hmm, it's a bit delayed but only realised this now, do you think the fact midgar's a bunch of years behind what would have been the case for us (as seen in the three reunions interlude) means they don't have an active criminal record of us? still good to be careful since some of their heroes might be from ff7 and know us, and they probably still have reasons to be interested in cetra still, but it'd def be a relief if we're not actually in the books lol
other than that, this turn...
it's wild we crit on diplo, vague actions that do multiple stuff like that are particularly good places to crit since it gives us a bunch of different things, right? couple plot hooks here, but the yevon one stood out to me the most. if there's someone buff with a hand weapon maybe that's barett? could be worth following up on that rumor at some point, since even if he's unrecruitable having a friend highly placed like that would make for a good contact in the faction for diplomacy and collaboration snd stuff. maybe we'd even get a chance to vent about cloud/lend him the buster sword?
looks like we now have lots of funds (even with only a t1 success on martial), so seems we can continue to hire shadow fine. maybe we could even invest in something long-term? if there's something good we can buy that'll help us out long-term it probs has my vote, as opposed to things that just get used up for a tempoary boost. (unless it's buying mystery seeds in bulk to sell at a profit or something, lol)
lucky success on intrigue too, and happy to see the result of magicite. the trait upgrade is pretty good, and now we're a "summoner" so everyone from Yevon is obligated to like us, hype!
fingers crossed about the personal action interlude
there's definitely a lot of stuff on our plate now, though. I guess we'll just need to see what's available? don't currently have the resources to do everything or interfere with the war so if we can improve our positioning that'd be good.
maybe if we produce potions at a larger scale we can help supply the rebellion/provide relief if there's any collateral devestation on innocents? that might make a difference without requiring us to take the field and beat stuff up...
trying to somehow prevent a mako reactor being set up in timber could be good too if we have options, but i don't know if we'd be able to help them without just showing our hand, we may need to investigate more to see what the problem is and how we can help...
in other news, notes for next turn:
seems the description for "what could you make" is different from what it was turn 5... (though the action still has appeal? i'd imagine over time we could get quite a bit more out of stewardship with lower DCs and thus better chance of higher successes...)
based on rumors, it may be wise to do alfyn's personals for the universal herbalism guide soon. the book will be released at some point, and we can't really help by that point)
I'm thinking if we have nothing pressing to do in martial, with shiva summonable in emergencies we may now be set to explore the waterways? it'd be a good place to get some exp and stuff, plus finding out more about that mysterious monster before it does something aggressive may be a good call... (presumably we'd be able to bring freya along no matter what, and while it's less clear about any support from alfyn/the clan i think we'd be fine with whatever?)
[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.
joining is cool too and i don't mind it if it doesn't stop us from doing other faction stuff, but i can't resist the allure here. best case scenario this still lets us "join" and get the clan's resources regardless with easier obligations on our end, while also allowing us to sell stuff to more people and possibly get some favourable deals?
my limited knowledge of KH tells me that you need a keyblade to effectively fight them.
iirc you can use magic and stuff too for decent effect, so while that doesn't permamently get rid of them we might be able to fight off any we run into (so long as they're not absolutely swarming) at least?
Honestly, I have no idea who this could be, but I imagine that we'll quickly find out once Alfyn takes that personal action to contribute to the codex.
isn't this the octopath traveler guy there was an omake for recently?