Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

With how smoothly we see Ami slip in and out of dream roles, I wonder what it would take to mess with other people's roles. Maybe she could win fights by using Dreamwalking to pull off something like Futaba's Position Hack, directly placing enemies into the role of "hostage".
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An interesting idea that I definitely haven't spent hours thinking about...

That would rather depend on how well her targets understand what she's doing.
Utau-san, why are your psychic abilities named the way they are? Hmm.
Should you be consulting a librarian?
I might enjoy playing your (non-existent) quest.
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I personally think Saaya's condition will improve even more. Got to remember that she is basically recovering from damage to her soul, with the Humpty Dumpty locket keeping her together and rapidly regenerating the damage she took.

She is also a young teenager, and has some experience already on what bad things can happen if someone uses their powers irresponsibly. She will make mistakes, yes, but her support network she has now, flawed as it is, is still vastly better than the one she had before she had her injury.

Very much looking forward to the next update!
This is a very late reply, and further down, I'll talk about why it's so late, but I have a very low opinion of Saaya's new "support network". I think her influences at JP's have been uniformly terrible. The one thing Saaya is sure about in her new self-image is destruction:

"I don't know. 'Saaya of Destruction' was what I thought when I finally slotted my mind back together, shush, it's cool, but I don't know who that is, other than that she has destruction in her hand."
which is an immensely unhealthy mindset, and Saaya's influences at JP's have played multiple key roles in shaping this mindset.

Let's look at Makoto:
She says it so damn casually that Sako almost misses the blunt implication in the amber eyed girl's words, that deleting people could have been her next step.

"Ri… right. For now, with what you can do, we plan on teaching you to control it. And some of the exercises we use to keep mental types out of our heads. They should work well for you. I'm sure Dr Akamine has said, but-"
Makoto recognizes, correctly, "hey, this girl sounds like she'd try to kill people". And her very next line is offering to teach Saaya to use her murder powers better.

This is a tremendously irresponsible decision.

There's a bit of handwavy justification in the next scene:
What's the alternative? Let her run around with a Kagutsuchi damaging ability and fifth tier mental abrasion? Likely worsening it?
but the only way this power would worsen Saaya's condition is if she uses it. Getting her to not use it would be far more reasonable than getting her to use it.

Then we look at Hotsuin's influence:
"I'm not sure either? I'm just… working on controlling my ability. Not like I can do much else. It isn't going very well though." Saaya shrugs, wiping the new blood from her palms onto her jeans where the stains won't show.

"And you are willing to leave it at that?" The Director frowns, more than his resting face does. "You have a powerful ability, but it will be wasted if you don't have the resolve to control it." The phone, still held in his hand, rings. His attention moves to it, seeming to dismiss her as he answers the call.
Hotsuin is talking to a barely-recovered coma patient, in middle school. Someone who should have very little use for destruction powers, who definitely shouldn't be trying to practice them now, while she's still on life support. And he talks about her not having the resolve.

This is not something anyone should say to someone in Saaya's position. It's the first big push towards turning Saaya into "Saaya of Destruction". It gets her to think of her destruction powers as the thing that makes her valuable as a person. It gets her to think that leaving these powers alone would make her deficient.

The doctors don't do a good job either. They stand by while a barely-recovered coma patient racks up a "growing list of injuries" trying to use highly unstable destruction powers, while hooked up to a priceless, irreplaceable artifact that is functioning as her life support.

Just the injuries alone would be a reason to try to stop things, but she is also still on life support. They don't know how durable the Lock is. (We don't, either.) Even if the misfires don't kill Saaya directly, one particularly bad misfire might be enough to wreck the Lock and leave her to die of her remaining mental abrasion. Or even if the Lock is too sturdy for that, one particularly bad misfire might be enough to hit the chain, breaking Saaya's connection to the Lock. They don't know if Saaya can survive that, or if the Lock will resume its work after an interruption like that.

Even when it becomes clear that Saaya used to have control, that the lack of control might be due to her not-fully-healed medical condition:
"I was able to control it, before. It did what I told it to do, mostly. I don't know why it isn't working now." She takes a deep breath, trying to concentrate on one of the mental exercises the Doctor had been teaching her.

Cat's Cradle, Soldiers Bed, Candle. Twisting the connections of the Locket to draw the Saaya-pieces closer together, into different alignments. It… helps, even if it feels odd.

"The strain you were under isn't fully healed. That will affect your control, especially with an ability like this."
no one suggests, "hey, maybe Saaya should wait until she is fully healed. Maybe that'll restore her control. All this practice might even be making things worse."

And then there's Niamh. Niamh's advice let Saaya control her powers, but it was also the final push to lock Saaya into the "Saaya of Destruction" mindset. And Niamh says stuff like this:
"It's trying to stop her being Saaya! It keeps yapping on about 'human functionality' and 'familial bonds' and trying to make Saaya want things she doesn't want, instead of letting her be properly Sidhe!"
Making Saaya "properly Sidhe" is not a good thing.

So the reason this is so late is, I don't think this is the intended interpretation. It's been rather heavily signaled that we're supposed to trust JP's:

"Defending against them," Dad corrected. "I was impressed by what I saw when I visited their facility, but it's pretty obviously military. I didn't tell you, Amu, but while you were visiting Saaya I decided to strike up a conversation with some of the guards and other staff members. It was quite an interesting talk. They were extremely professional, but some things bleed through. And I don't even mean the style of signage."

"Such as?" Mom prompted.

"Well, a desire to do good," Dad said. "I don't know the details, but they're certainly taking their work seriously; I don't think a single person treats it as payroll. That, and there's an interesting pattern. A number of the staff are veterans of the Self-Defence Force, and a few are retired police officers. They don't all have excellent records. A number were ejected for 'discipline reasons', but from reading between the lines-" He coughed. "It seems that, well. They were ejected for being liabilities, because of whistle-blowing, 'excess initiative' or speaking out against corruption. There are also a number of foreigners."

to the point of having Dia outright tell us to do it:

"I can't say when we'll meet again—we both know I don't control when I come out, but... if you remember anything at all, trust JPs this time. Hotsuin isn't the same person he was."

and talking to Baughn has given me the impression that Baughn has a much higher opinion of JP's handling of Saaya than I do. Especially for Makoto and the doctors, I think their portrayal was intended to be a portrayal of responsible, moral people making responsible, moral decisions with Saaya's best interests in mind.

And in light of that, posting this feels like fighting against the author. It doesn't feel good, and I don't know what I can actually achieve.

This post has gone through a lot of versions. It wasn't originally a reply. I first started writing up my thoughts on the matter in... October, I think. I shelved my last draft back on November 10th and tried to go think about something else, but this quest still occupies too much of my thoughts, so I eventually decided to post something.

The really frustrating thing for me is, if JP's portrayal was supposed to be a portrayal of responsible people making responsible decisions, then "responsible" NPC decisions are probably going to keep looking like this in the future.
and talking to Baughn has given me the impression that Baughn has a much higher opinion of JP's handling of Saaya than I do. Especially for Makoto and the doctors, I think their portrayal was intended to be a portrayal of responsible, moral people making responsible, moral decisions with Saaya's best interests in mind.
Responsible, moral people that have roughly zero idea of how to handle children, and that are foundationally a group of special forces soldiers; not exactly standard civil servants.

Yes, Dia told Amu to trust them, but this isn't why.
The really frustrating thing for me is, if JP's portrayal was supposed to be a portrayal of responsible people making responsible decisions, then "responsible" NPC decisions are probably going to keep looking like this in the future.
My take on it is that JP's is intended to be well-meaning and highly responsible when it comes to CERTAIN areas. Namely, helping to keep people (their own, as well as the general populace) safe from demons and other occult-related threats.

And this is a very important area of interest, as we are currently in the midst of a quest that, unless something suddenly swerves in a shocking new direction, is almost certainly going to involve most of Tokyo if not the whole world, imminently getting exposed to a metric shit ton of demons.

On the other hand, helping to ensure kids - or even some of their adult agents like Makoto Sako - grow up as well-adjusted and mentally-stable individuals?

Hoo, boy.

If you think about it, when the head of your whole outfit is Yamato Hotsuin and his right-hand-woman is Fumi Kanno - who at least in DeSu canon are very, very far from what anyone would call "well-adjusted inviduals" - there is probably some amount of trickle-down effect in the organization that makes the employees who interact with them on a regular basis lose sight of what the usual definition of "well-adjusted" means.

Well-intentioned, certainly.

Normal and mentally healthy?

They make very sure to hire only people that fit their ideals! It's impressive, really; the entire place is made up of hero units, if I'm allowed to be reductive about it.

Fumi did make the point that maybe Manticore would be better suited to helping Saaya, however. This was good advice from her perspective, and she's imminently about to feel bad about it.

I think I would quibble that Sako is his right-hand person, and Fumi is his left hand, but this is just quibbling about the distinction between operations and research. JPs is not intended to be good with children, but in a specific way.
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...right, okay. Reading Jewel Joker makes it look like I've been low-balling Amu, where physical combat is concerned. Things are- a lot more dynamic than I was expecting from the story; thus far she's gotten herself into a highly physical, telekinesis-powered competitive school exam, complete with leaping several metres upwards to dodge surprise attacks.

Not sure what else to say about that. Casually reading the memories of someone else's chara is also a thing that happened. Of course I was already extrapolating that ability, but it's a lot more blatant here than it was in the original.

(Why has Ran's heart turned into a starry hole to the void? I'm not sure I should ask. Not sure if she slow-landed or just tanked the hit, but either way that's a big jump.)

I guess dual chara transformations are just normal now...

I'm not going to just declare everything that happens in Jewel Joker canon; that way lies madness. However, this level of athletics requires some adjustments to my reading of her unseen (relatively recent) past. As this is still something compatible with what we've seen on-screen here...

The upshot is that she's getting an extra dot in Awareness and Athletics, bringing her to 2 in each, to match the 2 dots she already had in Dodge. These combine with telekinesis in a lot of situations, allowing her to do... that, and giving her 5 effective dots (plus attributes) in most combat situations that don't involve actively hitting something with a knife. I'm going to have to adjust my mental image of how a demon fight is likely to go, because this isn't the behaviour of someone who'd be hitting it from a distance when she isn't trying to retreat.

(Why? Because it's fun. It should make fight scenes a lot more dynamic when she can do this, and it's justifiable, so why not?)

That's all. As for the next update, it might be a relief to know that, while I haven't worked on it recently, that's entirely because I'm busy preparing for a move; it's got nothing to do with the update itself, which I have a perfectly fine plan for. I'm probably about a week away from getting the keys to my new house. Ireland is absolutely awful at all this. But it should be a very nice place to sit and write once I'm there.
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Responsible, moral people that have roughly zero idea of how to handle children, and that are foundationally a group of special forces soldiers; not exactly standard civil servants.

Yes, Dia told Amu to trust them, but this isn't why.
Being bad with children is one thing. But teaching a killer to murder better, or letting your coma patient blow herself up over and over to accomplish nothing? Their failures go well beyond just being bad with children.

The upshot is that she's getting an extra dot in Awareness and Athletics, bringing her to 2 in each, to match the 2 dots she already had in Dodge. These combine with telekinesis in a lot of situations, allowing her to do... that, and giving her 5 effective dots (plus attributes) in most combat situations that don't involve actively hitting something with a knife. I'm going to have to adjust my mental image of how a demon fight is likely to go, because this isn't the behaviour of someone who'd be hitting it from a distance when she isn't trying to retreat.
I suppose we might want to pick up some dots in Martial Arts or Melee, if Amu is going to be fighting up-close more. It'd be slow going, though, and projectiles are still a valid option at close range.

If Amu has two dots in Awareness now, that changes the cost/benefit analysis for Awareness training votes, like the Awareness/Integrity stunt Pistachio proposed. Getting more Abilities at 3+ is something I'd quite like, considering how they scale here, but the increased time and XP cost for Awareness 3 are enough that I doubt it'll be a training priority.

Personally, I'd really like more dots in the "understand what's going on" Abilities. That means things like Occult, to understand what's going on in situations like the rift or the Kana/Yui rescue mission, or Socialize, to understand what's going on when dealing with people. Awareness, Investigation, and Lore also help here.
Things are- a lot more dynamic than I was expecting from the story; thus far she's gotten herself into a highly physical, telekinesis-powered competitive school exam, complete with leaping several metres upwards to dodge surprise attacks.
Not that I'm complaining about extra dots, but wasn't her jumping ability showcased from Episode 1 of the original series? When she got so flustered by what her own Chara-Change with Ran blurted at Tadase, she blindly ran out of school and fell into a pit in the middle of the construction site and then Chara-Changed again to jump out.... and overcompensated by jumping so high, she reached the top of the building that was under construction.

I think it was meant to be a callback to Sailor Moon and how Usagi accidentally jumps into the atmosphere at one point early on - though in Amu's case, it didn't seem to be purely jumping, but flight-assisted from the little pink wings that appeared over her limbs during the Chara-Change.
I'm going to have to adjust my mental image of how a demon fight is likely to go, because this isn't the behaviour of someone who'd be hitting it from a distance when she isn't trying to retreat.
I figure her fighting style would probably change based on what Chara-Change/Chara-Transform she has activated at a given moment. Amulet Heart wouldn't afraid to get physical, but Amulet Clover.... well, Clover certainly wasn't snagging ribbons with her bare hands.

Speaking of which, I don't think the event was a formal exam as such, but more like a hyper-competitive sports festival kind of thing..... that just so happened to offer up a chance at climbing the school hierarchy as the grand prize, in the form of an extra Chara Egg. As much as that says about the mentality and intent behind the event.
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Not that I'm complaining about extra dots, but wasn't her jumping ability showcased from Episode 1 of the original series? When she got so flustered by what her own Chara-Change with Ran blurted at Tadase, she blindly ran out of school and fell into a pit in the middle of the construction site and then Chara-Changed again to jump out.... and overcompensated by jumping so high, she reached the top of the building that was under construction.
I think the idea is that Telekinesis 3 is what gives Amu the power to jump like that, but Athletics 2 is the skill to apply it to dynamic, intentional combat-time movement. The new dots mean that Amu can now confidently move like this in combat, without overshooting or hitting a power line or something. Her first big jump was an uncontrolled accident.

I figure her fighting style would probably change based on what Chara-Change/Chara-Transform she has activated at a given moment. Amulet Heart wouldn't afraid to get physical, but Amulet Clover.... well, Clover certainly wasn't snagging ribbons with her bare hands.
Definitely. Ran is the athlete. Su is not.
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I think the idea is that Telekinesis 3 is what gives Amu the power to jump like that, but Athletics 2 is the skill to apply it to dynamic, intentional combat-time movement. The new dots mean that Amu can now confidently move like this in combat, without overshooting or hitting a power line or something. Her first big jump was an uncontrolled accident.

Definitely. Ran is the athlete. Su is not.
Basically, this. The core concepts of Amu's charas has drifted a little over time, and I can't help but notice the sheer eagerness in Ran's voice when she's dodging blows — it's not just that she can fight, she enjoys it. Amu herself sounded a bit more ambivalent, but is clearly used to it; kids were throwing literal bursts of ice magic at her, and the pair of them react with "oh wow, this is exciting". Ran is a lot more than just a cheerleader nowadays.

(Just like Dia is a lot more than just an idol. Jewel Joker shows her as something more like a dream of being a psionic, which I think it's fair to say by now is becoming explicit in the story, and is a valid extrapolation from what started as a dream of being Utau. However, Dia is probably the chara that's the most divergent between Shards and canon. Miki doesn't count — she isn't a chara.)

Anyway. It's one thing to have the raw telekinetic power to fling yourself to the top of a construction site. Amu did that in episode one, and nearly died in the process; Ikuto had to rescue her. Admittedly it was also his fault.

It's quite another to have the instinct, finesse and confidence to instantly do that as a dodge manoeuvre, combine with Ran in mid-air, then land back on the ground and love it. That's what we saw in chapter four, and it's made me change my mind on just what sort of girl Amu is becoming. It has to be based on what happened towards the end of the original manga, because there hasn't been enough time in Jewel Joker yet...

I saw some of that in the original run, certainly, but her attitude has changed. She used to do close combat under protest, with dodges that often barely scraped by, visibly shaken by a lot of what happened. That isn't happening anymore. To the contrary, this type of fight feels like something she might very well seek out.

So. The original series often had her act as an artillery piece.

I don't believe Ran would be okay with sticking to just that, and at the current point in time of this story, Ran is always part of Amu's mentality.

(Not very unlike the scene I screenshotted. In the old manga we sometimes had Ran, Su or Miki take over and put words in Amu's mouth, but here? It's more like there's two girls chatting with each other, who happen to be sharing a single body. Another way they aren't taking this fight all that seriously, considering they're joking with each other in the middle.)

= = =

And also the hair decorations they give her have switched from being cute, colorful playing card logos to being star-speckled holes into the infinite abyss. I feel like that's probably meaningful.
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And also the hair decorations they give her have switched from being cute, colorful playing card logos to being star-speckled holes into the infinite abyss. I feel like that's probably meaningful.
You're reading way too much into that (as usual, I feel). It's a minor change in graphical style.

I guess dual chara transformations are just normal now...
There's no indication that two charas were involved there. The new form seems to have something to do with the Heart dorm's shiny artifact thing.

(Just like Dia is a lot more than just an idol. Jewel Joker shows her as something more like a dream of being a psionic, which I think it's fair to say by now is becoming explicit in the story, and is a valid extrapolation from what started as a dream of being Utau. However, Dia is probably the chara that's the most divergent between Shards and canon. Miki doesn't count — she isn't a chara.)
In Jewel Joker, Dia has gotten bored and had a casual conversation with someone. That's about it. There's no sign of her being "a dream of being a psionic".
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You're reading way too much into that (as usual, I feel). It's a minor change in graphical style.

There's no indication that two charas were involved there.
I'm reading nothing into it. I'm noting that it changed, which is kind of odd; it's not like them to change the art style for no reason.

But yes, I think I misinterpreted that as being Dia's doing, on basis that this sort of weirdness usually is. Seems like it's the Humpty Lock instead this time. I guess she needed a power-up? (No she didn't, Amu please.)
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You're reading way too much into that (as usual, I feel). It's a minor change in graphical style.
I'm reading nothing into it. I'm noting that it changed, which is kind of odd; it's not like them to change the art style for no reason.
"Change in graphical style"? "Hole to the void"? ....What are you guys talking about?

Looks exactly the same as it always did to me, big heart with shiny bright reflection lens flares. The reflection flares are even still in exactly the same place and size as they always were from the first time she transformed.

Sure, it's colored "black" in the manga, but it was also drawn black back the first time Amulet Heart ever showed up..... and I'm pretty sure that ornament only appears "black" on black-and-white pages anyway. On the pages that are shaded in, it's clearly not jet-black and we know in the anime it's cherry-red.

Are you talking about the random magic dust sprinkled all over the page?

'Cause I'm pretty sure that's just an visual effect overlaid across the whole panel, the sparkles show up on her pom-poms and other armbands too and there are panels in the first chapter of Jewel Joker where that heart ornament doesn't have any magic dust on it:

(And the first time she Chara-Transformed to Amulet Heart):
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"Change in graphical style"? "Hole to the void"? ....What are you guys talking about?

Looks exactly the same as it always did to me, big heart with shiny bright reflection lens flares. The reflection flares are even still in exactly the same place and size as they always were from the first time she transformed.

Sure, it's colored "black" in the manga, but it was also drawn black back the first time Amulet Heart ever showed up..... and I'm pretty sure that ornament only appears "black" on black-and-white pages anyway. On the pages that are shaded in, it's clearly not jet-black and we know in the anime it's cherry-red.

Are you talking about the random magic dust sprinkled all over the page?

'Cause I'm pretty sure that's just an visual effect overlaid across the whole panel, the sparkles show up on her pom-poms and other armbands too and there are panels in the first chapter of Jewel Joker where that heart ornament doesn't have any magic dust on it:
Any difference, if one exists, is incredibly minor. It looks like the sparkle dust effect might have been deliberately applied differently on the hair ornament, to give it more of a sense of texture and make the sparkles feel more consistent with the lighting direction? But you're absolutely right about the sparkle dust not being on all the pages.

If any difference exists, it's smaller than the degree the style has changed from one chapter of the original run to the next. Look at the difference between Amulet Heart's hair decoration in chapter 5 and chapter 6 of the original run:
Another way they aren't taking this fight all that seriously, considering they're joking with each other in the middle.
I mean, I dunno how seriously she was taking the fight at the start, but I fully believe that she took personal offense to the guy when he started trying to squeeze his Chara like a lemon for more magic.

For all Miki might like to yell like a drama queen about Amu abusing her Charas, I'm pretty sure Amu and Ran were just about ready to kick that guy's teeth in at that point, she was really itching to go mano-a-mano with that Spade Dorm prefect.

I'd say he got saved by the bell, but Amu also happened to get herself a power-up in that interval so, uh.....
Still, it's interesting that there is an institute in Jewel which seems to have artifacts that are themed the same way as Amu and which seem to be able to make her stronger via interactions with the Lock. Sure would be handy of those still existed as part of a research effort some where, but it might be to much to hope for.
I mean, the Abyss Black With A Starry Sky thing going on with the transformed symbols is obviously a nod towards Amu being a Great or Old One piloting around a human meatsack and making "pew pew" noises as any over-powered magical girl is.

I mean just look at Sailor Moon/Usagi.

Also now waiting for Ran to learn what Brass Knuckles are and make coo-ing noises over getting some.
Also now waiting for Ran to learn what Brass Knuckles are and make coo-ing noises over getting some.
....What did you think her poms-poms were made of?

No, seriously though, she HAS used them to punch things before. At least once when she was fighting against her friend Manami's ?-Transformation, Flower Dream, after Lulu brainwashed her.

Flower Dream tried to crush Amu under these 2 giant wrecking-ball flowers, that she was able to block with her pom-poms. And then received some kind of power-up to her pom-poms in the middle of it, that allowed them to make the flowers to disappear. So after that failed to work, she went for quantity over quality and started trying to lash Amu with a whole bunch of giant vines instead and Amu just started punching them and made them disappear too.

Whatever they're made of, it's better than brass. Brass knuckles don't disintegrate things into pink sparkles on contact.
Although the vines that disappeared were themselves illusionary. I really doubt Manami was growing actual plants there.

But still, illusions are pretty flexible…
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Chapter 3.3.2 New
There were a lot of questions Amu would have liked to ask of Kana. All of them, really. Every possible question, starting at 'Why?' and plausibly ending at 'Are we still friends?', but speech was a hopelessly inadequate thing.

"Hi," she managed.

She heard a half-broken chuckle from the phone. "Hi, Amu-chan."

"Are you..."

She choked.

Words. What are they. How do. The Japanese language was failing her. Amu just stood there, mind blank, the phone pressed to her ear. There wasn't a word she knew for what she wanted to ask.

'How are you doing' didn't cover it. 'Are you okay' wasn't remotely strong enough. Amu didn't have any of the words she needed, and her tongue felt thick, her throat felt like she was about to cry. Miki noticed, of course, because Miki was Miki and Amu loved her, and her sister wrapped her arms around her.

Amu took a breath, and tried again.

"Kana. I'm so sorry."

There was a long pause. Amu's heart sank, and Miki squeezed her tighter.

"Sorry?" Kana's voice was soft. "Why?"

"For not being there. For not seeing what was wrong. For... I should have seen something was wrong, Kana. You were gone and I didn't ask why and I should have." Amu's words were soft, barely audible.

"You're saying that like it's your fault." Kana drew a quick, shallow breath. "I hate talking on the phone. Words are so..."

"Stupid? Slow?" Amu supplied.


"Yeah." There was a pause. "We'll talk, right? You'll let me visit?"

"Of course, I..." Kana's voice was so small. "I want to. I'd like that. But I can't. I can't yet."

Amu closed her eyes. She could have guessed. But it hurt, and she hadn't wanted to.

"Okay," she said. "I understand."

"Do you...?"

Amu nodded, before remembering she was on the phone.

"Yeah. Can we... can we go hiking one day?"

"Hiking?" Kana repeated, confused. "I don't like hiking. You don't like hiking. What?"

"I don't like hiking when it's hot," Amu corrected. Or if it was convenient. To annoy her parents. Kana had picked up on the surface level dislike, but not the underlying reasons. "And it'll be fun, just you and me."

"Just you and me?"

"And maybe Miki, if she wants to," Amu offered. "I... oh, just..."

Her mind tried to reach out to Kana's, but Kana was all the way across the city and the only thing she got was a vague, fuzzy sense of wind from the 'something' that was going on underneath her. She drew a breath, releasing it before continuing. Calm. Her father touched her shoulder, and Amu felt her composure return.

"Kana, you're not getting a choice in the matter. We're going hiking," she said with a smile. "Is that... okay?"

There was a pause.

"Maybe, yeah. I'd like that," Kana agreed.

"Cool," Amu said, and then the conversation petered out. "Uh... I'll see you around, Kana."

"Yeah, Amu-chan," Kana said. She paused. "And... I'm sorry too. I'm... I'm ready now."

"You're sure?" Naoto's voice was clear. Amu's heart skipped a beat. This was happening. It was real. Her father's hand was still on her shoulder, and she breathed deeply.

"Yeah," Kana said. "Amu-chan, you don't have to listen. If you don't want to. I don't think you should. I promised I'd tell the full story, but it's..."

Amu heard rapid breathing. She thought Kana might be hyperventilating on the other side.

"Bad," her friend finally managed. "Really, really bad."

= = =

[ ] Stay and listen
- This is the SMT option
- It's really, really bad.
- Amu will feel obligated to help.
- Nobody will want to let her.

[ ] Leave it to the adults
- This is the Shugo Chara option
- You don't
have to be the one to solve everything. Amu is thirteen.
- They will still be friends.

Nope, I'm not dead. In fact I'm sitting in my new home, my stuff is finally unpacked, and Real Life™ is ramping down instead of up in noisiness. Now if only the weather was nicer, I'd be enjoying myself writing in the garden.

Obviously I was planning a longer update here, but the reality is that I don't remember my plans. So here's chapter 3.3.2, which asks a simple question, one last time: Do you
want to get more deeply involved in Manticore's storyline? More bluntly, do you want a fun action-adventure type story, or do you want Josef Mengele?

That is only a small exaggeration. Easter was bad. Manticore is so, so much worse.

Saying 'no' here doesn't mean you won't see Kana again. In fact, it could mean you'll see her more—because just as Sako-san and Tsumugu won't want you involved in this investigation, Shirogane and Marie won't want
Kana involved. You can commiserate on being put on the sidelines, and Kana can be drawn into Amu's world instead of the other way around. You have a meeting with her classmates tomorrow. There is an entire storyline planned out there, and it may not be as world-shaking, but Amu can do good work there as well.

With JPs involved in the Manticore case, there is essentially no chance Amu would be pulled as a combat unit unless she forces her way in. Not because Hotsuin wouldn't do such a thing, but because he has no current need for her…

This might sound like I'm pushing you in the other direction, but I'm not, really. Either option works. JPs will stay involved regardless. Give it some thought.
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On one hand, we're going to have to deal with the SMT side of stuff eventually - likely around when that Solar shard comes knocking. On the other hand, we would probably be getting more training and preparation time for Amu personally and her own group of friends if we don't jump directly into it (or at least, more controlled training and preparation).

Manticore is supposed to be out of Amu's personal weight-class, so we'd likely be relying on JPs mostly for combat. Amu herself probably wouldn't get as much scheduled training in if she's spending time participating in raids (not to mention any recuperation and hospital time after if things did go south). Most of the training she would fit in would likely be on direct combat-related stats and SOS boosts from life-or-death situations to get her up to scratch with JPs' agents - they might even force her to do it as a precondition for joining. There will not likely be much time for stuff like Lore or Socialize. The only friends of hers that I could see JPs and Amu herself allowing to be brought along for this stuff would be Kana and -maybe- Saaya, only because Kana is pre-involved and JPs already has their hands on Saaya and is training her.

Her other allies - Ami, Utau, the Seiyo Guardians, anyone new from school - would almost certainly be cut out of this stuff. No XP for them.

On the other hand, whatever the alternative is that Amu gets up to outside JPs, it's probably going to allow her to bring her friends - in fact, with JPs tied up dealing with Manticore, she might not actually be able to requistion as much of their help as she might like, she might be forced to rely on them. So not only will Amu herself get the time to train other stuff than direct demon-fighting capabilities or whatever JPs thinks is needed for surviving Manticore, she'll probably be able to get her other allies trained up on stuff too. The main disadvantage is that we don't get as much headstart on the SMT stuff when the shit finally hits the fan. Whatever JPs and Kana dig up while wrestling with Manticore, we'll at best only get the filtered version and lack any fine details or clues to other oncoming threats (i.e. if Manticore has been subverted by Hikawa's cult, we probably won't know until after Manticore is dismantled as opposed to find out midway).

.....I'm currently leaning towards "Leave it to the Adults". I think training up Amu's friends to prepare for the impending wave of demons is more important here - the shit WILL eventually hit the fan, regardless of which option get picked and they're going to need to every advantage they can get when it happens. Similar to the initial reason that Amu was picked as the lead in the first version of this quest - to give the underdog a fighting chance.

Additionally, Amu having her own homegrown support base might actually end up being more useful in the long run than relying on JPs. JPs already is a known quantity among every supernatural-related party in Japan (and even outside Japan, if Lulu's interludes were any indication). Threats like Manticore and likely Hikawa's cult already know about them and will have contingencies and plans to counter their involvement.

A brand new faction spearheaded by Amu, on the other hand, is a completely unknown quantity. Hikawa is probably ready to barricade Shinjuku Medical Center and defend his Conception ritual against waves and waves of demon-backed JPs strike teams. Hikawa is probably not ready for a group of middle schoolers visiting their sick teacher suddenly attacking from inside and Erasing his ritual core with psychic powers. Something which we will not be able to organize with JPs breathing down our necks and no time to actually gather or train them.

[X] Leave it to the adults
Obviously I was planning a longer update here, but the reality is that I don't remember my plans. So here's chapter 3.3.2, which asks a simple question, one last time: Do you want to get more deeply involved in Manticore's storyline? More bluntly, do you want a fun action-adventure type story, or do you want Josef Mengele?
The way I see it, any chance of "fun action-adventure type story" vanished a long time ago. For that course to be plausible, a lot of the groundwork for this story would have had to be laid differently months or years ago.

I would have wanted a fun action-adventure, but I don't think this story can be one at this point.

With JPs involved in the Manticore case, there is essentially no chance Amu would be pulled as a combat unit unless she forces her way in. Not because Hotsuin wouldn't do such a thing, but because he has no current need for her…
I don't think Amu's role would be as a fighter. She'd be support.

Amu is likely already the best mind healer JP's has access to, and if she's not, a few weeks of effort can fix that. She's also bound to the Humpty Lock, which pulled off what JP's sees as a miracle. If JP's is going up against Manticore, any victims they recover are likely to need psionic medical care, and Amu can make a case that she's their best option for that. Their operatives might also need psionic medical care, too - Manticore's resistance is likely to include mental attacks.
I don't think Amu's role would be as a fighter. She'd be support.
Realistically, Amu's role would be whatever the playerbase wanted her to do. It is theoretically possible she could stay and listen and then the playerbase ends up voting for her to effectively stay out of it. That just seems unlikely if we're voting to stay and listen to begin with, because that would imply wanting a bigger slice of the pie in regards to Manticore.

Regardless of what Amu actually does when getting involved in this (whether in attending to the patients or actually participating in raids) it is going to take up a lot of time and mindshare. She can't gather and train allies outside if she's spending half her days in JPs facilities preparing for or dealing with the aftermath of raids on Manticore.

I feel she would be a lot more effective in the long run if she had her own group of trained friends outside JPs, that nobody knows about or expects to see coming. And those friends would certainly have a much better chance of surviving everything once the apocalypse happens, which is a general benefit to everyone.