[X][ESOTERICA] An old Aquilla:
[X][ESOTERICA] A worn copy of Eluclidea's Geometrics:
Ok, so these are my choices. I thought we could use both of these items to make like a imperially sanctioned spell book.
Then I thought how such a book could look like.
Then I thought of what type of things would be in there, because how would you combine religion and geometry.
Then I though, hey, isn't there this Plato guy that you read a lot in college right now, that did that, maybe one could make do a 40k equivalent of that.
Maybe I could make that, actually.
And then I didn't really think, because my muse kind of took over from there
So without further ado, enjoy the first Omake I wrote in, idk, a few years.
Before the Beginning of time, there was the One True Universal Creator, who was Good.
And because He was a universal craftsman, He set about crafting a Universe.
And because He was Good, He set about creating the One True Universe, which was to be the best possible Universe.
The Creator knew that the most perfect thing would be a thing that was in permanent and perfect order. Understanding the nature of order, as He understands all things, He knew that a man who remained upright while running was more ordered than one who remained upright while standing, and that they were both more ordered than the man who remained upright because he lacked the life necessary for movement.
Because of that, He knew the most perfect Universe had to be in constant movement.
For this, it had to be created in the image of a living being.
But to create a Perfect Universe, He had to find the perfect form on which to base His creation.
So He ordered His nine sons—beings that also existed before time, who, each being made of the same divine essence as He was, were both persons in their own right and continuations of Himself, divided from Him by the love He felt for them—to go and try to create a perfect being.
For this, He gave them unlimited access to all the forms that did not yet, but would later, exist.
They each went out to try to please their Father, creating as many forms as they could, thinking that one had to be perfect.
When they returned, the number of forms they had created was 111, and when all the combinations of these forms were considered, they numbered 999 in total.
Being a loving Father, the Creator tried to use all 999 forms, but each and every Universe that was created was a mutated and alien place, in which madness triumphed over logic.
Disappointed, He sat down all of His sons and told them to start working together.
And together they toiled for 999 plus 1 times as long as they had on their previous work, combining their efforts to create a perfect form. For a muse, they used the most perfect being they knew, which was the One True Creator, their Father.
In the end, they were left with a form represented by a simple triangle, whose angles were precisely two of 45 degrees and one of 90 degrees.
They then took this new form and used it as the basis of a new Universe.
The Universe, in response, took the shape of a perfect sphere, the most flawless of forms.
And all the things in that most perfect Universe separated themselves into five elements, each according to a sacred geometrical shape.
These five elements were, from the heaviest to the lightest:
- Earth represented by the form of the cube, a body made up of six squares, each of which was in turn made of two triangles.
- Water, represented by the form of the Icosahedron, made up of 20 triangles.
- Air, represented by the form of the Octahedron, made up of 8 triangles.
- Fire, represented by the form of the Tetrahedron, made up of 4 triangles.
- Aether, represented by the form of the Dodecahedron, made up of 12 pentagons, each pentagon in turn made of 5 triangles.
And of all the most perfect elements, all the things in the Universe started to partake in the forms, each partaking in each element and its different forms to varying degrees.
And so all things in all the corners of the Universe were born.
And just as the Creator had known, on the most perfect planet in the entire Universe, partaking only in the form of perfect order, a group of beings formed.
The Creator beheld His creation and knew that it was Good.
He beheld them, the name before only used by Him and His sons.
He beheld them and called them Men.
To describe every detail of their perfection would take 12 times longer than it took to create them.
An example of this beauty was their skull, which could have been thicker to provide more protection or thinner to allow more intelligence, but instead was of the perfect thickness to provide the best possible balance of both.
Knowing these creations to be the best possible ones He could have made, He only wanted the best possible things for them.
Therefore, instead of allowing them to rot in their pathetic imitation of existence, He took all 999 lesser possible Universes and merged them with this One Perfect Universe.
The inadequate forms could not touch the perfection of the Universe based on the form of Men. Instead, they formed an illogical realm known as the Immaterium.
All the forms infinitely lesser than the form of Men then went on to form the numerous species of Xenos found in all the lesser places of the Universe.
Knowing that while Men were greater than all of them combined but still less numerous, He decided that their existence would serve as the perfect school to teach His children to mature and grow into the destiny of divinity with which He christened them at their formation.
For, on that day when the Universe is scrubbed clean of every Alien, and the last influence of the Immaterium is eradicated, and Men exist only in their purest form, it will be the day when Men are mature enough to take their rightful place at the right hand of the Creator.
But the Creator, in His infinite wisdom, knew that Men were not yet ready to shoulder their destiny.
So, in a reversal of the last day, when Men will ascend to become Gods, the ascent of Men will begin with Gods becoming Men.
For the Universal Creator to lead His children in the most perfect way, He joined them inside the Universe, embodying the form of Perfection, also called the form of Men, to the highest degree.
He was followed, in their love of their Father, by His nine sons.
The Creator turned Mortal, for He is our guide and our light, and is called the Emperor of Man, who is beloved by all. His sons, in their mortal forms, are most commonly referred to as the Nine Primarchs of Man.
This is the Truth given form as Word so that it can be understood by those who are not yet divine.
This is the Word given form as Text so that its joyous message can be shared with all.
- An excerpt of "De Bonum Maximum Universum", a semi-heretical Text fragment that is said to have been very influential to the Cosmology and Religious doctrine of the late imperial golden age of the greater sol system and early religious thought in the Imperium as a whole.
The identity of its original author remains a mystery, though many suspect the Primarch Roboute Guilliman.