Oh, I'm sure we'll give them a lot of intel, but there's only so much you can tell two people, and most of their attention is probably gonna be on 'what do I need to know not to get caught' rather than 'What do I need to recgonise valuable intel when I come across it' And while yes, this is not an intel gathering mission, if it's anything like when Cloud and the gang went to safe Aerith, there's gonna be a fair amount of intel to be gathered nonetheless.I mean, the whole point of giving them the run down during the trip to Midgar is to give them an understanding of Mako/Materia/General Shinra hardware/forces. You don't need to know the cellular process of SOLDIER enhancements to understand what a significant increase of recruits for the program might mean for Shinra's plans. Don't forget that this is an infiltration and extraction mission first and foremost, we're not exactly hacking into Shinra's computer systems for this. We'll be learning more about Shinra's current status from visiting Midgar itself than anything else.
Ooh, on that note, actually working together with Shadow on his 'core competency', and with some luck actually showing some competence there might be a good thing to lead to actually building rapport. And even if we don't do well and he'll instruct us, that too can help. More than it being another case of us just paying him money to go and do something for us.
Yeah, I talked myself into it.
[X] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator: The riskiest play, but potentially the most rewarding. You can directly show Zidane all the tricks AVALANCHE used and help him escape. You'll very likely reveal yourself to Shinra, but this may be your best chance to get into their HQ. For whatever purposes that might serve… [Aerith will directly participate in the infiltration, adding all relevant bonuses to Tantalus. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar.]
[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
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