Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Oh boy, sounds like a nightmare. Good thing they have 3 Space Marine Chapters as Allies.
It is mostly the same as canon (early canon at least) where they don't grasp that Chaos is a warp thing that extends beyond mortal men. They think that the Chaos gods (along with the Primarchs and the God-Emperor) are just great human leaders who were involved in a great ancient civil war, who are now revered and worshipped by modern humans. They side with the followers of the God-Emperor because their teachings are compatible with the Greater Good unlike the teachings of the Chaos Gods. Daemons are just manifestations of human pysker powers while the dangers of warp travel are just human FTL being unreliable. Chaos mutations? Just the result of severe exposure to the warp, nothing supernatural about it.

It all has a rational and scientific explanation as far as the Tau are concerned.
Daemons are just manifestations of human pysker powers while the dangers of warp travel are just human FTL being unreliable. Chaos mutations? Just the result of severe exposure to the warp, nothing supernatural about it.

It all has a rational and scientific explanation as far as the Tau are concerned.
Ah, the return of the Warp based Xenos, with a vengence.
Would there be a way to show the Tau the truth of how dangerous Chaos and the warp can be, maybe invite them on a Campaign against Chaos like our crusade, either as observers or allies in battle, or are they just perpetually digging their heads in the sand? Ya know like they've put themselves in a box as Scientists are wont to do, and pretty much refuse to accept anything that doesn't fit inside of it.

[ ] 9th Company (10) is unassigned and currently available

Also when scrolling through again and found that we only have 10 Battle Brothers for 9th Company in Chapter Deployment apparently. 😂 anyone else think the idea of sending 10 Space Marines, which make up the whole company, on a mission or for Garrison duty sounds as funny as it is stupid like I do?
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Would there be a way to show the Tau the truth of how dangerous Chaos and the warp can be, maybe invite them on a Campaign against Chaos like our crusade, either as observers or allies in battle, or are they just perpetually digging their heads in the sand? Ya know like they've put themselves in a box as Scientists are wont to do, and pretty much refuse to accept anything that doesn't fit inside of it.
Unfortunately, there isn't. You can't really intentionally expose to serious Chaos without committing Heresy in the process and even then, it will take a lot for the Tau to look at things in supernatural terms rather than scientific ones. Which, to be fair, is reasonble from their perspective since you need to dive deep into the rabbit hole for that.

And it isn't like the Tau are dismissing the threat of Chaos. They recognise that Chaos incompatible with the Greater Good and how psykers and the warp are dangerous. They have just been exposed to relatively basic stuff that can be explained away with science.
Also when scrolling through again and found that we only have 10 Battle Brothers for 9th Company in Chapter Deployment apparently. 😂 anyone else think the idea of sending 10 Space Marines, which make up the whole company, on a mission or for Garrison duty sounds as funny as it is stupid like I do?
Fixed. Thanks for catching that.
@Oshha question with the finishing of the blackship project what's the size cause we wanted them a bit smaller and have they been deployed already to search for perspective untrained psykers to move to thur.

Hhm for the first asgardian crusade we got a chapter amount and them some of space marines and a sector level fleet of space marine grade ships with alot of battle barges ready to break the heretics and three first company terminators and have the best weaponry of their respective chapters and couple dozen land raiders.
For the normal forces we got one preceptory of the reasonable nuns with guns which is always good their faith and fury is gonna be needed once heimdall joins in the conflict.

There's the reconstituted battlefleet asgardia with three battleships multiple grand and heavy cruisers and alot of lesser craft aiding in the void war I think with this we can be assured they'll defend our transports for the auxilia.

Speaking of the auxilia they're our backbone of this operation lead by the elite vanaheim valkyries these guys and gals who will storm the forts that we broke with lightning strikes and will do pitched battle with regular heretics while we destroy their supplies and other important areas. And lastly will have to occupy and cleanse the world's of stragglers then garrison it until new colonizers come in.

And but not least are the knight houses sworn to the triumvirate which are nice addition cause they'll be a good pseudo titan force in the Crusade and and they'll likely be up for it since they'll likely want more glory to their houses and for prestige in to the eyes of their space marine overlords of their prowess in battle.
@Oshha question with the finishing of the blackship project what's the size cause we wanted them a bit smaller and have they been deployed already to search for perspective untrained psykers to move to thur.
Asgardian Blackships are escort-sized. This is because they are easier to produce and replace while you intend for your Blackships to be constantly going back and forth between destinations with greater regularity. There is one shipyard for them at the moment, you have two or three in service with more on the way.
It is mostly the same as canon (early canon at least) where they don't grasp that Chaos is a warp thing that extends beyond mortal men. They think that the Chaos gods (along with the Primarchs and the God-Emperor) are just great human leaders who were involved in a great ancient civil war, who are now revered and worshipped by modern humans. They side with the followers of the God-Emperor because their teachings are compatible with the Greater Good unlike the teachings of the Chaos Gods. Daemons are just manifestations of human pysker powers while the dangers of warp travel are just human FTL being unreliable. Chaos mutations? Just the result of severe exposure to the warp, nothing supernatural about it.

It all has a rational and scientific explanation as far as the Tau are concerned.

Would a Skald action sending them records and pict records of chaos shit the chapter has seen help clear up that misunderstanding?

Or does the chapter not keep those kinds of pict records because of chaos bullshit danger?
Would a Skald action sending them records and pict records of chaos shit the chapter has seen help clear up that misunderstanding?

Or does the chapter not keep those kinds of pict records because of chaos bullshit danger?
All of the ones we have kept have been sent already i imagine,

The long and short of it is, we already have been trying to convince them this is a serious threat, the Tau understand that at least for humans it is, and are infact, starting to take actions to protect themselves against the low level stuff at least.

Any more then that will need the Tau to get thier face bloodied by chaos Tau
Hmmm, have we considered adding Battle Psykers to our Huskarls? A Psyker in power armor trained to fight in enclosed spaces will be an absolute menace to every ship it boards.
Would a Skald action sending them records and pict records of chaos
You have already done that and more. The issue isn't that you haven't told the Tau, it is that the Tau don't believe you and think you are wrong.
Hmmm, have we considered adding Battle Psykers to our Huskarls? A Psyker in power armor trained to fight in enclosed spaces will be an absolute menace to every ship it boards.
You don't have enough pyskers that are suitable for that. Right now, your academy is focused on getting stable psykers and for any specialists, pseudo-astropaths for interstellar communications and governance. The latter is taking up any psykers fit for combat.
I decided to do an Astrates population comparison before and after the time skip. This list won't include certain factors like Trovald and his Honor Guard.

Iron Sentinels

1st Company (36) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
2nd Company (93) = Garrison Duty at Arx Ferrea on Mjolnir.
3rd Company (100) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
4th Company (100) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
10th Company (76) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.

The Iron Sentinels had 405. That is pretty low for a chapter.

Iron Sentinels

1st Company (80) = Deployed to the 1st Asgardian Crusade
2nd Company (100) = Raiding the Darcs Coalition.
3rd Company (100) = Garrison Duty at Arx Ferrea on Mjolnir.
4th Company (100) = Deployed to the 1st Asgardian Crusade.
5th Company (70) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
6th Company (65) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
10th Company (100) = Raiding the Strulrot Empire.

The Iron Sentinels now have 615, which is 210 more than they had before the time skip, which is a huge improvement.

Knights of Caliban

1st Company (65) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
2nd Company (90) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
3rd Company (90) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
4th Company (90) = Deployed to the Beowulf Sub-Sector.
5th Company (90) = Deployed to the Beowulf Sub-Sector.
6th Company (90) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
7th Company (55) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
10th Company (50) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.

The Knights of Caliban had 620, just over half a Chapter.

Knights of Caliban

Order of Deathwing (95) = Deployed to the 1st Asgardian Crusade.
Order of Stormwing (95) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
Order of Ironwing (90) = Patrolling the Asgardia Sector.
Order of Firewing (90) = Deployed to the Beowulf Sub-Sector.
Order of Ravenwing (90) = Deployed to the Beowulf Sub-Sector.
Order of Dreadwing (90) = Deployed to the 1st Asgardian Crusade.
Order of Coldwing (80) = Deployed to the 1st Asgardian Crusade.
Order of Voidwing (80) = Raiding the Grendel Sub-Sector.
Order of Nightwing (80) = Deployed to the Beowulf Sub-Sector.

The Knights of Valiban now has 790, this is 170 more than before. They haven't grown as much as the Iron Sentinels, but that's probably because of the Orks.

[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 1st Company (100) is engaged at the Pleasure of Salvation and currently unavailable.
[ ] 2nd Company (98?) is lost in the Warp and currently unavailable.
[ ] 3rd Company (83?) is lost in the Warp and currently unavailable.
[ ] 4th Company (88) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company (93) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company (98) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company (90) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 10th Company (106) is unassigned and currently available.

This is a little tricky since we originally had 756 members before we lost the second and third companies. Those deducted means we have 575 members. I don't include Torvald and his Honour Guard into this statistic.

[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are permanently unavailable.
[ ] 1st Company (50) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 2nd Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 5th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 6th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 10th Company (80) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 11th Company (70) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 12th Company (50) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 13th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.

Now our population is at 1,150. This is a general improvement of 394, technically 575 members thanks to our two companies returning from the Warp. Which means we technically doubled our population over the time skip.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Sep 9, 2024 at 5:17 AM, finished with 76 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: We Are Back in Business
    -[X] FA1: Create a research team of mortals to assist in the research and creation of new technologies.
    -[X] FA2: Change the structure of a Company to make it standard for there to be 3 Librarians per Company.
    -[X] FA3: Order your Tech Marines to investigate, compare, and reverse engineer all the anti-gravity technologies in your possession to find out which is the best to further develop. The grav-tech on Tau vehicles, Tau drones, and the Bunkers Jetbikes are of particular note. (2 Tech Marines)
    -[X] Skald: Covertly invite Tau diplomats to Midgardia to begin negotiations over possibly starting a technology trade between the Asgardia Sector and the Tau Empire. Ensure the meeting is kept as quiet as possible.
    -[X] The Asgardia Crusade (1,2,3,4,5,10th Companies, 1,2nd Chapter Fleets)
    -[X] Raiding Heimdalls Supply and Trade lines (11,7,12th Companies, Protector of Asgardia ,5th Chapter Fleet)
    -[X] Purging the Strulrot (8,9th Companies, 3,4th Chapter Fleets)
    -[X] Home Guard (13th Company)
    -[X] Patrolling (6th Company, Might of Storms)
    -[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Eternal Hurricane at Midgardias dock yards
    -[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Lightning Vengeance at Forge World Thor (1 Major Favor)
    -[X] Repair Battle Barge Storm of Salvation at Forge World Thor (2 Major Favors)
    -[X] Production (21 Points & 8 Techmarine available)
    --[X] 30 Tarantula Turret = 10 Points (all to the 13th Company)
    --[X] 25 Jump Packs = 5 Points
    --[X] 1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points & 1 Tech Marine
    --[X] 1 Rhino = 2 Points (to the 13th)
    -[X]Vehicle Targeting Cogitator Manufactorum 40RP (100/100)
    -[X]level 1 orbital defenses (Danlan) 10RP
    -[X]level 1 orbital defenses (Valha) 10RP
    -[X] Industrial Complex (Minvir) 10RP
    -[X] Industrial Complex (Midguardia) 1RP (1/10)
    -[X] Spartha Frigate 4RP
    -[X] Gladius Frigate 4R
Turn 17 = 580-584.M41 Results - Part I New
[X] Plan: We Are Back in Business
-[X] FA1: Create a research team of mortals to assist in the research and creation of new technologies.
-[X] FA2: Change the structure of a Company to make it standard for there to be 3 Librarians per Company.
-[X] FA3: Order your Tech Marines to investigate, compare, and reverse engineer all the anti-gravity technologies in your possession to find out which is the best to further develop. The grav-tech on Tau vehicles, Tau drones, and the Bunkers Jetbikes are of particular note. (2 Tech Marines)
-[X] Skald: Covertly invite Tau diplomats to Midgardia to begin negotiations over possibly starting a technology trade between the Asgardia Sector and the Tau Empire. Ensure the meeting is kept as quiet as possible.
-[X] The Asgardia Crusade (1,2,3,4,5,10th Companies, 1,2nd Chapter Fleets)
-[X] Raiding Heimdalls Supply and Trade lines (11,7,12th Companies, Protector of Asgardia ,5th Chapter Fleet)
-[X] Purging the Strulrot (8,9th Companies, 3,4th Chapter Fleets)
-[X] Home Guard (13th Company)
-[X] Patrolling (6th Company, Might of Storms)
-[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Eternal Hurricane at Midgardia's shipyard
-[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Lightning Vengeance at Forge World Thor (1 Major Favour)
-[X] Repair Battle Barge Storm of Salvation at Forge World Thor (2 Major Favours)
-[X] Production (21 Points & 8 Techmarine available)
--[X] 30 Tarantula Turret = 10 Points (all to the 13th Company)
--[X] 25 Jump Packs = 5 Points
--[X] 1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points & 1 Tech Marine
--[X] 1 Rhino = 2 Points (to the 13th)
-[X]Vehicle Targeting Cogitator Manufactorum 40 RP (100/100)
-[X]level 1 orbital defences (Danlan) 10 RP
-[X]level 1 orbital defences (Valha) 10 RP
-[X] Industrial Complex (Minvir) 10 RP
-[X] Industrial Complex (Midgardia) 1 RP (1/10)
-[X] Spartha Frigate 4 RP
-[X] Gladius Frigate 4 RP

While the efforts to draw upon the intellectual talent of Midgardia and the rest of the Gard Sub-Sector goes well, the research project assigned by you is rejected by Horwan. The Master of the Forge states that it is too broad and his Techmarines will need to focus on a single source of anti-gravity technology at a time. Horwan does acknowledge it is possible to investigate and compare the data once it is gathered, but the various sources of anti-gravity technology must first be investigated individually.

What source of anti-gravity technology due to focus on reverse engineering?
[ ] Write-in.

The assignment of additional Librarians to each company went ahead without difficulty though Steffen warned you that the Libarium no longer had any spare manpower as the reminder of the unassigned Librarians were busy as the Psyker Academy.

The diplomatic outreach to the Tau Empire goes off without a hitch. The Skalds and the Water Caste are able to come to an arrangement, resulting in a discreet technology trade between the Asgardian Triumvirate and the Tau Empire, taking place on the Chapter homeworld of Midgardia.

What technology do you get from the Tau? Pick two options.
[ ] Tau Missiles (Void)
[ ] Tracking System (Void)
[ ] Pulse Weapons (Ground)
[ ] Rail Weapons (Ground)
[ ] Plasma Weapons (Ground)
[ ] Fusion Weapons (Ground)
[ ] Shield Generator (Ground)
[ ] Stealth Battlesuits (Ground)
[ ] Crisis Battlesuits (Ground)

What do you concede to the Tau Empire? Pick two options.
[ ] Power Armour (Ground)
[ ] Power Weapons (Ground)
[ ] Targeting Cogitator (Ground & Void)
[ ] Improved Engines (Void)
[ ] Advanced Sensors (Void)
[ ] Gravitic Thrusters (Void)
[ ] Honourbound Favour (Repeatable)

Also on Midgardia, an automated foundry has been found between the fortress-monastery. While a major wonder of long lost human engineering, it is also one without power. The power generator found decades ago is already being used to power the teleport, sub-sector sensors and the void shield generator, leaving little spare for the newly discovered foundry. Until a suitable power source is discovered, the production lines of the automated foundry will lie silent.


"For the God-Emperor!" cries Halla Stormson as he swings the Wrath of Hallr into one of the screaming Wyches, obliterating the xenos and knocking more than one of her fellows off their feet.

The Captain of 8th Company isn't sure why the Kabal of the Black Reaping continue to try their hand in a sector as well-defended as the Asgardia Sector, but he is certainly willing to make them regret it. With the chapter flagship supporting them, he and his brothers have chased the Dark Eldar raiders across multiple sub-sectors.

As agile and swift as the Dark Elder warships are, they were not prepared for the sheer speed and manoeuvrability of the Might of Storms. The archeotech battle barge is not only able to keep up with the xenos vessels, but she has the firepower to destroy them from afar. More than one Torture-class Cruiser has been destroyed and over a dozen Corsair-class Escorts are no more.

Rather than being able to prey upon the people of the Asgardian Triumvirate, the Dark Eldar found themselves as the ones being hunted. Halla can only wonder how long the Black Reaping can keep things up. Multiple warship losses and hundreds of deaths on the ground so far and yet the Dark Eldar continue to persist with their raids. It hasn't been without cost for the Storm Avengers, but Halla is grimly aware that the exchange rate has been very favourable so far.

At least Brother Hakon will have the chance to fight again once they get him entombed in a Dreadnought chassis.

"Taste pain, Angel!" screeches one of the more experienced Wyches with a crackling laugh as the foul xenos strikes at him with some kind of unholy whip.

Halla simply intercepts it with his cloak before raising his arm and unloading the inbuilt storm bolter of his armour into her. The alien woman doesn't go down right away as the drugs keep the pain from killing her. Yet the denial of pain does little to prevent entire chunks of her body being blown away.

"I would rather inflict it, xenos," retorts Halla to the corpse as his command squad finishes off the last of the other Wyches before turning to his vox, "8th Company, continue the pursuit of the xenos. Do not let any of the Dark Eldar get away and let this world be their grave. We are the Avenging Storm!"

"Captain," calls Ragnvald Iceson over the vox the sergeant of Eight-Nine, "Confirmed kills on the majority of pirate transports. Our Thunderhawks hold aerial superiority. Unless the xenos fly into the Webway, we have them."

"Good news, Brother, but do not get cocky yet," warns Halla even as he looks up to see a Stormtalon gunning down a Raider with its lascannons in the distance, "Even cornered, the Dark Eldar are still dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than if they still had the option of escape. Let us fight with caution and wit lest more Storm Avengers meet their end today."

"They are less dangerous now that the leadership is dead," says another voice as Captain Dane of the Iron Sentinels 5th Company speaks up, "Captain Halla, I'm glad to report the death of the enemy Succubus and her Bloodbrides. The surviving Dark Eldar are now leaderless and shouldn't be too difficult to mop up."

And that is undeniably a good thing. The Dark Eldar will inevitably be back, but for now, the Kabal of the Black Reaping will be spending some time recovering from these losses. The people of the Asgardia Sector can rest a little easier for now.

6 Battle-Brothers are killed. 5 Gene-Seed Recovered. (8th Company).
1 Battle-Brothers are entombed. (8th Company).


When Captain Ingvar of the Iron Sentinels 2nd Company returns to Asgardian space, he does so in glory and victory. It turns out that the Iron Sentinels weren't the only ones planning a raid as their task force ran straight into a gathering fleet of Darcs raiders. One that was unprepared for combat and caught completely off guard by the sudden arrival of the Iron Sentinels.

An xenos battleship crippled, half a dozen cruisers destroyed and over a score of escorts eliminated. The raiding force scattered to the winds with more half of it dead. And the Iron Sentinels didn't stop there.

Over the next few years, the Iron Sentinels rampaged across the Darcs Coalition. They hunted down the crippled battleship with the Huntress of Heresy striking the death blow. They preyed upon its shipping and took out lone patrols. They burnt isolated mining output and vulnerable settlements to the ground. They slaughtered entire bases of Darc soldiers and took out a couple of minor shipyards.

While the Darcs Coalition still has plenty of strength left, the Iron Sentinels left them reeling for the time-being. Past behaviour of the Darcs will indicate that the xenos will be shy about further engagements for the next decade or so as they recover from their losses.

Unfortunately, the other raids against the xenos powers of the Asgardia Sector are more fraught.

The Order of Voidwing attempted to keep the Orks in the Grendel Sub-Sector in check while the crusade was ongoing. Instead, they ended up acting as an early warning for Waaagh! Ironrekka. As usual, the Greenskins of Grendel had been preparing for another Waaagh. Not as usual, this one had the potential to be a serious threat.

The Knights of Caliban attempt to harry and disrupt the brewing Waaagh, but Ironrekka took advantage of their threat to build up the momentum needed for his ambitions. Your cousins managed to strike some minor industrial sites and eliminate a few escorts, but for the most part, Ironrekka was able to fend them off. While Voidwing didn't suffer any Astartes deaths amongst their number, a good chunk of their brothers had suffered severe injuries with several needing bionic replacements.

The saving grace is that the Order of Voidwing managed to get some tactical data on the forces of Waaagh! Ironrekka. A dozen kroozers of varying sizes led by one so upgunned and uparmoured that Master Zaemuin could only classify it as a battlekroozer. The Ork Fleet was heavy on escorts with several smaller warships for every capital ship. Zaemuin also reports that he and his brothers encountered a large number of Stormboyz and Tankbustas amongst the forces of Ironrekka, the latter being responsible for many of the injuries within his Order.

Osmadiel reports that he is confident he can hold the Beowulf Sub-Sector against Ironrekka, but he cautions that he will require the bulk if not all of his Chapter to do so. The Knights of Caliban will not be available for the next few years and the Grand Master also acknowledges that additional void forces to supplement his Chapter Fleet would be greatly welcome.

Matters with the Strulrot Empire also were also less accomplished than hoped. While three companies of Astartes was enough to strike several blows to the xenos, the Strulrot fought back vigorously and saw no small amount of success on their part. While the xenos industry burnt, their warships perished and their soldiers slaughtered, many sons of Guilliman also met their end.

New advanced weapons combined with extensive usage of psykers saw the Strulrot put up an unexpectedly fierce defence on the ground, costing many lives. Almost a score of scouts from the Iron Sentinels met their end at the reptilian hands of the Strulrot and Captain Grimm reported that a dozen of 6th Company's brothers fell in battle.

All three captains involved in the raid have expressed concern about these new developments. While the technological development of the Strulrot is worrying for obvious reasons, the biggest focus has been on the increased deployment of witches by the xenos. While the Strulrot have always had an abnormally high number of psykers amongst them, this is the first time they've been recorded actively taking advantage of that.

12 Battle-Brothers are killed. 11 Gene-Seed Recovered. (6th Company).


That's the non-combat and xenos combat covered. The fighting against Chaos will be covered in the second half of the results phase as things went fairly major over there. Anyway, no plan voting and remember that rail rifles, ion rifles and Tau plasma cannons haven't been invented yet.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Hmmm...either Strulrot Empire learned from us or we have possible chaos involvement, of course, I think it is the former more than the latter because no sights of corruption (at least visible) were seen. And we have Ork WAAAGH close by, I think if we can, we need to make sure to support Knights of Caliban.