I think letting them go sends a strong message to the Zeti as well as G.U.N. and the Restoration. Capturing them offers new research avenues and maybe a chance to get Metal Sonic back quicker via prisoner exchange but would also eat into our actions a bit.
I don't think letting them go would be a good idea, there is no way Zavok won't build up his forces and attack us again. There is being nice (capturing them alive), and then there is being incredibly naive (letting them go to do whatever they want). If we let them go, we will just have to fight them again and we will be back in this situation.
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I don't think letting them go would be a good idea, there is no way Zavok won't build up his forces and attack us. There is being nice (capturing them alive), and then there is being incredibly naive (letting them go to do whatever they want). If we let them go, we will just have to fight them again and we will be back in this situation.

Not only yhat bit they still have 1 HP, meaning Zavok can used them to figh us in Wave 3 if he so desire.

there's no chance of rehabilitation for the Zeti, banishing them back to little hex is the best bet we have after wringing them dry of info, (provided of course we also get metal on them...and make sure they can't use their powers...) or alternatively, we just banish them to a random zone in space and time, let them stew in their punishment then.
The zeti have plenty of badniks leftover. Don't forget they got a critical while producing as much badniks for this raid as much as they can. I'm going to say that Zavok probably only took half of what was available, since he was thinking thru his anger to bring the other two to help. And I think we should only bring Clove and leave her sister, since Zavok would probably while retreating or while laying defeated, would concentrate on some petty revenge, and causing Cassia's health unit to try and kill her is a petty thing he would do. And if he's successful, we would be losing a valuable unit, as Clove would no doubt leave. The dice giveth and they taketh.

I believe we should allow Zavok to retreat, once we defeat him. So that he would keep the remaining zeti in one place, and so the other villians would be taking pot shots at, with the leader being wounded, and having lost two of his hero units to us. He would concentrate on us, but would be a juice target for the others to attack. Build up our forces, find the conch, and rescuing Chuck & Chris, than after doing at least those, we in an all out blitz attack the zeti and go for capturing the remaining zeti in one turn.

This is why I'm all for allowing zavok to retreat after defeating him this turn, zavok would force the remaining zeti to not disappear and re-appear working for another faction. Keeping his fellow zeti in one area, either because they are planning to betray him or are loyal and are waiting to rescue the two we capture.

Once we capture all of the zeti, we probably could just build stasis tubes to house them while we decide what to do with them or if our plan takes a while. They would be in stasis and not able to retaliate in anyway.
I wouldn't say that
Zeena an zonom I could see
But "rehabilitation" as in they work for us and maybe become a bit nicer

The trouble the Deadly Six really hate Eggman.

It could work, although doubftul, for literaly anybody else except us plus the doctor may not even want them around as well because they still stole his empire.

Like I think is better to study their powers and banish them to the Lost Hex after all is over.
I mean zonom can be appeased with food and zeena just dosnt really care

Make no mistake they could be manipulate to reveal information and go along with our tests and being model prisioners but working for us would be too much for them.

The Cacophonic Conch was really painful for them, it was so painful they would do anything to make the pain stop. Considering Eggman was even willing to use it to punish the D6 in bring low quality animals to him is likely he use it several times before the evnts of Lost World.
Another thing I just remembered that may be worth pointing out. Yes, all factions may start attacking Zeti territory soon. It only makes sense, since they will be very weakened after this. But we have a serious advantage that they don't have, one that the QMs have told us is very powerful, powerful enough that revealing ourselves to our enemies was worth getting. We have two power actions. Which means we can raid twice, and take territory twice as fast as any of the factions surrounding us. Hypothetically, we should be able to take as much territory as GUN and the Restoration combined.

I also have an idea we could do, if the QMs will allow it and if I remember the territory positions right (because I'm having trouble finding the map). I won't lie, the plan has its risks. Now, we could try to take Zeti territory that surrounds Restoration and GUN, so that they will have no borders with the Zeti. This will mean, if they want to attack the Zeti they will have to go through us, which they might be a bit more hesitant about and possibly allow us to take the rest of the Zeti territory ourselves. GUN is guaranteed to offer us a ceasefire, so we know they won't try to attack any territory that is ours. The concern here is that Restoration might not play as nice with us, and the Zeti will only have the option to fight us or the Empire which is more manageable than dealing with 4 different factions.

I'm sure we can handle the Zeti ourselves since they are taking such a massive hit, the real risk is the Restoration. They haven't wasted most of their soldiers like morons so they are ready to attack, and they definitely don't view us positively. Not to mention that Lanoline, the hero who beat Shadow, is a serious threat.

Now, I propose a few options. We can do this with both GUN and Restoration and hope the Restoration will want to examine us before making their move, maybe we could throw them off with our new kinder persona (would they be willing to attack territory filled with homes for our Darcsen population?) OR we can only do it with GUN who will not attack us and accept that we will lose some of the Zeti territory to the Restoration who will surely take advantage of their weakness.

Now this is of course if the QMs are open to the idea.
OK so now that wave 2 is done I have a really important question @Kingster if we pick Sage for wave 3 could she try to take control of metal sonic and silver sonic from Zavok?
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Another thing I just remembered that may be worth pointing out. Yes, all factions may start attacking Zeti territory soon. It only makes sense, since they will be very weakened after this. But we have a serious advantage that they don't have, one that the QMs have told us is very powerful, powerful enough that revealing ourselves to our enemies was worth getting. We have two power actions. Which means we can raid twice, and take territory twice as fast as any of the factions surrounding us. Hypothetically, we should be able to take as much territory as GUN and the Restoration combined.

I also have an idea we could do, if the QMs will allow it and if I remember the territory positions right (because I'm having trouble finding the map). I won't lie, the plan has its risks. Now, we could try to take Zeti territory that surrounds Restoration and GUN, so that they will have no borders with the Zeti. This will mean, if they want to attack the Zeti they will have to go through us, which they might be a bit more hesitant about and possibly allow us to take the rest of the Zeti territory ourselves. GUN is guaranteed to offer us a ceasefire, so we know they won't try to attack any territory that is ours. The concern here is that Restoration might not play as nice with us, and the Zeti will only have the option to fight us or the Empire which is more manageable than dealing with 4 different factions.

I'm sure we can handle the Zeti ourselves since they are taking such a massive hit, the real risk is the Restoration. They haven't wasted most of their soldiers like morons so they are ready to attack, and they definitely don't view us positively. Not to mention that Lanoline, the hero who beat Shadow, is a serious threat.

Now, I propose a few options. We can do this with both GUN and Restoration and hope the Restoration will want to examine us before making their move, maybe we could throw them off with our new kinder persona (would they be willing to attack territory filled with homes for our Darcsen population?) OR we can only do it with GUN who will not attack us and accept that we will lose some of the Zeti territory to the Restoration who will surely take advantage of their weakness.

Now this is of course if the QMs are open to the idea.

You mean Contest Martial with our public territory and take over territory surrounding our hidden base at the same turn?

Maybe put the Sisters to Expand Territory and put Rusty to take over territory surrounding our hidden base.
You mean Contest Martial with our public territory and take over territory surrounding our hidden base at the same turn?

Maybe put the Sisters to Expand Territory and put Rusty to take over territory surrounding our hidden base.
Maybe if it would help us get other territory, but as I said I can't find the map of Greenhill so I'm not sure how well attacking from our secret base would help us cover more land. The main point is having it impossible for GUN or Restoration to attack the Zeti without going through our territory, so only we can attack the Zeti from our side and expand as much as possible.
We already took a gamble and lost with Metal Sonic, so think it's best to be safe while eliminating two hero units for a enemy faction.

So I'll vote to kill them. Plus this would go a long way to show that we/Eggman is as dangerous as ever.
It's located int the south the black arms base was in the north im fairly certain

Our hidden base is located in the southern part of Green Hills deepe withing Zeti lands, somewhat close to GUN terrtitory.

While the Black Arms base is in nothern Green Hills right in the intersection point of GUN and Restoration newly cqyired territory from the Black Arms and Zeti controlled lands.

We already took a gamble and lost with Metal Sonic, so think it's best to be safe while eliminating two hero units for a enemy faction.

So I'll vote to kill them. Plus this would go a long way to show that we/Eggman is as dangerous as ever.

Imprisione them woukd work fine and Starline would probably dump them into a desert island or something until we can build proper holding facilities.

Edit: plus we can study their powers and could come to some way to protect our machines or even use it to take over machines from other people.
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I have to appreciate Zavok's move here. He's used his main force as a diversion and baited you out of your fortress. He's kept his best units for this strategy, even deploying himself. Now, you have the Darc-egg robot on hand, but he unquestionably has the upper hand... If it were for Chuck giving silver sonic his own instructions.

Edit: Our version of Eggman is much more merciful that Pre-SGW Archie Eggman or STC Robotnik.
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Morning everyone. What's going o-

...well, capturing these two it is.

I assume this raid happens at End of Turn, so there's solid odds this is after the usual turn attempts at taking territory and doing other things the other factions typically do. So if we DO kill Zavok, which I do find appealing, next turn would open quite a few options up for us.

As for people speculating what Chuck has done to Silver, my money is at most it'll glitch and lose an action in one round. More likely the reward from the omake is all that happened.

Also, we should bring Cassia in now, now that new combat rules are implemented.

Because Cassia's Non-lethal weapons can be used to restrain Metal.

Meaning no additional damage on Metal. And we can help him out if Zavok ever relinquishes control of him. Which would send a VERY angry Metal at Zavok.

If people think sending out Starline is fair game, then sending out Isara is fully viable too, as she has a combat power of 40+. I'd say my plan would look like...

[] Plan There Is No Retreat
-[] Eggman(Darc-Egg Robot)
-[] Isara
-[] Proghorn Sisters
-[] Canaan
-[] Piastol

Our most powerful and flexible units. Especially given, again, Cassia's non-lethal options are actually open an opportunity to capture Metal without breaking him, forcing Zavok to keep his control on Metal deployed or else risk the fact we can release Metal from his restraints and unleash him back on Zavok.
Zeena Combat roll:

Result: 1d100 (88) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20

Total: 404

Egg Party Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (97) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16

Total: 405

Zeena Bare Failure!
The Negaquesters are MALDING right now.
Catrerkiller 8( Result: 1d100 (2) + 5 Total: 7) vs Egg clan( (Egg Clan): 1d100 (1) + 15 Total: 16) CRITICAL SUCCESSFAIL!?
Goofy-ah roll.
We crit succeeded on our crit fail, that's great.

How the hell did we get to page 512, I went to sleep and when I woke up we were here?!
Anyway I don't think we should kill Zeena or zomzom I brought up the possibility as using them as research subject/testing dummies, especially Zomzom big boy can take a bit of damage

Remember power and kindness plus we can humiliate them