I've thought about it more and I can elaborate more on why I dislike the power and kindness question. I've already elaborated on why the question is a bad one. I don't think it was a bad inclusion in the quest though. It's emblematic of Eggman's relationship with Belle. The conundrum asks Eggman if he will alter his conduct if he wants Belle to stay. Belle is a child who hasn't studied history and Eggman is an insane megalomaniac.

This question is something that Eggman should be asking a psychologist. What does he get out of asking a fortune teller it? I don't think Eggman is anywhere the point where he is open to asking other people advice on personal relationships. Eggman is supposed to tell Canaan about the question (about a personal relationship) that she will ask a fortune teller. Then he would be trusting her to bring that answer back to him. That is just bizarre. I genuinely see no appeal in it. It's baffling to me.

People are scared of what the prince may do with a chaos emerald.

As soon as that rival report dropped, people wanted to infiltrate the empire as soon as possible.

on turn 4 our original plan was to try to get the conch again, but since Starline got diagnosed with 3 bullets to the chest we kinda changed for aynthing else and people saw it was the perfect opportunity to infiltrate.
That makes things a lot clearer, thank you.

Anyways, that makes planning a lot simpler. Now the main concern for sketches will be if Eggman will have a Drive to find the assassin that makes us delay finding Chuck. That and whatever GUN wants to propose.

Ideally, I'd like to make some Egg Drones so we can at least say we're preparing to search for the assassin.

That and Cordelia wasn't in a great spot. Being the one incidently responsible for it I wanted to help.
We're playing as Eggman though. Also, infiltrating by itself doesn't do anything other than get us some news. There was also an option to sabotage the Empire with the same DC. We weren't going to be likely to have a chance to capitalize on the Empire for a long time.
This question is something that Eggman should be asking a psychologist. What does he get out of asking a fortune teller it? I don't think Eggman is anywhere the point where he is open to asking other people advice on personal relationships. Eggman is supposed to tell Canaan about the question (about a personal relationship) that she will ask a fortune teller. Then he would be trusting her to bring that answer back to him. That is just bizarre. I genuinely see no appeal in it. It's baffling to me.
PLEASE vote for the other option my friends
This question is something that Eggman should be asking a psychologist. What does he get out of asking a fortune teller it? I don't think Eggman is anywhere the point where he is open to asking other people advice on personal relationships. Eggman is supposed to tell Canaan about the question (about a personal relationship) that she will ask a fortune teller. Then he would be trusting her to bring that answer back to him. That is just bizarre. I genuinely see no appeal in it. It's baffling to me.

It's Piastol, nit Canaan, Just Correcting that.
We're playing as Eggman though. Also, infiltrating by itself doesn't do anything other than get us some news. There was also an option to sabotage the Empire with the same DC. We weren't going to be likely to have a chance to capitalize on the Empire for a long time.

Yo be clear, the option to sabotage the Empire refers to rhe one invading Green Hills, led by Selvaria, not the Empire proper.

You have finally will have a bit more of insight of what goes in their territory.
yeah. the Mirror Fighter machine is pretty good, I haven't talked about it because I think it's applications are a bit obvious, we can just put an Eggrobo in it and send it with a hero on an assault and suddenly they've got more backup.
I was thinking using it as a training room for our heroes. I'm still waiting for turn five to drop to see if the QM liked the idea or not and ifs plausible to do for us
Hmm…I do want the conch for another go at the Zeti, plus getting metal upgraded so he can get another chance to fully mess with the Zeti amuses me.

That abd becoming immune to that type of bullshit, heck he might even be able to take control of other robots! (More limited then the Zeti unless chaos emerald)
Yeah, I agree with that completely. I'm asking what the purpose of infiltrating the Empire on Turn 4 was. It had a higher DC than sabotaging Zavok, so it's not a matter of inability to meet DCs. The Empire was (and is) a distant threat. Zavok was a threat right on Turn 4. I'm asking if there was something pressing about the Empire that meant it was better to infiltrate it rather than disrupting Zavok's invasion. I have a plan in mind for Turn 5, but I want to know if there was a purpose to infiltrating the Empire so if it's important it doesn't get disrupted.

Well sabotage Zavok has it's appeal true but remember the guy is currently using our own stuff, giving mallus to him would in turn give mallus that everybody else can use meaning less territory we can reclaim for ourselves or more of our stuff destroyed.

He already took a chunk of his badniks to fight us and lose while we took also a very good number he produce this turn as well. Zavok is extremely weak in Turn 4 and he made no hiding attempts he was coming to kill Dr. Eggman.

So if I was playing any other of the factions I would pounce on the opportunity in attacking him to get territory while he was distracted, the last thing we want is to give him even more mallus to fight everybody else while we could not do anything. Even in Turn 5 he would get badniks passively still not nearly enough to form a proper defense force against three enemy forces breathing down on his neck.

Also in Turn 4 the Empire fail to fortify territory but cut they dice on half, so that 60DC to infiltrate them would probably rise a lot since is very likely they will pass the action this Turn and fortification raise the Infiltration roll. So we took the opportunity to Infiltrate while the dice was still reachable without needing to dedicate a high tier Hero Unity.
I was thinking using it as a training room for our heroes. I'm still waiting for turn five to drop to see if the QM liked the idea or not.
well I can already see a few problems with that, it can only copy power and... what was the other stat? so someone like Piastol or Conquering Storm would have a massive advantage against their clone. and a fight between two Metal Sonics would probably be so brutal it would leave both crippled (not to mention setting off his imposter syndrome).
well I can already see a few problems with that, it can only copy power and... what was the other stat? so someone like Piastol or Conquering Storm would have a massive advantage against their clone. and a fight between two Metal Sonics would probably be so brutal it would leave both crippled (not to mention setting off his imposter syndrome).
Copies Only Power stat and all available combat traits, and the Clone Only Last for a fight/battle, once over they will Just dissapear
I still haven't gotten my question answered if we have the specs on rocket metal sonic like do we have the capability to build him or at least implement some upgrades onto metal sonic?

Like I can definitely see his rocket form being a major boost to his speed and increased his flight speed capabilities as well
I still haven't gotten my question answered if we have the specs on rocket metal sonic like do we have the capability to build him or at least implement some upgrades onto metal sonic?

Like I can definitely see his rocket form being a major boost to his speed and increased his flight speed capabilities as well

Dude, Metal don't need that, he's already fast as Sonic and can fly as well. That rocket would not offer any advantage to him.
I still haven't gotten my question answered if we have the specs on rocket metal sonic like do we have the capability to build him or at least implement some upgrades onto metal sonic?

Like I can definitely see his rocket form being a major boost to his speed and increased his flight speed capabilities as well
At most rocket Sonic world be an uograde for metal but Only benefit is being able to make him space-worthy, any combat boost, if any would be very small.
….. I feel like some of you have forgotten about where the fortuneteller tent is currently located at…. You know deep in technically enemy territory. The restoration, very same group that fought against us during sonic forces. , now working together with Gun and having members from across sonic Ip who resisted their version of us. People who would not take it very take kindly of our minion, asking this question.

We don't know if the tent is soundproof or there isn't any random member of the restoration coming by or just walking by through by sheer random luck and then they hear are minion ask this question to Elizabeth….

And the reason I ask about rocket metal sonic is because the arc is in space you know where the black doom are currently located at along with the ultimate life form.
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If we are fearful of revealing Piastol on this, changing the vote to the gerald and maria one can confuse people.

Apart from Eggman, Towers would also be one asking that one.
I'd prefer either of th4e runner up options to the currently winning one really,
Well, here's the thing with either way how the vote ends or who wins the vote. It's not going to be satisfactory for everyone. That's the truth. Some are going to be bitter about this other are going to accept it.

The reason why I've even put that vote is because in persona games it's ultimately about character growth as well as. Each character matured, reaching a version of them that they would like. Becoming a better version of them. I'm ultimately thinking with that mindset as well.

What's the way to become the best version of ourselves while retaining both power and kindness.
….. I feel like some of you have forgotten about where the fortuneteller tent is currently located at…. You know deep in technically enemy territory. The restoration, very same group that fought against us during sonic forces. , now working together with Gun and having members from across sonic Ip who resisted their version of us. People who would not take it very take kindly of our minion, asking this question.

We don't know if the tent is soundproof or there isn't any random member of the restoration coming by or just walking by through by sheer random luck and then they hear are minion ask this question to Elizabeth….

And the reason I ask about rocket metal sonic is because the arc is in space you know where the black doom are currently located at along with the ultimate life form.

Uh. Pal the Velvet Room is supernatural, only people that the Velvelt Room allows to enter and even hear it is people that wanted to hear about.