A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

[X] Plan: Stab Wizards
-[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
-[X] Training from the Black Sentinels:
-[X] Train them to fight dirty:
-[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
[X] Plan If You're Not Cheating...
-[X] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies - For a favour:
-[X] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
-[X] Black Market Connections:
-[X] Train them to fight dirty:
[X] Plan: Stab Wizards
-[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
-[X] Training from the Black Sentinels:
-[X] Train them to fight dirty:
-[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
Psyker Inductee: Kasa
So here is my submission towards the psyker pool.

And yes this is because my latest omake got me thinking of waterbenders.

Subject: Kasa

Birthplace: Amundsen, an ice world with a population of humans that have regressed into many scattered tribal societies. The planet is a well known collection point of the Blackships due to a higher than average psyker population.

Age: 16 Terran Years

Sex: Female

Relations: Mother (deceased, resisted tithe), father (alive), brother (alive, bloodline under watch by Adeptus Telepathica), grandmother (alive)

Appearance: Subject designated Kasa is an adolescent in moderate to good health. Stands at average hight for standard human female with light brown skin pigmentation, brown hair, and blue eyes. Possesses no visible external mutations or internal mutations despite confirmed psychic bloodline, further observation required. Post-acquisition subject received burns upon both hands after an encounter with another psyker. Healed personally via biomancy but scars persist despite efforts of healers, dexterity reduction minimal and no further anomalies noted.

Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Kappa (6)
Divination: Theta (8)
Telekinesis: Epsilon (11)
Pyromancy: Omicron (1)
Biomancy: Zeta (10)

Additional: Born on the ice world of Amundsen subject Kasa was missed by the initial collection but discovered by a follow up sweep of the system. Earlier collection from the subject's tribe led to minor disturbances when subject's mother attempted to resist collection, it is assumed subject awakened her psychic potential sometime after this event. Tribe was subject disciplining but left intact due to the existance of promising psyker bloodlines. During the return sweep ten years after subject willingly offered herself to the tithe to avoid another disciplining of her tribe.

Upon the blackship subject had a near leathal encounter with an unstable pyromancer who detonated in close proximity. Subject survived through the use of a telekinetic barrier but suffered burns upon both her hand. Before treatment could be provided subject manifested previously unknown skill in biomancy to repair the damaged tissue but leaving cosmetic scarring in place. Following this subject was stored away in the blackship's holds for transport to Scholam facility upon Odium.

Let me know what you think.
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Psyker Inductee: Alistair Vrungel
Psyker suggestion:

Name: Alistair Vrungel

Age: 17 years (Subjective time*)


Birth world: HDMNS** "Paragon of defiance" -Overlord Class Battlecruiser of Battlefleet Torvum

Relatives: Maria Vrungel -mother (Gunnery officer in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance"), Marek Vrungel - father (Gunnery officer in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance"), 2 brothers and 1 sister (midshipmen in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" ). See attached document on Vrungel family for further information.

Appearance: Subject bears all the marks of a voidborn, albeit somewhat less expressed than usual , presumably due to the subject's life on- board a Navy vessel. The only marks of note are several tattoos on arms and torso. Accroding to the subject himself, those tattoos are traditional marks of service used by the crew of HDMNS "Paragon of defiance". Those claims are corraborated by interrogations of several unrelated members of the crew. Further investigation has uncovered reports from Naval Ecclesiarchy and Officio Praefectus detailing the tradition and an investigation into it which ultimately cleared it as non-heretical.

Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Upon induction, acolyte achieved the following grades of psychic potential.
Telepathy: Theta (8)
Divination: Eta (9)
Telekinesis: Epsilon(11)
Biomancy: Lambda(5)

Personal history.
Subject was born into a family of Navy officers onboard an Overlord Class Battlecruiser HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" early into the third decade of the ship's fithy years assigment as a leader of Hunter-Killer squadron Epsilon, a unit made of a single capital ship and several escorts and logistics vessels and tasked with independent patrolling, rapid responce to distress signals from local SDF and merchant vessels and aggresive hunting for pirate and other hostile vessels.

Subject recieved education and training from his family and other officers on board and served various minor roles as part of the ship's crew from early age. At 14 he was formally inducted in the Imperial Navy as a midshipman. Most of his short service was quiet. While ship's logs indicate multiple combat encounters during that, most of those were too onesided to be of relevance. The battle one crucial to subjects psychic awakening is the encounter named in naval AARs as " Skrimish at M-3904".

According to the AAR, HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" and the rest of Hunter-Killer Squadron Epsilon were investigating reports of pirate ships in the area near an asteroid field designated M-3904 when a contact was made with several vessels later identified as Lite Kroozer "Mork's ride" belonging to a Freeboota Kaptain Lootklaima as well as 3 unknown orkish escorts. Despite being outgunned Orks chose to engage in battle. Several attempts were made by the Xenos to ram or board Navy ships, resulting in several groups of greenskins managing to get aboard HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" via the usage of Assault boats. One such group ended up near the Starboard Macrocannon battery Primus command post where subject was present alongside his family, "learning on the job" according to the Navy officers questioned about this fact. Subject responded to the general order to gunnery crews to repel boarders and joined the fight against the Orks alongside other crewmembers.

The exact details of melee are unknown as the pict recorders in the area were destroyed in the fighting with only minimal data recovery possible. Eyewitness records are also lacking as most of the gunnery crews in the area were lost in the fighting, whereas Naval armsmen, who secured the site, only arrived as reinforcements and did not witness majority of the fighting. From the accounts available, it appears that the Subject was able to kill several orks in close quarters combat, apparently:"dodging them blows like he knew they were coming" and "blocking em like he was hit by another lad and not a ***** Xenos thrice his size". The most blatant proof of the Subject's abilities came at the very end, when Subject ended up targeted by the Nob leading the band. After a brief exchange of blows that ended up with the Subject knocked down on the floor and disarmed, the subject proceeded to raise his arms and: "That green bastard just stopped. Like someone paused the holovid halfway through. For a second, two maybe, but long enough for Cody to bring the shotcannon to bear " . In the immediate aftermath, Subject was found unconscious, bleeding from every facial orfice. The incident was brought up to the ship's Commisar, on whose orders Subject was sedated and kept in the isolation chambers of the ship's Astropathic Chorus, under oversight of the ship's Astropaths.

* As the subject was born and spend most of his life aboard a Navy vessel in active service, he has undergone a noticable amout of time dilation assosiated with Warp travel.
** His Divine Majesty's Navy Ship

Vrungel family: a clan of hereditary naval officers with official records mentioning them as early as M 36 and clan's own records claiming service as early as M 33. There are at least 5 confirmed generations of Vrungels serving aboard HDMNS "Paragon of defiance". For brevity's sake only the parents are mentioned in this dossier.

OOC: that got out of hand a bit. Please tell me of any misspelling or mistakes.

The dodging part is supposed to be Divination, where as blocking is Telekenisis, reinforcing the blade with psy power to be able to block a blow from an Ork. The Nob part is inspired by the Psyker fight in Astartes.

For those curious about appearance, one of Rogue Trader RPG splatbooks has an variation of a Voidborn origin that is specifically for Navy ship children according to which Navy vessels tend to have higher (= closer to 1g) gravity on board that leads to the voidborn lankiness being less pronounced.
Subject: Ollanius, Serapa, and Macharius Halbert

Birthplace: Tse, a mostly hot Civilized (by a small margin) world notable for three things. The first is short-lived but extremely vicious Thunder-Dust Storms born in the exceptionally dry and iron-rich deserts, made even worse by the dry climate and iron sand combining to produce extremely powerful electric charges. The second is a species of extremely deep-rooted and fast-growing long grass that also contains trace amounts of iron, enough to make fields of prairie that serve as a natural "breakwater" and grounding rod. The third is an approved deviation of the Imperial Cult that worships the Emperor as the King of Iron and the Omnissiah as the King of Storms, developed fourteen centuries ago by a Fulgurite priest and an Imperial Guard missionary. This cult has among its strictures a nomadic tradition that has developed a fierce but restrained rivalry between "Wheelers" - a motor bi- and tricycle gang structure that serves as couriers, enginseers, and hunters; and "Groxcollars" - ranchers, herders, and the bulk of the PDF, called so for their plasteel-cable lassos and tendency to ride fully grown Grox when their preferred cybernetically-altered horses aren't available.

Age: 23 Terran Years, 17 Tse years

Sex: Male

Relations: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased), several cousins (deceased)

Appearance: Subjects designate Ollanius, Serapa, and Macharius (Hereafter referred to as "Halbert-3" for reasons that will be explained later) are exceptionally short and broad due to the incident that lead to their psychic awakening, standing 5'2" with traditional tribal tattoos, most prominent among them being an Imperial Aquila in silver on their faces, with the eyes of the heads corresponding to their own. Pale-skinned and black-haired, they possess identical broad-brimmed hats that extreme use has rendered as crude psi-foci; they refuse to go without them unless pressured, and are irritable until the hats are regained. It is recommended to have this headware referred to the Scholastica Psykana and Mechanicus to have them remade into proper foci and potential cybernetic implantation.

Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Gamma (13) / Xi (2) (see notes)
Divination: Lambda (5)
Telekinesis: Beta (14) / Kappa (6) (see notes)
Pyromancy: Theta (8)
Biomancy: Mu (4) (see notes)

Halbert-3's psychic awakening came at the tail end of a raid by the forces of one "Bloody Billy", a heretical Wheeler and devotee of the Dog who attempted to stage a planetary rebellion by conquering assorted tribes and gangs of both Wheelers and Groxcollars. Upon witnessing the deaths of the rest of his family, Serapa in his death throes awakened an extremely powerful Biomantic affinity in the following fashion:

According to rigorously tested eyewitnesses, Serapa stood up despite his gutted abdomen, seized the bodies of his brothers, easily hauled them over to the corpse of one of their father's prized Cyber-Stallions, and began screaming in tongues that sounded like a mish-mash of High Gothic and something more guttural. Upon completing the presumed ritual, he and his brothers twisted forms into becoming a single three-bodied centauroid creature of flesh and metal. They promptly destroyed the remainder of the raiding party, then proceeded to run at unnatural speeds and killed 12 different Billy-gangs in a third as many days with both brute strength and copious quantities of bio-electricity.

As this opening was exploited by the PDF, they not only did not slow down - they accelerated, resulting in their initial Telekine score at which point the apparent demonic possession and increasing slaughter prompted a kill order. This was unsuccessful, as what forces remained were unable to catch a being that was approaching aircraft speeds through biomantic enhancement and telekinetic assistance.

Halbert-3 made a direct charge against the bulk of Billy's forces, which after a vicious battle prompted Billy to flee in his personalized mobile fortress, straight into one of the largest Thunder-Dust Storms ever recorded. When it settled, Billy was nowhere to be found, his fortress was nothing but small pieces of scrap, an appreciable portion of a square kilometer was shattered glass, and Halbert-3 took on the form they currently carry as three humans of acceptable genetic stock, only recognizable by the facial aquilas they'd acquired in their prior adulthood rituals.

They remained kneeling and motionless around a skull-and-cog symbol with aquila wings crudely hacked into the ground, and the decision was made to put the kill order on hold as no one was confident they could injure Halbert-3 much less kill him. This decision was upheld in review, as a party of Black Sentinels found Halbert-3 compliant and willing to submit to even the most brutal examinations.

What was found was that, whatever their prior ratings may have been, Halbert-3 had effectively been butchered and remade into a being of substantially less psychic power.
---Biomancy, which eyewitness accounts indicate may well have been Alpha-class, barely scrapes a Mu rating and there is no indication it was ever greater, or that it can be improved. This is tentatively attributed to a miracle of the Emperor - a penance and punishment for their past actions.

---Telekinesis is unusual in that while they are individually capable of consistent and efficient Kappa-level displays, there is one particular form in which they can demonstrate powers of up to Beta class - when all three of them are riding either a grox or a cybernetically altered horse. Under these conditions, their telekinesis manifests as earthquakes with each step of their mounts, or in waves of force projected along the ground as projectiles from those same steps. These waves of force can be both an active defense intercepting projectiles, and an offense capable of disembowling a Leman Russ.

---Telepathy is the most controversial of the ratings and the source of many of the above decisions. All three members of Halbert-3 are in permanent telepathic communication with each other, with no appreciable depreciation due to range or obstacles. So intense is this communion that speaking one name will attract the attention of the other two, they typically speak in sequence or verbal harmony, and a measure of sense sharing is usually in effect.

------However, they are utterly incapable of any and all other forms of Telepathic activity, and attempts to change this activate what appears to be an instinctive trauma-induced defense in which the intruder is dragged into the middle of their communion where they attempt to grind them to pieces. The one time this was tried, the examiner was left in a coma until psychic surgery restored their faculties.
Guess we could possibly gain favor from the big boss right now by looking that we are achieving our goal or something because we are not going to have a finished class for a while?
Psyker suggestion:

Name: Alistair Vrungel

Age: 17 years (Subjective time*)


Birth world: HDMNS** "Paragon of defiance" -Overlord Class Battlecruiser of Battlefleet Torvum

Relatives: Maria Vrungel -mother (Gunnery officer in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance"), Marek Vrungel - father (Gunnery officer in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance"), 2 brothers and 1 sister (midshipmen in active service on HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" ). See attached document on Vrungel family for further information.

Appearance: Subject bears all the marks of a voidborn, albeit somewhat less expressed than usual , presumably due to the subject's life on- board a Navy vessel. The only marks of note are several tattoos on arms and torso. Accroding to the subject himself, those tattoos are traditional marks of service used by the crew of HDMNS "Paragon of defiance". Those claims are corraborated by interrogations of several unrelated members of the crew. Further investigation has uncovered reports from Naval Ecclesiarchy and Officio Praefectus detailing the tradition and an investigation into it which ultimately cleared it as non-heretical.

Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Upon induction, acolyte achieved the following grades of psychic potential.
Telepathy: Theta (8)
Divination: Eta (9)
Telekinesis: Epsilon(11)
Biomancy: Lambda(5)

Personal history.
Subject was born into a family of Navy officers onboard an Overlord Class Battlecruiser HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" early into the third decade of the ship's fithy years assigment as a leader of Hunter-Killer squadron Epsilon, a unit made of a single capital ship and several escorts and logistics vessels and tasked with independent patrolling, rapid responce to distress signals from local SDF and merchant vessels and aggresive hunting for pirate and other hostile vessels.

Subject recieved education and training from his family and other officers on board and served various minor roles as part of the ship's crew from early age. At 14 he was formally inducted in the Imperial Navy as a midshipman. Most of his short service was quiet. While ship's logs indicate multiple combat encounters during that, most of those were too onesided to be of relevance. The battle one crucial to subjects psychic awakening is the encounter named in naval AARs as " Skrimish at M-3904".

According to the AAR, HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" and the rest of Hunter-Killer Squadron Epsilon were investigating reports of pirate ships in the area near an asteroid field designated M-3904 when a contact was made with several vessels later identified as Lite Kroozer "Mork's ride" belonging to a Freeboota Kaptain Lootklaima as well as 3 unknown orkish escorts. Despite being outgunned Orks chose to engage in battle. Several attempts were made by the Xenos to ram or board Navy ships, resulting in several groups of greenskins managing to get aboard HDMNS "Paragon of defiance" via the usage of Assault boats. One such group ended up near the Starboard Macrocannon battery Primus command post where subject was present alongside his family, "learning on the job" according to the Navy officers questioned about this fact. Subject responded to the general order to gunnery crews to repel boarders and joined the fight against the Orks alongside other crewmembers.

The exact details of melee are unknown as the pict recorders in the area were destroyed in the fighting with only minimal data recovery possible. Eyewitness records are also lacking as most of the gunnery crews in the area were lost in the fighting, whereas Naval armsmen, who secured the site, only arrived as reinforcements and did not witness majority of the fighting. From the accounts available, it appears that the Subject was able to kill several orks in close quarters combat, apparently:"dodging them blows like he knew they were coming" and "blocking em like he was hit by another lad and not a ***** Xenos thrice his size". The most blatant proof of the Subject's abilities came at the very end, when Subject ended up targeted by the Nob leading the band. After a brief exchange of blows that ended up with the Subject knocked down on the floor and disarmed, the subject proceeded to raise his arms and: "That green bastard just stopped. Like someone paused the holovid halfway through. For a second, two maybe, but long enough for Cody to bring the shotcannon to bear " . In the immediate aftermath, Subject was found unconscious, bleeding from every facial orfice. The incident was brought up to the ship's Commisar, on whose orders Subject was sedated and kept in the isolation chambers of the ship's Astropathic Chorus, under oversight of the ship's Astropaths.

* As the subject was born and spend most of his life aboard a Navy vessel in active service, he has undergone a noticable amout of time dilation assosiated with Warp travel.
** His Divine Majesty's Navy Ship

Vrungel family: a clan of hereditary naval officers with official records mentioning them as early as M 36 and clan's own records claiming service as early as M 33. There are at least 5 confirmed generations of Vrungels serving aboard HDMNS "Paragon of defiance". For brevity's sake only the parents are mentioned in this dossier.

OOC: that got out of hand a bit. Please tell me of any misspelling or mistakes.

The dodging part is supposed to be Divination, where as blocking is Telekenisis, reinforcing the blade with psy power to be able to block a blow from an Ork. The Nob part is inspired by the Psyker fight in Astartes.

For those curious about appearance, one of Rogue Trader RPG splatbooks has an variation of a Voidborn origin that is specifically for Navy ship children according to which Navy vessels tend to have higher (= closer to 1g) gravity on board that leads to the voidborn lankiness being less pronounced.
Very fitting! Approved.

Subject: Ollanius, Serapa, and Macharius Halbert

Birthplace: Tse, a mostly hot Civilized (by a small margin) world notable for three things. The first is short-lived but extremely vicious Thunder-Dust Storms born in the exceptionally dry and iron-rich deserts, made even worse by the dry climate and iron sand combining to produce extremely powerful electric charges. The second is a species of extremely deep-rooted and fast-growing long grass that also contains trace amounts of iron, enough to make fields of prairie that serve as a natural "breakwater" and grounding rod. The third is an approved deviation of the Imperial Cult that worships the Emperor as the King of Iron and the Omnissiah as the King of Storms, developed fourteen centuries ago by a Fulgurite priest and an Imperial Guard missionary. This cult has among its strictures a nomadic tradition that has developed a fierce but restrained rivalry between "Wheelers" - a motor bi- and tricycle gang structure that serves as couriers, enginseers, and hunters; and "Groxcollars" - ranchers, herders, and the bulk of the PDF, called so for their plasteel-cable lassos and tendency to ride fully grown Grox when their preferred cybernetically-altered horses aren't available.

Age: 23 Terran Years, 17 Tse years

Sex: Male

Relations: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased), several cousins (deceased)

Appearance: Subjects designate Ollanius, Serapa, and Macharius (Hereafter referred to as "Halbert-3" for reasons that will be explained later) are exceptionally short and broad due to the incident that lead to their psychic awakening, standing 5'2" with traditional tribal tattoos, most prominent among them being an Imperial Aquila in silver on their faces, with the eyes of the heads corresponding to their own. Pale-skinned and black-haired, they possess identical broad-brimmed hats that extreme use has rendered as crude psi-foci; they refuse to go without them unless pressured, and are irritable until the hats are regained. It is recommended to have this headware referred to the Scholastica Psykana and Mechanicus to have them remade into proper foci and potential cybernetic implantation.

Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Gamma (13) / Xi (2) (see notes)
Divination: Lambda (5)
Telekinesis: Beta (14) / Kappa (6) (see notes)
Pyromancy: Theta (8)
Biomancy: Mu (4) (see notes)

Halbert-3's psychic awakening came at the tail end of a raid by the forces of one "Bloody Billy", a heretical Wheeler and devotee of the Dog who attempted to stage a planetary rebellion by conquering assorted tribes and gangs of both Wheelers and Groxcollars. Upon witnessing the deaths of the rest of his family, Serapa in his death throes awakened an extremely powerful Biomantic affinity in the following fashion:

According to rigorously tested eyewitnesses, Serapa stood up despite his gutted abdomen, seized the bodies of his brothers, easily hauled them over to the corpse of one of their father's prized Cyber-Stallions, and began screaming in tongues that sounded like a mish-mash of High Gothic and something more guttural. Upon completing the presumed ritual, he and his brothers twisted forms into becoming a single three-bodied centauroid creature of flesh and metal. They promptly destroyed the remainder of the raiding party, then proceeded to run at unnatural speeds and killed 12 different Billy-gangs in a third as many days with both brute strength and copious quantities of bio-electricity.

As this opening was exploited by the PDF, they not only did not slow down - they accelerated, resulting in their initial Telekine score at which point the apparent demonic possession and increasing slaughter prompted a kill order. This was unsuccessful, as what forces remained were unable to catch a being that was approaching aircraft speeds through biomantic enhancement and telekinetic assistance.

Halbert-3 made a direct charge against the bulk of Billy's forces, which after a vicious battle prompted Billy to flee in his personalized mobile fortress, straight into one of the largest Thunder-Dust Storms ever recorded. When it settled, Billy was nowhere to be found, his fortress was nothing but small pieces of scrap, an appreciable portion of a square kilometer was shattered glass, and Halbert-3 took on the form they currently carry as three humans of acceptable genetic stock, only recognizable by the facial aquilas they'd acquired in their prior adulthood rituals.

They remained kneeling and motionless around a skull-and-cog symbol with aquila wings crudely hacked into the ground, and the decision was made to put the kill order on hold as no one was confident they could injure Halbert-3 much less kill him. This decision was upheld in review, as a party of Black Sentinels found Halbert-3 compliant and willing to submit to even the most brutal examinations.

What was found was that, whatever their prior ratings may have been, Halbert-3 had effectively been butchered and remade into a being of substantially less psychic power.
---Biomancy, which eyewitness accounts indicate may well have been Alpha-class, barely scrapes a Mu rating and there is no indication it was ever greater, or that it can be improved. This is tentatively attributed to a miracle of the Emperor - a penance and punishment for their past actions.

---Telekinesis is unusual in that while they are individually capable of consistent and efficient Kappa-level displays, there is one particular form in which they can demonstrate powers of up to Beta class - when all three of them are riding either a grox or a cybernetically altered horse. Under these conditions, their telekinesis manifests as earthquakes with each step of their mounts, or in waves of force projected along the ground as projectiles from those same steps. These waves of force can be both an active defense intercepting projectiles, and an offense capable of disembowling a Leman Russ.

---Telepathy is the most controversial of the ratings and the source of many of the above decisions. All three members of Halbert-3 are in permanent telepathic communication with each other, with no appreciable depreciation due to range or obstacles. So intense is this communion that speaking one name will attract the attention of the other two, they typically speak in sequence or verbal harmony, and a measure of sense sharing is usually in effect.

------However, they are utterly incapable of any and all other forms of Telepathic activity, and attempts to change this activate what appears to be an instinctive trauma-induced defense in which the intruder is dragged into the middle of their communion where they attempt to grind them to pieces. The one time this was tried, the examiner was left in a coma until psychic surgery restored their faculties.
I can see what you're going for, and I like the creativity.

But I'd rather you had a single Psyker without that sort of shape-shifting. It feels a bit too much for what should be a 'generic psyker sent to us for training'. A Psyker with a backstory like this would be sent to Terra or some Inquisition lab and dissected.

I'll probably still plunder it for ideas though, if you dont mind :p
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