We are assuming he hasnt manged to infect metal with the comand/ he needs to be contorl him also if sage is there we might be able to hack back silver too making him have to waste time keeping both under command
Yeah Metal isn't currently 'hacked' but more being 'remote controlled' is my understanding. hence why I was earlier musing about using starline to pull Metal out of range.

That said, I think our best option is just blow metal's legs off and make it to where Zavok can't grab metal and run.
[] Plan There Is No Retreat
-[] Eggman(Darc-Egg Robot)
-[] Isara
-[] Proghorn Sisters
-[] Canaan
-[] Piastol

I didn't comment your plan but is not better to Dr. Eggman replace Isara instead of Conquering Storm?

We were extremely lucky we last this long without damage to our Hero units and all it would take is a crit for Isara be out of the field while most Heroes can still continue the fight with at least 1 HP or have the chance to retreat instead of needing to be carry by other Heroes to safety.

This going to be a slugfest between Hero Units, no badniks or armies here but a full brawn between Hero Units. Isara tank while good for war is not something I want to bring into a melee such as this.

Yeah Metal isn't currently 'hacked' but more being 'remote controlled' is my understanding. hence why I was earlier musing about using starline to pull Metal out of range.

That said, I think our best option is just blow metal's legs off and make it to where Zavok can't grab metal and run.

The narration also make it clear that Zavok is using his powers to keep Metal on his side.

It would probably take a National Action to fully bring Metal Sonic to their side without having to use their power.
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That said, I think our best option is just blow metal's legs off and make it to where Zavok can't grab metal and run.
There's a reason I want to deploy the Proghorns. Cassia's non-lethal weaponry would allow us to temporarily trap Metal. A trap we can get him out of if Zavok is stupid enough to release his control on Metal.

Because they need to get Metal to Chuck to infect him with the virus.

This going to be a slugfest between Hero Units, no badniks or armies here but a full brawn between Hero Units. Isara tank while good for war is not something I want to bring into a melee such as this.
Pretty certain Silver is a Badnik. A powerful Badnik, but not a True Hero Unit. And that's who I'd be sending Isara against in the initial clash.

Isara is stronger in combat than Conquering Storm anyways and 'What If Crit!' Applies just as equally against Silver Sonic.
I assume vote format is going to be vote for a plan, vote for what to do with the two zeti we captured, and vote for an interlude/question?
[X] Plan There Is No Retreat
-[X] Eggman(Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Isara
-[X] Proghorn Sisters
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol
OK so now that wave 2 is done I have a really important question @Kingster if we pick Sage for wave 3 could she try to take control of metal sonic and silver sonic from Zavok?

Okey from the top.

1) You could pick Sage and she will be presenty in the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, She can try and hack Silver Sonic and return control of him to you, not that won't woprk with Metal, we won't tell you how she will react/face against Zeti's powers, you will have to find on your own.

2) She won't provide any bonuses for the Darc Egg Robot, but there will be ohter ways she can help if you wish.
It do will take using a slot to field her no ifs nor buts.
[X] Plan There Is No Retreat

[x] Let Zeena and Zomom leave

I am intentionally not voting for an interlude as I find all the options very interesting and don't particularly care what wins.
Voting is open, remmebr that you have to vote for zeti's fate, the last wave team and the reward for 500 page!

[ ] Kill Zeena and Zomom: They were enemies and they would do the same to you. Why show them mercy?

[ ] Capture Zeena and Zomom: As annoying as they have the potential to be, you don't deny they could be interesting to study. Plus, it would be a great insult to their pride to make it seem they're not worth killing.

[ ] Let Zeena and Zomom leave: This is the most risky option. But Zavok, shockingly patient as he can be with his pack, might finally see this as a breaking point and dispose of them anyways. Even if he doesn't, they're horribly injured. They will be a lessened threat for quite awhile.

Lat wave team(plan format)

and the 500 page reward:

Here's your choices

1) Big's Grand Adventure

2) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold

3) Zero + One Equals a Whole

4) The question you all decide on
1) You could pick Sage and she will be presenty in the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, She can try and hack Silver Sonic and return control of him to you, not that won't woprk with Metal, we won't tell you how she will react/face against Zeti's powers, you will have to find on your own.

No way I willing to risk that.

In Archie Comcis Nicole was a AI much like Sage and she end up falling into the control of a technopath. No way I willing to risk that.

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom

[] Plan: Showdown (with Cassia)
-[] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[] Pronghorn Sisters
-[] Conquering Storm
-[] Canaan
-[] Piastol

[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure

Decided to put Cassia here too. Because people will not likely to vote in my plan without young Cassia around but they are more than welcome to use the old template.

Also Isara is too much of a glass cannon for my taste so replacing for Dr. Eggman seems the right choice for me.

Zeena and Zomon could be useful to study Zeti powers and come up with countermeasures (We still have to deal with Master Zik, Zazz, Zor and possible Zavok if he retreats from this battle) and once we taken everything we can from them we trow them into the Lost Hex. Letting them go have to risk of Zavok forcing them into the fight meaning that Zomon and Zeena would eb able to use they own powers to debuff Darc-Egg Robot and Cassia suit as well.

As for the Interlude, Big tend to stumble in really important stuff by accident so may as well see what he stumble this time.


Going to leave my original plan for people to vote if they want here.

[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol
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[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom
[X] Plan There Is No Retreat
-[X] Eggman(Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Isara
-[X] Proghorn Sisters
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol
[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure
[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom

Atleast Zomom should be easy to keep contained.

[X] Plan There Is No Retreat

... From Eggman

[x] 2) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold
[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom

[X] 4) The question you all decide on
[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom

[X] Plan: Showdown (with Cassia)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Pronghorn Sisters
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol

[X] Zero + One Equals a Whole
Let's see if infinite is up to something
You grinned maliciously as Zeena squirmed under your heel. Zomom was nearby, crying from his injuries. Hmmph. Pathetic.

"Undisciplined. Truly undisciplined. We should end you right here, right now, so there are less false warriors in the world." You smirk. Zeena sneered hatefully.

"You're…just.. jealous…" She spat out, defiant to the end. Hmm. Maybe she wasn't such a disgrace after all.

I can work with this.

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom