do it now because there's no guarantee she will stick around next turn if we don't build now ( losing potential for Income, a point of infiltration of the Restoration and a Hero Unit in one go) and try to investigate the signal since the reward imply it is a first serve, first come kind of deal and if anyone decode before us we lose the opportunity to learn the valubel information behind (and rescue Sonia and Manic along side the other prisoner that is Mika).

Also send Starline to reclaim the Arsenal Pyramid to unlock the second action there and satisfy his Drive, specially since if he gets a critical suscess here it would really impress Eggman, while alongside some badniks, lucky we only need a few so we can pass normally and not leave us horrible defenseless in the process. He has into total 111 In Power very easy for him to critical succeed into the action since he only need to roll a 9.

Starline Drive demands he assist the Doctor on his conquest in a significant way and his ego would not be satisfied by anything less and thanks to our badniks he can reclaim Arsenal Pyramid with a real possible critical success. It would satisfy his Drive in a very big way.

Also is likely we will receive Metal too, since when we conquer the Black Arms Fortress we did receive 200 (?) of Metal that Turn as reward so maybe is the same here.