Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

Voting is open
[X] Ensure Continuation: Mankind is a fragile thing, a group prone to failure and death. Yet that doesn't mean they should be wiped out. Remold them, change them until their beating hearts can withstand anything.

[X] Diplomacy: Talking to folks, smoothing over issues and making sure that everybody gets what they want.
[X] Ensure Continuation: Mankind is a fragile thing, a group prone to failure and death. Yet that doesn't mean they should be wiped out. Remold them, change them until their beating hearts can withstand anything.
[X] Piety: Ensuring the rites and rituals are well kept and supplies are stocked.
[X] Protect the World: There are things that burn the world, it's a slow burn but eventually this world will be caught up in that flame. An apocalypse is unacceptable and so the skin of the world must be hardened.
Very curious on what our week to week required actions for the cult will be if piety wins
Well we'll probably find out soon, but I would imagine in the beginning we would search for books that contain rituals, learn rituals, and set up suppliers for mystic ingredients. In the mid quest we may cast rituals to help out other cultists in tasks, and summon spirits to serve us and the cult. Late quest we may be researching or inventing rituals to perform the final transformation on mankind, and going on expeditions to find very rare and potent ingredients necessary for the powerful rituals. Throughout the quest we we will probably have to manage suspicion from searching for knowledge and gathering ingredients, especially if we begin to perform various sacrifices.
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Very curious on what our week to week required actions for the cult will be if piety wins
Most likely, we will have a cycle of three stages: working with the keeper of knowledge to obtain rituals, searching or creating ingredients for the ritual together with advisers on intrigue, military affairs and diplomacy, and the third stage is the ritual.
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With so much health and the assistance of Heart, we have a great build to climb the Mansus. Putting more effort there could let us gain a lot of occult knowledge, especially since challenges that are risks for most people won't be as much of a risk for us.
Vote Closed
Winning Vote:
[X] Piety: Ensuring the rites and rituals are well kept and supplies are stocked.

[X] Ensure Continuation: Mankind is a fragile thing, a group prone to failure and death. Yet that doesn't mean they should be wiped out. Remold them, change them until their beating hearts can withstand anything.
Scheduled vote count started by Witherbrine26 on Dec 9, 2024 at 7:17 PM, finished with 66 posts and 40 votes.
Well, that's not the worst outcome.

I'm assuming that we still need to climb to form contracts instead of opening holes in reality and hoping that something manageable steps through.
At least we won't need to hesitate as much before charging into danger.
Now I'm wondering though, could something be summoned/bound as a guide/meat-shield while in the mansus?
With so much health and the assistance of Heart, we have a great build to climb the Mansus. Putting more effort there could let us gain a lot of occult knowledge, especially since challenges that are risks for most people won't be as much of a risk for us.

"I must report that during my ascent upon the stair of knives, I lost function in most of my organs. Coincidentally, I shall not be available for, eh, a week. Tops."
Turn 1 - June, 2005
It was a strange thing, the knowledge you carried. Heretical wasn't quite the right word, but it certainly danced around the edges of blasphemy, slipping into the shadows of forbidden truths. And then there was your goal—reshaping humanity itself, molding every man, woman, and child so that they might survive anything, endure all hardships. A madman's ambition, some would call it. Yet when Lady Mylissa spoke of such things, you found yourself captivated, caught in the web of her words, enraptured by them.

You sat there momentarily, breathing in and out before rising to your feet. There was a second meeting called, one that was personal. It wasn't anything that had been said over the phone, but just something you could feel.

You dressed with care, as you always did. The mirror reflected a man who appeared ageless, though your hair, now a soft grey, hinted at the years you had seen. Your face, though, was remarkably untouched by time—something that would raise eyebrows, yet not quite youthful enough to cause true suspicion. Strange, you thought idly, but that was how you always had been.

Stepping outside, the air was fresh, the sun warm on your skin as you slid into your car. You set off down the road, your window down, letting the breeze toy with your hair as you drove towards Lady Mylissa's manor. A faint smile crept onto your lips. It was unusual to meet with her twice in a single month, but when she called, you answered. There was no question of refusing her, not ever.

The drive passed quickly, the familiar countryside blurring past, and soon, the grand silhouette of the manor rose before you. The house was as it always was, a living, breathing thing entwined with nature—plants spilling from every window, bushes twisting wildly around the grounds, flowers of impossible colors blooming in reckless abundance. It was a sight that never failed to stir something deep within you, an odd mix of awe and nervousness.

You parked carefully on the gravel, making sure not to disturb the thriving greenery that Lady Mylissa so cherished. Stepping out, you made your way to the door and knocked, the sound echoing softly in the warm air.

Ava, the ever-dutiful head maid, greeted you with her customary bow, her expression demure, her eyes cast downward. "Come in, sir," she said quietly, stepping aside to allow you entry. The scent of flowers and honey greeted you immediately, thick in the air, both calming and disorienting. You shivered, a reflexive response to the manor's peculiar feeling—a blend of comfort and unease that was as familiar to you as the polite smile on Ava's face.

"Lady Mylissa is in the dining hall," Ava continued, "She has requested that you join her for lunch."

The unspoken command hung in the air between you. It was always this way; Lady Mylissa did not need to ask twice. You gave a small nod, respectful as ever. "Of course. If you would be so kind as to lead the way."

Though you had been to the manor countless times, the dining room was not a place you often visited. Ava led you down the familiar halls, past towering windows framed by cascading vines, until you reached the grand double doors. She pushed them open, ushering you inside before closing them softly behind you, leaving you alone in the cavernous room.

The dining hall was built for royalty—a vast space with a long table that could easily seat three dozen. The windows were open, letting in the warm June breeze and, with it, the heavy perfume of the endless flowers. It was intoxicating, heady, and almost overwhelming. Your gaze drifted to the far end of the room, where a tree had taken root inside, blooming with red flowers—roses, hibiscus, poppies, and others you could not name. Among the branches, honeycombs glittered, bees buzzing lazily in and out. But your attention was drawn, as always, to the woman who commanded the room with nary a word.

Lady Mylissa stood near the tree, her tall figure a stark contrast to the delicate beauty surrounding her. Clad in her usual attire of living greenery—leaves woven into intricate patterns with a crown of blossoms adorning her head. Her beauty was otherworldly, and despite all the time you had spent in her presence, you never quite grew accustomed to it.

"Lady Mylissa," you greeted, your voice polite as she turned to face you.

"Come, join us," she said with a smile that was both warm and commanding. You obeyed, moving to sit at the long table across from her. Ava appeared almost as if by magic, silently pouring you a cup of tea. You thanked her, and she retreated back into the shadows, leaving you alone with the Lady of the manor.

"Before we begin," Lady Mylissa said, her voice like silk brushing against your ears, "I have a task for you."

You set down your tea, giving her your full attention. "Of course, my Lady. How may I serve?"

Her smile widened, a graceful curl of her lips. "There are rites and rituals that must be performed—from healing to summoning. I want you to have a rite or summoned creature ready within three months' time."

Your heart beat faster at that. If she asked so politely, you couldn't just turn her down now, could you? You'd have it figured out by then; three months was plenty of time anyway.

She nodded, pleased by your response. "Wonderful. I knew I could rely on you." Her words sent a thrill through you. If she placed her confidence in you, you couldn't let her down, now could you?

"Now, please, dig in," she continued, gesturing to the spread.

You did so, enjoying the feast placed out in front of you as wonderful flavors graced your tongue.

You remember pleasure, a wondrous feeling from times long gone, tasted anew from honey offered freely.

Gain 1 scrap of Grail Lore

Grail Lore is now level 1

Please observe a 1 hour moratorium. Vote by plan

Possible Actions: You have 4 Actions each month, more can be gained by spending less time at work.

You have 3 months until the cult reconvenes, it is expected you have accomplished at least one thing of note by then.

Current Funds: 60
Income: 60 Funds/Month

[] On work and the people you preach to.
-[] You'll pray and preach as you have been told to (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action, will not be noticed if not done often)
-[] You fell ill, a rarity but one that strikes even you (Gain two extra actions, will be noticed by your congregation.)
-[] There's been a crisis, one that you must handle yourself (Gain three extra actions, a few members of your congregation will approach you)
-[] The doors shall be closed, the church will be empty (Gain four extra actions, there will be widespread worry from your congregation)

[] On the goal, of rites, rituals and summoned creatures
-[] Search out a Ritual
-[] Research a Ritual
--[] What Lore? (Write in)
-[] Create a Ritual
-[] Search the Woods for summonable creatures
-[] Gather supplies You do not know any rituals

[] On furthering the cause.
-[] Recruit people from your congregation
-[] Assist somebody else in their task
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Items and strange artifacts, go search for them. They could be useful

[] On learning the Lores.
-[] Search for books
--[] In the local libraries and bookstores
--[] Stranger and more hidden places
--[] Online, from places abroad (Will cost 10 Funds per book in shipping)
-[] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
--[] What lore? (Write in, she is willing to teach all Lores, up to level two)

[] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
-[] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[] Climb higher, Glory awaits

[] On matters outside the cult.
-[] Spend time with somebody
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Get to know somebody
--[] Who? (Write in, somebody from work, a low level person inside the cult, a random joe on the street etc)

[] Something else? (Write in, must be approved by QM)

A quick note on the differences between, search, research and create a ritual. The first will be you looking for an already complete ritual, it has a high DC but is only reliant on your rolls to find any type of ritual. Research is you putting together pieces you already have, you pick a lore and will get a random ritual from that lore based on how high your level is. Create will open up a vote later in where you can design your own ritual, however it is strictly based on your understanding of the lores.
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Look, all I'm saying is that an injury that results in four wounds would be deadly for anyone else, but that's completely survivable for us.
It's funny, but if we reach the third level of the heart, we will get the dance with death skill, which allows us to survive at 0 and less health with a successful roll.
For others, our vitality should become extra creepy
It's funny, but if we reach the third level of the heart, we will get the dance with death skill, which allows us to survive at 0 and less health with a successful roll.
That was Velvet's Heart realization.
There is no reason to assume we'll get it here. Even in that quest, different ponies got different Lore Realizations at level 3.
We may, for example, just get more health. Or natural regeneration. Or something like that.
What's the difference between searching and researching a ritual, if I might ask? What would each entail?
As far as I understand, something like this:
Searching for a ritual means "find a source which would describe a ritual"
Researching a ritual means "try to understand the source you found"
Creating a ritual means "try to use your Lore knowledge to create an entirely new ritual, which may or may not already exist"
In our congregation, Ms. Smith seems like the ideal Grail adept, and the same is true for Mr. Harker and Forge. Laying the groundwork for recruiting them might be useful for the future, but we should also try to use our diplomacy to reach out to other members of the Cult while we can.

However, learning Knock is an absolute must given our role as a ritualist.
What's the difference between searching and researching a ritual, if I might ask? What would each entail?
Searching: Going out and finding a book, person etc that has a complete ritual. You're doing pretty much none of the hard work here and as such can find almost any ritual this way but it's random and the DC is high
Research: Pick a lore, you get a random ritual that's based on that lore (Winter and End is Beautiful for example) the higher that lore is the more powerful ritual you can get. This is you putting together the bits of rituals you already know
Create: You make your own ritual, picking the specifics but if you don't have high enough lore than you flat out cannot make it.
To begin with, I suggest looking for an existing ritual. Creating your own is quite a complicated process considering the level of our aspects.
As for specific actions, I suggest contacting the keeper of knowledge and starting to buy occult books in order to get the first level of knoc from one of these sources.
One more action can be spent on searching for a ritual and the rest on helping someone.
Recruit people from your congregation
Do you mean our pasta or lower-ranking cultists?

I also wanted to ask is it intentionally so that we can't take lessons from the Master?
Do you mean our pasta or lower-ranking cultists?
These would be medium ranked cultists, they'll have names and lores but unless you go through the effort of ranking them up they won't improve.
I also wanted to ask is it intentionally so that we can't take lessons from the Master?
You can, it's under On learning the Lores.
-[] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
--[] What lore? (Write in, she is willing to teach all Lores, up to level two)
Currently for a plan I'm thinking take 1 extra action at work to get 5 total actions. 2 actions getting knock and Moth to 1 for the benefits to summoning and searching. 2 actions searching the woods(1 looking for summons one general exploration). Then the final action to recruit from our congregation.

Should get us some decent groundwork on our lores, task and developing our following.


Total: 4+1(less time at work) = 5
1 Knock
1 Moth
1 Search for summoned creatures
1 Explore the Woods
1 recruit from congregation
Voting is open