Voting is open for the next 12 hours, 32 minutes
Could we invest in an exploration corp to explore our surrounding systems? Can never have too many colonies after all.
[ ] Plan P2P6 Precision, hopefully.
-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Great House Orochi
----[ ] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies.
Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Great House York
-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[ ] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building.
Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
---[ ] Pendragon
----[ ] Riluo Bank.
Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.

With Violet, we launch the operation we've been building towards. Dorothea keeps up building intel so we can... probably do something similar with Great House York. I'm betting on at least one of them rolling four progress and finishing instantly, as well as Radana rolling three or higher for her progress. If that happens then they can build the Data Reliquary whilst Radana takes a (hopefully brief) detour to House Archon to get a trade deal going, before starting the colonisation of Asenmach. Kat is just doing a little bit of upgrading of our economy. Once Calenwyrm opens up I figure we put her in there for a good long while to build it up so it can support a couple bases. After Calenwyrm has a base or two, Kat comes back and finishes up with the Bank Upgrades in Andernia.

Another question if I may. For actions like Military Salvage, do you have to commit one cell and one spy as a pair, in order to get a bonus, or do you simply benefit from committing as many assets as possible, regardless of their type?
Thank you for the update Celeshiro! If I may ask, does the Intrigue skill of the relevant character affect the success roll for intrigue actions that risk cells and spies? If so, is there a benefit to having multiple characters run the action or does it just take the highest?
Individual character intrigue does not affect the success chance of the operation. It's already been taken into account, when you consider higher intrigue characters should be able to set up more spies and cells than other characters in the same time.
Another question if I may. For actions like Military Salvage, do you have to commit one cell and one spy as a pair, in order to get a bonus, or do you simply benefit from committing as many assets as possible, regardless of their type?
You have to commit at least one of each type listed in the success increase for it. In this case, yes, it would be one spy and cell per. As a matter of disclosure, this is currently sitting at a very nice and pretty +30 to success chance (20% failure, 80% success, specific degree to be determined).
Merchant Trail III (Jumpdrive Forums)
JumpDrive Forums: Games: Merchant Trail III
StarAdmin said:
STICKY POST: Merchant Trail III is now out, sequel to one of the best living economy games there is! Please avoid story spoilers in this thread, thank you!
SnakeBlade38 said:
I cannot believe I'm saying this, but fucking tone down the piracy you fucks.

I know what I'm saying is likely causing my ancestors to spin faster than a hadron collider in their graves, but stop trying to attack me! Just because we're stereotyped as berserkers doesn't mean I want a fight! Let me just transport guns in peace!!!
MovingFactory said:

Okay, I feel a little mean, you do have a point. It's pretty rampant but what can you do really? It's one of the best ways to make money if you're out of credits. The five blaster discount exists in real life for a reason.
SnakeBlade38 said:
Please, I just really don't want to give in and start min maxing my ships. Believe me, I already have a build lined up. Check it out.
JustASniff said:
>Doesn't want to be a stereotype
>Has the most disgusting boarding builds I've ever seen
Collins4 said:
It's because of how they redid the bounty system. Now when you get tagged, you've got time to getaway without consequence. But if you get caught full-out, it sticks with you for a long time. It really punishes casual piracy while rewarding hardcore bandit lifestyle.
MovingFactory said:
"Casual piracy."

This right here is peak why I love this community and this series. Only in Merchant Trail games can you get away with the most offensive statements like this because it actually makes sense.
JustASniff said:
Agreed. I still fondly remember the time somebody posted a speculative profit from trying to crash the market, then literally bankrupted when everybody jumped in. Then they blamed the developers for not rolling back the server afterwards.

Everyday I wonder why we aren't a utopia, then I remember people saying stupid shit like that.
SnakeBlade38 said:

SilentEnforcer4 said:
Thank you for letting us all know. I'll be following you closely now for the bounty.
Collins4 said:
Same, but I was here first. Go get your own piggy bank.
SilentEnforcer4 said:
You won't see me coming.
MovingFactory said:
I mean, aren't missiles already a black market item? You're going to get in trouble either way trying to trade with them.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and go back to the basics. Haul ores and foodstuff, maybe curiosities and anomalies. Those can be profitable.
SnakeBlade38 said:
Right. Sorry. Thanks.

But um, how? I can't ever figure out where to buy and sell those.
JustASniff said:
Over here. Heatmap's changed a bit from the last title, but it's still mostly the same. Just now featuring more of the Frontier, like Iris and Archon. But they have their own markets of interest too that people are busy trying to figure out. Iris especially is weird, stuff keeps appearing and disappearing like somebody's sucking it all up for something.
MovingFactory said:
Just do tea, it's pretty darn steady and consistent.
SnakeBlade38 said:
Oh, thanks a lot. This actually really helps. I'll log off and focus on that for now. Who knows, maybe trying to do weapons trade isn't worth it.
SleepySun said:
I finally got the "Praise the Sol" achievement. Some idiot was transporting expensive missiles without a guard. I am now the richest player.


I'm going back to sleep.
Praise the Sol!

[X] Plan P2P6 Precision, hopefully.
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
--[X] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Great House Orochi
----[X] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies.
Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Great House York
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building.
Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
---[X] Pendragon
----[X] Riluo Bank.
Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.
[X] Plan P2P6 Precision, hopefully.

Is it possible for us to recruit or manufacture a new hero? I remember thinking we turned down the option after the civil war but there has to be at least someone with some talent in the galaxy. Even if their stats are kind of weak I'm completely up for us training up someone (or building dedication/loyalty) over time. Dealing with whatsernuts corrupt cronies just didn't seem like it'd turn out well.
Is it possible for us to recruit or manufacture a new hero? I remember thinking we turned down the option after the civil war but there has to be at least someone with some talent in the galaxy. Even if their stats are kind of weak I'm completely up for us training up someone (or building dedication/loyalty) over time. Dealing with whatsernuts corrupt cronies just didn't seem like it'd turn out well.
Characters are possible rewards for significant achievements and accomplishments, things that definitely warrant narrative impact. A few of these moments can include participating deeply in a victorious military campaign, forging an strong alliance, or even managing to topple a Great House.
can include participating deeply in a victorious military campaign,
Does that include campaigns that we don't run directly? I think you answered this before but will those campaigns involve any combat turns? Or will it just be "letters from the front" as we see how the higher-up commanders use our troops and character(s)?

EDIT: How do people feel about converting our destroyer drydock to a cruiser dock on the off-chance we might be able to have an extra cruiser ready in time for the campaign?
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Does that include campaigns that we don't run directly? I think you answered this before but will those campaigns involve any combat turns? Or will it just be "letters from the front" as we see how the higher-up commanders use our troops and character(s)?
It'd be letters from the front, progress reports of the overall front with how your troops in particular are doing. Unless you commit a character as a commander, at which point you'd be given your own battlegroup with allied auxiliaries if accepted.
EDIT: How do people feel about converting our destroyer drydock to a cruiser dock on the off-chance we might be able to have an extra cruiser ready in time for the campaign?

I figured this would happen sometime. It doesn't seem like we can really support two shipyards at once.

What potential cost in destroyers would this upgrade represent?
How close are we to being able to economically support and crew like 3 destroyers per colony system?
I figured this would happen sometime. It doesn't seem like we can really support two shipyards at once.
This quote kinda bugged me, but not because of anything you said - rather that I feel I've not communicated stuff properly. At this very moment, in Andernia, we have the Wealth, Resources, and Influence to support more bases and/or Factories. Frankly we have a decent chunk of Wealth that we could be spending. I simply do not want to, and I will explain why.

Half of our Wealth value is added to almost every roll we make. Once we have multiple systems things will get a little bit more complicated as to *which* Wealth value is halved and added, but for now its just Andernia. However this bonus caps out at a +20, that is to say we don't get any more bonuses after we hit 40 Wealth. I just want to get up to 40 Wealth in Andernia before we spend (much) more there, so that everything we do in Andernia in future will get that maximum buff. That will include things like Research, as well as probably diplomacy and Intrigue with "off-map" power's like the Great Houses - galactic states who do exist, buy aren't in our local region and so will *probably* (I think) use the Wealth bonus from Andernia.

How close are we to being able to economically support and crew like 3 destroyers per colony system?
I covered this in my notes above, but we could already do this if we wanted to. Fairly easily.

What potential cost in destroyers would this upgrade represent?
At the moment it wouldn't cost us any destroyers. We just wont be able to build new ones until we build another destroyer drydock. We'd just need to build a new factory somewhere else. E.g. Asenmach after we eventually colonise it.

EDIT: Celeshiro mentioned earlier that retooling the drydock would take 8 Progress. Given that regiments cost 7 progress and destroyers cost 3, I'm gonna say cruisers will cost somewhere from 5 to 7. Maybe 8. Either way that transition is... possible. In the time we have. Not guaranteed. But possible. And I'm going to say now - if we decide to send any of our troops on this campaign, particularly if we send a character, I'd much rather we send a cruiser to fight alongside them. Maybe hire a mercenary airwing to sit in its hangars.

So do people support the Reclamation campaign? Do they want to send a character? I do want to send a character. To be honest I kinda want to send all our forces whilst we quickly build new ones in Calenwyrm. Because, from a meta perspective, a campaign like that sounds like a fun little arc. It also means our troops would get more medals and it would put us in better with our new neighbours - assuming they win.
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I covered this in my notes above, but we could already do this if we wanted to. Fairly easily.

At the moment it wouldn't cost us any destroyers. We just wont be able to build new ones until we build another destroyer drydock. We'd just need to build a new factory somewhere else. E.g. Asenmach after we eventually colonise it.

EDIT: Celeshiro mentioned earlier that retooling the drydock would take 8 Progress. Given that regiments cost 7 progress and destroyers cost 3, I'm gonna say cruisers will cost somewhere from 5 to 7. Maybe 8. Either way that transition is... possible. In the time we have. Not guaranteed. But possible. And I'm going to say now - if we decide to send any of our troops on this campaign, particularly if we send a character, I'd much rather we send a cruiser to fight alongside them. Maybe hire a mercenary airwing to sit in its hangars.

So do people support the Reclamation campaign? Do they want to send a character? I do want to send a character. To be honest I kinda want to send all our forces whilst we quickly build new ones in Calenwyrm. Because, from a meta perspective, a campaign like that sounds like a fun little arc. It also means our troops would get more medals and it would put us in better with our new neighbours - assuming they win.
No worries, I knew you were working towards max wealth bonus and figured building/crewing/maintaining destroyers would either burn wealth now or screw with income and naval manpower somehow.

I didn't realize we could actually support that many destroyers now even if we bought them so that is one worry debunked. I was thinking of destroyer "cost" of the upgrade mostly in terms of opportunity cost though. If we weren't planning to start cranking them out then we haven't really lost much. If we did it sounds like maybe we'd have been able to make 4-5. While alright defensively it doesn't sound like it would do much for power projection.

A cruiser does seem to be the minimum actual warship so if we're sending forces we should try to have one as part of our forces somehow. As far as the campaign goes I don't feel strongly but I enjoy turtle strategies in RTS games and see we have lots of room for growth at home. Being part of the campaign would likely speed up our growth relative to that though so I'm not against it. I'm a shinies, fleet, and wealth quester. As long as those are increasing in general I'm happy.

Long way of saying yeah, a shiny cruiser dock could be nice. If odds of us cranking out a cruiser are like 75%+ then we should go for it. 45% or lower and I'm less excited. (I don't need hard numbers just giving you a feel for what I personally am thinking).
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If odds of us cranking out a cruiser are like 75%+ then we should go for it. 45% or lower and I'm less excited.
If we're only committing one character at a time, it's a bit of a longshot. Two and its almost guaranteed, literally, to happen on time. I was thinking Dorothea and Kat for the drydock retool then maybe Dorothea and Violet for the Cruiser commission afterwards. Two also means it's possible we finish ahead of schedule. Not likely, but... possible. Plan would look like this:

[ ] Plan P2P6 Shiny Ship Good
-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Great House Orochi
----[ ] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[ ] [Stewardship] Production Retool.
Instead of building entirely new factories, spend time reworking existing production lines to refit to new kits. Cost varies. Will be more time-consuming the more different the swap is.
---[ ] New Helm
----[ ] Solar Drydock (Wisteria-class Destroyer) --> Solar Drydock (Corona-Class Cruiser)
-[ ] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[ ] [Stewardship] Production Retool.
---[ ] New Helm
----[ ] Solar Drydock (Wisteria-class Destroyer) --> Solar Drydock (Corona-Class Cruiser)
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[X] Plan P2P6 Shiny Ship Good
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
--[X] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Great House Orochi
----[X] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Stewardship] Production Retool.
Instead of building entirely new factories, spend time reworking existing production lines to refit to new kits. Cost varies. Will be more time-consuming the more different the swap is.
---[X] New Helm
----[X] Solar Drydock (Wisteria-class Destroyer) --> Solar Drydock (Corona-Class Cruiser)
-[X] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Production Retool.
---[X] New Helm
----[X] Solar Drydock (Wisteria-class Destroyer) --> Solar Drydock (Corona-Class Cruiser)

I feel like the military campaign vote is going to pass, and I feel like we're going to send troops. Maybe even a commander. I'd like them to have a real ship of the line backing them up.
If we're only committing one character at a time, it's a bit of a longshot. Two and its almost guaranteed, literally, to happen on time.
There'll be a couple of turns after the vote is decided to get some last minute production in before the call to arms is sent out. There'll be an opportunity when doing the call to arms if you want to hire mercenaries to pad it out from a selection available, but only if you're willing to be paying the resource upkeep for them as well. Keep in mind that there are different levels of contribution, and the highest includes sending a character + troops + supplies.

There's also the argument to be made that the more of your own troops you send, the more experience they gain. But when using allied troops, you won't get as much of the glory or be able to finetune them in the way you want. A battle in an urban environment might be more difficult if all you have are allied armored battalions instead of your infantry.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Oct 17, 2024 at 12:53 AM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan P2P6 Precision, hopefully.
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
    --[X] [Intrigue] Military Salvage. Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House Orochi
    ----[X] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House York
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building. Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
    ---[X] Pendragon
    ----[X] Riluo Bank. Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.
    [X] Plan P2P6 Shiny Ship Good
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
    --[X] [Intrigue] Military Salvage. Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House Orochi
    ----[X] Four(4) cells and three (3) spies.
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Stewardship] Production Retool. Instead of building entirely new factories, spend time reworking existing production lines to refit to new kits. Cost varies. Will be more time-consuming the more different the swap is.
    ---[X] New Helm
    ----[X] Solar Drydock (Wisteria-class Destroyer) --> Solar Drydock (Corona-Class Cruiser)
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Production Retool.
Cycle 26.1
[X] Plan P2P6 Precision, hopefully.

(Infiltrate Spies (Great House York): 98 +14 (Dorothea) +12 (Wealth) = 124)

Progress: 4/4. Completed!

Two (2) Spies have been dispatched to Great House York (Total: 4 Spies, 0 Cells)

Encrypted transmission received. Decrypting…

This is Agent P. Making scheduled contact with Handler R. Reporting no issues upon arrival, cover fully maintained. Proceeded with plan to investigate mechanisms of city motive systems. Details are as follow.

Small areas are open to public, observed religious undertone in the form of shrines and temples. Deeper areas off-limits, not permitted if you are not an ordained member of local priesthood. Perhaps akin to Prisms, but definitely more focused on practice than theory.

Undetected espionage in these areas support this theory. High ranking members observed to be incredibly technical-fluent, able to diagnose and fix malfunction based on intuition alone. No written guide spotted, supporting idea of spiritual attachment to these systems.

More information needed before deeper infiltration. Will attend...sermon tomorrow. Transcript copy will be recorded and sent.

Long live Her Majesty.

"Oh, shut it," you grumbled and closed out the holographic report you had subtly picked up and copied from Dorothea's systems. She'd probably go through and assemble a full analysis to present with later, but a quick peak couldn't hurt. Besides, it meant you could form your own opinions and thoughts without her input then.

Radana wasn't here to chime in either with her thoughts, but mainly because the next bit of spywork was something she as a diplomat had to deny knowing about. It was the dirty stuff when you actually began to tug on your string of webs and cause a little bit of chaos to your benefit, all through actors unknowing of your setup. Anonymity was what shielded you, and House Iris, from direct accusation of foreign meddling.

Assuming that the operation went well that was, but even then you had taken great lengths to make sure there was always plausible deniability to at least make it easy for your people to rally against. After all, there wasn't a better way to make people suddenly be very keen on fighting together than serious accusations from abroad. Xenophobia was definitely something you didn't encourage, but it did come in handy in getting a united front going. All without you needing to give a speech either, which was a bonus!

You paused, feeling like Radana was giving an exasperated sigh somewhere, and mentally reviewed the perception. Okay, you did suppose it could look like the Helmsman rallying to defend their chosen monarch against baseless accusations from other powers, and maybe it could be a popular gesture that further cemented their faith in you. But it wasn't, because that would be silly to trust you so wholeheartedly so.


Now reassured, you took to reviewing the orders you would be sending out soon to Dorothea's office. The Lycoris Knight would take care of organizing the general plan and sending it out, but you'd slip in a few adjustments here and there personally as well, adding references and connections to other contacts you'd made that should help the odds of success. While there was always some element of luck involved in these operations, you intended on reducing that by making hopeful happenstance be more coordinated circumstance.

The question now was what to orchestrate your web against. You studied your conspiracy board for Orochi and hummed, rubbing your chin. There were a few enticing targets, but you could strike and retrieve only one of them for military analysis right now. Taking too much would definitely bring too much heat onto your other webs, so you'd have to be careful and precise. After all, you did want to be able to do this again if needed.

All that had to be determined now was the target your mind settled upon.

[ ] [Military Salvage] Kusanagi Mk 1 (Fighter Aircraft)

[ ] [Military Salvage] Onimaru Mk 1 (Bomber Aircraft)

[ ] [Military Salvage] Minow Mk 1 (Destroyer)

- Turns out, picking a spy focus character somehow translates to you having some of the best spy rolls in the game. Jeez, let's hope you didn't just burn your operation luck on that.
- I take it back, the sub-choices that got rolled up sort of balanced it out. But I imagine you can still find a use for this information, one way or another.

14 hour moratorium to convene the Violet council.
I lean toward destroyer just so we've got an idea on weapon types and strengths. If we can control the orbitals then we've got a chance of winning. If we don't we're kind of hosed either way. Fighter is my second choice.

Unrelatedly: I didn't realize the revised plan was for the last vote, for some reason I thought it would start our next turn. Solid fail on my part.
These all feel roughly equal to me. All else being equal I would probably pick the destroyer so we have some idea of what to build "against". Naval warfare has that scissors-paper-rock element that is essentially lacking in aerial combat. If only we'd rolled up a Cruiser. Next time, perhaps.

Side note, but Dorothea finished her roll in one go! It seems Violet might have as well. If we're really lucky, Radana will finish the colonization this cycle so that someone can start building up Calenwyrm.

I would quite like to put Dorothea onto refitting the drydock. Or else use her to build up Calenwyrm's basic infrastructure whilst Kat works on Stewardship things that cost 6 or more Progress. Like refitting the drydock.

I would like at least one cruiser by the time we (potentially) go to war, and I would like to be at least halfway through recruiting the next unit after that - whatever it may be.
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Voting is open for the next 12 hours, 32 minutes