Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

Okay! In that case...

[X] Tempest: An improved alternative to Ruin. A non-elemental magical blast conjured from a staff or rod. [Costs 1 MP. Boosts attack roll by +10. Deals +1 damage when compared to Ruin]
> I agree with MetalBard's reasoning for this, especially since right now, Aerith will usually have enough MP to throw around due to lack of many other options.

[X] Rehabilitate: Curing a single instance of a disease or injury is good, but preventing disease and injury is even better. [Passive: cure status effects at the end of battles during Adventures. Active: Costs 2 MP. Cure one status effect on one ally. That ally gains increased resistance to status effects for the rest of the battle. Does not work against certain magical status effects]
> I feel like on an in-character level, he'd learn this after getting hit with so many statuses, haha.

[X] Headsman: Many creatures release the last of their magic when killed. A skilled battlemage can use this opportunity to restore themselves. [Upon killing an enemy, restore MP based on the enemy type and magical power. Enemies such as robots may be immune to this effect]
> I'm... Not sure about Amalia... I'm not very used to CK-style D100 rolls, so a 2% increase on rolls feels bad to me as a level-up boost... ^^;

[X] Shadow Edge: Lunge deep, cut deeper. [Increases Critical hit rate by 5%. Stacks with other crit rate bonuses]
> I like a 1-in-10 chance of critting, and it seems this would fit his general... MO more. *cough*

[X] Reis's Wind: A healing breeze which slowly but steadily restores the vigor of all inside it. [Costs 5 MP. Grants all allies the Regen status effect.]
> Honestly? Just taking this because I think it would be funny if Freya has this and encounters Reis.
[X] Attunement:

[X] Amputate:

[X] Battle Lore:

[X] Shadow Edge:

[X] Reis's Wind:

Attunement seems best in the short/long term. usually extra sustain/MP regen is best, but right now we don't really have much to spend it on? while later on when we may either have a larger MP pool so MP management's less of a worry or enough resources to have other options for restoring MP.
meanwhile, i bet by getting the "attune to weapons like they're materia" perk, we'd have access to stronger spells right away(maybe our starting high level staff has something good?) without having to spend a perk on it (tempest seems cool but could be a waste if we later gain a more efficient spell to use), and later on when we don't need options as much due to already having materia/spells this could effectively be a bonus materia slot, which is good for versatility?
you could also argue this is figuring out how to get around a major weakness of us specifically needing materia, which would certainly be convenient. might lead to some nice things in the future...

for the other perks,
amputate seems useful as an attack that also debuffs, rather than something that we can get elsewhere/might be too slow to benefit from
battle lore is a pure stat boost so it'll always apply, even out of combat, while the other options are pretty situational?
shadow edge isn't the greatest, but smokebombs probably aren't too good if we can be strong enough to avoid needing to use them (common rpg logic is to avoid running from fights or you'll end up underleveled/lacking in loot), while interceptor would just be transferring a trait that shadow already has?
Reis's Wind seems a pretty strong boost for sustain, acting as a second wind? might be a pretty efficient way to heal too, though i could understand wanting to boost freya's DPS instead, all options seem pretty good.
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Out of curiosity, do we know if the staff we started with has an element or no?

[x] Attunement

[x] Shadow edge

[x] rehabilitate

[x] battle lore

[x] high jump
Out of curiosity, do we know if the staff we started with has an element or no?
Master's Staff [Staff]: A staff made of blue wood with a curved head and a faint magical aura. The aura reminds you of healing materia, but the staff itself doesn't seem to have any materia slots.
It's definitely White Magic aligned, but you can't tell exactly what spell/spells without spending an action to study it, or attuning to it.

The rod you just picked up doesn't have an element, just an open Materia slot.
Vote Closed
Alright so, this vote is nearly incomprehensible, since the votes made with a description and the votes made without a description are counted separately. For the future, please do not include the descriptions, that's what the main post is for. I have tried to manually tally these votes. Assuming I have made no mistakes, the tally should be...


Manawalk: 4
Tempest: 3
Attunement: 3


Rehabilitate: 5
Amputate: 4


Headsman: 5
Battle Lore: 4


Shadow Edge: 4
Smoke Bomb: 3
Interceptor, Heel!: 2


Reis's Wind: 5
High Jump: 3
Eye for an Eye: 1

So Aerith will gain Manawalk, Alfyn will gain Rehabilitate, Amalia will gain Headsman, Shadow will gain Shadow Edge, and Freya will gain Reis's Wind. The skills that weren't chosen will go back into the list and will probably be available later. Some of the weaker ones might get a rework, and the skills you've chosen might have upgrades available later. We'll see how it goes.
Scheduled vote count started by griffinlw on Oct 20, 2024 at 2:09 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Manawalk: There's magic in the earth, in the air, the water, all around you. It's not hard to restore your own magic when there's so much to be had. [Restores 1 MP per event when traveling or adventuring. This effect may not work in areas of decay or corruption.]
    [X] Headsman: Many creatures release the last of their magic when killed. A skilled battlemage can use this opportunity to restore themselves. [Upon killing an enemy, restore MP based on the enemy type and magical power. Enemies such as robots may be immune to this effect]
    [X] Reis's Wind: A healing breeze which slowly but steadily restores the vigor of all inside it. [Costs 5 MP. Grants all allies the Regen status effect.]
    [X] Rehabilitate: Curing a single instance of a disease or injury is good, but preventing disease and injury is even better. [Passive: cure status effects at the end of battles during Adventures. Active: Costs 2 MP. Cure one status effect on one ally. That ally gains increased resistance to status effects for the rest of the battle. Does not work against certain magical status effects]
    [X] Amputate: Sometimes the best way to protect the rest of the body is to cut off a sufficiently damaged or dangerous body part. Behemoths aren't so dangerous without their horns right? [Costs 1 MP. Boosts attack roll by +10 Attack deals increased damage and may chop off body parts of monsters]
    [X] Smoke Bomb: A ninja's best friend, an emergency escape tool no self-respecting Ninja should go without. [Start every adventure with a single Smoke Bomb. If a fight is going poorly, the Ninja may use the smoke bomb to immediately escape with no further damage to the party.]
    [X] Tempest: An improved alternative to Ruin. A non-elemental magical blast conjured from a staff or rod. [Costs 1 MP. Boosts attack roll by +10. Deals +1 damage when compared to Ruin]
    [X] Battle Lore: A mark of mastery in the art of combat: [Raises this character's Martial stat by 2]
    [X] Shadow Edge: Lunge deep, cut deeper. [Increases Critical hit rate by 5%. Stacks with other crit rate bonuses]
    [X] Rehabilitate
    [X] High Jump
    [X] Attunement:
    [X] Battle Lore:
    [X] Shadow Edge:
    [X] Interceptor, Heel!: Interceptor is a combination of a guard dog and an attack dog. Though his usual orders are to protect Shadow, that's not to say he can't be sent to help others. [Interceptor may be assigned to an ally instead of Shadow. This transfer's Interceptor's passive evasion boost and counter attack to another ally.]
    [X] High Jump: A sign of mastery amongst Dragoons is the increasing height and strength with which they can jump. [Improves the damage bonus of Jump from 1.5 to double]
    [X] Eye For An Eye: Even when on the defensive, take every opportunity to strike back. Allows the user to counter attack. [When Freya loses a clash by 10 points or less, if she survives the damage she may make a basic attack anyway.]
    [X] Tempest
    [X] Headsman
    [X] Interceptor, Heel!
    [X] Amputate:
    [X] Reis's Wind:
Barheim Passage Exploration: Aftermath
When you heard the man say 'camp' you expected a few tents huddled in a corner of a cave, or rough-hewn stone walls repurposed as a living space. Oh how wrong you were. Apparently, the Dalmascan tendency to make huge underground structures extended to everything they built. Including dungeons.

That's not to say it was particularly inviting. Nalbina Dungeon consisted of several long, dreary-looking hallways made of stone. While some of the rooms looked pretty normal, many of them still had iron bars, manacles, or even cages suspended over dark pits. Probably preferable to being locked in Hojo's lab, but you're sure the prisoners here wouldn't see it that way.

Thankfully, none of them were in use anymore. Instead, the survivors converted old storage rooms and the arena (why did the dungeon have an arena?) into living quarters and raided the barracks that used to house the prison guards. It still didn't look comfortable or like a home, but it was infinitely better than just a dungeon.

The atmosphere amongst the survivors was… pretty bad. Some were pacing and wandering relentlessly, like a caged animal looking for the latch. Others seemed to have descended into apathy, lazing around and feeling sorry for themselves. It must have been crushing to have your captors vanish, only to realize you were still locked in a cage.

… Alright, enough negative thoughts. "What's the plan, Amalia?"

"Ideally, we gather everyone and lead them back to Rabanstre through the waterway. We have a map, and a group this large should be enough to deter monsters." Amalia explained.

"Do you think everyone will be willing to leave, just like that? I mean, I wouldn't want to stay here either, but to suddenly pack up and leave would be hard."

"Most of these people are probably Dalmascan soldiers imprisoned by the Empire or citizens who became trapped after the… shift. Even if there are a few ruffians and Sky Pirates, Rabanastre will accept them with open arms."

"If you don't need me for anything, I plan on seeing if anyone's hurt or sick." Alfyn adjusted the shoulder strap of his bag.

"We should stay in groups," Freya suggested, turning her gaze towards some of the more… suspicious-looking folks around them. "This was still a prison, the last thing we want is to be mugged by the people we tried to save."

"I will be fine. Although… you make a good point." Amalia looked at her four companions and seemed to be considering something. "Shadow will come with me." She decided

The man in question nodded and followed her further into the former prison's chambers.

"Any objections to helping me out again Aerith?" Alfyn asked with a smile.

"Nope! Wanna come with Freya?" The lanky dragoon nodded, and together the three of you started poking around for potential patients.

Perhaps it wasn't surprising that Alfyn's talents were in high demand, considering what this place used to be. He flitted from person to person, diagnosing problems, giving out medicine where he could, and advice when he nothing he had on hand would help.

Maybe you should have felt a bit nervous about walking around a former prison, surrounded by criminals. But between Alfyn's sunny smile, and the piercing gaze of the dragoon at your back, no one bothered any of you.

Although… you were starting to think none of the former prisoners were in any condition to bother you. Many of them had lingering injuries, and it didn't take long to find out why. Pit fights, malnutrition, hard labor, and beatings. Most prisoners talked about them like they were just a fact of life.

Some were thieves, some sky pirates, and others were former knights. Regardless of the reason, they all seemed to be treated equally terribly.

Whenever Alfyn was talking to the patients he was all smiles and country boy charm, assuring them that everything would be okay. But with every scar and half healed old wound his smile got tighter.

After an hour or two of work, a few people in ragged-looking armor (former knights probably) dragged a man by the arm. "The Captain keeps insisting he's fine. But we all know he's not." One of the armored men shoved the 'captain' towards Alfyn and crossed his arms.

The 'captain' has sandy blonde hair, a rather impressive beard, and a large scar that goes from the center of his forehead and across his eye. For a moment it looked like he might attempt to escape, but the combined glares of the armored men made him reconsider. "Captain, you've been running yourself ragged for weeks. We're all worried about you."

"Very well…" The man submitted, allowing Alfyn to approach

"Nothing to worry about Captain, I'll help you out." Alfyn tried to use his usual smile, but you could tell it was getting shaky by now. It only got worse the closer he examined the Captain. "They really did a number on you…"

"The perks of being the Empire's 'favorite' prisoner." He said sardonically. You couldn't help but wince as you saw the crisscross of scars beneath his shirt, and you could count his ribs from how thin his body was.

"I'll admit, you're in pretty rough shape. But that's okay. I'll do what I can right now, and hopefully get you a place to stay and a hot meal when we get back to Rabanstre."

"You came from Rabanastre?" The Captain asked. Alfyn nodded in response. "Who sent you?"

"Amalia. She wanted to come help the people trapped in the dungeon. I mean, she didn't give us all the details. Maybe she was looking for a family member or-"

"Captain Basch Fon Ronsenburg." You all turned to see Ashelia advancing on the Captain, blade drawn and ready to lunge. Shadow was standing at her side, though he had yet to raise his own weapon.

"Princess Ashelia?"

"... Princess?!" You all shout in surprise

"Out of my way Alfyn. This man is a monster and a traitor." Amalia/Ashelia said as she moved closer.

Rather than follow her orders, Alfyn stood up instead, spreading his arms as if to shield the larger man. "Right now, he's my patient. So I'd appreciate if you could put the sword down..."

"If you knew what this man did, you'd never dream of defending him." She spat with disdain. "Turning his back on our country, aiding the Archadian Empire, murdering my father!"

"Princess, please! We thought the same thing, but he's done nothing but help us imprisoned knights." One of the former knights implored, stepping in front of his Captain.

"If he worked for the Empire, why would they imprison him?" Freya asked, trying to appeal to her reason. "Would a former Captain not be a useful asset to have? Why not recruit him instead of imprisoning him?"

For a moment her arm wavered, only to come back up. "Perhaps they rewarded him as the traitor deserved. Why trust a man who's already betrayed his king?"

"I will submit to whatever punishment or investigation you demand Princess," Basch said, making no attempt to defend himself. "But please, allow me to explain."

"You have one chance to explain this farce. If I'm not satisfied..." Ashe sheathed her sword, though she was still looking at Basch like she may gut him at any moment. After a moment of consideration, she turned to the rest of you. "Leave us. This is a personal matter."

"I don't think leaving him alone with you is a good idea." You say, with as much delicacy as you can muster.

"I won't be alone. I have Shadow."

"... I don't think leaving you alone with him and an assassin is much better."

"Let me stay." Alfyn volunteered. "I've still got some salves to apply after all."

For a moment it looked like Ashe might shout at him. "Fine, but the rest of you leave," She demanded.

You were pacing back and forth, near the corridor where Ashe and Basch were talking. To say you were nervous would be a bit of an understatement. By comparison, Freya was leaning against a wall, looking perfectly calm and collected.

"I didn't expect things to get this complicated on our very first adventure." You rambled, "I thought this would just be a normal good deed. A little jaunt into the sewers to help some people. I've done that kind of thing before but not this!"

"Aerith, calm yourself. For all her rage, Ashe doesn't strike me as the type to murder someone in cold blood." Freya tried to comfort you.

"I know I'm just… worried." You confessed.

Freya considered you before she said. "I understand a little of what Ashe is going through. Not all of it but… I understand why she was so desperate to connect with these vestiges of her people. And so furious at the one who seemed responsible... Have I told you about my kingdom yet?"

"You're not a princess too are you?" The dragoon chuckled at your question.

"No, simply a knight of Burmecia." She sighed, her good humor fading quickly. "Burmecia was invaded by an army of powerful mages, and the city itself was destroyed. But there was a second great city of Burmecia called Cleyra. According to legend, Cleyra is protected by a magical sandstorm which turns aside attackers."

"That's why you're looking for a sandstorm. You want to find Cleyra." An expert deduction, you know. You could have been a great detective.

"I had hoped that since Rabanstre was surrounded by desert, and had airships, that it would be an easy search…" Freya admitted, looking slightly downcast.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll find it. And if I find it, you'll be the first person I tell." You try to comfort her.

"... Thank you."

You hear the sound of approaching footsteps, and turn to see Ashe walking quickly towards you. Before you ask how the meeting went she says "We're going to gather everyone and leave soon, so stand ready."

Once again, before you can ask her how the meeting went, she's already walking away. Luckily, Alfyn approaches you next. "Alfyn, how did it go?"

"Well enough I guess? Ashe is still mad at Basch but, she'll come around I think. He made a pretty compelling argument. She said that she'll investigate, and if his words are true she'll let him go. Course, he wants to be a knight again, so he may end up working for her anyway." Alfyn didn't seem overly concerned, and you figured if he wasn't, you had no reason to be either.

"That's good." You sigh in relief. Ashe was a bit scared when she approached Basch, apparently unending to skewer him. "So now we're supposed to get ready for our trek back I guess?"

"Leading a hundred civilians through monster-infested tunnels… I pray the monster who's den we disturbed doesn't pursue us."

To your relief, Freya's prayer seemed to work, and luck was on your side.

For starters, the sheer size and loudness of your group were causing most monsters to flee outright. Secondly, the former knights had equipped themselves with stolen imperial gear, which was more than enough to form a defensive line.

Thirdly, the path you were originally going to take was now open to you. Originally the path was closed and you had to take a detour through the mysterious monster's lair. Luckily, the waterway's gates had changed positions again, allowing you to take a shortcut,

Compared to the adventure through the waterway, passing through the second time was much easier, and when your rag-tag band reached the lower city, nearly everyone was weeping with joy.

At least, until they saw the snow.

Adventure Results!

-Insert FF Victory Tune of your choice-

Aerith has leveled up to Level 2!
Alfyn has leveled up to Level 2!
Ashe has leveled up to Level 2!
Freya has leveled up to Level 2!
Shadow has leveled up to Level 2!
All remaining items have been returned to storage.
Gain 2 Funds from selling Loot items
Citizens and Ex-Knights have returned to Rabanstre, strengthening it and increasing the speed at which its Army will recover.
A few criminals also returned to Rabanstre, but I'm sure that's fine...
Basch has returned to Rabanstre as a ???

Chaos Event: Blizzard

This kind of weather should be impossible. Deserts are cold at night, but the blizzard brought the temperature well below freezing. There shouldn't be enough water in the desert to form ice, let alone snow! Though the roaring winds and snow aren't constant, the chill is.

The streets must be repeatedly cleaned to keep buildings from being snowed in, all airships are stuck at the dock for fear of being blown off course or knocked out of the air, and traveling has largely been prevented by the wind and snow. In addition, the Envoys have been trapped in Rabanstre for the foreseeable future.

In order to combat the chill and constant darkness, Rabanstre is using an emergency stock of items called "Sunstones" in place of their usual lamps and torches. These Sunstones put out enough light and heat to prevent freezing and allow navigation within Rabanstre, but it's still chilling everywhere but inside.

[HP Drain when traveling will sharply increase next turn.]
[DC of outside actions will sharply increase next turn]

Sorry for the wait everyone, a lot happened. I had to update another writing project I'm working on, Canto 7 of Limbus Company came out, it emotionally destroyed me. You know how it goes. The writing was also giving me a headache, really wasn't sure how I wanted to handle the Basch and Ashe scene for example, but I think I completed it to satisfaction.

Ideally, I'll have the next Turn up in a few days.
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don't worry about it taking a bit, 11-ish days isn't much in the grand scheme of things.
though what's the other writing project, if you don't mind me asking? if it's something publicly available I'll definitely take a look, and if not then no harm in asking and i wish you good luck with it?

regarding the update, looks like the main thing of significance is the weather in turn 3. we should hopefully have enough indoors actions available to avoid the increased difficulty, but it'd probably limit our options quite a bit.
if we're stuck in the area, probably makes sense to work on foundational stuff, maybe follow up on looking into the envoys of other factions if there's anything to do that's discrete?
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though what's the other writing project, if you don't mind me asking? if it's something publicly available I'll definitely take a look, and if not then no harm in asking and i wish you good luck with it?
It is publicly available, so there's no harm sharing but I'm not sure if it'd be your thing or not. It's a fanfic on AO3. The One Armed Hellhound

So basically, like many people, I was excited about Hazbin Hotel. It seemed like a neat concept, I was happy when it got picked up for production and watched the first season together with my cousin. I liked it, but it wasn't nearly as good as I thought it could have been. So I got into the fanfic scene for Hazbin Hotel, dear lord there are a lot, and found some of them to be much more my speed (Incidentally, this is also how I feel about RWBY. Show was pretty good, some of the fanfic are excellent.) So I kinda toyed with the idea of writing my own. Specifically a crossover, after I realized that Hazbin Hotel can crossover with any fandom as long as it hits the requirements of "On Earth" and "People Die"

So my rotting brain decided to add Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to the mix. Since by the end of the game almost every character is dead, and 90% of them are definitely going to hell. Even as I started writing it I wasn't super into the idea but, oh well. Fixations gonna fixate. And I do think I'm getting closer to something spicy now.


Also, I totally forgot to give you guys your Funds for the monsters you killed. Adding that to the Exploration Aftermath
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ah, ok. while I've never watched hazbin (have read zoophobia, if that counts for something :P), the setting/artstyle is pretty cool. definitely agree how it's sort of the thing that works great for crossovers.
sadly know even less about sekiro though, so probably wouldn't get much out of the fic. ah well (it's bookmarked regardless, though) thanks for sharing

on the topic of funds, from what i can see (for this quest) we spent the full 4 funds possible, but three of those weren't ours so if we get to keep what we gained then this adventure's been a profit for us on top of the actual main benefit. even better since there's remaining consumable items, though it'd be a pain to see how much funds worth of stuff that is.

what does everyone think about increased criminal presence in the city? I'm thinking it'll probably be fine because there's hopefully not too many of them and I doubt they'd be like, "kill everyone" levels of evil. I'd imagine those people wouldn't be just ignored by the forces who used to be occupying, and if they were then there's still other former inmates to keep an eye on them, after all...
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Well! Cat's out of the bag with Ashe. Let's just hope that Aerith let her know what kind of people she'll be dealing with when it comes to Shinra... At any rate, please, take as long as you need with the quest! I've been enjoying it so far, and would hate to see it dropped due to burnout.
Though, uh, Aerith's dialogue text in the last update was hard for me to read in Sunlight mode, as an FYI. ^^;

what does everyone think about increased criminal presence in the city?
Not really something that that really stands out as a consequence right now, admittedly. But that may be because I don't know FFXII that well to get a sense of what the type of prisoners would be held in the dungeons...
... Honestly, now that I'm actually thinking about it, my sphere of knowledge about the mainline FF games isn't that great. Hrm.
Turn 3

Local Events (Rabanstre)

Return of the Knights

After being rescued from the depths of the Nalbina Dungeons, many defeated knights and soldiers have returned to Rabanstre to reenlist as knights of Dalmasca. Even though many of them have withered during their imprisonment, their experience and strength have bolstered the power of Dalmasca's armed forces.

[Greatly Increases the speed at which Dalmasca's Army recovers]

Sunstone Ration

Due to the blizzard, Rabanstre has broken open a cache of "Sunstones" for use in combatting the constant chill and darkness. These stones produce radiant light and heat, similar to a torch or a heat lamp. Each stone lasts for several days.

Every household is allowed a single Sunstone and may replace it when the stone runs out (by returning the drained stone to ensure there isn't any funny business) They may also purchase additional sunstones, but those cost money.

Rabanastre has plenty of these Sunstones, and most people seem confident they'll hold out longer than the blizzard

[Sunstones prevent the "Blizzard" event from impacting most activities within the city]

Yevon Preacher

Perhaps due to being more or less "trapped" in Rabanstre, the Yevonites have decided to make the most of it and have taken to loudly preaching in local spaces. Including Maester Seymour himself

The Dalmascans are a bit bemused, annoyed perhaps, but nothing they can't deal with. The Yevonites are talking a lot about Sin and wrongdoing and the sacred summoners…

But all you've heard is secondhand, colored by other sources. Wakka seemed to be devout as can be, but all you've heard from the other Dalmascans is grumbling.

[The only way to know for sure would be to see for yourself]

Letter from Ashe

A letter mysteriously arrived at your house, one with a Dalmascan wax seal on it. It didn't take a genius to know who it was from.

"I apologize for not telling you who Amalia was, but I'm sure you can understand why I didn't. It was never my intention to lie to you. I must also apologize for my foul mood when returning to Rabanstre, I had much to consider."

"Amalia still intends to walk the streets when she can. So she can see Rabanstre from every angle. But it would reflect poorly on her to be known for wandering the streets, so I ask that you please keep her secret safe. Thank you for your help, and I wish you good luck in your future endeavors."

[It was nice of her to keep in touch…]

World Events

White Out

With the blizzard comes a total blockage of news from the outside world. A lot could happen, or perhaps nothing at all. There's no way to know for sure.


Turn 3 Actions

Current Funds: 2
Note: Aerith doesn't have control of a faction. At the moment all of her actions are done personally, and as such she has no personal actions. After gaining control of a faction, or at least a few close allies, she will regain the use of personal actions.


[ ] Go Monster Hunting with Freya: You're not sure if this is a good idea or not. Wandering into the blizzard to go hunting is definitely risky, but you've heard that rare monsters can be found in strange weather conditions… [DC: None. Triggers Automatic Battle with random monster type. Blizzard increases the likelihood of rare enemies, but also increases the danger rating.]

[ ] Explore the Desert Around Dalmasca: Remember when you thought the desert was safe? Between the blizzard and the monster getting further away from Rabanstre runs the risk of you getting lost or hurt. [DC: 80]

[ ] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway: On your adventure, you charted a few paths in the Waterway, but according to Ashe there are supposed to be more, and of course, you might find more treasure too… [DC: 50]

[ ] Practice with Your Magic: You're very magically talented, but it has occurred to you that you're not very skilled. Ashe's magic was a good bit weaker, but she could do things with it that you can't, at least without the aid of Materia. Maybe if you practice long enough you'll have a breakthrough. [DC: 60 Note: Uses magic stat]

[ ] Practice Self-Defense: It felt like everyone but you took a beating at least once on that last adventure. Even if it's just a good strategy, you can't help but feel a bit guilty about letting them take the hits while you have to hang back. If you could fight with your staff and spells, maybe they wouldn't have to guard you so much. [DC: 60]


[ ] Convince Your Friends of Your Quest: Alfyn and Freya certainly like you, Ashe and Shadow probably do. But is that enough to convince them to help you fight... whatever Chaos is? Maybe you should save this until you have proof... [DC: ???]

[ ] Partner With Alfyn: It just makes sense, doesn't it? A gardener and an apothecary will go great together, and he's a sweet guy. You don't have to broach the topic of Chaos yet, just a mutually beneficial agreement between friends. [DC: Auto Pass]

[ ] Arrange a Meeting with Ashe: From the sound of things she'll still be active as 'Amalia' so you may see her out and about. During the adventure, you didn't get to talk too much, but if you meet again you have a lot to say to her. Maybe you can ask for her help training you in magic, or warn her about Shinra. [DC: 60]

[ ] Indulge in Gossip: One of the best ways to keep an ear out is just to talk and listen. And boy do people have a lot to gossip around right now! Between the Envoys and the returning knights, a lot is going on right now. [DC: 30/70]

[ ] Visit the Cartographer's Guild: The cartographers are currently grounded due to the blizzard, but they've also had a few months to explore now. They should have the areas around Rabanstre mapped by now right? [DC: ???]


[ ] Buy an Extra Sunstone For Your Garden: Now that you have a place to stay, you have a place to grow flowers. Normally this would be easy, but there's the little issue of the raging blizzard outside. You think if you can seal the cracks in your house's back room, and buy an extra sunstone, you can start your garden. [DC: 40/80.] (Costs 1 Funds to start up.)

[ ] Odd Jobs: The blizzard outside has a lot of people staying inside to stay warm. Working would mean giving up your comfort and running the risk of frostbite, but the pay promises to be good [DC: 40/80]

[ ] Go Shopping: All of the shops have walls and sunstones, so you'll be nice and toasty as you look around for anything that catches your eye. Although your budget would be a little tight. [DC: 0/50/100

[ ] Sell The Crystal: If the crystal is something you don't know how to use, selling it is an option. It's clearly magical and would sell well. But then you would never solve its mystery. [DC: 30/70]


[ ] Investigate the Hunter Clans: You know a decent bit about Clans now. Essentially teams of mercenary monster hunters. Supposedly the way that you join a clan is by hunting down a Mark, a wanted monster, and slaying it. Maybe you can learn some more? [DC: 30/60]

[ ] Spy on Shinra: Admittedly, this would be taking a big risk. The Turks are good at their job, and there's a decent chance you'll be caught. At the same time, they may be willing to make a scene in unfamiliar territory, and now that you know the lay of the land well enough to sneak around quite well… [DC: 60]

[ ] Hire Shadow to Spy: Hey, it worked last time didn't it? Shadow's good at his job, though you'd have to pay him for the work again. [DC: Auto Pass. Costs 1 Funds]

[ ] Hide From Shinra: Granted, you think Shinra will be a bit less trigger happy when they're dealing with another nation, one which they don't have any dominion over. But it's not impossible that they'll gun for you, or try to sic the Turks on you. Maybe it's best to just stay out of sight... [DC: ???]

[ ] Air Pirates?: The way people talk about Air Pirates suggests that they were rebels against authority and the empire, but not necessarily criminals. Some smuggled, some raided, but most were simply free spirits branded as pirates by the empire. Some of the former prisoners of Nalbina were Air Pirates, maybe they'd put in a good word for you? [DC: 70]

[ ] 'Acquire' an Extra Sunstone For Your Garden: The big thing you're worried about when it comes to your potential garden is frostbite. Sunstones only give out so much light and heat, but if you had more that might give you what you need to start your underground garden. So maybe you should see if you can… 'borrow' an extra Sunstone. Maybe you were hanging around Yuffie too much before this… [DC: 50/90]


[ ] Study The Crystal: This crystal is clearly magical, but not in the same way as materia. It feels pleasantly cool to the touch, and there's energy inside of it. But how to draw it out? [DC: 90] (Note: Uses Magic)

[ ] Study the Staff: After using your new staff, you think you understand it a little better. Somewhere at it's core is healing magic of some kind, and you should be able to draw it out somehow. [DC: 50] (Note: Uses Magic]

[ ] Consult a Magick Shop: Some shops in Dalmasca advertise themselves as 'selling' magic. Maybe one of them knows what's up with the staff and crystal? Probably won't be free though. [DC: Auto Pass. Costs 1 Funds]

[ ] Get Alfyn's Help Picking Seeds: Alfyn knows which plants are useful, you know which plants are beautiful. Between the two of you, it shouldn't be too hard to populate a garden with plants that everyone will love. [DC: 40]

[ ] Attend a Yevonite Sermon: You're not sure what to expect exactly. While one of your favorite haunts in Midgar was a church, you mainly used it as a quiet place for growing flowers. Barret of all people was much more devout than you were. Will listening to someone preach awaken something in you, or leave you disappointed? [DC: Auto Pass]

Oof, it's been, what. 30 days since the last Turn went up? That adventure took a bit longer than I thought. Maybe I should be more sparing with those. Anywho, Welcome to Turn 3! The blizzard is restricting your options a bit, but where there's difficulty, there is also opportunity.

This Vote will be open until Noon Sunday the 3rd.

Oh and Happy Halloween! I completely forgot to be honest. It's just another day to me.
[X] Plan: White Wind
-[X] Go Monster Hunting with Freya
-[X] Indulge in Gossip
-[X] Odd Jobs
-[X] Air Pirates?
-[X] Study the Staff

The way I see it, the blizzard keeping many people inside will mean that more people will be gossiping for lack of outdoor activities.
got here early looks like, quests that aren't super packed are great for planning :)
ok, based on what seems the most useful/doable, how about the following
[X]plan: snow day!
-[X] Practice with Your Magic:
-[X] Arrange a Meeting with Ashe:
-[X] Odd Jobs:
-[X] Hide From Shinra:
-[X] Consult a Magick Shop:

becoming able to safely engage in fighty stuff is probably a major priority right now, and for that getting a closer relationship with other adventurers seems good, but it's a bit unreliable/complicated to sort that out. it's definitely possible, but we barely even know our quest and i don't really think we can get other people to help us at the moment, so seems best to focus on our personal ability while things are calm(hence the martial/learning actions). if there's a crisis later presumably we'll still be able to form impromptu parties so hopefully no worry there? right now we're sort of a liability in combat, so my thought is fixing that would make future interactions with adventurers/prospective party members easier, it's the easiest thing to work on? later we can reach out/build up relations or such
diplomacy, stewardship and intrigue are sorta low hanging fruit/safe options that mostly work on their own but seem worthwhile, going more into detail below

martial's fighting rare monsters seems cool, that's more of a mystery box? (if it's nothing unique, a victory would probably give us more funds?)
we can go out to fight stuff whenever/when doing quests so no rush, and we can't assume we'd get anything special/directly useful/even be able to beat whatever we find. we're also probably a bit unprepared for this, and while it may be possible to rely on others, that may be rude/a bad habit long term. exploring the waterways may be an option if we want to do stuff while avoiding blizzards, but only major thing we're aware of is that boss we bypassed which is probs pretty tough? we'd want at least a party, which i don't think we'd be bringing
meanwhile, practicing magic gives us a shot at eliminating weaknesses, which is probably more productive than focusing on improving physically (we've got a higher magic stat for one so it's easier to do). seems effective to get us combat capable for bigger stuff later?
diplo: I expect chaos to be the sort of ultimate evil that's not an urgent issue until we learn otherwise, while other factions are absolutely going to do things we won't like. quickly getting Ashe information on Shinra (especially useful info of their modus opperandi, what to watch out for etc) will give the whole Rabanstre government a leg up when dealing with them(whether that means trade, politics or warfare) help avoid everyone from getting stuck in any unfavourable deals that would impact everything (getting swindled into some harmful committment would suck)
it's very cost-effective and probably needs to happen *before* anything bad happens regarding Shinra, so we should do it right away if possible. could also might help get us official lines of communication for later?
stewardship: starting the garden seems cool but it might be easier once demand for sunstones is low (right after the crisis), so may be better to wait. and i'm thinking that since we only have 2 funds, going shopping is a bad idea right now. that leaves the best call to do odd jobs and make connections when there'll possibly be an increased demand for that, which will give us funds to tide us over until we can get a more consistent income.
intrigue: there's no rush here, so better safe than sorry. we know enough about shinra's basics that there's no need for us to spy on them for information to share, and getting the current stuff may be way harder? this envoy group will know more about shinra's current situation, but that can be figured out in other ways/extrapolated so no big need for that, and they probably won't know any major secrets so we shouldn't get hyped over those. i'm also intrigued by the mystery DC, being careful may make us spot something notable?
(investigating hunter clans might be good if you are in a rush though, if everyone hates this idea but thinks the plan's otherwise fine let me know?)(stealing a sunstone is mean, if we're that desperate just buy one. Ashe would be disapointed...)
learning's option to consult a shop is pretty action-efficient at 1 fund for 2 things, and lets us pass a DC 90 that would be pretty unrealistic to boot. i think this is absolutely worth the fee, and is a good way to power us up
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[X] Plan: Day to Day
-[X] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway: On your adventure, you charted a few paths in the Waterway, but according to Ashe there are supposed to be more, and of course, you might find more treasure too… [DC: 50]
-[X] Partner With Alfyn: It just makes sense, doesn't it? A gardener and an apothecary will go great together, and he's a sweet guy. You don't have to broach the topic of Chaos yet, just a mutually beneficial agreement between friends. [DC: Auto Pass]
-[X] Odd Jobs: The blizzard outside has a lot of people staying inside to stay warm. Working would mean giving up your comfort and running the risk of frostbite, but the pay promises to be good [DC: 40/80]
-[X] Hire Shadow to Spy: Hey, it worked last time didn't it? Shadow's good at his job, though you'd have to pay him for the work again. [DC: Auto Pass. Costs 1 Funds]
-[X] Attend a Yevonite Sermon: You're not sure what to expect exactly. While one of your favorite haunts in Midgar was a church, you mainly used it as a quiet place for growing flowers. Barret of all people was much more devout than you were. Will listening to someone preach awaken something in you, or leave you disappointed? [DC: Auto Pass]
[X] Plan: One Red, One Blue, One Green and Two Yellow.
-[X] Go Monster Hunting with Freya: You're not sure if this is a good idea or not. Wandering into the blizzard to go hunting is definitely risky, but you've heard that rare monsters can be found in strange weather conditions… [DC: None. Triggers Automatic Battle with random monster type. Blizzard increases the likelihood of rare enemies, but also increases the danger rating.]

-[X] Practice with Your Magic: You're very magically talented, but it has occurred to you that you're not very skilled. Ashe's magic was a good bit weaker, but she could do things with it that you can't, at least without the aid of Materia. Maybe if you practice long enough you'll have a breakthrough. [DC: 60 Note: Uses magic stat]

-[X] Arrange a Meeting with Ashe: From the sound of things she'll still be active as 'Amalia' so you may see her out and about. During the adventure, you didn't get to talk too much, but if you meet again you have a lot to say to her. Maybe you can ask for her help training you in magic, or warn her about Shinra. [DC: 60]

-[X] Odd Jobs: The blizzard outside has a lot of people staying inside to stay warm. Working would mean giving up your comfort and running the risk of frostbite, but the pay promises to be good [DC: 40/80]

-[X] Visit the Cartographer's Guild: The cartographers are currently grounded due to the blizzard, but they've also had a few months to explore now. They should have the areas around Rabanstre mapped by now right? [DC: ???]
@griffinlw, we own Freya a favor since she helped in the adventure right? I'm corret to assume she will ask us to help her find the sandstorm once the blizzard is over?

[X]plan: snow day!
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Plan: One Red, One Blue, One Green and Two Yellow.
I should specify that this is actually 2 Green since the cartographers are another green action. But yes, once again I will allow this. I'll probably stop allowing you to double up once you guys have a proper faction (and therefore personal actions to compensate) but for now it's fine.
@griffinlw, we own Freya a favor since she helped in the adventure right? I'm corret to assume she will ask us to help her find the sandstorm once the blizzard is over?
That is more or less the plan yes. That's not to say that you have to help her. But she would very much appreciate it
Unrelated, but wild guess for the crystal: Maybe it's magicite?
((Or what if it was a synthesis crystal from KH? Though, uh, I think that might be a little out-there as an idea.))

... Anyway, hm. I'd create a plan of my own, but at this point, there's already enough floating around, aren't there?
[X]plan: snow day!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by griffinlw on Oct 31, 2024 at 4:11 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]plan: snow day!
    -[X] Practice with Your Magic:
    -[X] Arrange a Meeting with Ashe:
    -[X] Odd Jobs
    -[X] Hide From Shinra:
    -[X] Consult a Magick Shop:
    [X] Plan: White Wind
    -[X] Go Monster Hunting with Freya
    -[X] Indulge in Gossip
    -[X] Odd Jobs
    -[X] Air Pirates?
    -[X] Study the Staff
    [X] Plan: Day to Day
    -[X] Explore the Garamsythe Waterway: On your adventure, you charted a few paths in the Waterway, but according to Ashe there are supposed to be more, and of course, you might find more treasure too… [DC: 50]
    -[X] Partner With Alfyn: It just makes sense, doesn't it? A gardener and an apothecary will go great together, and he's a sweet guy. You don't have to broach the topic of Chaos yet, just a mutually beneficial agreement between friends. [DC: Auto Pass]
    -[X] Odd Jobs: The blizzard outside has a lot of people staying inside to stay warm. Working would mean giving up your comfort and running the risk of frostbite, but the pay promises to be good [DC: 40/80]
    -[X] Hire Shadow to Spy: Hey, it worked last time didn't it? Shadow's good at his job, though you'd have to pay him for the work again. [DC: Auto Pass. Costs 1 Funds]
    -[X] Attend a Yevonite Sermon: You're not sure what to expect exactly. While one of your favorite haunts in Midgar was a church, you mainly used it as a quiet place for growing flowers. Barret of all people was much more devout than you were. Will listening to someone preach awaken something in you, or leave you disappointed? [DC: Auto Pass]
    [X] Plan: One Red, One Blue, One Green and Two Yellow.
    -[X] Go Monster Hunting with Freya: You're not sure if this is a good idea or not. Wandering into the blizzard to go hunting is definitely risky, but you've heard that rare monsters can be found in strange weather conditions… [DC: None. Triggers Automatic Battle with random monster type. Blizzard increases the likelihood of rare enemies, but also increases the danger rating.]
    -[X] Practice with Your Magic: You're very magically talented, but it has occurred to you that you're not very skilled. Ashe's magic was a good bit weaker, but she could do things with it that you can't, at least without the aid of Materia. Maybe if you practice long enough you'll have a breakthrough. [DC: 60 Note: Uses magic stat]
    -[X] Arrange a Meeting with Ashe: From the sound of things she'll still be active as 'Amalia' so you may see her out and about. During the adventure, you didn't get to talk too much, but if you meet again you have a lot to say to her. Maybe you can ask for her help training you in magic, or warn her about Shinra. [DC: 60]
    -[X] Odd Jobs: The blizzard outside has a lot of people staying inside to stay warm. Working would mean giving up your comfort and running the risk of frostbite, but the pay promises to be good [DC: 40/80]
    -[X] Visit the Cartographer's Guild: The cartographers are currently grounded due to the blizzard, but they've also had a few months to explore now. They should have the areas around Rabanstre mapped by now right? [DC: ???]
alright! hyped to see what happens, hopefully our rolls are good, especially since I'm a bit worried whether we can pass diplomacy or not
Turn 3- Results

Consult A Magick Shop

No Roll
-1 Funds
Automatic Success

'Yugri's Magicks' is the name of the shop you decided to consult. As far as you can tell it's the most popular magic shop in town. Which still feels weird for you to say instead of a 'Materia Shop.'

As soon as you cross the threshold inside, you find yourself facing several shelves full of clear crystals, and an older Dalmascan woman manning the front desk.

"Hello." You greet. "I have a question, do you do appraisals?"

"We sure do, what would you like appraised?" You hand her the staff, and the woman begins examining it closely. "Hmm… this isn't Amal's standard sort of staff. Is this custom-made?"

"I don't really know. I got it secondhand." Technically you recovered it from a shipwreck but, close enough.

The woman hummed, examining the head of the staff and adjusting her grip. "Well, I've never seen a staff quite like this, but I can identify the magic inside well enough. This staff was made for White Magic and should enhance any healing spells you cast. I think it also has-"

With a swing of the staff, a warm healing glow fills the entirety of the room you're standing in. Neither one of you are injured, but even so the healing light feels pleasant. "There we go! It has a Cura spell stored inside. I imagine it has to be recharged between uses, but still."


"Oh there's no active steps you have to take or anything, just letting it absorb some Mist will be fine." The woman assured you. "Is there anything else?"

"Just one more thing." You unwrap the large crystal you found and gingerly hand it to the shopkeeper.

"This is the biggest piece of magicite I've ever seen…" She muttered to herself, gently turning the crystal over in her hand. "I don't think it's a spell stone… but it can't be nethicite either… is it just raw magicite?"

The woman kept muttering things in that vein for what felt like an hour, until she abruptly straightened. "I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It's powerful for sure, and I think it has an alignment to ice but even when I poke and prod it I can't seem to use it. That said, even if it's not a spell stone, it's a very large chunk of magicite, and it would sell well. Are you considering selling it?"

"Sorry, it's not for sale." You say firmly.

"Shame." She holds the crystal out for you to grab. You take the crystal back, feeling the chill creep into your fingertips as soon as you touch the smooth crystalline surface.

"Do you have any advice on ways I could try to use it?"

"Try… for lack of a better term, bonding with it." She suggested though she looked somewhat skeptical. "Try casting some spells with it in hand, or holding onto it while you practice. If you feel it stirring, that's a step in the right direction. Sorry, I couldn't give you more."

"That's alright, thank you for your time." You pay her for the appraisal and walk back into the storm, the unwrapped crystal right in your pocket.

For some reason, the storm doesn't seem as cold…

[Master's Staff Identified]
[Master's Staff Effects: Increase the power of healing spells cast by 1. Allow the user to cast Cura once per day when equipped.]
[Ice Magicite? Partially Identified]
[Ice Magicite Effects: Bonded Hero resists HP loss due to environmental heat and cold. May have additional effects.]

Odd Jobs

D100= 57+ 16= 73
Tier 1 Success

As it turns out, doing chores during a blizzard was a uniquely terrible experience.

You couldn't see more than a few feet away at most, the wind was almost constantly howling and threatening to knock you down, and patches of ice seemed to spring up in your way.

It was also very cold.

The one bright side to all this (if you could say there was one) is that people seemed willing to pay extra for your trouble. Which was great! You needed the money. But it meant you spent hours of each day cold and miserable.

Migelo, the absolute saint that he is, invited you one day to look after his kids while he did some business. You immediately accepted, drawn in by the promise of staying inside next to a sunstone and entertaining children. Which sounded like heaven after days of running back and forth in the snow.

Of course, what ended up happening was…

"Where's Vaan?" Your seemingly innocent question made most of the kids look away, the kind of 'hand in a cookie jar' look you could pick up from a mile away. "I'm not mad, I just want to know where Vaan is."

It took some time, but eventually, the kid named Kytes cracked under the weight of your disappointment and admitted he was in Lowtown. Specifically a part of the Waterway he liked to train in. You politely thanked him and said you were going to go retrieve Vaan. You're locking them inside the shop, and if any of them run after you, there will be hell to pay.

As far as you can tell, none of them attempted to follow you.

Finding Vaan's training spot wasn't all that hard. Kytes's instructions got you pretty close and after that, the sound of Vaan's yells echoing in the Waterway was enough for you to find him.

When you finally caught up to him, he was fighting a giant rat with a small knife. Before you could intervene, the rat threw itself at him and managed to knock him down, only for Vaan to mercilessly stab it in the soft underbelly.

The groaning teen shoved the body off of him and stood up, only to freeze as he heard you clear your throat. "Vaan. What the heck are you doing?"

He turned to you giving you a full view of the many scratches on his face and chest, dirt, grime, and blood clinging to his clothes. Thankfully, most of it didn't look like it was his. "... Training."

"Looks like pretty rough training." You comment lightly. In your experience, trying to pry secrets out of children (teenager in this case) tends to make them hold onto those secrets even tighter. "Well, I was wondering where you were. Migelo will be back for dinner soon, though it's looking like you'll need to clean up first."

"Please, don't tell Migelo." Vaan immediately pleaded.

"I won't." He looked at you in shock. "Really, I won't. I know all about trying to keep secrets from people. Just… aren't there safer ways to train than this? Do you really have to come down here and fight rats?"

"It is safe, nothing in this section but rats. And I can sell the pelts when I'm done. Two birds, one stone." Vaan defended himself firmly. You could see by the look in his eye he wouldn't back down easily.

"Alright." You said, not quite happy with him, but willing to keep your word. "Just be careful okay?"

"Yeah yeah," Vaan replied flippantly. "We should get back before the old man gets home."

[+2 Funds]
[What's up with Vaan?]

Hide From Shinra

D100= 44+ 16 +10 (Flower of the Slum)= 70

It's much, much easier to stay hidden from Shinra when they're the outsiders. You can spot them a mile away even in a crowd, they stay away from rougher-looking areas. It helps that their "Envoy" is Heidegger, a man you're certain has never willingly stepped foot in a slum in his life. The blizzard makes it even easier since most people don't go outside.

The Turk would normally be a bit trickier to get around, but you're fairly certain that he is on this task to keep Heidegger safe, not hunt for you.

At the end of the day, your attempts to hide from Shinra aren't particularly difficult for you, or even take that much effort. You stick to the underground when you can, making use of the shortcuts and back alleys you've found to avoid the main roads. If you see a Shinra footsoldier, or especially the Turk, you immediately move to another street, duck into a shop, or otherwise make yourself scarce.

It's not all that hard, but it does eat into the time you could use doing other things. Taking the scenic route during a blizzard does kinda stink, but oh well.

Better cold and miserable than tied up and dragged to Shinra tower…

[Greatly reduces the chance of being noticed by Shinra.]

Practice With Your Magic

D100= 75+ 29 = 104

With your newfound understanding of the staff and crystal, it felt like a good time to try and tap into them. Unfortunately, you had no idea how to do that, and no idea how to train yourself to do that.

So you found a quiet corner of the lower city filled with junk and started playing around with them (the staff and crystal, not the garbage.) Namely by firing magic blasts at said garbage

It was hard to say if you were learning anything by shooting bolts of magic at random trash heaps, but it felt like excellent target practice. Seeing if you could knock down specific targets without hitting the junk around them, or trying to knock a big pile down in a single blast.

Now that you knew what the Master's Staff was capable of, it was easier for you to feel how it influenced your spells. It helped you direct them and made them stronger but it wasn't like Materia, which gave you the knowledge of how exactly to cast a spell. The Master's Staff was supposed to enhance healing spells, not create them, which left you with a bit of a conundrum.

The healing magic stored inside wasn't enough to 'color' your spells. When you attacked with Ruin, it didn't tinge it with healing magic. Even when you cast Bio through the staff, it didn't purify or nullify the poison (as discovered when a giant rat attempted to interrupt your practice)

Clearly, you were going about this the wrong way, but that begged the question. How are you supposed to go about casting a cure spell? Normally you'd say "use Materia" but that wasn't an option.

… then again, you've cast healing magic without it in a pinch before, haven't you? Maybe the answer isn't in the staff, maybe it's in you.

Cloud always said that it was impossible to control a Limit Break. It's hysterical strength born from emotional turmoil, physical peril, or both. But even if you can't do it on command it's still an ability that you possess, one that isn't granted by Materia or training. If you can cast a healing wind, surely you can cast a cure spell.

You set down your staff, the poison Materia, and the Ice Magicite. You stepped away, closed your eyes, and tried to recall what was going through your mind back then. Desperation? Compassion? Love?

Cloud is on the ground, groaning in pain as he tried to force himself to his feet. His left arm was hanging limp and gushing blood, the Buster Sword on the ground in front of him. Your heart aches in sympathetic pain. On reflex, you raise your hands and-


A warm glow emanates from your hands before it flickers and fades away.

It's not much, but it's a start.

[Aerith learns to cast 'Cure']
[Aerith's bond with the Ice Magicite? grows]

Arrange a Meeting With Ashe

D100= 98
Critical Success!
(QP assigned by @MagewyrmMira is refunded)

The funny thing is, you didn't plan to bump into Ashe today.

Due to the blizzard, people were doing everything they could to get to their destinations as quickly as possible. Taking shortcuts, walking briskly, rudely shouldering their way through crowds, that kind of stuff. Since you're trying to avoid running into any of Shinra's goons, you take extra care to either blend into crowds or take the scenic route.

It was during one such detour that you turned a corner and almost slammed right into Ashe. "My apologies." She said almost automatically and immediately stepped around you.

"Hey wait up!" You quickly catch up and poke your head in front of her. "Are you just gonna walk past without saying anything?"

"Oh!" Ashe jolted in surprise, having clearly not recognized you the first time. "Hello, Aerith."

"Are you okay?" You ask seriously. Now that you're looking at her, her nose and cheeks are red from the cold, and her expression looks unfocused.

"... I don't know. I just needed to think." Ashe shakes her head sadly, and for a moment you're reminded that ruler or not, she's barely an adult.

"Come on, let's go to my house and warm up." You say, more of a gentle command than a suggestion. To your relief, Ashe follows you.

In your defense, you never intended to pry her feelings out of her. You just intended to give her a warm and safe place to think. But after Ashe had a bit of warm tea she was off to the races

"The strange thing is, I obtained all the legitimacy and power I wanted on a silver platter, and that made adjusting to all the harder. It made me realize how unprepared I really was to be a Queen. Basch keeps trying to give me advice-"

"Oh, Basch… It's looking more and more likely that Basch has been innocent the whole time, and I've been hating the wrong person for years. The investigation isn't quite done but all signs so far say he is innocent."

"He wants to reclaim his spot as a Captain and serve me like he served my father. But will the investigation be enough to save his reputation? If it isn't, what will the people think of me employing a kingslayer?"

"Not to mention his injuries, just a new low that the Arcadians have sunk to. He's healing but most of his scars won't heal, only fade. I half wish the empire hadn't vanished, now they can't pay for their crimes."

Ashe stopped her rant, taking a moment to catch her breath. Only to suddenly flush as she realized she'd just spent the last few minutes unloading her worries on you.

"It's okay, it sounded like you needed to get it off your chest." You reassured her.

"… I do feel a bit better." She admitted.

"I wish I could give you better advice but… I'm not much for politics." It's sadly true. Living in Shinra's territory usually meant 'politics' was just dealing with Shinra. "Just try to think things through, and make sure you don't do anything that you'll regret later."

"That's alright. I didn't expect you to have any answers for me. I do apologize for my poor manners." Ashe said, regaining a bit of her poise. "I fear I've been a terrible guest. What do you wish to talk about Aerith?"

Rather than answer straight away, you hum and sip your tea. What do you want to talk about? There's so much to ask, so much to say, and so little time to say it all. So you have to ask yourself…

What do you want to talk about? (Pick up to 3)

[ ] Warn Her About Shinra: Let her know what you do about Shinra. It should help her avoid any unkind deals.
[ ] Offer Your Friendship: Let Ashe know that you're here for her. Queen or not, you care about her personally.
[ ] Ask About The Envoys: You're curious about the other Envoys, King Leo and Maester Seymour. What does Ashe think of them?
[ ] Offer to Train Together: Both of you are mages, you more powerful and Ashe more flexible. There's a lot you could teach each other.
[ ] Ask About the Hunter Clans: Ashe has lived in Dalmasca all her life right? Surely she would know more about the Hunter Clans than you?
[ ] Ask If You Can Help Her: She seems like she's in a tight spot right now. Is there anything you can do for her?
[ ] -Write In-

Bet you didn't expect there to be another vote here huh? But I figured you guys had a lot of things to ask or say. Initially, the limit was going to be 2 topics, but you got a Crit. Enjoy your princess tea party. Also, I had a hard time picking Vaan's dialogue color. His colors are light brown (taken by Ashe) White/Silver (A little weird, also I usually use grey for NPCs) and Red (Also weird, but good enough.) Don't let it be said picking the dialogue colors is easy.

Also, I know I said all QP spending would be final earlier. But it felt mean to use QP on a crit where it would do nothing. So add that to the list of impromptu house rules, QP will be refunded if the roll it's used on is a crit.

Voting will be open for 24 Hours

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