Unless you can find a way to change his trait? No. Maybe with a really good rolls or maybe a nat 100.

Snively is someone with a very clear image of him, fueled by spite and previous history.
Hm....is there any way to even FIND a way to change this trait? What sort of options and choices could change his opinion?

Either way....as much as I WANT to try and sway Snively into even a slightly more positive view of us....

I'll tentatively vote [X](Snively) No
But IF the votes for 'yes' win out....then we MUST start making plans out the wazoo to (at best) improve Snively's view of us....or (at worst) nullify any shenanigans.
Adhoc vote count started by Soberan 123 on Dec 11, 2024 at 12:25 PM, finished with 459 posts and 38 votes.

  • [X](Snively) Yes
    —[X] Build Death Egg Robot (Isara)
    —[X] Fortify Your New Territory (Clove) (Borrowbots)
    —[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly (Canaan)
    -[X] Logistics
    —[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan (Orbot and Cubot)
    —[X] Repair Piastol's Ship (Belle)
    —[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. (Sage)
    —[X] Study Ragnite (Rusty Rose)
    -[X] Trickery
    —[X] Sabotage Zavok (Stone)
    -[X] Mystic
    —[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (Piastol)
    -[X] Personal
    —[X] Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    —[X] Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. x3 (Canaan, Belle, and Clove)
    —[X] Starline: Rest & Recover
    —[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
    —[X] Stone: Field Work Training
    —[X] Belle: Write Letters
    —[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    —[X] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
    —[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    —[X] Sage: Family Night
    —[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    -[X] Egg-Gun
    —[X] Isara
    —[X] Belle
    [X](Snively) No
    [X]Plan: Death Egg Defense
    --[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 (Isara)
    --[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 (Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot)
    --[X] Hire A New Minion:Goro (Metal)
    -[X] Logistics
    --[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass (Orbot&Cubot)
    --[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - (Belle)
    --[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. (Sage)
    --[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 (Rusty Rose)
    -[X] Trickery
    --[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 (Agent Stone)
    --[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 (Piastol)
    -[X] Personal Action
    --[X] Dr.Eggman: 3X Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Pronghorn Sisters,Isara)
    --[X] Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    --[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
    --[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
    --[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
    --[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
    --[X] Belle: Write Letters
    --[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    --[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
    --[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    --[X] Sage: Sage Family Night
    --[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    --[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
    --[X]Yes: Isara
    [X] Plan: Oncoming Storm
    -[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
    -[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 - Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot
    -[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly DC: 75 - Canaan
    -[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass - Orbot&Cubot
    -[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - Belle
    -[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
    -[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 - Rusty Rose
    -[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 - Agent Stone
    -[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 - Piastol
    -[X] Dr.Eggman: 4x Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Agent Stone, 1x Isara, 1x Pronghorn Sisters)
    -[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
    -[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
    -[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
    -[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
    -[X] Belle: Write Letters
    -[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    -[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
    -[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    -[X] Sage: Sage Family Night
    -[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    -[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
    --[X]Yes: Isara
    [X] Plan Get a load of this version 1
    [X] No
    [X] Goro Majima's Wild Ride
    --[X] Build the death egg robot (Isara)
    --[X] Fortify the area (Canaan + burrowbot)
    --[X] Recruit Goro Majima (metal sonic)
    -[X] Logistics
    --[X] Repair Piastol's ship (Belle)
    --[X] Recall Conquering Storm (cubot and orbot)
    --[X] Study Ragnite (proghorn sisters)
    --[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net (sage)
    -[X] Trickery
    --[X] Infiltraite the empire (agent stone)
    -[X] Mystic
    --[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (piastol)
    -[X] Personals
    --[X] Eggman personal: Build equipment for your hero unit x 3 (isara, clove, canaan)
    --[X] Eggman personal: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    --[X] Starline personal: Rest and Recover
    --[X] Rusty rose personal: Practice Limbs Akimbo
    --[X] Metal Sonic personal: Destroy Empire Property
    --[X] Agent Stone personal: Field Work Training
    --[X] Belle personal: Write Some Letters to Her Dad
    --[X] proghorn sisters personal: Catch Cassia Up
    --[X] Canaan personal: Hang out with Belle
    --[X] Isara personal: Get used to this world's technology
    --[X] Sage personal: Sage Family Night
    --[X] Piastol personal: Do Some Bounty Hunting
    [X] Goro Majima's Wild Ride

We must combine our votes

Agreed. The question is which way.

What is the best way for you to flip to vote for my plan?

Oncoming Storm is my favorite plan but I'll switch if it's the only way to ensure Zavoc doesn't win.

If you can get a lot more to swap either way that'll help a lot.
Death egg defense has us sneaking into the empire as well as oncoming storm

Plus we are doing woodworking as well to see how it goes
We are taking a break so we can think
I know I voted NO for Snively....

[x] Plan: Oncoming Storm
I'll vote for Conquering Storm. We need some ninjas....and the Egg Clan would probably be good for us.
If we end up not accepting Snively, I think this will be one of those rare moments where people did not opt for the high risk, high reward attempt.