Created Largely Via using the Dark Heresy 1e creation tables found in the Inquisitor's Handbook and a d100, with a d12 for psychic grades. I also rolled to see if they'd ever taken a crit, and then what that crit might be, the dice weren't kind.
Name: Ir'yua
Sex: Male
Age: Physically over 20 Terran years.
Rethrim Secundus - A Feral world found within one of the sector's leaves Rethrim Secundus was initially intended for conversion to an agricultural world, so as to extract value from the leaf following the destruction of Rethrim Primus using [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] following [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED]. Unfortunately despite Secundus seeming like an ideal candidate for agriworld, disease would always ravage the colonists, earthquakes would wreck the foundations of more permanent proper Imperial structures, and perculiar madness that spreads [REDACTED], [REDACTED], regiment [REDACTED], all this combined with the exceedingly deadly wildlife and parasites meant that though there have been numerous attempts proper colonization none have succeeded.
The worlds population is made up of the decendents of those former colonists, who live a primarily nomadic existence amidst the swamps and plains, though tribes are known to live amongst the mountains and along the coasts as well though the storms that wrack the mountains and tsunami's that afflict the coast mean there are far fewer tribes that live long term in these areas. The majority of offworld traffic has historically been those traders who specialize in dangerous beasts, exotic meats, cultural relics, slaves, and those few products produced by the few platations on planet that survive for at most few generations, perhaps 300 years before ruination takes them.
Lately there has been talk of another attempted conversion to agriworld, so that the food produced can go to feed newly proposed mining efforts to extract value from the remains of Rethrim Primus and recently discovered Lithium deposits on a wandering planetoid about the size of the Terran moon that has found itself in a decaying orbit around the system's star, there is only a projected 1,500 years to take advantage of the resources and some among the mechanicus are pressing for extraction to be undertaken.
Subjects Appearance:
Subject displays the physic of a typical nomadic feral worlder, thickly muscled and callused thighs from riding small horses, an immune system seemingly tailored to fighting off intestinal parasites, ruddy flushed skin marked by many sunburns and acne. Greasy red hair that shows signs of having clay pressed into it, and one remaining blue eye, the other a ruin of torn flesh from the incident that resulted in subjects transport to the Telepathica. Subject also displays numerous piercings including prominent nasal piercings onto which they have insisted on attaching a mask to their face as part of a cultural taboo against naked faces being intensely intimate things. Subject also wears a small bag filled with their toenail clippings and hair around their neck.
Born to a plains tribe, Ir'yua grew up on horseback more than on their feet, riding the sturdy ponies raised by his tribe, while displaying little skill with a bow Ir'yua showed talent with a sling, flinging stones with great strength a far distance. The profession of Ir'yua's tribe would change with the seasons, varying based on resources, one year they might be fermenting horsemilk into alcoholic beverages to trade to the swamp tribes, for a season they might hunt the colourful and flavorful venomous birds that live along the coast, bringing their bodies and live specimens to off world traders promising well made metal tools, autoguns, or even the rare las weapon in exchange.
Ir'yua primarily grew up tending to the tribes flocks of sheep, plucking them of feathers for use in clothing, and keeping them from attacking the horses. However, after disease ripped through the tribes flocks they turned to raiding for a season and Ir'yua rode out with others to attack a plantation to take their sheep as well as the other riches within. Unfortunately for the tribe at the time off world traders were there collecting local delicacies for Hive World nobility, to be stored in stasis caskets and butchered live in the estates they were bound for.
Their guard's lasguns and blades made short work of Ir'yua's tribe's raiding attach, and at that moment Ir'yua awoke psychicly, telekineticly blocking a blow that would have killed him. Unfortunately for him he was unable to stop the second blow, blade ripping across Ir'yua's face, removing his eye and knocking him unconcius, thinking quickly and of profit, an observing trader had Ir'yua stuffed roughly in a stasis casket to be turned over to the Telepathica in exchange for a reward.
Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Theta (8)
Divination: Theta (8)
Telekinesis: Eta (9)
Pyromancy: Mu (4)
Biomancy: Nu (3)
Subject has shown some small ability with Psychometry, possibly traced back to a belief that all items belonging to a person are imparted with a part of that persons soul. Subject has taken to wearing a small bag of their toenails and hair to help, in their words "remind myself I am me."
Subject's telepathic abilities are limited around humans, so far upon initial testing they've been able to pick up emotions and project them upon others with some success. However, they've had greater success with animals, manipulating rats and other small animals within close range.
Subject has also displayed ability with telekinesis, but not on the scale they initially displayed upon awakening, being only able to levitate small items of low weight when not working with other Wyrdvanes. It is unknown at this time if further teaching will produce greater results
Please Note: Rethrim Secundus sheep are in part descended from sheep spliced with Canadian Geese. They are ornery little monsters.