Confused Jackie Chan and Facepalming Picard Counter
All Instances of Confused Jackie Chan & Facepalming Picard

Total Confused Jackie Chan Tally: XXII

1D100 = 6+25+5+10-15 = 31 (The heck? :jackiechan: )
1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat!Fail! 7 (Why do I even bother... :jackiechan:)
1D3+3 = 3+3 => 6! ( :jackiechan: )
:jackiechan: Bro, at this point, the dice just have a mind of their own. And no one can convince me otherwise.
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = Nat! 97+20+10-10-15 => Nat!Crit! 87 ( :jackiechan: What is going on?!)
1D100 = Nat! 1+15+15-20 => Nat!Fail! 11 ( :jackiechan: THREE NAT ONES?!?!?!)
1D100 = 6+20 => 26 ( :jackiechan: How?! Why?!)
1D100 = 21-15-10-5+10+5 => 6 ( :jackiechan: If you had gotten a Crit Fail here, I swear again–)
1D100 = Nat! 95+10+10-10 => Nat!Crit! 105 ( :jackiechan: This was not part of the plan!! How the heck–)
1D100 = Nat! 100+20+15+10-10 => Nat!Crit! 135 ( :jackiechan: Dilliam Wuke's having a stronk... call a Dukulance... :facepalm: )
87+15+15+30-20-10 =Art!Crit! 117 ( :jackiechan: Da heck?!)
1D100 = 85+15+30-10 => Art!Crit! 120 ( :jackiechan: What is this rollercoaster nonsense?!)
1D100 = 19+10+10+5 => 44 (Whu–?! :jackiechan: )
3D2000 = 1996+1984+855 => 4835 ( :jackiechan: Really?!)
1D100 = Nat!100+20+10+5+5+5 => Nat!Crit! 145 ( :jackiechan: Not again... Not again!! :facepalm: )
1D100 = 87+10 => Art!Crit! 97 ( :jackiechan: No no no no no no... Wait wait wait wait... WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT)
1D100 = Nat! 1+10-10 => Nat!Fail! 1 ( :jackiechan: The hell?!)
1D100 = Nat! 5+10-10-5 => Nat!Fail! 0 ( :jackiechan: Not again, not again!! :facepalm: )
1D100 = Nat! 98+10+5 => Nat!Crit! 113 (Oh, for– :jackiechan: )
1D100 = 91-5+5 => Art!Crit! 96 ( :jackiechan: Why are my dice like this?)
1D100 = 11-5+5+5 => 16 ( :jackiechan: Da hecc?)


Total Facepalming Picard Tally: XIX

1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat Crit! 7 ( :facepalm: ...of course.)
1D100 = Nat! 96+25+15+10+5 = Nat!Crit! 151 ( :facepalm: Oh, screw off.)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20-15-10 => Neg!Fail! -4 ( :facepalm: Of course...)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = 11+15+15-20 => 21 ( :facepalm: Can anything be normal in my quest?)
1D100 = 85+15+10-15 => Art!Crit! 95 ( :facepalm: I'm done... I've had enough of this.)
1D100 = Nat! 99+10+5 => Nat! Crit! 114 ( :facepalm: Of course, why wouldn't this happen?)
1D100 = 94+15+10+5 => Art!Crit! 129 ( :facepalm: If you had gotten a Nat Crit, I swear...)
1D100 = Nat! 100+20+15+10-10 => Nat!Crit! 135 ( :jackiechan: Dilliam Wuke's having a stronk... call a Dukulance... :facepalm: )
1D100 = 27-5-15-15-30+20+25 => 7 ( :facepalm: Well, at least it's not a crit fail...)
...Why do I do this to myself? :facepalm:
1D100 = 93+10+5 => Art!Crit! 108 ( :facepalm: Of course...)
1D100 = 89+10 => Art!Crit! 99 (Of course... :facepalm: )
1D100 = Nat!100+20+10+5+5+5 => Nat!Crit! 145 ( :jackiechan: Not again... Not again!! :facepalm: )
1D100 = Nat!100+20 => (Autopass!) Nat!Crit! 120 ( :facepalm: If you'll all excuse me for one sec...)
1D100 = Nat! 5+10-10-5 => Nat!Fail! 0 ( :jackiechan: Not again, not again!! :facepalm: )
1D100 = 19-10-10+10 = 9 ( :facepalm: Of course, what else would I expect?)
1D100 = Nat! 95-10-5+10 => Nat!Crit! 90 ( :facepalm: Bipolar dice much?)

@Randomnerd, thank you for the idea.
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This looks like a job for Robert Rogers! :V

Indeed, the quiet before the storm and no distant musket fire shows, that the killings were done up close and personal. Good old Rogers favoured using the tomahawk for close quarters, taking it from the Natives and his rules mention it more, than once. Given the problem with supplies and whatnot, I wouldn' be surprised if he decided to take the sneaky approach and chop up his foes from behind to conserve ammunition.
Yeah well the way I see it, it dosent matter if he's quiet or loud now.

Fort Erie is going to be a nightmare to take even if Roger's success with his plans.
Wilkinson is a character in his own right. A lackey of Horatio Gates who leaked existence of the Conway Cabal and losing the friendship of Gates, a suspected murderer of General Mad Anthony Wayne via poison, and a confirmed traitor working for the Spanish under the alias of "Agent 13". Before plotting with Burr, Wilkinson had plotted to have Kentucky secede from the United States and join the Spanish. Yet he still has streets and counties named after him.

Wait, what? He did all that? They didn't teach this, or a lot things, at school.

Also, what is the Conway Cabal?
It was a conspiracy headed by Gates and a few of his lackeys to remove Washington as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and install Gates in his place. It quickly fell apart and nothing ever came from it.
It was less a conspiracy with gates at its head and more a couple of morons who thought Washington must go.

But it failed quite spectacularly.
Seriously I'd argue that Wilkinson was a right cunt and oppertunity stealing son of a bitch at every point of his career
Unlike Burr, his treason was clear as day. Unlike Arnold, he had not been pushed to a breaking point by his compatriots. Unlike Gates, he had not even some achievements of noticeable merit.

Yet somehow, he was the Commanding General of the United States Army (then titled the Senior Officer of the United States Army) not once, but TWICE. Yet all Arnold got for his treason was some barren wasteland in Canada.

*Seethes quietly some more*

Also, what is the Conway Cabal?
It was an alleged attempt, though I lean more to it being real than fake, to replace Washington as Commander-In-Chief with Horatio Gates by Gates and some of his lackeys, as @Sertorius and @Magoose said. It's named after Thomas Conway, an Irish-born General and one of the conspirators who, after the Revolution, briefly served as the governor of French India of all things.
Well I am going to leave the military planning to the experts who know what they are doing. And maybe after this battle Jonathan Halbert can improve his relationship with General Lee, it would be a unique dynamic that it would affect history in some ways but not in a way that would change the American Revolution war history.
[X] Fort Erie is the main objective, and you cannot let the supplies and men inside it slip away to Canada. And if you delay, they will have time to prepare their defenses.
[X] No, you need time to properly form up for battle.
The best part is that Tommy, being an officer, is formally a gentleman. Therefore he can try and get the poor bastard into a duel. :V
The problem is...would Wilkonson Rebuff him and not do it. Dispite it being offered.


Also something that would interest Ole Halbert if he's in the area at the time.

Its four years away but we can plan for the future.

Edit: Because why make it gradual when you can just be like Massachusts an free them all.
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[X] Plan Bait and Switch
-[X] Fort Erie is the main objective, and you cannot let the supplies and men inside it slip away to Canada. And if you delay, they will have time to prepare their defenses.
-[X] Yes, now is the time to strike while they are unaware and unprepared for our approach!
--[X] Leave behind a detachment of men to guard your flank and rear while you attack.
---[X] Half of 3rd and 4th Canadian
--[X] Leave behind a detachment to commit spoiling attacks to keep the enemy you aren't attacking distracted.
---[X] Half of 3rd and 4th Canadian, all Cavalry and Little Hawk's troops

We can't catch the Mohawks unless we force them into a Stand up, we can't slow down or the loot gets away, and we have enough soldiers we can split and have a big enough force for both.

So bum rush the fort, and if/when the Mohawks come in we halt them with the defense force and gank them with the spoilers.

EDIT: also, capturing the fort as fast as possible gives us the option of taking the guns and turning it on the ships if we're quick about it.
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The problem is...would Wilkonson Rebuff him and not do it. Dispite it being offered.
It all depends on the circumstances.

If Tommy, being the blunt kid he is, would just approach him in public, slap him in the face and call his mother all sorts of names... well, let's just say he would have to respond to this great insult with a duel or he would be ridiculed beyond all redemption. Reputation in high circles was a very important thing at the time. Something Tommy couldn't care less about. All that matters, is that he is deadly in a fight. :V
Can confirm that Tommy would not care for his reputation and duel anyone he wanted for the sake of it. He does try to save it for the wrong'uns and people who are jerks, though. I do wish to write him doing a duel in a future update, put his Prowess stat to use and all that.
Have you guys thought of which commanding officer is leading the regiments, some of the officers would be effective in someway that will affect the battle to our advantage. Though I don't know if we have reviewed the officers and if there was such a thing as their own traits that would make them effective in battle.
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