A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

I'm personally leaning towards the guardsmen, considering our previous positive interactions with the Torvuum Triarii, besides, god knows we need some more guardsman love in quests!

You worked with the Tribunes, which are a pattern of soldier descended from the Solar Auxilia, that are maintained across the Torvum Sector as a standard to uphold. The commissioned officers of these regiments tend to be from established military families or traditions, and will have connections to the military aristocracy of the Torvum Sector.

The Triarii are the elite of the elite. A fully carapace armoured mechanized infantry pattern where each soldier of the regiment is some form of noble.
I'm inclined for either Admech, because implants are cool, and also technologically advanced underwater city probably means having contacts in the admech would be useful, or Guard, because we are a punch wizard.
IRT trade and the like..

Rogue Traders, Merchant Conglomerates, Cartels, etc, do hire Psykers. Its just something rare because in many Imperial Sectors, there aren't a lot of Psykers and the civilian economy gets the last pickings.

Divination Tarot-Readers, Telepaths to ensure nobody lies during interviews, or for long distance planetary communication that can not be intercepted, biomancers for healing, Telekinetics for fine assembly as Psi-Artisans. These are things Psykers can be trained for and employed in, IF there are enough Psykers around that they can be employed for these roles.
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IRT trade and the like..

Rogue Traders, Merchant Conglomerates, Cartels, etc, do hire Psykers. Its just something rare because in many Imperial Sectors, there aren't a lot of Psykers and the civilian economy gets the last pickings.

Divination Tarot-Readers, Telepaths to ensure nobody lies during interviews, or for long distance planetary communication that can not be intercepted, biomancers for healing, Telekinetics for fine assembly as Psi-Artisans. These are things Psykers can be trained for and employed in, IF there are enough Psykers around that they can be employed for these roles.
Well since were out school is going to be in the area can maybe politic and get them some more chances then they have had before as a move to make friends and politic.
Things vary a lot in the Imperium. Some sectors have it where the only Psykers are going to be a handful of Astropaths at major astropathic relays. Other sectors have it where pretty much every noble family worth their salt has at least one dedicated Tarot-Reader.

It also probably doesn't help that sanctioning and training takes place on Terra which turns things into a logistic hurdle for further away places.
There are smaller hidden Psykana fortresses around the Imperium that do some measure of training locally. You dont need to take a Zeta-Grade Divination Psyker to Terra. But the sector needs to actually have an institution that can do that. AND people who want their employment.

Note: The fact you can be sanctioned outside Terra is still something the Psykana tries to keep hush-hush. The idea they are -all- soulbound to the Emperor helps in terms of orthodoxy and legitimacy.
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I'm inclined for either the rogue trader, because connections to them can sidestep pesky imperial regulations and get access to stuff we will never be able to get without their help, or for the mech man, for better facilities, and of course implants too.

I am not so hot on the other choices, mostly because I 1, don't understand their unique brand of benefit outside normal funds and such, and 2, we should be able to get connections to them later much easier. The rogue trader for example I see no way of forging a connection with without them seeking us out, seeing as they are isolated in their private fief.
This is fantastic. @Mayto No pressure at all but would you be willing to very briefly describe how one of the builds that lean completely into psyker power would be different from the one we picked? a path not taken if you will.

Also how are psyker's sanctioned outside Terra? I thought sanctioning was just what they called soul bonding to the emperor in universe.
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Its one of thirty Archmagos, a possible heir for a Rogue trader dynasty controlling a chunk of the sector, a nephew of the Sector Governor who commands a battleship, a descendant of the Sector Governor who is going into planetary defense alongside their officers.

This is the Imperium. Everything is connected through networks of intrigue, family bonds, dynasties, feudal obligations.
This is mostly looking at the long-term benefits of these contacts; on a short-term basis they can all be roughly comparable to an individual psyker. It'll be once the MC becomes an established power within the Telepathica that any contacts made here can really flourish and distinguish their benefits on an organizational scale.

[] A Battleship of Battlefleet Torvum:
Meet an admiral of Battlefleet Torvum, a nephew of Sector Lord Ozmandus
[] An Imperial Guard troop ship:
Meet an ambitious Lord General of the Imperial Guard, and great-granddaughter of Lord Ozmandus.
These foster connections with the Imperial Navy and Imperial Guard, the boots-on-the-ground factions, as it were. Both are valuable as contacts since they will be the primary recipients of the vast majority of the psykers that get graduated from our programs later on. Establishing credentials and becoming a known figure would likely mean we're given preference when requests for psykers are made, and there will be at least a little bit of trust that we would provide them well-trained and decently stable psykers instead of the dregs that might get foisted upon them by more distant powers with whom they have no rapport. The weight of their organizations isn't as singularly powerful as some others, but has the inertia of ten millennia behind it and can grind a lot of issues we might face down if it means reliable assets for them. These are the options with solid general benefits when looking to the future.

[] A House Chromus Cruiser:
Meet one of the prospective heirs of Rogue Trader Lord Chromus CLVII

[] A chartered luxury transport:
Meet an intelligent Chartist Captain with connections to some of the largest economic blocs of the Torvum Sector.
These ones, on the other hand, are much more commercial and significantly more picky, with more of an eye for quality than quantity as future contacts. Incredibly lucrative to be involved with, but also likely to be much more sporadic in their need for psykers. For the rogue trader dynasty, this is just one of the many prospective heirs rather than the trader themselves, so the full weight of the dynasty's influence is unlikely to be swung in our favor except very occasionally, but if and when it does that power will be felt. For the League, good relations with them would mean notably more regular dealings but with less influence behind them since it's essentially a merchant conglomerate rather than a megacorporation. Good options, but likely focused more on commercial/economic benefits; money is power in the Imperium too, not just how killy you are, but it's something to bear in mind.

[] An Explorator Ark Mechanicus:
Meet a introspective Arch-Magos of the Silver Rings returning home.
This AdMech connection offers potential in that most unique of things; high quality technology that can be acquired in bulk. As an explorator fleet they're as likely to have incredible lostech and archaeotech relics as the rogue trader dynasty (and are about as likely to part ways with them; only for heinous prices and with favors and assurances given), but arguably more valuable are the higher quality & better maintained augmetics, security measures, training assets, and technologies for easing psychic stability on an individual and facility basis. The AdMech has the least need for psykers in volume though, since they have some organizations of their own involved with psykery on the low end, so the requests they will extend will have to be met with likely the highest quality per-capita of any potential contacts we might make here. An extremely narrow focus in terms of potential benefits from this contact, but within that area of focus they are far and away worlds beyond what we could expect from the others.
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[X] An Imperial Guard troop ship:

I would like some reciprocal trust that one of the majority recipients of our students would expect stable psykers with a good grasp of what they are needed for and as a result of that to use them properly rather than burning them out rapidly.
[X] An Imperial Guard troop ship:

As appealing as they all are, I think that fostering a relationship with the Imperial Guard, and the rising star descendant of the Sector Lord, will lead to the most benefit to our eventual institution and its graduates. This is where most of them will be sent, wyrdvane groups and lone operators alike, and if we have a good rapport with where the quantity goes, then over time we'll gain word-of-mouth recognition with the organizations that scout for quality as well.

And on a separate note, a lot of 40k quests cozy up to the AdMech, Rogue Traders, Inquisition, etc. Not a lot seem to get involved with the less glamorous ones though. And as an institution that trains psykers and doesn't require heading all the way back to Terra to get them (as far as most people are aware), we're going to eventually get housecalls from those exciting groups anyway, but I'd be interested in seeing the Imperial Guard get some more time to shine by dint of us associating with them early on.
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