Random thought brought up by the mention of the time, train of thought leading to New York and comparison of timing of OTL New York: I dunno how I'll feel if the Declaration of Independence's signing is sped up by the drastically more successful Continental campaign.
[X] Travel through Iroquois territory, traveling alongside Lee's Detachment
April 2, 1776
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"Message from Congress, General!"
Putting down his book Halbert, Halbert turned to see a unkempt Tommy, clothes rumpled and stained with mud, standing in the doorway of his study and holding up a letter in his hand. His breathing was running a yard a second, and his skill was an apple red from flushed tiredness.
"What on earth happened to you?" Halbert asked with a raised eyebrow as he took the letter from Tommy's hand, his aide wiping a sheen of sweat from his brow.
"Somebody's mutts got lost," Tommy muttered as he unruffled his clothes as best he could. "I barely escaped with my arse intact."
Halbert snorted silently as he reached for a letter opener, its blade shining in the noon sunlight. "Go get yourself changed," he said as he cut open the letter, and Tommy wordlessly nodded before rushing out of the room.
Reaching into the letter, he pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. His smile grew as he quickly read over its contents, fidgeting around with his letter opener excitedly.
Congress had approved of his proposed strategy. Now, he'd have to prove himself worthy of it.
It is April 2, 1776. Brigadier General Jonathan "Mad John" Barclay Halbert, commander of the Grand Canadian Division, is currently in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to organize his division and to prepare for an expedition into Canada.
Jonathan is a Brigadier General in the Continental and is paid fifty dollars per month, the standard wage of his rank.
His current assets are as follows...
–858 Continental Dollars
–A debt of 1,500 Continental Dollars
–100 British Pounds
–A wagon that holds your personal belongings.
–An officer's sword and uniform, as well as a pistol.
–An officer's winter coat and other assorted fancy wear.
–A silver pocket watch.
–Military History Books: A small collection of books on military history, the most detailed being one focused on the Second Punic War. (+5 to all Martial rolls.)
You have eight Actions this Turn. Use them wisely.
[] Let's Go: You think your men are ready. Let's do this. (Begins the Canadian Campaign. Must be taken on or before Turn VII.)
[] Getting Greenhorns Into Shape: Your men are not... experts at warfare, to say the least. Your men had better shape up before our head up north.
[] General Allies: You've decided to meet with army officers currently in Philadelphia, familiarizing yourself with them and possibly making some new allies.
[] Fellow Fighters: You should meet with your subordinates and get a good feel on their personalities. See if they'll be any trouble for you.
[] More Men: You think your force could use some more men. You should see if there are any more men you could possibly grab for your division.
[] Lee and You: You're going to be coordinating with Charles Lee for the first half of your expedition (who will technically be your commanding officer then), so you'll need to meet with him to discuss strategy.
[] Maps Galore: You have no clue about the terrain and geography of either the Iroquois Territory or Canada. That should be remedied sooner rather than later.
[] High Society: Many wish to have you come to their society balls as their guest of honor; might as well oblige them.
[] Friends in Elected Places: It turns out you have some allies in Congress you had no knowledge of. Best to make yourself known to them.
[] Common Sense: Thomas Paine, author of the famous pamphlet Common Sense, is eager to meet with you, though he understands if you do not have the time. (No Time Limit)
[] Oneida Native American Friend: If you're going to head into Iroquois Territory, you should get to know your erstwhile native allies.
[] Try to Write Something: You want to write something for the world to read. Whether it be for yourself or to help your cause, you just wish to write it.
[] Check your Stocks: A good merchant, even one that is joining a battle, always travels with his stores of whatever he wants to sell. Maybe there's something in the carts that could help. Hopefully. (Can be taken two more times.)
[] In for a Pence: You've done the numbers, and if you sell the stock you have in your father's business, you will be able to pay off at least some of your loan. Well... in for a pence, in for a pound.
[] Fatherly Help: You have been left rather... strapped for funds due to your recent purchases. You should write to your father and ask for help paying them off.
[] Loan Returns: You should probably pay off at least part of your loan before you leave.
-[] Wrte-in how much you want to pay off.
[] Simple Pleasures: You wish to purchase some stuff for your own pleasure.
[] Wars and Rumors of Wars: Taverns are prime places to learn information and rumors. A visit or two wouldn't hurt.
[] In the Shadows: It would not hurt to see if you could create a band of scouts and spies. They could prove valuable in the days to come.
[] An Issue to Resolve: There is always something that the faculty needs to resolve. But you… have the power to potentially resolve that something. So saddle forth and do something about it. (This will lead to the creation of other options.)
[] Learn a New Skill: You want to expand your skillset and broaden your knowledge.
-[] Write in what skill you wish to learn. (Subject to QM Approval.)
[] Exercise: If you're going to fight in this Revolution, you are going to need to shape up and work your body. Right now.
[] Train with Weapons: If you're going to fight in this Revolution, it would be wise for you to learn how to actually use a weapon.
-[] Write in which weapon you want to train with.
[] Focus on an Action: You want to make sure you accomplish this task well. (Applies a +10 Bonus to any action of your choice.)
-[] Write in which Action you wish to apply the bonus to.
[] Pray: You're not the most religious man, but a talk with God wouldn't hurt.
[] Write to your Family: You want to keep in touch with your family, make sure that they're doing well.
[] Forgo Payment: You've decided to not accept payment as a Brigadier General, the money that would have paid for your salary being diverted to help the war effort.
Aide-de-Camp/s(These are independent from the limited Actions you have.)
What do you want to do with Thomas "Tommy" Navarre? (Pick one)
[] Assistance for Action: You need Tommy to help you with something.
-[] Write-in which Action Tommy helps you with.
[] Independent Action: You need Tommy to do something for you.
-[] Write-in which Action Tommy does for you.
Author's Notes:
By the way, your Massachusetts Regiment is part of the First Brigade.
If you don't know yet, I have nominated this quest for two categories of the Users' Choice Awards. If you could kindly spare some time and vote for my quest in these categories, it would make my day.
Once again, big thanks to @Magoose for helping me write this update and quest.
Revolutionary Fun Fact–The Massachusetts Constitution, the oldest constitution still in effect and a model for the American Constitution, was written primarily by John Adams. It is unique in the fact that it was authored by a convention rather than a legislative body.
So guys what should we do, we can put a dent in the debt that our character has, and maybe make some connections with someone who knows of the native Americans. That's how Benidict Arnold was able to survive what was supposed to be a disaster of a campaign.
@Duke William of will there be a moratorium hours or are we to make plans right away?
[X] Plan: Northern Campaign
-[X] Getting the Greenhorns into shape: Your men are not... experts at warfare, to say the least. Your men better shape up before our head up north
-[X] Fellow fighters: You should meet with your subordinates and get a good feel on their personalities. See if they'll be any trouble for you
-[X] Lee and You: You're going to be coordinating with Charles Lee for the first half of your expedition ( who will technically be your commanding officer then), so you'll need to meet with him to discuss strategy.
-[X] Maps Galore: You have no idea about the terrain and Geography of either the Iroquois Territory or Canada. That should be remedied sooner rather then later.
-[X] Oneida Native American Friend: If your going to head to Iroquois Territory, you should get to know your erstwhile native allies.
-[X] Common sense: Thomas Paine, Author of the famous Common Sense, is eager to meet you, though he understands if you don't have time( No time Limit)
-[X] Focus on an action You want to make sure you accomplish this task well.(Applied a +10 bonuses to any action of your choice.)
--[X] Fellow fighters
-[X] Let's go: You think your men are ready. Let's do this(Begins the Canadian Campaign. Must be taken on or before Turn VII.)
-[X] Independent action: You need Tommy to do something for you
--[X] Wars and Rumors of Wars
Alright all of these options will help our Johnathan Halbert get through the campaign, meet with those that he will travel with, get to know his fighters personally, and we can go without wasting time as our allies of Arnold and Montgomery will need our help.
Everything in this plan is negotiable but I will be hard press to change anything for my martial plans of Getting the green horns in shape, Fellow fighters, Lee and you and Maps Galore. Unless there is a valid reason why I should change one of them. Everything else is negotiable as I am mostly basing these options in helping Johnathan Halbert when he gets started right away.
-[X] Let's Go: You think your men are ready. Let's do this. (Begins the Canadian Campaign. Must be taken on or before Turn VII.)
-[X] Getting Greenhorns Into Shape: Your men are not... experts at warfare, to say the least. Your men had better shape up before our head up north.
-[X] Fellow Fighters: You should meet with your subordinates and get a good feel on their personalities. See if they'll be any trouble for you.
-[X] More Men: You think your force could use some more men. You should see if there are any more men you could possibly grab for your division.
-[X] Lee and You: You're going to be coordinating with Charles Lee for the first half of your expedition (who will technically be your commanding officer then), so you'll need to meet with him to discuss strategy.
-[X] Maps Galore: You have no clue about the terrain and geography of either the Iroquois Territory or Canada. That should be remedied sooner rather than later.
-[X] Oneida Native American Friend: If you're going to head into Iroquois Territory, you should get to know your erstwhile native allies.
-[X] Focus on an Action: You want to make sure you accomplish this task well. (Applies a +10 Bonus to any action of your choice.)
--[X] Getting Greenhorns Into Shape
-[X] Assistance for Action: You need Tommy to help you with something.
--[X] Getting Greenhorns into Shape
@EVA-Saiyajin may I ask why you want to have more more men in the plan, won't that just make the logistics situation for Johnathan Halbert more strained once he enters the Iroquois territory?
@EVA-Saiyajin may I ask why you want to have more more men in the plan, won't that just make the logistics situation for Johnathan Halbert more strained once he enters the Iroquois territory?
Perhaps, but ultimately we will still be meeting a professional, superior in numbers force in foreign terrain. We need to be better able to handle the attrition. And with those additional numbers comes more training that needs be done, hence the extra extra focus on such training and discipline.
Numbers aren't everything but they can decide a battle. This isn't a defensive battle or a campaign against a besieged enemy. We won't have much in the way of natural defenses and battlefield advantages until perhaps we enter Quebec City.
While I would've agreed with that. We have to take into account that there are other generals that will need to recruit men for their campaigns as well.
Numbers aren't everything but they can decide a battle. This isn't a defensive battle or a campaign against a besieged enemy. We won't have much in the way of natural defenses and battlefield advantages until perhaps we enter Quebec City.
To be clear for everyone, the route you've all taken would take you to the West of Montreal where Montgomery is "somewhat" besieging Carleton's forces there but not really besieging them. You would reach Arnold at Quebec City only after you deal with Carleton, if at all.
We can't handle having more troops, we don't have the supplies for them. I would only take the other plan if we were helping Arnold first, but we can't do that on our chosen route.
We can't handle having more troops, we don't have the supplies for them. I would only take the other plan if we were helping Arnold first, but we can't do that on our chosen route.
[] Lee and You: You're going to be coordinating with Charles Lee for the first half of your expedition (who will technically be your commanding officer then), so you'll need to meet with him to discuss strategy.
[] Maps Galore: You have no clue about the terrain and geography of either the Iroquois Territory or Canada. That should be remedied sooner rather than later.
[] Oneida Native American Friend: If you're going to head into Iroquois Territory, you should get to know your erstwhile native allies.
[] In the Shadows: It would not hurt to see if you could create a band of scouts and spies. They could prove valuable in the days to come.
I feel these actions will be critical to the success of this campaign. It is folly to campaign in territory without maps or local support. Coordination with allies and other friendly units has always been vital to military success.
[] More Men: You think your force could use some more men. You should see if there are any more men you could possibly grab for your division.
This is probably a bad action since we are still under armed, with us still having at most 2994 soldiers without personal weapons about 62% of our army.
Volunteers (4835) - Already Armed (1141) - Arms purchased [(50 units swords x 10 swords/unit) + (15 units Tomahawks/Axes x 10/unit) + (10 units 1757 Pattern Musket x 5/unit) = total still unarmed = 2994.