"I'm not doubting you Vaan I just find it a little hard to believe that you developed a sudden taste for the arts." Migelo tried to explain.
"Hey, free tickets are free tickets. You said you wanted us to have more 'family outings' so, here ya go." Vaan shot back.
"Oh really, 'free tickets.' Somehow you got enough for all of us, you didn't happen to steal them, did you?"
"Hey, just because I'm a thief doesn't mean I steal everything!" Vaan snapped back, seemingly unaware (or uncaring) of how poor an argument that was.
"Are they always like this?" You quietly ask Migelo's other adopted children. They all more or less nod or shrug their shoulders. Just Vaan being Vaan and Migelo being Migelo.
Vaan arrived with a big stack of tickets for a local show of LOVELESS. A bit odd, since as far as you knew the play was from your world. Vaan invited Migelo and all the kids, claiming that it was 'important' they all saw it. When you arrived to check on them, he quickly roped you into it too ('gotta use these tickets somehow')
The argument abruptly ends as you reach the theatre, the two squabblers quickly sobering up and presenting their tickets. The theatre is pretty nice, probably nothing compared to the Gold Saucer's theatre but, what could compete with that?
You all arrived in time to find a seat before things got too crowded, but you were more than a little surprised when you saw a familiar face in the crowd. "Freya, you're here to see the play too?"
"Let's just say I think an old friend of mine will be on stage," Freya said enigmatically.
It wasn't too much longer before everyone was seated, and the lights in the theatre started to dim. The chatter quickly stopped and all attention was directed towards the stage.
"Do you really have to leave?" The woman reached out to her love, who looked back at her before stoically turning away.
"I promised. The people I love, are waiting." His tone brooked no argument, it sounded as though the promise was something buried in his very soul. Something he could never betray nor forget.
"...I don't understand. Not at all. But... please take care of yourself." A desperate plea, knowing full well that he will never change his mind and all she can do is let him go.
"Of course... I'll come back to you. Even if you don't promise to wait. I'll return knowing you'll be here." He promised, only granting his love a brief moment before he picked up his sheathed blade, and walked out of sight.
After a moment the curtain fell, and (almost) everyone began clapping enthusiastically. Migelo and Penelo were enraptured the whole time, while Vaan seemed bored out of his skull.
"What did you think?" Freya asked.
"I think it was great. This was a little different from the usual production but they really nailed it." You're hardly an expert on LOVELESS, but it was a fun watch.
"Tantalus is good at their craft, amazing some would say." Freya praised earnestly as she stood up. "Would you like to go meet the cast?"
"Meet the cast?"
"I know the actor who was playing the lead. It's honestly funny watching Zidane play such a heartful role. He's usually very…" she stopped, seeming searching for the right word, "irreverent."
While the rest of the audience milled around talking about the production or left, Freya led you through the crowd towards the back of the theatre. There was a rather intimidating looking man guarding the door, the top of his head hidden behind a bandanna, pointed ears, and an underbite with 2 massive teeth protruding from his jaw.
"Hey, you're not supposed to be-" The man paused as soon as he noticed Freya, quickly relaxing the grip on his sword. "Well, fancy seein' you here Freya."
"I'm here to see Zidane, Marcus." Freya said politely.
"Who's your friend?"
"Aerith, we have been working together for a time. Don't worry, I expect she'll like Tantalus." Marcus cocked his head to the side, giving you a searching look before he nodded and opened the door for you.
Behind the door was a whirlwind of activity as the actors and stagehands were trying to pack everything away, but Freya spotted a mop of blond hair and made a beeline for it. "Zidane!"
Zidane suddenly straightened, expression splitting into a grin when he saw Freya. "Well, well, well, look who the cat dragged in! You're looking good Freya, and your friend is looking even better!"
"Oh shut it. This is Aerith, she's out of your league. So don't bother." Freya said firmly
"Just giving my honest compliments to a lady," Zidane said playfully. "Don't worry though, Garnet is the one for me."
"Speaking of Garnet, where are the others?" You could immediately tell Freya asked the wrong question, as Zidane sighed.
"We don't know. Vivi's missing in action, who knows what Quina's up to, if Rusty could help it he would be with Garnet and Garnet… Well, we have a lead on Garnet."
The next sentence to leave his mouth instantly sent a shiver down your spine and sympathy pains rocked your body.
"She's being held prisoner in a city called Midgar."
Another man in a suit walks by, glasses glinting and the sound of a pen scraping against paper. You can't understand why he's watching you. What's so interesting about your blood and the vial it's going in?
Your arms are sore from being pinched, prodded, and jabbed with needles. Your eyes are bloodshot from crying and the harsh light of the examination room.
"Your mother would have been a better specimen, but you'll do."
A mix of rage and sorrow washes over you again, hands shaking with anger even as a fresh wave of tears threatens to spill forth.
You hate this place. And you hate him. Right now if someone asked your heart's desire, there could only be one option.
To be anywhere but here.
"Why the hell is she here?" The Tantalus boss (Baku, Freya told you later) demanded.
"I've been a prisoner of Shinra before, I know the layout of the tower, my friends rescued me from there once before, and I would rather not have anyone go through that again." You say firmly.
"... Alright then." Baku relented. "Cinna, scooch over, let the lady join. Now like I was saying-"
Baku's plan was basically to distract the SOLDIERs and executives of Shinra with the play of LOVELESS, and allow Zidane to infiltrate Shinra tower to extract Garnet. It wasn't a bad plan, Genesis was infamous for his obsession with LOVELESS, but their plan for the infiltration itself was spotty at best. Steal a uniform, find Garnet, get out. Fly back to Dalmasca and figure out the next steps from there.
Freya pulled you aside once Baku's briefing was done. "Are you sure you want to help them?"
"Of course I am." You say empathetically. "I don't want anyone else to go through what I did."
"I know, I just mean… I've never been good at sneaking around and I obviously don't look human. If you decide to go with them, I don't think I'll be able to help. Alfyn might be a bit better but he's too honest. Not to mention our obligation to Clan Centurio-"
"What are you trying to say?"
"Just… I know you want to help Garnet, and I do too. But please weigh your options. Giving Tantalus advice is one thing, but if you help them directly, that will mean going into Shinra's den."
"Right…" It's true. Some small scared part of you would rather never set foot in Midgar again. But if you could help them- if you could save another girl from experiencing life as Hojo's lab rat…
Wasn't that worth the risk?
[ ] Advise Tantalus: You won't go with Tantalus, just give them intel on Shinra and their defenses. They are skilled thieves, and the distraction will pull away the strongest defenders anyway. But the results will be out of your hand [Tantalus will roll with a small bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Actions in Rabanastre will continue as normal.]
[ ] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]
[ ] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator: The riskiest play, but potentially the most rewarding. You can directly show Zidane all the tricks AVALANCHE used and help him escape. You'll very likely reveal yourself to Shinra, but this may be your best chance to get into their HQ. For whatever purposes that might serve… [Aerith will directly participate in the infiltration, adding all relevant bonuses to Tantalus. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar.]
[ ] Yes: Freya and Alfyn might not be the best choices for infiltration, but they've had your back for months now, and you're already close to them. You feel safer with them around. [Faction Actions in Dalmasca will be halted until the adventure is resolved. Freya and Alfyn will each have a personal action to perform in Midgar. Alfyn may participate in the infiltration, Freya may only participate in the play and escape]
[ ] No: Freya is right that she isn't suited for this, and you have too many important things going on in Dalmasca to just pack up and leave. They'll just have to trust you and you'll have to trust them. [Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
[ ] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
Sorry to hit y'all with such an important vote so soon after the last one. This one will have a very, very big impact on Turn 8. So, please consider carefully. I look forward to seeing the result~