A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

Voting is open
[X] Plan: Family Business
-[X] The Family:
--[X] Searching for Rogue Psykers
-[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
-[X] Assist Prefect:
--[X] Astird

-[X] Find historical justification:
-[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty
-[X] Prepared nutrition and training programmes:
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[X] Plan: It Takes a Village to Build a Punchwizard
-[X] The Family:
--[X] Offer above-board currency in exchange for the identities and locations of Rogue Psykers.
-[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
-[X] Find historical justification:
-[X] Psykana and firearms:
-[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty:
-[X] Prepared nutrition and training programmes:

Reposting this in case being before the threadmark would make the tally program skip over my vote.
I mostly like your plan @LysanderArgent , but why aren't you picking Psykana and firearms? That is the kind of information we want for yesterday, epecially since we will start buying those guns the next turn, and much more urgent than something like Find historical justification that only increased our rep INSIDE the school...
I'm hoping that the historical justification will fulfil the "By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential" condition of the Divination and Telepathic Psyker Prefects so we can get their help to train our Wyrdvanes. It also may give us favour and influence we can then spend on other things.

Psykana and firearms are something I want to do soon but I think can wait for a turn at least. Our Wyrdvaners need to be trained before they are equipped. And we have at least 1 more turn to prepare for their arrival.

If my plan wins I'd want to do "Psykana and firearms" and "Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty" next turn.
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I'm hoping that the historical justification will fulfil the "By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential" condition of the Divination and Telepathic Psyker Prefects so we can get their help to train our Wyrdvanes. It also may give us favour and influence we can then spend on other things.
And that is all well and good, but since the next turn we will need to establish connections with weapon suppliers I still find that Psykana and firearms is a much more urgent action... Next turn we can pick Find historical justification.
And that is all well and good, but since the next turn we will need to establish connections with weapon suppliers I still find that Psykana and firearms is a much more urgent action... Next turn we can pick Find historical justification.
I think we could wait another turn to get in contact with the gunsmiths. But I'm also fine if your plan wins.
Psykana and firearms are something I want to do soon but I think can wait for a turn at least. Our Wyrdvaners need to be trained before they are equipped. And we have at least 1 more turn to prepare for their arrival.
I think we could wait another turn to get in contact with the gunsmiths. But I'm also fine if your plan wins.
Here is the thing, to properly train our stock troppers we want to have their equipment ready when they arrive because Ideally they will train WITH their equipment
-[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty:
-[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty
Also I don't understand the urgency of this action, the QM has confirmed it is a mostly aestethic action, which would help us significantly with first impressions when we get deployed, BUT at this point we haven't even started the training program and we won't get deployed for several turns

So at this point focusing in establishing a training program, acquiring psyker lore, and securing equipment is much more useful than than the Juvenant Treatments...
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No, because it is
1: Not a recognized Bolter design.
2: Does not use a recognized 'Bolt' as ammuniton.
3: Doesn't have a Bolter's physical profile.
4: Doesn't have the same noise.
5: Is not sold or marketed as a Bolter.

Not a bolter, guv.
That sounds an awful lot like something someone in-universe, who,for whatever reason, really, Really, REALLY wants his fancy gun to be Legaly Not-A-Bolter would say. :V
Which is cool, but not exactly what I was asking.
Also I don't understand the urgency of this action, the QM has confirmed it is a mostly aestethic action, which would help us significantly with first impressions when we get deployed, BUT at this point we haven't even started the training program and we won't get deployed for several turns
My thinking is that a good number of our Psyker students are very likely going to come from backgrounds much like Occam's own (who looks fifty at twenty-five, even after all the work that went into him already to make sure he wasn't dead by age twenty), and are likely going to be pretty severely shaken by suddenly being, according to their education up to that point, a revolting mutant who has bartered away the sanctity of their soul for unholy power.

As much as it isn't a pleasant portion of human psychology to acknowledge, people who are physically appealing in appearance are more likely to develop confidence and good self-esteem, and having a system of symbolic 'rebirth' already in place to process our students as soon as they cross our keep's threshold would be beneficial for their mental well-being, in my estimation.

Plus, I feel it synergizes well with the nutrition and exercise regimen we're developing for them at the same time.
Isn't that a Bolter with extra fancy ammo?
No, because it is
1: Not a recognized Bolter design.
2: Does not use a recognized 'Bolt' as ammuniton.
3: Doesn't have a Bolter's physical profile.
4: Doesn't have the same noise.
5: Is not sold or marketed as a Bolter.

Not a bolter, guv.

Its only a Bolter if it comes from the Boulon region of Frank, otherwise its just an explosive autogun.
Isn't that a Bolter with extra fancy ammo?
No, because boltshells do house the initial propellant in a casing (they operate on a tandem charge; the initial explosion launches the boltshell out of the gun at muzzle velocity, and then the rocket motor maintains that muzzle velocity all the way to the target), even the extra fancy ones. A rifle that fires self-propelled rockets is just a gyrojet.
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[X] Plan: Learn from the Past

[X] Plan: It Takes a Village to Build a Punchwizard

[X] Plan: We need Intel and Study Materials
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Voting is open