Are sword beams possible?
[x] Cutting Wind - This Rote projects a Fervor-copy of a sword slash, allowing an attack at range.
For the new Prayer, could we do something that would restore our Hama Field?
Restful Ground? Not really something worth training at this juncture, you can just Do That. Feats are for things you can do in combat time.
For the new Prayer, could we do something that would restore our Hama Field?
I quite liked it, interactions between Audrey and Reginald are great and we finally got to see Giant Killing blow in it's full glory.
Plan wise I'm in favour of getting Hama up (as is everyoneIn this case, Audrey only has one idea available, so she is locked in on thinking about it. She receives 12 Training and 10 Zeal again (For a total of 20), this time with some Training pre-allocated, as she is learning Vanguard's Prayer at Rough, improving one Rough Prayer of her choice, and learning one new Prayer of her choice. Her options will open up in future, but right now Reinald is still being very hands on.)
-[X] [Secondary Action] Work on methods to manage our Wrath. Perhaps with a focus on how we're better than to act on our anger.
Go aheadHey, how would you three feel about a player-managed informational post collating Prayer/Feat ideas?
So, to expand on this, after discussion with IF, you can't use a Hama field for most things while you're unconscious. There are legends of people doing that long ago, but nobody alive knows how they did it. Restful Ground specifically is low key and subconscious enough that it's just automatic, but anything more powerful than that kind of thing is just not available.
That's...broader, I guess, than Psyche stuff usually is? Psyche stuff falls under a specific skill, and I don't know which of these it'd fall under.
So, a direct buff to physical combat is almost never Psyche-based absent Revelations (we'll get to those in a moment)...the closest you get is something like the anti-mind effecting ability you currently have or some sort of perception or tactics related thing. Generally speaking, Psyche effects are supernaturally good displays of mundane mental or social skill. So you can be superhumanly persuasive or perceptive, and so on. The exception is effects that actually duplicate miracles believed in by the Church like Gift of Tongues, and even those can often fall under 'superhuman mental or social prowess'.
Revelations are how you actually make a Psyche-focused combatant and give you a conceptual magic domain over something like Fire or Sleep or Stone, allowing you to create or control the thing in question. This is done via Prayers, still, mind you, but it expands the scope of what kind of Prayer you can take.
For the record, if I don't comment at all on a Prayer/Feat idea, that usually means I think it's fine
To expand on Web for a moment, Web inherently spreads out your Hama over a wider area than Ground due to being spread through the air as well as along the ground, and that inherently makes it kind of diaphanous rather than big thick strands (those would more fall under Rope Shape). You got this from Head On A Swivel, remember, so it's great for sensory effects since you can (with the right Feats) feel people through the web, but while restraining people is possible, it's not really the primary use. All effects could also potentially be set up in advance, making it viable for certain sorts of traps.
How would it work mechanically if I came up with a move that used both a Shape and a Style. Or a Revelation and something else, etc.
For example, I thought of using Ground Shape to launch into the air and then Hordebreaker to just slam our entire body into an opponent.
There are a a few ways to do this.
Firstly, and simplest, you can just combine a Feat and a Rote in combat (or two Rotes, or whatever). If you do this in one action, you'd pay the Fervour for both and likely a surcharge for combo-ing them (I'll look at details and see about what that surcharge should be...the Norse pay 50% extra on the more expensive of the two effects when they do this, I may fiddle with that for a Chivalric Cultivator, some Feats or Rotes might also be combo-able without the surcharge and will be noted as such if so, I could see that being true of a jump-booster).
So, in that example, you'd just buy a jumping Feat for Ground then combo it with Horde-Breaking Charge. This is probably all you need, and a necessary first step to doing a more permanent combo. This only works if the two effects actually work with each other coherently as one'd be possible to combine a Ground-based leap with most offensive Rotes as that can easily be one continuous motion, but combo-ing Faulty Ground and GKB into one action? Not so much, those are separate things entirely.
If you have already done that (ie: have both pieces of the combo, have likely used said combo at least once), then a second option becomes available, and you could actually buy the combined effect as a single Feat or Rote, combining and possibly modifying the combined effects. Whether this would fall under a Feat or Rote and for what Shape/Style/Skill/etc. depends on the specific effect you are aiming for. That specific example would be under Horebreaker, I think.
That second option is usually only worthwhile if you're intending to use that specific combo a whole lot.
Rising Attack: Being caught on the ground can be deadly, as a user of Eotenslaga knows well. This Prayer combines a rising maneuver with a rising slash, allowing recovery and attack in one motion.
A rising attack is valid, but you do already have an anti-trip option in Perfect Footing. Which was overcome only because his Feat for tripping was Refined and Perfect Footing is only at Rough (it did still give a bonus, by the way...just not enough of one). If it had been refined, he likely would have just failed. Also bear in mind for niche stuff that you only have so much Capacity...are you gonna use two of it just on trips?
[] Blade of Deliverance - A rote that enhances your strike, it gains power and range the more fervor you put into it.
Can Audrey use something like Mordhau to break through enemy shields?
A mordhau doesn't really get through shields very well, I don't think. Speaking mechanically, Knights already get through shields a lot better than most people...using their weapons two-handed makes shields only half as effective against a Knight as they are against most opponents.
Armour-breaking techniques are viable, but that's a whole separate thing.
A Meditation that aids our dodging by creating false images that take slightly different actions from us.
I'm not sure if illusions are quite within the idiom (maybe?), but a Meditation buffing dodging in general is viable.
I think it heavily depends on what you mean by 'illusions'...making a target miss spotting something or making one thing look like another for a moment to them are probably within its scope, depending on details, larger scale illusions are not.
A Meditation that aids our accuracy in combat. (This would probably be a Martial thing.)
Alternatively I also had the idea of just a simple feint, that would basically be a Rote with higher hit chance maybe at the cost of damage or something.
This is buildable, though it's fairly redundant with Cunning Deflection, probably. It'd be an attack that makes an opening rather than a defense, but that'd be the likely mechanic, I would think. You could try for a different mechanical implementation, I suppose, but that seems the most logical way for that to work to me.
Then, regarding Hard-Fall style. Could we do an attack that intends to disable limbs by cutting tendons? Like Limb-Breaking Hold but for armed combat? Hamstrings for legs to disable movement, the one in the wrist to remove the hand's ability to grip.
This is absolutely available, yeah. It might not work quite as well through armour, depending on details, but disabling limbs is absolutely an option.
Suggestion: a limb severing attack. Letting us cut off opponent's abilities and make them more vulnerable.
Would have been handy here, to prevent running away. Also probably falls under Hard-Falling Style.
For prayer ideas, a passive of simply doing more damage per hit is probably a good thing to pick up, whether percentage or flat damage, and an active for armour-piercing (deal damage even if armour should eat all of it) and/or armour-wreaking (deal some/all the damage from a blocked blow to armour, not just 10) for when we eventually run into a guy who has gone all in on armour or an evil tortoise and we can't actually get his fleshy bits to kill him.
Armour-damaging attacks are a lot easier than armour-ignoring ones, for the record (armour-ignoring ones tend to usually be low damage, have restrictions on use, or both), and adding more Meditations is maybe the sort of thing that should wait for an increased Replenish. That said, all of these are possible Prayers in theory.
So, to be clear from an expectation management perspective, stuff that just ignores armour isn't gonna usually do too much more damage than your current options that do that unless it has specific restrictions (like the maneuver the Norseman used to stab Audrey in the face, which required grappling). And a general request like this isn't gonna get something with restrictions like that (see below). A lot of these would also not ignore Hama, depending on the exact mechanism.
Now, in terms of stuff that damages armour, those Rotes might in theory do a bit more to armour than GKB does, but probably not a lot more (40 instead of 30 maybe)...the big advantage there would be that something like that could be a lot cheaper, though their actual damage number is probably not much higher than their damage to armour. Like a decently inexpensive attack that does 30-40 Damage, all of which applies to armour, is the sort of thing you could expect if aiming for a generic version of that. It would also not, by default, apply to Hama.
So, for the anti-armour rote, I feel we should go for something more based around ruining armour so that we use it once or twice and then the vast majority of GKB damage goes clean through to an enemy, instead of a more thread the needle type blow to do chip damage through their armour. Functionally something like the following, if it's allowable in Hard-Fall Style.
[Anti-Armour Rote] Shell Peeling Blow - A Rote based on Giant Killing Blow, it seeks to open up a large hole in the enemy's protections (deal stupid amounts of damage to armour and similar) so that it's parent rote can be used cleanly to kill the foe.
Even with stuff you don't have, that's not an available option as suggested.
Damage that wrecks armour is self-evidently a lot better than damage which doesn't. Even if priced at GKB levels, we're talking a lot less damage than GKB. Wrecking Hama as well is even more specialized and would drop that number significantly. This is all especially true given the nature of the Style and GKB's place in it...a super high cost/high effect anti armour thing is not really thematically on point.
a Prayer that Deadman mentioned would be very much viable in the discord is a Hordebreaker one that lets us take a second attack before the opponent takes their first if we have at least twice their speed.
To be clear, those numbers are speculative. Exact details may vary...more attacks before they go at all based on higher Speed is definitely an option though, yeah.
Is a healing (or at least stabilization) prayer possible? Something basics that can stop us (or someone else) from bleeding out or succumbing to poison.
Something that would let us review our own sense-memories in an instant, letting us find things we've missed or re-contextualizing them based on new information. Or even to quickly find information relevant to the current situation, which might help as a bonus to tactics or diplomacy?
Hmmm. I dunno how valid that is. That's...broader, I guess, than Psyche stuff usually is? Psyche stuff falls under a specific skill, and I don't know which of these it'd fall under.
So if I made it more specific it could maybe be Scholarship to find forgotten things learned in the past. Or Diplomacy to remember facts about and interactions with specific people. Or Tactics to remember how you've seen people deal with specific circumstances in combat and what matches the way your opponent is doing things?
Would a Prayer to help discover people's secrets be Diplomacy or Scouting?
Depends on what you mean. If it lets you read people, it's Diplomacy, if it enhances your sense of smell to let you track where they went, that would be Scouting. Just magically knowing secrets isn't really within the scope of Psyche absent a Revelation, though.
Are there prayers that give weapons certain properties?
For example, fire properties to deal powerful blows to monsters that have a weakness for it, or acidic for the greatest destruction of armor?
Those could exist but, as Constenanto correctly notes, they'd be tied to something like a fire or acid based Revelation or Martial Style.
–[x] Spend 3 Training on a ground feat for sensing tremors to determine people's location
New prayer wise, maybe something like a tremorsense with our Hama field? Since we're already used to sinking it in the ground, if we're able to sense through it, we could potentially improve our battlefield awareness and maybe offer some prediction on what next move enies might do based off weight changes?
Oh no I had another good idea for a passive Feat that just continuously boosts our movement using the Ground Shape.
[ ] Item Moving Ground - Your Hama field causes the ground to shift in order to move dropped items in directions advantageous to you, whether that be your disarmed weapon to your side, your enemy's weapon away from them, or sliding your chair back to its place next to the table.
It admittedly is rather niche, but it helps a ton if we don't have to go running after our sword and can just send our enemy's sword all over the place if we disarm him.
It's the sort of thing you wouldn't make rote, I reckon. Lots of the more niche things can probably stay as normal prayers.
maybe make it into a rudimentary flight thing? Like, slowly walking on upwards now, just running through the sky with it when more upgraded?
You could step into the "air" by raising the ground with a Ground Feat, but not too high all things considered, I don't think. And the Hama construct below you is breakable, so if anyone strikes it you'd fall the whole way down.
A Feat that aids our dodging by shifting the ground so we can more easily dodge.
his is valid, but wouldn't stack with Clever Deflection, you'd pick which you were using. Comparatively, it'd probably add some extra mobility to your dodges, but would not leave an opening on a successful defense (it'd also be Hama + Ground Shape based rather than Soma + Hard-Fall).
you could just get a Meditation-equivalent Feat of Ground to enhance your jumps for a whole combat and use that with Horde-Breaking Charge, though that would likely jump a less impressive distance than an instant Feat that cost Fervour per individual jump.
In terms of web feats, one that I think would be cool is an attack that extends an opening if you use it while an opponent is open, like by restricting their movements momentarily so they can't get their guard back up.
Extending an existing opening is probably possible if you have the web set up ahead of time. Not for super long, but it's likely a thing you can do via the same general mechanisms as the suggested option for creating openings mentioned previously. You'd probably need to pre-set this one earlier in the fight (or using it would use up the original opening, making it kinda meaningless), but that's pretty doable.
first passively entangling other combatants in threads of the Web over time. Just wrapping more and more around limbs and necks and torsos and objects without actually letting them hinder those people.
And then we follow it up
This is not technically impossible, but it's impossible in practice because you'd need to hit them with, as you say, 5 or 6 different effects or something like that entirely unopposed, because if they act in any way, they're gonna be breaking the first effect, so you'll never get there as the effects break faster than you can layer them. You could do it if you had 5 or 6 actions while they just stood there, but that's never gonna happen.
So it's not physically impossible, but it'll basically only happen if they stand perfectly still and let you do it, and if they're doing that you don't need a Feat for it, you can do it with Precision alone, probably, as this is no longer combat. To say nothing of just being able to use mundane rope to tie them up being an option under those circumstances.
Just straight up immobilizing someone with the sheer number of threads wound around them.
Slowing someone as they have to fight through the web is definitely possible...full immobilization is not. Not vs. an actual cultivator, anyway. Remember, this is not strong enough to lift a person, even a small one...expecting it to actually stop someone superhumanly strong for any length of time is not a reasonable expectation.
Pulling on limbs to create openings or throw off enemy attacks, including in nearby fights to help allies.
This is probably possible, the web breaks so it's momentary, but yanking people off-balance is possible. Sort of redundant with Faulty Ground a lot of the time, but possible.
Pulling objects away or towards you, I guess (I don't think this is a great Prayer but I want to ask about it for completion's sake)
This would work for relatively light objects, yes. Ground can basically do this too, as has been mentioned.
If straight up immobilizing someone isn't possible, momentarily halting them.
You can slow a person or maybe halt a limb for a moment, but stopping a whole person entirely is probably not super viable.
Doing the same to yourself if you're thrown or pushed or the like.
This runs into the 'not strong enough to lift you' factor pretty rapidly. Like, maybe for a quick tug to get you standing, but even that seems likely to break unpredictably.
A straight up decapitation attempt using threads wrapped around someone's neck.
This sort of works, but rarely for actual beheading. You could do a piano wire style damaging effect (since you can make the web sharp), but it'd be very low damage as the web breaks so easily, though it could have a pretty big AoE if you wanted, and could be set up in advance as a trap if you do it right.
Catching ranged projectiles before they hit us. These threads aren't super strong but for light projectiles it should work, no?
If they have enough momentum behind them to be dangerous weight is a secondary concern. But more importantly, using a web to stop an arrow is like using something like a net to stop an doesn't really work, as there are enough holes for the arrow to go through, and even if it hits a strand, they aren't individually durable enough to slow it much.
Our strands are wispy and ephemeral, so maybe we could figure out how to make it stick to someone that walks into it without them noticing and use it to track them.
This probably works in theory, though it's not impossible to notice, just hard. Think planting a tracking device, not a tracking spell they can't notice or get rid of. You also can't hear through it or anything, I don't think, so it just lets you know where the marked person it.
About the loss of the sword. Maybe we should come up with a Web Shape-based technique to create a permanent Hama thread between us and the sword so that it can be called back into our hands if necessary.
Based on this, we can even come up with several tricks and deceptive maneuvers.
This is a viable Feat for Web Shape, yes. The strands of Web would get broken if someone strongly resisted it so it's probably not great for disarms, but you can manage weapon retrieval or pulling in unattended items. Ground Shape could do something similar if the weapon is on the ground but not as precisely...Web is better for this purpose.
Cast Sword: This Hama Feat tethers a string of Hama to one's blade, allowing a surprising ranged attack and a convenient retrieval of one's blade.
The Grasp of the Righteous: This Hama Feat casts a rope-shaped Hama field at an enemy, grabbing them and hauling them towards the user.
Would a an Insight based ability to figure out how to dismantle magic workings of others be possible?
Probably. You'd need the proper Shape for that, though, I think? Ground and Web are both a tad off. Maybe Web to figure them out...dismantling would be something else, at least in combat time, anyway.
I was more thinking along the lines of knowing where to hit a magical construct so it falls apart, finding the power source/central processing unit of magical artifacts, and when to disrupt someone's concentration so that their magic fails.
Right, so, you can't usually just stab a construct and have it fall apart. Well, not in a specific place anyway...a weak construct might break when stabbed anywhere, but something sturdier, you'd need some sort of specific tool to stab to do that on a combat time scale. So Web might be able to tell you how an effect is structured, but you'd then need some other effect to disrupt it.
That's in combat, mind you, outside combat Insight and Precision alone can do least in theory.
For the new Prayer, could we do something that would restore our Hama Field?
Doesn't quite work that way. I'm not saying there's no way to regenerate it in combat time, but it's certainly not something you can do at this juncture. It recovers automatically if you get a chance to take a breather.
Definitely not as a Prayer, that would be a Feat if it were possible. However, for the most part, recovering Hama while actually fighting is not available, at least not at your current level of knowledge and power.
Taking Hama damage isn't removing hama, it instead is actually just thinning it out. In order to use hama for any conscious purpose, you must first gather it together until it reaches the required thickness. The normal consistency of hama is cobweb-like, very ethereal and flowy. Gathering it together thickens it into a more solid consistency.
All this to say that re-gathering hama isn't something that can really happen in the midst of combat because it is an inherently lengthy process that requires either extensive time or immense focus.
You *might* be able to re-gather your hama on the battlefield if given the opportunity, but those would be few and far between.
would a prayer/feat that decreases the amount of Hama/armor that degrades with every hit taken possible?
Probably not that precisely. The mechanics get...weird, for that. Something that adds some additional Hama Field might be possible, though. And anything that effects Hama would be a Feat.
Yes, though they're always gonna be weaker than an equivalent melee attack with the sword. Barring things like Martial Styles, Feats, or Revelations, anyway.
Cutting Wind - This Rote projects a Fervor-copy of a sword slash, allowing an attack at range.
So, the reason why sword beam-like attacks are weaker than normal attacks is that they fundamentally lack substance behind it. Like, the ghostly image of a sword is less real than the actual sword, yeah? While charging up the sword beam would make it stronger than the baseline sword attack, it would still be weaker than the equivalent charged up sword attack.
Blinding Flash - This Rote causes one's sword to emit a blinding burst of light, causing an enemy to flinch or be dazzled if caught in it.
a Psyche Meditation that is about planning a battle forward to set up the terrain to your advantage. Things like kicking a rock just so while running at someone so that they stumble over it while defending against your blow. I guess that might be part of Hard-Fall Style instead, actually.
That sort of thing is probably Hard Fall Style, yeah. Or Ground Shape, depending on how you do it.
Are there any prayers that increase skills?
For example, temporarily increase the Combat skill in order to both receive automatic successes and be able to put more Zeal into a strike.
There are absolutely Prayers to boost up skills and give auto-successes out-of-combat, usually in a specific area. For Combat, however, those look like Vanguard's Prayer more than they do like this.
Catch the Falling Sparrow - This Rote allows the user to block ranged attacks, including energy projectiles and may even reflect them back to the user.
Catch The Falling Bird isn't needed to parry ranged attacks, including energy can just do that.
Something something Monkey Grip to allow for both fighting and wrestling with an offhand?
[] Unhesitating Grasp - This Rote allows the user to hold a normally two-handed weapon like a knightly sword in one hand.
Unhesitating Grasp isn't needed to use a sword in one hand, but wrestling usually involves more than one hand.
A Meditation for using the environment to our advantage.
- using trees or other solid objects as obstacles for our opponents.
- leading them onto rough terrain where they can't move well or could hurt themselves.
- fighting larger opponents in narrower spaces that they can't move well in.
- pushing people backwards into having their back to the wall
- putting our backs to a fall and getting them to charge us which we dodge
- leading someone into a hornet's nest
- ...having the high ground
This is...kinda too broad and nebulous? Like, I have no specific idea what this would actually do. On either a mechanical or thematic level. You can already take advantage of the terrain in all those ways if the terrain exists, after all.
It's the sort of thing you wouldn't make rote, I reckon. Lots of the more niche things can probably stay as normal prayers.It admittedly is rather niche, but it helps a ton if we don't have to go running after our sword and can just send our enemy's sword all over the place if we disarm him.